Parallelizing Depth-First Search for Robotic Graph Exploration Chelsea Zhang

Parallelizing Depth-First Search for
Robotic Graph Exploration
A thesis presented by
Chelsea Zhang
To Applied
in partial ful llment of the honors requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Arts
Harvard College
Cambridge, Massachusetts
April 1, 2010
The collective behavior of robot swarms out ts them for comprehensive search of an environment,
which is useful for terrain mapping, crop pollination, and related applications. We study e cient
mapping of an obstacle-ridden environment by a collection of robots. We model the environment as
an undirected, connected graph and require robots to explore the graph|to visit all nodes and
traverse all edges. In this thesis, we present a graph exploration algorithm that parallelizes depth rst
search, so that each robot completes a roughly equal part of exploration. Through simulation, we
show our parallel algorithm attains close to linear speedup when robots are able to disperse in the
graph. We also provide experimental validation of a result from percolation theory.
I am indebted to Michael Mitzenmacher and Matt Welsh for their guidance on this project. Their
advice on formulating research problems, performing experiments, pairing results with theory, and
presenting this document has been invaluable. I am also grateful to Radhika Nagpal, Nicholas Ho ,
and Brian Young for their helpful suggestions.
1 Intro duction 1 1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Outline . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.3 The context: swarm robotics . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.4 Informal model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4.1 Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.4.2 Justi cation and
caveats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5 High-level approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2 Background 7 2.1 Exploration algorithms for physical space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.1 Random walks on graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.1.2 Algorithms by
graph type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.1.3 Adding a power constraint . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2 Depth- rst search by parallel processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.3
Swarm-inspired optimization algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.1 Ant Colony Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.3.2 Particle Swarm
Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3 Algorithm 19 3.1 Formal model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.2 Approach
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.3 Basic algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3.1 Correctness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.3.2 E ciency analysis
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.3.3 Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.4 Algorithm with relocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.4.1 Remarks . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.5 Simulation method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4 Results 37 4.1 Graph size after edge removal: an application of percolation theory . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.1.1 Percolation on in nite graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 4.1.2 Percolation
on nite graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.1.3 Estimating P1experimentally . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.1.4 Graph size after edge removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 44
4.2 Simulation results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 4.2.1 The advantage of
relocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 4.2.2 More edges are better . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 4.2.3 Bigger graphs are better . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.2.4 Algorithm performance on other graph structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 4.2.5 General
principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5 Conclusions 54
Chapter 1
1.1 Motivation
We address the problem of using a swarm of ying microrobots to perform collective actions, such as
pollination of crops and mapping of complex environments. These actions require that the
environment be explored. A robot swarm is well adapted to the task of exploration, as the work can
be divided among many robots, and the swarm can succeed even if some robots fail.
As a motivating example, we consider the task of exploring a eld of crops that will subsequently
be pollinated. Conducting exploration rst is useful because once the robot swarm has mapped
the eld entirely, it can determine best paths to crops. It is important to investigate an arti cial
alternative to natural pollination because bee populations are currently in decline [29], a problem that
threatens the world’s food supply. In fact, the Harvard RoboBees project aims to build a colony of
small, autonomously ying robotic bees that can accomplish pollination [22].
Our objective is to have robots map an unfamiliar environment that may contain obstacles. We
model the environment as an undirected, connected graph whose structure is determined by the
presence of obstacles. We want the robots to fully explore the graph|to visit all nodes and traverse
all edges. We seek an algorithm that minimizes the time required for exploration. Speci cally, we are
concerned with the speedup of the algorithm when more robots are introduced|the ratio of the
exploration time for a single robot to the exploration time for multiple (k) robots. A speedup of k is
desirable; we call this linear speedup.
1.2 Outline
In this thesis, we show that a parallel depth- rst search strategy can achieve nearly linear speedup
when robots are su ciently able to disperse. Robots are best able to disperse in large environments
with low obstacle density and many neighboring locations to a given location.
The remainder of this section gives an overview of swarm robotics and describes our model of
robots and environment. Section 2 examines several classes of algorithms: swarm-inspired
algorithms that search a solution space; algorithms that search physical space, with a focus on
graph exploration; and depth- rst search algorithms for parallel processors. In Section 3 we state our
model formally, present a basic version of our graph exploration algorithm, PDFS, and show it is
susceptible to bottlenecks. We improve PDFS by allowing some repeated edge traversals, producing
the algorithm PDFS-RELOC. Section 4 gives the results of simulating our algorithms, analyzes how
exploration time varies with robots’ dispersal ability, and validates the graphs we generate in
simulation. Section 5 o ers directions for future work.
1.3 The context: swarm robotics
The study of swarm robotics is inspired by the collective behavior of biological swarms|the foraging
behavior of social insects, the ocking behavior of birds and schools of sh, and so forth. The central
idea in swarm robotics is that a large group of autonomous, limited-capability robots with no central
controller follows a set of rules to achieve large-scale, cooperative behavior. Cao et al de ne a multi2
robot system to exhibit cooperative behavior if some mechanism of cooperation causes the total
utility of the system to increase [11].
Robot swarms are advantageous because there exist tasks achievable by multiple robots but not
by a single robot. Moreover, robot swarms are fault-tolerant: in many applications a swarm of many
simple, low-cost robots has a greater success probability than one powerful, high-cost robot. Robot
swarms are well suited to tasks in remote or hazardous environments, such as searchand-rescue
and toxic waste cleanup [11]. Robot swarms are also useful for material transport and object
assembly. Often, these applications require robot swarms to self-organize into prede ned spatial
patterns. A body of work has focused on the pattern formation problem [34]; Gordon et al developed
a method of inter-agent communication during pattern formation that resembles the \waggle dance"
bees perform to communicate locations of food sources [21].
To characterize the rules that robots in a swarm follow, we look to Mataric’s basis behaviors for
multi-agent interactions [27]. Mataric proposes ve behaviors that govern local interactions and
produce global behavior: safe-wandering, dispersion, aggregation, following and homing. Agents
that safe-wander are moving without colliding into obstacles or one another. Agents disperse by
spreading out until they satisfy a minimum inter-agent distance, and aggregate by moving together
until they satisfy a maximum inter-agent distance. An agent may follow another. A homing agent is
navigating to a speci c location.
Our application, environment mapping, illustrates the advantages of swarm robotics: a robot
swarm would accomplish the task faster than a single robot, and it would likely succeed even if a few
robots fail in the process. Mapping also illustrates the use of Mataric’s basis behaviors. To speed up
exploration, robots should disperse into di erent regions of the environment and then safe-wander.
Robots return to a central location to exchange information and refuel; for this purpose they enter
homing mode.
1.4 Informal model
1.4.1 Assumptions
We solve the following problem: given a colony of robots, map the environment in minimum time. In
our model, the environment is an undirected, connected graph whose nodes represent locations in the environment. Edges represent the ability to move directly from one location to another:
an edge does not exist between adjacent locations if an obstacle separates them, and does exist
otherwise. Between each pair of adjacent locations, an obstacle exists with constant probability. We
begin by assuming the graph is a square lattice with edges removed where obstacles appear; later
we consider other graph structures.
A colony of homogeneous robots resides at a hive, located at some node. The hive is a central
authority capable of assigning robots to tasks, directing robot movement and refueling robots.
Importantly, the hive is responsible for building a map of the environment; we assume the hive has
unlimited computational power.
Exploration begins with all robots at the hive. An unlimited number of robots may occupy a node
simultaneously. At each timestep, each robot starts at a node and traverses an edge as instructed
by the hive. We have implictly assumed robots have perfect odometry|they know their exact change
in position at every step. This implies robots always know their coordinates relative to the hive; they
have perfect localization. We may thus regard all nodes as being labeled by their coordinates.
Exploration should terminate when the hive knows all nodes and all edges. To this end, at each
step all robots transmit their locations back to the hive and notify the hive of any crops detected. The
hive augments its map with all nodes and edges learned in this step. We assume the robots are
capable of global communication, so that all robots may communicate instantaneously with the hive
at any time.
Finally, we assume each robot has an unlimited power supply. At no point in the exploration do
robots need to return to the hive and recharge.
1.4.2 Justi cation and caveats
By modeling the environment as a grid graph, we con ne ourselves to a nite set of locations and
a nite set of possible moves at any given location. This greatly simpli es the exploration algorithm. A
grid graph is not an unrealistic model of two-dimensional space, since we can discretize continuous
space to an arbitrary degree of precision. We assume the graph is connected to ensure all locations
are reachable from the hive. Furthermore, by assuming edges are undirected, we allow robots to
move in either direction along any edge. This is more realistic than assuming directed edges, which
would produce graphs in which an edge is traversable in one direction but blocked in the other
Our other assumptions are less realistic. It is unlikely that every edge is blocked with the same
probability, as obstacles often follow non-random patterns. We cannot expect an unlimited number
of robots to t into one physical location. We also cannot require odometry and localization of
real-world robots. One way to overcome this di culty is to enable robots to sense targets (hive,
crops) at a distance and hone in on them. Realistically, robots are capable of local, not global,
communication because their radios have limited range. A real-world implementation may position
robots strategically during exploration so that a faraway robot can relay information back to the hive.
Finally, the assumption that robots have in nite power is clearly unfeasible. Unless robots have some
means of generating power themselves, they must refuel periodically at the hive in any real-world
Still, our assumptions simplify the problem to a tractable one. After we have developed an
algorithm for this basic version of the problem, it is relatively straightforward to relax certain
assumptions and revise the algorithm to accommodate them.
Note the robots in our model do not exhibit swarm intelligence in the strict sense: instead of a
decentralized swarm, we have a hive acting as a central controller. As we will see, it is natural to
make the hive a comprehensive repository of information, and thus natural for the hive to decide how
robots should conduct exploration.
1.5 High-level approach
For our multi-robot graph exploration problem, we develop a parallel version of depth- rst search
(DFS). Robots take unexplored edges when they are available and backtrack when they are not. Our
algorithm disperses robots into di erent regions of the graph, where they each perform DFS
individually. When robots encounter one another at a node, they attempt to disperse. To minimize
the exploration time, we generally aim to minimize redundant edge traversals, or multiple traversals
of the same edge. However, we allow some redundant edge traversals in order to relocate robots in
explored regions of the graph to unexplored regions. We simulate our algorithm in multiple
environments that di er in the freedom they give robots to disperse.
Chapter 2
In this section, we survey previous work on robotic search of an environment. Section 2.1 reviews
algorithms for one or more robots exploring a physical environment, often modeled as a graph. The
parallelization of one graph exploration technique, depth- rst search, for parallel processors is
treated in Section 2.2. Section 2.3 gives an overview of algorithms that search an optimization space
with virtual swarms; these algorithms have been applied to physical search by robot swarms.
2.1 Exploration algorithms for physical space
Several authors have considered the problem of learning an unknown environment with one or more
robots. Deng et al develop an algorithm in which a single robot maps a rectilinear room with a
bounded number of obstacles [13]. Whereas Deng et al require the robot to see all visible points in
the environment to learn a map, other authors discretize the environment into a grid and require
robots to cover all grid points [10, 26]. Burgard et al seek to cover the grid with multiple robots in
minimum time; robots move toward target points according to a utility maximization that spreads
them out [10]. Koenig and Liu present and simulate robust methods for terrain coverage by
limited-capability robots, where the terrain is modeled as a grid graph [26].
The algorithms that follow explicitly address the graph exploration problem: they build a map of a
previously unknown graph by exploring all of its nodes and edges. Some algorithms are designed for
a single robot; others are designed for multiple robots. In all algorithms reviewed, undirected graphs
are connected and directed graphs are strongly connected, so that exploration starting from any
node can reach all nodes.
2.1.1 Random walks on graphs
A simple strategy for exploring a graph is to have robots independently perform random walks until
all nodes have been visited. That is, at each step of exploration, a robot moves from a node to any of
its neighbors with equal probability. The cover time is the expected time until all nodes have been
visited at least once. Previous work [3, 12] has focused on the speedup produced by multiple
random walks in undirected graphs, where
speedup= cover time of single random walkcover time of krandom walks
A speedup of kis called linear; linear speedup is desirable. Alon et al showed that krandom walks
achieve linear speedup on several graph types, including d-dimensional grids for d 2 and complete
graphs, when kis su ciently small [3]. They conjectured that for general graphs, speedup is at most
linear and at least logarithmic in k. Cooper et al showed linear speedup occurs on random r-regular
graphs [12].
rHCooper et al also considered interactions between agents performing random walks on random
r-regular graphs with nnodes. Suppose kpredators are performing random walks, and lprey
individuals are located at random nodes. The expected extinction time|the time required for the
predators to encounter all prey|iskln, where r=r1 r2and Hlis the lth harmonic number. Our problem is
somewhat analogous: if we equate robots with predators and crops with prey, the extinction time is
the time needed for the robots, walking randomly, to discover all crops. Cooper’s
result would apply directly to our problem if our graphs were random regular graphs. But we do not
use random regular graphs; we use subgraphs of the square grid, a speci c 4-regular graph.
walks are useful when robots have no means of coordinating graph exploration. This is not
the case in our problem. Since we assume global communication between robots, our algorithm is
able to plan how individual robots will contribute to graph exploration. This added capability implies
we may devise an algorithm that explores a graph faster than independent random walks. In fact, the
cover time for a two-dimensional grid by a single random walk is (nlogn) [3]. A single depth- rst
search (DFS) requires 2jEj2 (n) steps to cover the same graph. We can do better than a random
walk; the next section explores more sophisticated algorithms that involve planning.
2.1.2 Algorithms by graph type
The algorithms we present in this section are adapted for various graph environments. Our graphs
vary along two axes: whether edges are directed or undirected, and whether nodes are labeled or
unlabeled. Nodes are labeled if each node contains information that uniquely identi es it, and
unlabeled otherwise. Put another way, a graph has labeled nodes if a robot can recognize a node it
has visited previously. In graphs with unlabeled nodes, a robot cannot distinguish two nodes of equal
degree without extra information. As we will see, the environment most amenable to e cient
exploration is an undirected, connected graph with labeled nodes.
Undirected edges, lab eled no des
The well-known DFS algorithm traverses undirected graphs with labeled nodes, making 2jEjedge
traversals|two along every edge. It is possible to reduce the number of edge traversals below that
performed by DFS; Panaite and Pelc present a single-robot algorithm that performs at most jEj+
3jVjedge traversals [30]. In DFS, backtracking occurs according to the temporal order in
which nodes were visited. The distance covered while backtracking often exceeds the distance
between the node where backtracking begins and the next unvisited node that DFS visits. To
eliminate this ine cency, Panaite and Pelc modi ed backtracking so that it occurs along edges of a
dynamically constructed spanning tree.
Dessmark and Pelc studied whether there are single-robot algorithms better than DFS when the
robot is given some information about the graph [16]. They evaluate an algorithm Aby its overhead,
which they de ne as
overhead= worst-case number of edge traversals under Aoptimal number of edge
traversals if graph were known (2.2)
Since any graph traversal requires at least jEjedge traversals, and DFS requires 2jEjedge traversals,
the overhead of DFS is 2. This is the optimal overhead if the robot begins exploration with no
information about the graph [16]. If the robot begins exploration with an unlabeled map of the graph,
and the graph assumes a certain structure (a line or a tree), there exist algorithms with overhead
less than 2. For general graphs, even if the robot is given an unlabeled map, an overhead of 2 is
optimal; thus DFS is a generally optimal algorithm with respect to the authors’ metric.
Undirected edges, unlab eled no des
Changing the undirected graph to have unlabeled nodes creates a di culty for robot exploration: the
nodes contain no information to help robots identify previously visited nodes. Map building requires
robots to locate their current nodes within the map or add them to the map as new nodes. Dudek et
al overcome this di culty by giving robots one or more markers, which will be dropped at nodes for
the purpose of identifying them [17, 18, 19].
et al begin with a single-robot algorithm that performs O(jVj) edge traversals [17]. In this
algorithm, the robot builds a map as follows: starting at a node in the map (the known graph), it
traverses an unexplored edge and drops a marker at its new location v. It then visits all other
nodes in the map to see if vis actually an existing location. The robot updates the map with the edge
just traversed; if vdoes not exist in the map already, the robot adds it and schedules its incident
edges for future exploration. If the robot has kdistinguishable markers, it can explore up to kedges in
one step.
algorithm generalizes to a multi-robot algorithm: given a group of robots, designate one robot
as a controller, and treat all other robots as markers to be herded [18]. For a small number of robots,
this algorithm has the same runtime as Dudek’s original algorithm. For a large swarm of robots,
where the number of robots far exceeds jVj, Dudek’s multi-robot algorithm has robots spread out to
all nodes for the purpose of uniquely identifying each node. Because these \markers" are
expendable, they do not need to be herded to new locations, which uses up edge traversals. Then
the problem reduces to exploring an undirected graph with labeled nodes, which the controller robot
can solve in O(jVj) steps. Dudek et al also sketch an exploration algorithm speci cally designed for
two robots, each
equipped with one marker and capable of Dudek’s single-robot algorithm [19]. Robots begin at a
common node, explore independently by the single-robot algorithm, return to a prearranged node at
a prearranged time, and harmonize their respective maps. After each harmonization, the robots have
the same map of the world. Both of Dudek’s multi-robot algorithms confront the added challenge of
minimal communication ability; robots cannot communicate unless they are at the same node.
Directed edges, lab eled no des
The challenge of exploring directed graphs is that a robot cannot, in general, move backward along
a path it has taken. In this context, DFS and Dudek’s single-robot algorithm break down. Algorithms
have been devised for exploring directed graphs with labeled nodes [14, 20]. Their e ciency is
evaluated in terms of overhead (Equation 2.2) and de ciency, de ned as the minimum
number of edges that must be added to make a graph Eulerian, and denoted here by . A graph is
Eulerian if it contains a circuit that visits every edge exactly once; equivalently, if the outdegree of
each node equals its indegree.
2 +1Deng
and Papadimitriou give an exploration algorithm with an overhead of 3( + 1)8[14]. Fleischer
and Trippen improve on this result with an algorithm whose overhead is polynomial in ; their
algorithm achieves overhead 2O( jEj) [20]. Both algorithms may be performed by a single robot.
Directed edges, unlab eled no des
the di culties of directed graphs and unlabeled nodes are combined, algorithms for graph
exploration become much more involved. Bender and Slonim studied exploration of a graph where
every node has outdegree d by two robots capable of global communication [6]. They give a
randomized algorithm that maps the graph with high probability in time O(djVj2). The same type of
graph can be explored deterministically in polynomial time by a single robot with a pebble, as long as
the robot knows an upper bound Non jVj, Bender et al show [5]. Their algorithm has runtime
O(dN22jVj). If Nis not known, but the robot has (loglogn) pebbles, a deterministic algorithm exists for
exploring the graph.
Although it is remarkable that these algorithms run in polynomial time, running them on large
graphs would be infeasible. The environment that permits algorithms with the most feasible runtimes
is an undirected graph with labeled nodes, explorable by DFS and its more e cient variants.
2.1.3 Adding a power constraint
Previous work has examined another challenge in the undirected-edges, labeled-nodes setting: a
power constraint that forces the robot to return to the start node periodically for refueling. Graph
exploration algorithms that satisfy the power constraint (called piecemeal search algorithms) should
be able to return e ciently to the start node. Breadth- rst search (BFS) proceeds in a way that
remains as close to the start node as possible; thus, several authors have found it natural to modify
BFS for this setting [7, 4].
Betke et al restrict their graphs to grid graphs with rectangular obstacles [7]. They give a
single-robot exploration algorithm with runtime O(jEj) that can be converted into a piecemeal search
algorithm with runtime O(jEj). Their algorithm relies on the notion of a wavefront|the set of all nodes
an equal distance from the start node. The robot expands wavefronts one by one in order of
increasing distance from the start node. When the robot expands a wavefront, it takes unexplored
edges parallel to the wavefront just explored. The algorithm is complicated by obstacles, which can
cause wavefronts to split, bend, merge and expire; workarounds for these cases incur extra edge
traversals for the robot.
et al developed a single-robot algorithm for general undirected graphs with labeled
nodes in the presence of a power constraint [4]. The algorithm divides the graph into strips based on
distance from the start node, and recursively divides each strip into sub-strips. To explore a given
strip, the robot performs local BFS searches from a set of start nodes, ensuring that the BFS trees
do not overlap. At this point, the robot has not necessarily nished exploring the strip. From the
connected components formed by the BFS trees, the algorithm computes spanning trees. The robot
then relocates by shortest paths to frontier nodes and repeats the procedure until it has nished
exploring the strip. This recursive algorithm has a runtime of O(jEj+ jVj
2.2 Depth- rst search by parallel processors
From the previous section, DFS is a reasonable approach when the graph to explore is undirected,
with labeled nodes, and the robots face no power constraint|all of which we have assumed in our
formulation of the problem. We now review previous work on speeding up DFS using parallel
processors. Rao and Kumar presented and implemented parallel DFS for state-space trees as
follows [31]: the search space is divided into disjoint regions, and each processor searches one
region by DFS. A processor that nishes early requests work from a neighboring processor. The
neighboring processor may donate work by one of several strategies: donate nodes near the root of
the statespace tree; donate nodes near a cuto depth; and donate half the nodes at each level
above the cuto depth. The authors’ implementation showed \fairly linear speedup" up to 128
processors, the maximum available.
Rao and Kumar’s parallel DFS algorithm has limited usefulness for graph exploration because it
assumes tree graphs. Trees can be easily partitioned into disjoint regions searchable by individual
robots; if two robots at a node travel along di erent branches, they will explore disjoint sets of nodes
further down the tree. For general graphs, we cannot assume robots that branch out from a node in
di erent directions will search disjoint regions. Their paths of exploration may intersect, a case that
Rao and Kumar’s algorithm does not handle.
has been signi cant cumulative work on parallel DFS for more general graph types, focusing
on the fact that parallelization allows DFS to be performed in sub-linear time. In other words, DFS is
in NC, the class of problems solvable in O(logn) time using O(nk3) parallel processors. Smith showed
DFS on planar undirected graphs is in NC by giving an algorithm that executes in O(logn) time on
O(n42) processors [32]. Improvements by Kao et al demonstrated that DFS on planar undirected
graphs can execute in O(logn) time with a sublinear (n logn) number of processors [25]. Aggarwal et al
gave randomized algorithms for parallel DFS on general undirected and directed graphs, showing
the most general form of the problem is in randomized NC [1, 2].
However, di culties arise in converting DFS for parallel processors into DFS for robots. The
above algorithms for parallel processors do not require, as robot exploration does, that DFS occur
along traversable paths. A robot that is requesting work as per Rao’s algorithm cannot teleport to a
donated node; it must travel there. DFS by processors on directed graphs can backtrack when
there is a directed edge in the opposite direction but not in the backtracking direction; DFS by robots
cannot. Most importantly, the above algorithms, except for Rao and Kumar’s, rely on the graph being
known in advance|precisely the opposite of our situation. Because Rao and Kumar’s algorithm does
not assume advance knowledge of the graph, it provides a starting point for a multi-robot graph
exploration algorithm.
2.3 Swarm-inspired optimization algorithms
Less relevant to our problem, but central to the study of swarm intelligence, are swarm-based
algorithms for nding optimal solutions in a search space. Here, agents in the swarm are virtual. The
following algorithms have been applied to computational problems as well as problems involving
robotic motion.
2.3.1 Ant Colony Optimization
Among the most well-known swarm-inspired algorithms are optimization algorithms based on ant
foraging [8, 28]. To keep track of best paths to food sources, ants deposit biological markers called
pheromones along their foraging paths. When choosing which paths to follow, ants prefer paths with
higher pheromone levels. The shortest paths to food sources are traveled most often in expectation,
so they eventually collect the most pheromone. Eventually ants travel along the shortest paths only.
Thus, pheromones allow ants to vote on best paths through positive feedback.
This biological process translates into a local search technique, ant colony optimization (ACO),
for problems that can be modeled as nding optimal paths in a graph. The ACO algorithm for the
Traveling Salesman Problem is a canonical example [8]. We give a sketch of ACO that nds a best
path best:
Initialize pheromone levels of edges Until
For each ant ak: Find a path k, probabilistically preferring edges with higher
pheromone levels Lay a base amount of pheromone along each edge of k
Find the best path in this iteration,
is better
U Lay extra pheromone along each
edge of
To avoid getting stuck at local optima, ACO often models pheromone evaporation: at every
timestep, each edge loses some fraction of its pheromone. Thus, only the best paths that persist
over time are selected.
Ho et al developed ACO-inspired foraging algorithms for a robot swarm capable of only local
communication [24]. Since pheromones allow foraging agents to communicate indirectly,
ACObased algorithms do not require global communication between agents. In Ho ’s work, robots
reside in a continuous world with one food source. They depart from a nest, search for the food
source, and carry food back to the nest. Instead of leaving physical pheromone, Ho ’s algorithm
assigns some robots to be stationary beacons that store pheromone values. The remaining robots
forage: they lay pheromone by updating the pheromone values of nearby beacons, and they
search for food by moving toward the beacon within sensing range with the strongest pheromone
value. Ho presents an improved algorithm in which beacons store not pheromone values but a
rough measure of distance from the food source; foraging robots navigate to the sensable beacon
with the least distance.
2.3.2 Particle Swarm Optimization
Another optimization technique, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), searches for optimal
solutions to some tness function based on swarm intelligence [15, 28]. The swarm consists of
each of which has a position representing a solution in the search space. To reach new solutions,
particles move through the search space with some velocity. A particle updates its velocity to
move toward the best solutions found by itself and by the swarm so far, balancing local search
with global search. Note that PSO requires global communication between robots. In the following
sketch of PSO, f is the tness function; particle ihas position xiand velocity vi; x iis the best position
found by particle i; and g is the best position found by the swarm.
and vi
based on
and g
Initialize xi for all particles i Until termination:
For each particle i:
Compute f(x) Update xif
xis better Update gif xis
better Update xand v
PSO is often applied in situations where a swarm of robots searches for a target, such as
searchand-rescue problems. In the search-and-rescue formulation of PSO by Songdong and
Jianchao, there is no global tness function; rather, the target emits a signal, and robots have
sensors to measure signal intensity [33]. Robots seek to maximize the signal as they would
maximize a tness function. There are two di culties: robots far away from the target cannot detect
the signal, and robots far away from each other cannot communicate. In the absence of global
communication, each robot updates its velocity based on the experience of itself and its neighbors
(all robots within some xed distance of it). In the absence of a global signal, a robot searches by
moving in a spiral pattern until it detects the signal; then it hones in on the signal. PSO has been
adapted for multiple-target search; see Derr and Manic [15].
Although ACO and PSO do not apply to our problem of mapping an unknown environment in
minimum time, they are quite relevant to the related problems of search-and-rescue and path
planning by robots. Moreover, these optimization algorithms illustrate the power of swarm robotics to
inspire approaches to purely computational problems.
Chapter 3
3.1 Formal model
In preparation for the algorithms we present, we formalize the model we described in Section 1.4.
The environment is an undirected graph G= (V;E). An edge fvg2Ei no obstacle separates v1and
v21;v2. We require that Gis connected so that all nodes are reachable from v1;:::;rkh. The hive
controls a set of krobots, R= frg, that explore G. All robots begin at the hive node, vh2V. At every
step of exploration, the hive directs each robot to traverse a single edge; each robot traverses its
assigned edge and then noti es the hive of which node it reaches. Since robots have perfect
localization, we may consider all nodes in V as being labeled by their coordinates relative to vh. We
have assumed the robot is able to communicate with the hive at every step; the realization of this
assumption is beyond the scope of this thesis.
Based on the edges robots traverse and the nodes where robots end up, the hive gradually
builds a map of G, denoted Gm= (Vm;Em). Every node visited for the rst time is added to V; every
edge traversed for the rst time is added to Em. Exploration terminates when Gmmis isomorphic to
G|when the colony has learned all nodes and edges. Our problem is to develop an algorithm
Algorithms DFS depth- rst
PDFS parallel depth- rst search PDFS-RELOC* parallel depth- rst search
with relocation
Constants G= (V;E) the graph being explored, with nodes
V and edges E
vh1;:::;rk2V the node containing the hive R= frg the set of robots
k the number of robots
State kept by hive Gm= (Vm;Em) the known graph; the map being built State kept by
rob ot ri
DFS stack for ri
relocating* boolean value representing whether ris relocating
destination* node to which riis relocating path* list of nodes
from rii’s current location to destination
Table 3.1: De nitions for notation used in this section. All terms marked with an asterisk
(*) pertain to the PDFS-RELOC algorithm, introduced in Section 3.4.
that minimizes the exploration time, or runtime. In the following sections we develop our
algorithm and evaluate its runtime and the total number
of edge traversals performed by robots. Section 3.2 describes and motivates our
approach, which builds upon depth- rst search (DFS). Section 3.3 presents a basic
version of our parallel DFS algorithm (PDFS). In Section 3.4 we re ne PDFS by allowing
robots to relocate, producing the algorithm PDFS-RELOC. Section 3.5 describes how
we create environments on which to simulate the algorithm.
3.2 Approach
We saw in Section 2.1.2 that DFS is a suitable algorithm for a single robot exploring an undirected
graph with labeled nodes, with runtime 2jEj. We may improve the runtime of single-robot DFS to
jEj+3jVjby performing backtracking in a more clever order than temporal order [30]. But multiple
robots should be able to divide the work of exploration and reduce runtime more dramatically. Thus,
our approach is to parallelize DFS.
We have chosen to parallelize DFS over other linear-time graph search algorithms like
breadth rst search (BFS) because of the physical nature of our problem. DFS, by only moving
between adjacent nodes, simulates the physical movement of robots. By contrast, BFS may require
robots to travel between non-adjacent nodes in one step. Our robots are unable to perform this
teleportation; they must move along traversable paths.
Previous work on parallelizing DFS (see Section 2.2) has centered on parallel processors, which
are not constrained to move along traversable paths in a graph. Moreover, much of this work has
assumed the graph is known in advance. Our algorithm is novel in that it parallelizes DFS for the
purpose of exploring an unknown graph with physical agents.
Our algorithm builds upon the following notion: individual robots perform DFS, taking unexplored
edges as available and backtracking otherwise. However, robots are not guaranteed to remain
isolated; they may stumble upon the same node and expand the same sequence of edges,
duplicating each other’s work. As a result, the hive needs to control the movement of colocated
robots. The hive should also decide which robots should expand and which should backtrack based
on the exploration properties of their current nodes.
The hive seeks to disperse colocated robots and send robots to unexplored parts of G. Ideally, if
multiple robots are at an un nished node v, the hive would tailor the fraction of robots expanding an
edge of vto the amount of work the edge leads to. However, since Gis unknown, the amount of work
at the far end of an unexplored edge is unknown, and the hive can at best assign robots to
unexplored edges uniformly; PDFS does this. We now introduce several de nitions. If a node v2V is
encountered by any robot for the rst
time, the hive adds vto Vm, and we call vstarted. A node is nished if all its edges have been
explored. The hive determines whether vis started by checking whether v2V, and whether
vis nished by comparing its edges in Emmto the edges seen by a robot at v. A robot that expands an
edge e2Eis moving along an unexplored edge. After it moves, the
hive adds eto Em, and eis considered explored. A robot that backtracks along an edge is returning
along an edge it expanded previously.
maintains a stack Si
As in DFS, each robot ri
of nodes it has visited that are not yet nished. We
say a robot has work if its stack is nonempty. A robot that relocates has nished its work and is
moving to an un nished node.
For every edge e2E, once exploration terminates, some robot has expanded eonce and
backtracked along eonce. Any extra traversals of eby any robot are called redundant edge
traversals. In one step, emay be expanded by multiple robots, each of which will eventually
backtrack along e; we call these extra expansions and backtrackings simultaneously redundant edge
traversals. Any redundant traversal of ethat is not simultaneously redundant is a wasteful traversal.
More precisely, if eis expanded in step t, and a traversal of eoccurs in step tthat is not a backtracking
resulting from the expansion of ein step t, then this traversal is wasteful. Intuitively, simultaneously
redundant edge traversals occur when the number of robots at an
un nished node exceeds the number of unexplored edges there. A wasteful edge traversal occurs
when a robot traverses an already explored edge that it did not expand, and when a robot that
expands and backtracks along an edge makes a separate traversal of it.
In designing our algorithm, one natural approach to minimizing exploration time is to disallow
wasteful edge traversals. This constrains our algorithm to having each robot perform a single DFS
starting and ending at the hive. Any further traversals would be wasteful: any edges encountered
but not expanded by a robot’s DFS must have been expanded (explored) already, and all edges at
the hive must have been expanded already when the robot’s DFS nishes. Thus, each robot should
perform no more than its individual DFS; it should not, for instance, relocate to an unexplored region
of Gafter its DFS nishes.
We will see that prohibiting wasteful edge traversals undermines our objective of minimizing
runtime. After giving our basic algorithm, PDFS, we will show its worst-case runtime is no better than
that of single-robot DFS. Intuitively, some graphs lead to highly disparate workloads across robots;
some nish DFS early, while others become the bottleneck. In this way, PDFS does not adequately
parallelize work.
3.3 Basic algorithm
We focus on the individual robot performing DFS for now. We initially provide three routines for the
robot: assign , expand, and backtrack. To push a node onto Si, we assign this node to S. When a
robot expands, it moves to the node at the top of its stack. Thus, if we want riito expand to v, we
must assign vto Sibeforehand. When the robot backtracks to a previously visited node, it discards
the topmost node of Siand moves to the new topmost node; if Sis empty, the robot stays put. The
expand and backtrack routines maintain the invariant that the topmost node of Si, if it exists, is the
current location of ri.i
ri.assign(v): Push
along edge
vonto Si
ri.expand(): Move to node
at top of Si
and discard it If Si
We now present PDFS, the logic performed by the hive. All robots begin at the hive, so
assign the hive node to all robots|we initialize Si= fvhgfor all ri. Each iteration of the while lo
represents one timestep. At each timestep, each robot traverses
6= ;:
e to
of S
at most one edge. A robot at a nished node cannot expand, so it backtracks. A robot at a
but un nished node should expand an edge. A robot at an unstarted node should expand a
if one exists; otherwise it should backtrack because the node is already nished (the robot
reached a dead end). If the robot’s stack is empty, we know it has backtracked to a nished
and stayed there. It does nothing; it cannot expand because its current node is nished, an
cannot backtrack because its stack is empty.
The hive waits until the end of the iteration (the split-expand step) to direct expanding ro
where to go. It groups robots based on their current node; then, for each node with a robot
unexplored edges are divided evenly among all the robots there. Robots expand their assig
edges, and the hive adds these newly explored edges to Em.
PDFS: ** All robots begin at the hive ** For
r2R: rii.assign(vh)
While some 2Rstill has work:
** Categorize robots; move robots that need to
backtrack ** For ri2R: v current node of rIf rihas
no work: Do nothingi
Else if vis nished:
ri.backtrack() Else if
vis started and
un nished:
Save rifor split-expand step Else (vis
i Vm
[fvg If vhas
V no unexplored
** vis nished **
r.backtrack() Else:
Save for split-expand
** Split-expand step: move robots that need to
expand ** Group expanding robots by their
current node For each node ucontaining a
NLY(u) For each
expanding robot r: u
current node of
rri.expand() v current
node of rEm Em[fu;vgiii
The routine SPLIT-WORK-EVENLY, de ned below, assigns a node’s unexplored edges to the
expanding robots there in a way that guarantees all robots are assigned one edge. It cycles through
the unexplored edges, assigning the next edge to the next robot until no more robots are left. Not all
edges are necessarily assigned.
robots at v Ev queue of unexplored edges
at v For ri2R: fv;wg rst edge in
Erivv.assign(w) Move fv;wgto the end of Ev
3.3.1 Correctness
We next prove that PDFS accomplishes the task of graph exploration.
Claim 1. PDFSterminates i Gis completely explored.
Proof. Suppose Gis completely explored. All nodes have been nished, so the robots backtrack until
their stacks are empty. This is the termination condition of PDFS.
Now suppose PDFSterminates at time T; we want to show all nodes have been nished by time
Prop osition 1.1. Suppose vis pushed onto a robot’s stack after u. Then when uis popped, vhas
been nished.
Proof. PDFSensures that when vis popped, vhas been nished. vis popped before uis popped.
Lemma 1.1. If Gcontains the edge fu;vgand uhas appeared on some robot’s stack, then vhas
appeared on some robot’s stack by time T.
Proof. Let Ruu. At time t, we have two cases:= fr2R: uhas appeared on the stack of rg. Let tbe the
latest time uappeared on a stack of any r2R
1. fu;vgis explored. Some robot rhas already expanded from uto vor vice versa, which requires
that vhas appeared on r’s stack at time t1<t.
2. fu;vgis unexplored. While fu;vgis unexplored, uremains on the stack of all r2Ruu, since u is
un nished and only nished nodes are removed from the stack. PDFS, in SPLIT-WORKEVENLY,
will eventually direct some r2Rto expand from uto v, possibly after some backtracking steps,
unless another robot expands from vto u rst. In either case, vappears on some robot’s stack at
time t2 t.
Lemma 1.2. For all v6= vh, vhas appeared on some robot’s stack by time T.
Proof. Suppose, for sake of contradiction, 9v6= v1;:::;ul: vhas never appeared on any robot’s stack.
Consider some path = fugfrom u1h= vto ul= v. exists because Gis connected. Then, by Lemma 1.1,
u2hhas never appeared on any robot’s stack. From repeated application of this reasoning, we obtain
that u3;:::;uhave never appeared on any robot’s stack. But this is a contradiction because ul= vhlis
the rst node in every robot’s stack.
We may now prove the second direction of the claim. By Lemma 1.2, every v6= vin Ghas been
pushed on some robot’s stack. Each of these nodes was pushed after vhh. By Prop. 1.1, when vhis
popped from robot r’s stack, all other nodes that appeared on r’s stack have been nished. If
Figure 3.1: A bad graph.
PDFS has terminated, then vhhas been popped from every robot’s stack, and all nodes have
been nished.
3.3.2 E ciency analysis
The runtime is the number of times the outer while loop of PDFS iterates. We investigate the
worstcase runtime of the algorithm. Intuitively, this should be the worst-case runtime of single-robot
DFS, if we imagine a bad enough graph where all robots nish their work early except one.
Claim 2. For every k 1, <1, we can construct a graph such that PDFS has runtime at least 2jEj(1 ).
Proof. Consider the graph in Figure 3.1, consisting of a \stem" of length rand a \trap" with B edges,
where Bis high. The hive is the leftmost node of degree 3. The idea is to use up all robots except
one to explore the stem, and leave the remaining robot to explore the trap.
We have two cases:
k= 3for some m2N . Then choose r= mto place exactly one robot in the trap. In the rst iteration,
PDFS assigns 3m1robots to each of the branches above and below the hive; these robots arrive
at nished nodes, backtrack to the hive and do nothing. 3m1robots make it one node down the stem.
In general, at iteration i, 3mirobots make it inodes down the stem, where there is un nished work. At
iteration m, a single robot makes it mnodes down the stem and enters the trap. All other robots fall
into two categories: those with empty stacks, which are doing nothing, and those whose stacks
contain only nished nodes, which are backtracking to the hive.
This graph contains three edges per unit length of the stem, so jEj= 3r+B. The runtime is the time
taken by the robot that enters the trap: 2rto travel across the stem and back, and 2Bto explore the
trap by single-robot DFS. We want 2r+2B 2jEj(1 ) for our claim to hold. That is, we want
2r+ 2B 2(3r+ B)(1 ) (3.1)
This holds when B r
2 3
We simply construct a graph with r= mand appropriate B.
2. kis not a power of 3. We choose r= dlog3ke, making the stem long enough to ensure only one
robot enters the trap. We choose Baccording to (3.2), and (3.1) is satis ed.
Corollary 1. The worst-case runtime of PDFS is 2jEj.
Proof. Let WTPDFS( ) = 2jEj(1 ), a lower bound on the worst-case runtime. Then
WTPDFS( ) = 2jEj (3.3)
Total edge traversals
We now examine the total number of edge traversals performed by krobots in the worst case. For
k 2, the worst case occurs when Gis a line of mnodes, and the hive is at one endpoint. Then for
miterations, all robots move together to the other endpoint, and for msubsequent iterations, all robots
backtrack together to the hive. There are 2jEjkedge traversals in total, 2jEj(k1) of which are
simultaneously redundant (de ned in Section 3.2).
Claim 3. The total number of edge traversals by PDFS does not exceed 2jEjk.
Proof. The worst-case runtime is 2jEj. The worst-case number of edge traversals occurs if all robots
move at all timesteps, producing 2jEjktraversals.
3.3.3 Remarks
We point out a di erence between our algorithm and a common variant of DFS (call it DFS-1): if a
robot arrives at a started and un nished node v, DFS-1 directs it to backtrack immediately, while
PDFS directs it to expand an edge of v. In DFS-1, a single-robot algorithm, vis already on the robot’s
stack, so it will eventually backtrack to v. Our choice for PDFS does not a ect the correctness of
PDFS, which we proved in Section 3.3.1, nor does it cause any wasteful traversals. The advantage
of our choice for runtime is that robots are able to explore more of the graph now rather than later.
This choice has the possible drawback, however, of concentrating robots along one branch of the
graph and not distributing them well.
As observed in Section 3.3.2, PDFS performs no better than single-robot DFS in the worst case.
PDFS cannot take advantage of multiple robots when, in a perverse graph, many robots nish their
work, and some robot becomes the bottleneck. We cannot allocate nished robots to un nished work
because our requirement that there be no wasteful edge traversals prevents them
from leaving the hive after nishing DFS. In the next section, we relax this requirement,
allowing nished robots to relocate to un nished nodes and help lagging robots nish earlier. By
incurring some wasteful edge traversals, we hope to improve runtime.
3.4 Algorithm with relocation
We re ne our algorithm so that, until exploration has nished, all robots seek to contribute to
exploration. We accomplish this by relocating nished robots to un nished regions of G. Giving
robots the limited freedom to perform wasteful edge traversals during relocation guarantees that,
even on bad graphs, there is a roughly even division of work among robots. Intuitively, this is a better
parallel approach to exploration.
Our use of relocation draws upon Rao’s work on parallel processors [31], which suggests that an
un nished processor split its work stack with a nished processor. It is unfeasible to translate this
technique in our algorithm|to have a relocating (acceptor) robot explicitly split work with an un nished
(donor) robot|because the donor robot will move while the acceptor robot relocates. Instead, we
direct a relocating robot to a currently un nished node.
A natural choice for the relocation destination is an un nished node in the least explored region of
G|we want to allocate more resources to the largest portions of work. However, we cannot know how
much work surrounds an un nished node vbecause Gis still unknown around v. Thus, for a relocating
robot ri, we choose the closest un nished node to ri(along paths in G) as the relocation destination of
ri. This choice seeks to minimize the time it takes for rimto resume contributing to exploration.
Furthermore, if rends up relocating to a node with little surrounding work, or if all the work intended
for riiis completed before rieven arrives, then rican at least be assigned quickly to a new relocation
destination. Taking the closest un nished node is a suitable strategy when we are constrained by
lack of knowledge of Gand physical motion of robots.
To enable relocation, we rst equip robots with relocation capability. A robot that begins
relocating is given a destination|an un nished node|and a path of intermediate nodes to the
destination. A robot in the process of relocating moves to the next node in its path. When it arrives at
the destination, it stops relocating and sets its stack to contain only the destination. The following
routines accomplish this:
ri.begin relocation(destination, path):
Save destination, path relocating true
ri.continue relocation(): Remove node vat front
of relocation path Move to v If v= destination:
ri.assign(v) relocating
We now present our improved algorithm, PDFS-RELOC. Note the di erences with PDFS: a robot
that has nished its work is slated for relocation. A currently relocating robot rperforms the next step
in its relocation unless another robot has nished the destination node, in which case riiis slated to
relocate elsewhere. Our backtracking and expanding instructions remain the same. The hive waits
until after the split-expand step to decide where robots slated for relocation
should go. Since we want to relocate robots to un nished nodes, and the split-expand step has the
potential to nish nodes, this ordering is justi ed. The relocation-init step assigns a destination and
path to each robot that needs to relocate.
PDFS-RELOC: ** All robots begin at the
hive ** For r2R: rii.assign(vh)
While some 2Rstill has work:
** Categorize robots;
move robots that need to
backtrack ** For ri2R: v
current node of rIf rihas no
work: Save riifor
relocation-init step Else if
ri.relocating: If vis still
un nished:
** Split-expand step:
move robots that need
to expand ** Group
expanding robots by
their current node
** Relocation-init step: decide destinations
of robots that need to relocate ** For each
robot riithat needs to relocate: w current
node of rdestination FIND-CLOSEST(w)
path path from wto destination ri.begin
relocation(destination, path)
In FIND-CLOSEST, the hive searches the known graph for the un nished node closest to a robot.
It breaks ties by choosing the node with the most unexplored edges.
FIND-CLOSEST(v): S un nished nodes closest to v, found by virtual
BFS in GReturn s2S: shas the most unexplored edgesm
3.4.1 Remarks
FIND-CLOSEST employs a virtual BFS in Gmto solve a dynamic nearest-neighbor problem: nd, in
the set of all started and un nished nodes, the node closest to a robot in G. The problem is dynamic
because Gmmis changing; we cannot solve it e ciently by maintaining a static set of pairwise
distances between nodes. Currently, FIND-CLOSEST performs a BFS every time a robot needs to
relocate. This may become costly if the robot to relocate is far away from un nished nodes.
An alternative strategy is to maintain a frontier set of un nished nodes during exploration, and
select relocation destinations from this frontier set when needed. If, however, we want to select from
the frontier set the node closest to a robot, we have a shortest-path problem solvable no faster than
by BFS. Thus, the frontier set method may only be e cient if we give up the closest-node
These challenges arise from the constraint that the graph is unknown beforehand; other
challenges arise from the constraint that robots must move physically. The physical movement of
robots prohibits instantaneous relocation. It is possible that, while a robot relocates, its destination
node becomes nished. Then the relocation traversals it has performed are wasted, and runtime
suffers. We may want to modify relocation to account for the density of robots in Gmaround the
destination node; we would prefer destinations with lower robot density.
In choosing a destination node, we may weigh factors like proximity, number of unexplored
edges, and robot density by designing a cost function. We would then select the destination node by
optimizing the cost function. Still, because at least part of Gis unknown around any destination node,
we will never have full knowledge of robot density and amount of un nished work near the
destination node. This highlights the di culty of our problem: whereas a parallel algorithm for
computation can immediately assign a thread to a known amount of work, a parallel algorithm for
physical graph exploration can neither relocate an agent immediately nor know in advance how
much work is available to the agent.
3.5 Simulation method
To verify that relocation improves runtime, we simulate PDFS and PDFS-RELOC on standardized
graphs. We use grid graphs as a starting point for two reasons. First, rectangular coordinates are a
natural representation of physical space. Second, it is natural to allow four directions of movement
from a point|to include an edge between the point and each adjacent point. A complete graph, for
example, would represent the environment less faithfully because it contains edges between
non-adjacent points, implying the travel time between faraway points is the same as the travel time
between adjacent points (one timestep). Note, however, that our algorithms work on general
undirected, connected graphs with labeled nodes. We restrict Gonly in our simulations.
We want the graphs in our simulations to contain obstacles while remaining connected. Our
method of graph generation, CREATE-GRAPH, begins with a full grid graph with vat the center, and
removes edges with constant probability. That is, every edge is retained with probability p; an
obstacle separates adjacent locations with probability 1 p. To ensure that all nodes in the simulation
graph are reachable from vhh, we nd the connected component containing vhand use that as our
simulation graph.
Figure 3.2: Graph structures: the square, triangular and hexagonal lattices.
CREATE-GRAPH(p): Create a full graph, G= (V;E), of desired size, with
vat the center For e2E:Keep ewith probability p Find the connected
component containing the hive, Gh0= (V0;E00) G G
We simulate our algorithms on other graph structures, namely triangular and hexagonal lattices,
to analyze the e ect on runtime of the number of directions of movement from a node. Figure 3.2
displays our method of encoding these graph structures, which standardizes jVjprior to edge
removal. We state our results in the next chapter.
Chapter 4
In this chapter, we experimentally analyze the performance of our basic parallel exploration
algorithm, PDFS, and our improved algorithm, PDFS-RELOC. We rst verify that the graphs
generated for our simulations are of su cient and consistent size in Section 4.1. Section 4.2 presents
our simulation results and states principles governing the performance of PDFS-RELOC.
4.1 Graph size after edge removal: an application of percolation theory
As described in Section 3.5, CREATE-GRAPH, our method of generating graphs for simulations,
probabilistically removes edges and retains the connected component containing the hive. This
method produces graphs of varying size. It is important to examine the distribution of graph size, as
graph size may a ect the performance of the algorithm.
This problem is closely related to a well-established branch of mathematics called percolation
theory. Percolation theory studies the properties of in nite graphs with edges probabilistically present
or absent, namely the existence of paths and clusters. In the following sections, we introduce
percolation theory in the usual context of in nite graphs. We then highlight a result of percolation
theory on nite graphs, which allows us to estimate the probability that CREATE-GRAPH returns a
large enough graph. By validating this result experimentally, we gain insight into how a property of
in nite graphs behaves on nite graphs. We also verify experimentally that CREATE-GRAPH
produces su ciently large and consistent graphs.
4.1.1 Percolation on in nite graphs
We present some key concepts in percolation theory, mostly following the notation in Grimmett [23].
Consider a graph G= (V;E). For each edge e, let ebe open with probability p. Imagine the subgraph
of Gconsisting of only open edges, that is, G0= (V;fe2E: eis openg). A connected component of this
subgraph is called an open cluster. C(x) denotes the open cluster at node x. An in nite open cluster
is an open cluster containing an in nite number of nodes.
We de ne P1(p) as the percolation probability|the probability that a given node is in an in nite open
cluster. Without loss of generality, we take this node to be the origin: P1(p) = Pp(jC(0 )j= 1).
A central idea in percolation theory is the critical probability: a value pc such that
P1(p)8 >< >: = 0 if
p<pc>0 if p>pc
Below the critical probability, it is impossible that the origin (or any node) is contained in an in nite
open cluster. Above the critical probability, this is possible but not guaranteed; it is guaranteed,
however, that an in nite open cluster exists. Letting (p) denote the probability that Gcontains
some in nite open cluster,
The critical probability is known for the graph structures we study in our simulation:
= 12
= 2sin 1
(p) = 8 >< >: 0 if (p) = 01 if (p) >0 (4.2)
= 1 2sin
square lattice: p
triangular lattice: ptri c
hexagonal lattice: phex c
To clarify the relationship between percolation theory and our method of graph
generation, open edges correspond to edges included by CREATE-GRAPH. The origin
corresponds to the hive; the size of C(0 ) corresponds to the size of the connected
component containing the hive. Thus, jC(0)j is the size of the graph returned when
CREATE-GRAPH begins with an in nite graph. P1(p) is the probability that
CREATE-GRAPH returns an in nite graph.
However, these results on in nite graphs are of limited usefulness to us for two reasons.
First, we would like a more speci c formulation of P1(p) when p>p. Second, the existence of
an in nite cluster tells us little about the sizes of nite clusters in a nite graph, which we are
concerned with. It is known that, in the presence of an in nite cluster, the distribution of nite
cluster sizes Ppc(jCj= n) decays subexponentially. In other words, when p>pc, 9 1(p); (p)
such that 0 < 2(p) 1(p) <1and2
exp( 1(p)n(d1)=d) Pp(jCj= n) exp( 2(p)n(d1)=d) (4.3)
Still, we want to examine the cluster size distribution in the absence of an in nite cluster.
For that, we look to percolation results on nite graphs.
4.1.2 Percolation on nite graphs
et al [9] studied percolation on a d-dimensional hypercube of side length n; we present
several results by them that characterize the size of the largest cluster. Their results assume a set
of postulates that they prove for d= 2. We denote the ith largest cluster by C. If pcis the critical
probability de ned for percolation on in nite graphs, then
jC(1)j2 8 (logn) if p<pc
> > (ndf) if p= pc
<> (nd) if p>pc
1 d
> >d
here df
j n(p
for some . Above the critical probability, the size of the largest cluster
analogous to the in nite open cluster, and we call it the giant compone
probability, the largest cluster|in fact, all clusters Cdffor nite i|has size
probability, we see the in nite cluster beginning to form; the largest clu
n2o(nd). The authors consider a scaling window around the critical pro
the incipient in nite cluster appears. They show that, above the scaling
systems with probabilities fpg!p, the distribution of the largest cluster s
That is, as n!1,
) !1 in probability (4.5)
Informally, we may state Equation (4.5) as jC(1)j ndP(2)(p). Moreover, Borgs et al show the giant
component is unique: jCj=jC(1)1j!0. Two interesting questions arise: rst, in the absence of formulas
for P1(p), could we approxi40
mate P1(p) experimentally as follows?
\ P1(p) = jC(1)dj n
Second, does a generalized version of Equation (4.5) hold for graph structures besides
d-dimensional hypercubes? Speci cally, for a graph G= (Vinit;Einit), could we have the following?
jC(1)initj jVjP1(pn) !1 in probability (4.7)
Our experiments in the next section address these questions.
4.1.3 Estimating P1
It is useful to approximate P1(p) because, from Section 4.1.1, P(p) is the probability that
CREATE-GRAPH, starting with an in nite graph, produces an in nite graph. In other words, P11(p) is
the probability that the hive lies in the equivalent of an in nite open cluster. We saw in Section 4.1.2
that the in nite open cluster in an in nite graph is analogous to the giant component in a nite graph.
Thus, P1(p) approximates the probability that the hive lies in the giant component|equivalently, the
probability that CREATE-GRAPH, starting with a nite graph, returns the giant component.
We show that this probability is high for psu ciently greater than p. We calculated estimates of
P1c(p) by Equation (4.6), which we will call the giant component method. We generated 256 256
grid graphs, kept edges with probability p, found the size of the giant component and computed
= 1
\ P1(p) over 100 trials. Results for p= 0:55 and p= 0:65 are shown in Figure 4.1. Above psq c
We veri ed the giant component method using another method of estimating P1
estimated P(p) increases with p. Even when p= 0:65, it is highly likely that CREATE-GRAPH returns
the giant component.
(p): \grow"
Figure 4.1: The distribution of P1
estimates by the giant component method on grid
the component containing the origin, C(0 ), by moving outward from the origin, adding edges of the
grid with probability p. C(0 ) is alive for a given size sif it has grown out to the boundary of a box of
side length saround the origin. The estimate\ P(p;s) is the fraction of times C(0 ) is alive over 100
trials. We expect\ P1(p;s) to converge to P11(p) as s!1. We call this method the grown component
We implemented the grown component method as follows:
GROWN-COMPONENT(p): For s2f2;4;:::;256g:n alive 0
For t2f1;:::;N TRIALSg:Generate an sby sgrid graph, G,
around origin Keep edges with probability p If C(0)
contains a boundary node of G:
nalive nalive+ 1 \P1(p;s) n
Figure 4.2 compares the two methods of estimating P1(p) on a grid graph with p= 0:55 and
Figure 4.2: The convergence of P1estimates by the giant component method and the grown
component method on grid graphs.
p= 0:65. As graph size increases, the giant component estimates appear to converge to the same
value as the grown component estimates; we assert this value is P(p). Note the giant component
estimates converge from below, whereas the grown component estimates converge from above. As
graph size increases, the fraction of the graph occupied by the giant component increases, while the
probability that C(0 ) is alive at the boundary decreases. Results for higher pare similar, with
convergence occurring closer to\ P11(p) = 1. The convergence of the giant component estimates and
grown component estimates for a range of pvalues demonstrates that Equation (4.6) is a suitable
way to approximate P1(p) for initially large grid graphs. The giant component method and grown
component method give convergent estimates on other
graph structures as well. We estimated P(p) by both methods on triangular lattices (Figure 4.3) and
hexagonal lattices (Figure 4.4). For each graph type, we chose pabove the scaling window, i.e. p>ptri
c+ 11for triangular lattices and p>phex c+ 2for hexagonal lattices. For triangular lattices, the scaling
window occurs at lower pthan for the grid graph, intuitively because triangular lattices are denser
and thus need a smaller fraction of edges to be present to contain an in nite cluster at the origin. For
hexagonal lattices, the opposite is true: hexagonal lattices are sparser than grid
Figure 4.3: Estimating P1(p) for triangular lattices. Note that the two methods converge.
graphs and need a greater fraction of edges to exist for jC(0 )j= 1. The convergence of the giant
component estimates and grown component estimates is strong
evidence that the giant component method is a valid way of estimating P1(p) on triangular and
hexagonal lattices. In other words, we believe Equation (4.7) holds for triangular and hexagonal
lattices. The result Borgs et al presented for hypercubes may, in fact, be a more general law.
Conjecture 1. Equation (4.7) holds for triangular and hexagonal lattices.
all graph structures examined here, we have chosen some p 0:8 and achieved \ P(p) >0:95.
Thus, our simulations, which use p= 0:8 unless otherwise stated, ensure that the graph generated is
the giant component with high probability. In all likelihood, CREATE-GRAPH returns graphs of
su cient size.
4.1.4 Graph size after edge removal
To verify that CREATE-GRAPH selects the giant component with high probability, we tested our
method on a 256 256 grid graph, computing the resulting graph size 100 times for each value of p.
Figure 4.5 summarizes our results. At p= 0:50 = psq c, CREATE-GRAPH never returned a graph
Figure 4.4: Estimating P1(p) for hexagonal lattices. Note that the two methods converge.
2 jVinit
jnodes, and usually returned a small graph. As pincreases to 0:51 and
0:52, the graph returned begins to coincide with the giant component. At p= 0:54,
CREATE-GRAPH returned either the giant component or, with lower probability, a small graph.
We have zeroed in on the scaling window; p= 0:54 seems to be an approximate upper bound on
the scaling window.
For higher values of p, the frequency of small graphs shrinks, and the frequency of the giant
component grows. We obtained a few small graphs when p= 0:60 and none when p= 0:80. This
con rms that in our simulations, which use p= 0:80 unless otherwise stated, it is highly unlikely
that the graphs generated be anything other than the giant component. Moreover, the graphs
generated are of surprisingly consistent size.
The spike representing the giant component moves rightward, approaching jVj, as pincreases.
Interestingly, the spike is the rightmost boundary of the distribution of resulting graph sizes;
there is no discernible tail between the spike and jVj, e.g. when p= 0:54 or p= 0:60. This result
implies that when premains close to the scaling window, a fully connected graph is extremely
unlikely. Almost always, enough nodes will be disconnected from the giant component to
create a gap between the giant component size and jVj. In the real-world formulation of our
Figure 4.5: Graph size after percolating a grid graph and retaining the connected component
containing the hive.
where missing edges represent obstacles, this result implies that, almost certainly, some locations
will be inaccessible for close-to-critical values of p.
4.2 Simulation results
Simulation enables us to assess the runtime and total edge traversals of PDFS-RELOC, as well as
PDFS in the average case. In evaluating runtime, we want to know the speedup achieved by
multiple robots, de ned analogously to Equation 2.1:
speedup= exploration time for a single robotexploration time for krobots
A speedup of kis called linear speedup; an ideal algorithm would display linear speedup. Our metric
for assessing runtime is the ratio of the number of iterations to the number of edges
(the iteration ratio I=E). The number of iterations is the runtime, so the iteration ratio enables us to
compare runtime for di erent graph sizes. Because single-robot DFS requires 2jEjiterations, we
expect I=E= 2 when the number of robots k= 1. A parallel algorithm that attains linear speedup
should divide the runtime by k. It should divide the iteration ratio by kas well; that is, it should satisfy
I=E=2 k. To assess the total edge traversals performed, especially redundant edge traversals, we
used a
second metric: the ratio of the total number of edge traversals by all robots to the number of edges
(the traversal ratio T=E). Because single-robot DFS performs 2jEjedge traversals, we expect T=E= 2
when k= 1. When T=E>2, some edge is traversed more than twice, so one or more redundant edge
traversals has occurred. From Section 3.3.2, PDFS performs 2jEjkedge traversals in the worst case,
so T=E 2kfor PDFS. PDFS-RELOC, unlike PDFS, enables wasteful edge traversals during
relocation, so we expect T=Eto be higher for PDFS-RELOC than for PDFS on average.
Ideally, a parallel exploration algorithm would attain linear speedup and minimize redundant edge
traversals|it would satisfy I=E=2 kand T=E= 2. Realistically, an algorithm might not achieve linear
speedup because more robots would have more di culty spreading out; as kincreases, an individual
robot becomes less likely to contribute an explored edge in a given iteration. We seek to keep I=Eas
close as possible to the linear speedup curve,2 k, minimizing T=Ewhen possible. We assess the
performance of our algorithms on 128 128 grid graphs with p= 0:8.
4.2.1 The advantage of relocation
Our simulations show PDFS-RELOC outperforms PDFS, con rming our intuition in Section 3.4 that
the wasteful edge traversals incurred by PDFS-RELOC are worth the improved runtime.
PDFS-RELOC achieves much closer to linear speedup than PDFS, as seen in Figure 4.6.
PDFS diverges from linear speedup early on, as its I=Ecurve bottoms out around k= 10. In
PDFS, since robots that have nished DFS stop contributing to exploration, in any uneven graph, the
robots with the most work become the bottleneck. Throwing more robots at the problem hardly
alleviates the bottleneck because PDFS cannot anticipate which neighbors of a given node lead to
the most un nished work, and thus cannot allocate robots to unexplored edges e ciently.
contrast, PDFS-RELOC attains close to linear speedup for moderate values of k; it begins to
diverge from the linear speedup curve around k= 10. Relocation allows robots that have nished
their work early to split work with the remaining robots. In other words, relocation redirects resources
to places that would otherwise become bottlenecks. For higher orders of magnitude of k, our method
of relocation is not enough to produce linear speedup because it is constrained by the graph being
unknown in advance and the physical motion of robots. In choosing a relocation destination, the
algorithm does not know whether another robot will nish this node before relocation is
complete|whether relocation will be in vain. For higher k, more robots perform relocations, and more
relocations happen in vain.
4.6: PDFS-RELOC outperforms PDFS, attaining close to linear speedup on a grid graph
with p= 0:8 and jVj= 128.
The tradeo of the improved runtime of PDFS-RELOC is the many redundant edge traversals it
performs, as seen in Figure 4.7. Our expectation that T=Egrows faster in kfor PDFS-RELOC than for
PDFS is con rmed. Every relocation is a series of wasteful edge traversals, and more relocations
happen for higher k. Meanwhile, T=Efor PDFS grows slowly because the algorithm incurs no
wasteful edge traversals, only simultaneously redundant edge traversals.
Still, we prioritize runtime improvements over reductions in redundant edge traversals. Because
PDFS-RELOC outperforms PDFS in terms of runtime, we use PDFS-RELOC in all subsequent
4.2.2 More edges are better
The performance of PDFS-RELOC depends on the properties of the graph being explored. If a
graph is more percolated|if pis lower|the algorithm performs more redundant edge traversals (see
Figure 4.8). When fewer edges exist, robots expanding from the same node are more likely to
expand along the same edge. Moreover, a lower presults in a more uneven graph, which means
greater variation in amount of work across robots, which means more relocations, during which
4.7: PDFS-RELOC performs more redundant edge traversals than PDFS on a grid graph
with p= 0:8 and jVj= 128.
wasteful edge traversals occur. Variation in phardly makes a di erence for runtime; I=Eis slightly
lower when p= 1:0 than when p= 0:7. These experiments were performed on 128 128 grid graphs.
4.2.3 Bigger graphs are better
Unlike the prevalence of obstacles, graph size does have a discernible impact on runtime. The
algorithm attains closer to linear speedup on n ngrid graphs when nis larger, as shown in Figure 4.9.
Larger graphs give robots greater opportunity to disperse; they take advantage of higher numbers of
robots. Conversely, in smaller graphs, at some level of kadding more robots will not reduce iterations
but will simply send these robots to expand edges simultaneously with existing robots. This explains
why, for smaller graphs, the I=Ecurve bottoms out earlier and the T=Ecurve is higher|more
redundant edge traversals occur. These experiments were performed on grid graphs with p= 0:8.
Note that, in Figure 4.9, the magnitude of kat which I=Ebegins to peel away from linear speedup
(the peel-away point) increases with graph size. We now make this more precise.
4.8: PDFS-RELOC performs fewer redundant edge traversals and attains slightly better
speedup when more edges are present in grid graphs with jVj= 128.
Figure 4.9: PDFS-RELOC attains better speedup and performs fewer redundant edge traversals on
larger grid graphs with p= 0:8.
Figure 4.10: The abrupt increase in slope of each curve is where the linear speedup of
PDFS-RELOC breaks down when p= 0:8. Larger graphs permit linear speedup for more values of k.
Figure 4.10 plots the slopes of the I=Ecurves in Figure 4.9. There is a marked increase in slope
for each curve, representing the peel-away point. Interestingly, this kink appears to occur when
k size|when the number of robots is roughly the grid size along one dimension. We state this as a
conjecture; more work should be done to elucidate the peel-away point.
Conjecture 1. On an n x n grid graph, the I=Ecurve diverges most rapidly from the linear speedup
curve when k n.
4.2.4 Algorithm performance on other graph structures
The ability of robots to disperse appears to a ect the runtime and redundant edge traversals of
PDFS-RELOC. One determinant of robots’ dispersal ability is the number of directions they can take
from a given node|the degree of a node. Letting ddenote the degree of a non-boundary node, d= 4 in
the grid graph, d= 3 in the hexagonal lattice, and d= 6 in the triangular lattice. In graphs with higher
d, robots expanding from the same node are better able to disperse and
4.11: PDFS-RELOC attains best speedup and performs fewest redundant edge traversals
on triangular lattices. The algorithm attains worst speedup and performs most redundant edge
traversals on hexagonal lattices. For all graphs, p= 0:8 and jVj= 128.
less likely to duplicate work. Indeed, PDFS-RELOC performs better on graphs with higher d(see
Figure 4.11). On triangular lattices, the algorithm attains closer to linear speedup and performs fewer
redundant edge traversals than on grid graphs; the opposite is true of hexagonal lattices. These
experiments were performed on 128 128 grid graphs with p= 0:8.
4.2.5 General principles
We summarize our simulation results in the following general principles. We consider the robots’
spreading ability, or ability to disperse. A greater number of robots hinders spreading ability. Greater
graph size, greater pand greater dall improve spreading ability.
1. The greater the robots’ spreading ability, the better the speedup of PDFS-RELOC.
2. The greater the robots’ spreading ability, the fewer the redundant edge traversals performed by
Chapter 5
We have presented a parallel depth- rst search algorithm, PDFS-RELOC, for graph exploration by a
colony of robots. We have shown that the physical motion of robots and the unknown nature of the
graph are barriers to e cient exploration. Nevertheless, PDFS-RELOC achieves near-linear speedup
in the number of robots when the graph is large relative to the number of robots. We accomplish this
by allowing robots to perform seemingly wasteful work in order to balance their workloads.
We have shown that our algorithm attains better speedup on graphs where robots are better able
to disperse. In large environments with many directions of robot movement at each location,
PDFSRELOC performs optimally. If one were to implement the algorithm with physical robots
exploring a real-world environment, one should design the environment with attention to the freedom
robots have to spread. If, however, the environment to map is xed in advance, the number of robots
assigned to the exploration task should be chosen judiciously. It is desirable to allocate as many
robots as will allow linear speedup, but not many more.
Future work should do more to characterize the point where the speedup of PDFS-RELOC falls
away from linear speedup. A formal analysis of the runtime of PDFS-RELOC|both worst-case
and average-case|would be illuminating. Future work should also aim to improve the method of
relocation in PDFS-RELOC. Rather than choosing, as a relocation destination, the closest un nished
node, we should design a cost function that weighs all relevant factors and choose the optimal
destination. Introducing randomization, into the selection of relocation destinations or the graph
traversal more generally, may also prove useful.
One unanswered question is whether there exists an exploration algorithm for the graph types
we have considered that does attain linear speedup. To shed light on this question, we may seek an
algorithm for the equivalent problem when the graph is known in advance|the problem of traversing
a known graph in minimum time. This problem becomes one of dividing the known graph into
roughly equal regions, one per robot, so that every robot’s traversal takes about the same time. In
other words, partition the graph into possibly overlapping subpartitions, each of which is traversable
in approximately equal time.
Formally, suppose G= (V;E) is an undirected, connected, known graph. De ne a traversable
subpartition as a connected subgraph of G. The traversal length of a traversable subpartition T is the
minimum number of edge traversals needed for a robot to cover all edges of T. A parallel traversal
algorithm for Gand krobots should nd ktraversable subpartitions of G|call them T1= (V1;E1);:::;Tk=
(Vk;Ek)|such that E = Sk i=1Ei. (It follows that V = Sk i=1V.) The problem is to nd a set of traversable
subpartitions as described such that each Eiihas traversal length at most L, where Lis minimized.
If an algorithm can solve this problem and attain linear speedup, there may exist a linearspeedup
exploration algorithm for unknown graphs. If there exists no linear-speedup algorithm for traversing
known graphs, there exists no linear-speedup algorithm for the harder problem of exploring unknown
graphs. Note the problem we just presented di ers from the graph partitioning problem, known to be
NP-complete, in allowing subpartitions to overlap and requiring subpartitions to be traversable.
Finally, plenty of directions for future work lie in eliminating the simplifying assumptions we have
made about robots’ abilities: global and instantaneous communication, perfect odometry, and
unlimited power. None of these assumptions are practical; our algorithm must be adapted for local
communication, awed odometry and limited power before it can be realized physically. In addition,
further work should investigate how to translate our parallel graph exploration algorithm into a
mapping algorithm for a continuous world.
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