Original ar ticle Image Register ed Gastroscopic Ultrasoun d (IRGUS) in human subjec ts : a pilot study to assess feasibilit y 3, 2,3, V. D . Patil, I . S . Spo f ford 5, 4M . B . Ryan 2, B . I . Lengyel, R . Shams6 C . C . Thompson5 Institutions Institutions are listed at the end of ar ticle. submit ted 20 July 2010 accepted af ter revision 10 December 2010 Bibliography DOI ht tp://dx.doi.org/ 10.1055/s -0030-1256241 Published ahead of print Endoscopy © G eorg Thieme Verlag KG Stut tgar t · New York ISSN 0013- 726X Correspondi ng author C . C . Thompso n, MD Brigham and Wo men’s H ospital Division of Gastroenterol ogy 75 Francis Stre et Boston MA 02115 USA Fa x : +1-617-264-63 42 ccthompson @par tner s.org Introduc tion ! ! " Authors K. L. Obstein1, R . S . J . Estépar2, J . Jayender3 , K. G . Vosburgh computed tomography ( C T ) scan. Pat ients who were scheduled to undergo convent ional EUS were randomly chosen to undergo their procedure with IRGUS. Main outcome m easures included feasibilit y, ease of use, system f unc- Background and study aims : Endoscopic ult rasound (EUS) is a complex procedure due to the subtleties of ult rasound interpretat ion, the small f i el d o f obser vation, and the uncer taint y o f probe posit ion and or ientat ion. Animal stud ies demonst rated that Image Registered Gast roscopic Ult rasound (IRGUS) is feasible and may b e super ior to convent ional EUS in ef f icienc y and image interpretat ion. This st udy explores w hether these att r ibutes o f I RGUS will be evident in human subjec ts, with the aim of assessing the feasibilit y, ef fe c t iveness, and ef f icienc y o f I RGUS in patients with suspected pancreatic lesions. Patients and methods : This wa s a prospect ive feasibilit y s t udy at a ter t iar y care academic medical center in human pat ients with pancreat i c lesions on Image guidance technolog y has revolut ionized diagnostic and therapeut ic modalit ies by providing physicians with the mean s t o n av igate throughout the body guided by three-dimensio nal (3D) images [1, 2]. Image guidance has been shown to improve t radit ional surgical disease manageme n t in the abdomen through more accurate int ra-operative d ef init ion of therapeut ic targets and by reducing the aggressiveness o f t reatment [3 – 15]. Image data can be const r ucted, registered, and displaye d t o provide t ion, validated task load (TLX) assess ment inst r u ment , and IRGUS experience quest ionnaire. Results : Five patients under went IRGUS without complication . L ocalizat ion of pancreatic lesions wa s accomplished ef f iciently and accurately (TLX temporal demand 3.7 %; TLX ef fo r t 8.6 %). Image synchronizat ion and regist ration wa s accomplished in real t i me without procedure delay. The mean assessment score fo r endoscopist experience with IRGUS wa s posit ive (66.6 ± 29.4). Realt i me display o f C T i mage s i n the EUS plane and echoendoscope or ientat ion were the most benef icial character ist ics. Conclusions : IRGUS appears feasible and safe i n human subjec ts, and ef f icient and a ccurate at ident if icat ion of pr obe positi on and image interpretat ion. IRGUS has the potent ial to broaden the adoption of EUS techniques and shor ten EUS lear ning cur ves. Clinical st udies compar ing IRGUS with convent ional EUS are ongoing. t ionally, the IRGUS system demonst rated the potential to shor ten the EUS lear ning cur ve and to broaden the adoption of the EUS technique by gast roenterologists [16]. The cur rent st udy aimed to explore whether the att r ibutes o f the IRGUS system will be ef fe c t ive, ef f icient , and feasible in human pat ients with pancreatic lesions who are scheduled to undergo EUS. Patients and methods Pat ients with suspected pancreat i c lesions on computed tomography ( C T ) scan and who were scheduled fo r E US were ident if ied fo r inclusion. From these patients, f i ve who were scheduled to undergo convent ional EUS were randomly chosen to undergo their procedure with the IRGUS system ( ●Table 1 ). The IRGUS system provides clinicians with a real-t ime display that shows endoObste in KL et al. Imag e Register ed Gastroscopic U ltrasound (IRGUS) i n h umans … Endoscopy Downloaded by: Harvard University Library. Copyrighted material. easily used and int uit ive suppor t i n endoscopic procedur es. Image guidance technolog y has been ut ilized in endoscopy in a porcine model through the Image Registered Gastroscopic Ul t rasound (IRGUS) system, w hich wa s found to be super ior to convent ional endoscopic ult rasound (EUS) in accuracy of endoscope posit ion and in image interpretat ion [16]. Addi- Age, Sex Race I ndication for E US yea r s 1 53 Female C au casi an 57 × 43 mm mixed densi t y l e si on i n total cost, depending on the size of the display, of under US $ 1 9 the h ead o f the p an creas 000. Pr ior to the procedure, a standard pat ient st retcher wa s outf 2 6 8 M al e C au casi a n 39 × 3 2 m m il l - d efi n ed hypodense mass withi n the hea d of t he pan c reas 3 86 M al e C au casi a n 31 × 14 m m pr e d omi na tely hypodense l esion i n th e t a il o f t he pa ncr eas extending an t eriorly 4 40 Fema le C au casi a n 29 mm low a t t en ua tion lesi on with thick r im and l ack of o bvi ous en ha nce men t in the t ail of t he pancreas 5 54 M al e C au casi a n 7 m m hyp od ens e l e si on projecting superiorly in the ne c k o f t he pa ncr eas scope posit ion and ult rasound plane or ientation within the pr eprocedure volumetr ic C T images. For these f i ve patients, t wo synthetic images (a 3D model o f the reference anatomy and a single oblique planar slice that matches the plane sampled by the ult rasound t ransducer) were created from the C T images ut ilizing advanced customized visualization sof t ware (3D Slicer, www.slicer. org). The IRGUS system uses established techniques fo r the visualizat ion of the probe posit ion a n d i mage regist ration, but implements them in real t i me by using recent advances i n m iniaturized posit ion-t racking technolog y ( microBIR D; As cension Technolog y Cor p, Milton, Ve r m ont , U SA). The t racking sensors are small (1 mm in diameter, 6 m m i n length) and have been tested to meet Inter national Elec t rotechnical Commission (IEC) 6060101 standards ( ●Fig. 1). The mini-sensors were ster ilized within 24 h o f the procedure according t o the guidelines fo r surgical inst r u ments and equipment at our center, by using the STER R A D sterilization system (A dvanced Sterilization Produc ts, Ir vine, Califor nia, USA) . All components (t racker system, inter faces, personal computer wit h displays) are commercially available, with a " Fig. 1 Trac king Sensor. it ted with an elec t romagnet i c f lat-plate t ransmit ter ( ●""Fig. 2). The pat ient wa s the n placed over the embedded t ransmit ter and, immediatel y p r ior to patient sedat ion in the endoscopy suite, one miniature sens or wa s attached to the distal t i p o f a standard linear echoendoscope (GF-UC-140P-AL5, Olympus, To k yo, Japan) using a combinat ion of Steri-St r ips and Tegader ms (3M, St . Paul, Minnesota, USA) . The echoendoscope with attached sens or wa s then inser ted into an Alo ka SSD - a 10 ult rasound console (Aloka Inc., To k yo, Japan) ( ●Fig. 3 ) and calibrated using an addit ional nonattached sensor. The calibration def ines the coordinates of the ult rasound plane with respec t t o the coordinate frame o f the attached sensor. Calibration wa s per fo r m ed by touching the distal point of the echoendoscope to the nonattached sensor. The 3D body model o f the patient wa s then registered to the C T coordinate system by scanning the pat ient ’s torso with the nonattached sensor to obtain a ser ies of points. Those points were aligned to a 3D model o f the patient ’s ski n extrac ted from the C T using the iterat i ve closest point algorithm [17]. Obstein KL et al. Image Registered G astroscopic U ltrasound (IRGUS) i n humans … Endoscopy Fig. 2 Standard patient stretcher outfit ted with the elec tromagnetic f lat-plate transm it ter. a The transmit ter (white arrow) i s p osition ed on the stretcher. b Padding is then used to cover the transmit ter, m akin g i t comfo r table for patient s t o lie upon. Downloaded by: Harvard University Library. Copyrighted material. Pa Original ar ticle Table 1 Patient charac teristics. tient Fig. 3 Trac king sensor (arrow) a t tached to the distal tip of a standard linear echoendoscope. The echoendoscope with the IRGUS system wa s then ut ilized fo r the endoscopic examinat ion of the f i ve patients by a single attending p hysician sk illed in EUS and advanced endoscopic techniques. Following each procedure, a validated task load (TLX) assessment inst r u ment (NA SA Task L oad Index v1.0, NA SA Ames Research Center, Mof fett Field, Califor nia, USA) and an IRGUS experience quest ionnaire were completed. The TLX is a subject ive workload assessment technique commonly used in human factors resea rch to assess perceived workload based on a m ult idimensional const r u c t of six subscales: mental demand (h ow much mental and perceptual ac t ivit y was required?), physical demand (h ow much physica l a c t ivit y was required?), temporal demand (h ow hur r ied or r ushed wa s the pace of the task?), per fo r m ance (h ow successf u l were yo u i n accomplishing w hat yo u were aske d t o do?), ef fo r t (h ow hard did yo u h ave t o work to accomplish your level of per fo r m ance?), and fr ust ration level (h ow insecure, discouraged, ir r itated, st ressed, and annoye d were you?) [18 – 20]. The TLX has been used to assess workload in t ranspor tation (ground and aviat ion), endurance tasks, healthcare, teaching, and powe r plants [20 – 27]. The TLX can be we ighted or unwe ighted, and each subscale ranges from 0 t o 100. We chose to use the unwe ighted TLX subscale scores i n this research st udy, a s they have been more commonly used and there is high correlation bet ween the we ighted and unwe ighted scores [28, 29]. All cases were recorded in .avi fo r m at, de-ident if ied, and stored on a secure, encr ypted, workstat ion at the medical center fo r review and analysis. This research st udy was approve d by the center’s Inst itu t ional Review Board (IR B) and wa s f unded through a grant from the National Cancer Inst itute under award R42 C A115112-03, the National Center fo r I mage Guided Therapy under award U41 R R019703, and the Center fo r Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technolog y (CIMI T). Results ! The f i ve human pat ients under went their procedure wit h use of the IRGUS system safely and without complication . All procedures were per fo r m ed in the endoscopy suite with int ravenous sedation (propofol administered by an " anesthesiologist [n = 2 ] o r midazolam and fentanyl administered by the endoscopy team [n = 3]). Endoscopic examinat ion (including Doppler evaluation) wa s car r ied out with complete explorat ion of the pancreas (head, body, a nd tail). L ocalizat ion of the pancreatic lesion wa s a ccomplished ef f iciently and accurately ( ●Table 2). Image synchronizat ion and regist ration wa s accomplished by a shor t calibration process at the beginning of the procedure, pr ior to the inser t ion of the echoendoscope. Synchronization wa s a c- Table 2 Unweighted Task Load Index subscale rating for Image Registered Gastroscope Ultrasound (IRGUS). All subscales range from 0 (“ ver y low ” )to 100 ( “ver y high” ); the exception is the subsca le of “ Per formance” , w here 0 i s “ per fect” and 100 is “failu re ”. the most benef icial characterist ics of IRGUS ( ● Discussion ! In the cur rent st udy, I RGUS appears feasible and safe i n human subjects . All pat ients tolerated the examinat ion well without pr ocedural delay. The system did not encumber the endoscopist or Subscale Unweighted rating, median (range) the endoscopy suite staf f. The system uses pre-exist ing equipment in the endoscopy suite (patient st retchers, M e nta l Dema nd 65 ( 25 – 90) Physic al echoendoscopes, mouth-guards) and wa s simple to assemble Dem an d 45 ( 2 0 – 75) Temporal De man d 55 ( 25 – 75) Pe r for man ce 3 0 ( 10 – 80) immedi atel y p r ior to the procedure without dif f icult y. In shor t , Ef for t 35 (20 – 80) Fr us tra t i on 20 ( 15 – the IRGUS system has the potent ial to be prac t ical in the “ 80) real-life” high-volume endoscopy suite sett ing. The IRGUS system wa s ef f icient and accurate at ident if ication of probe posit ion and imag e interpretat ion. This allowe d the endoscopist to quickly "Figs. 4, 5).complished in 3 – 4 s , and regist ration wa s accomplished visualize anatomic st r u c t ures without losing echoendoscope in 2 – 4 m in. Retroper itoneal st r u c t ures remained localized in image o r ientation (especially when the echoendosonographic positi on relative t o stable st r u c t ures such as the aor ta. The image i s degraded by calcif ications, ar t i fa c ts, or poor sur face precise regist ration of the 3D imag e and endoscope posit ion wa s m contact). This may promote shor tened procedure t i mes, therefore inimally distor ted fo r s t r uc t ures in the r ight upper quadrant when decreasing sedation requirements, and improving pat ient safet y. the pat ient wa s i n the lef t-lateral decubit us posit ion. The distort ion Use of the IRGUS system may also lead to improve ment in lesion or target ing er ror, def ined as the distance bet ween the line def ined target ing fo r echoendoscopic biopsy or f ineneedle aspirat ion, wit by the needle and the lesion center, wa s 12.23 ± 0.45 mm fo r a h the potent ial to enhance t issue sampling fo r better diagnosis of lesion diameter of 21.38 mm. The accuracy of regist ration in the disease. W hile retroper itoneal str uc t ures remained localized in pancreas wa s a f fec ted by endoscope location, with improve d regist posit ion, the precise regist ration of the 3D image and endoscope ration in the stomach compared with regist ration in the duodenum. positi on were minim ally distor ted (12.23 ± 0.45 mm fo r a lesion The mean assessment score fo r endoscopist experience with IRGUS diameter of 21.38 mm) fo r s t r uc t ures in the r ight upper wa s positive (66.6 ± 29.4), and IRGUS wa s f avored as providing an quadrant when the patient wa s i n the lef t-lateral decubit us posit advantage ove r convent ional EUS (65 ± 26.5). Realt i me display o f ion. This distor t ion or target er ror is wit hin the bounds that can C T i mage s i n the EUS plane and echoendoscope or ientation were make the guidance Obste in KL et al. Imag e Register ed Gastroscopic U ltrasound (IRGUS) i n h umans … Endoscopy Downloaded by: Harvard University Library. Copyrighted material. Original ar ticle Obstein KL et al. Image Registered G astroscopic U ltrasound (IRGUS) i n humans … Endoscopy Fig. 4 The ac tual Image Registe red Gastroscope Ultrasound (IRGUS) system real- time d isplay with: a ultrasound image; b reformat ted computed tomography ( C T ) i mage in the ultrasound-defined plane; c 3D C T-based mo del of the patient, all on the same m onitor for navigation and orientatio n. The ultrasound image plane (*) cut s direc tly through the pancreatic les ion (arrows). k, lef t kidney ; s , spleen. "Fig. 5 The ac tual Image Registe red Gastroscope Ultrasound (IRGUS) system real- time d isplay (different patient than ●Fig. 4). a The endoscopic ultrasound probe tip, ultrasound plane (US p lane), pancreatic lesion (PL), fine -needle aspiration needle (FNA), lungs (blue), aor ta (red), and kidneys (brown) are clearly visualized. b The spleen (white arrows) can be seen on the computed tomography image, 3D model, and ultrasound image in the same plane as the ultrasound. c The aor ta is demonstrated in the image plane (white arrows). d The lef t kidney is clearly visualized in the image plane (white arrows). R, right; S, superior. d material. Original ar ticle system clinically usef ul. A detailed validation st udy of target ing accuracy is cur rently under way. The precisio n o f regist ration wa s also af fe c ted by endoscope endolum inal location, with improve d regist ration in the stomach compared with regist ration in the duodenu m. The 3D reconstr uct ion (segmentation) process fo r the procedure is semi-automat ic (a super vised combinat ion of imaging techniques) and may b e accomplished by an individu al with basic computer literacy. Based on the system used fo r this research st udy, the t i me fo r segmentatio n ranges from 30 min t o 1.5 h, depending on the f ile size of the images. This t i me may b e s t reamlined to approximatel y 1 5 m in by increasing computer processor speed and system memor y. The 3D reconstr uc t ion simplif ies image interpretat ion (both C T images and ult rasound images) fo r the endoscopist and may promote shor tened procedur e t imes. Due to the int uit ive nature in visualizing the 3D anatomy, no lear ning cur ve wa s demonst rated and no addit ional t raining in 3D anatomy i s necessar y t o use the image guidance system. A potent ial technical limitation wa s the reg ist ration er ror of the synthesized oblique C T image t o the ultras ound imag e planes of approximatel y 5 mm. IRGUS capabilit y does not depend on absolute imag e regist ration accuracy, therefore this minimal shift wa s found to be suf f icient , a s m ost targets fo r o r ientation are considerably larger and slight misregist rations did not appear to hamper the use of the system. Because the 3D and C T imag es of the system are based on a pre-procedure C T scan, they are static. Therefore, when a pancreatic c yst is drained, it resolve s o n the ult rasound image but remains on the 3D reconst r u c t ion and C T images. W hile it would provide f u r ther infor mation to have dynamic radiologic images, it would also expose the pat ient to addit ional unnecessar y radiation and be more dif f icult fo r w idespread system adoption. Not h aving the dynamic images may also prove to be an advantage, as the endosonographer is able to visualize the site of inter vent ion as it looked before inter vent ion. This may assist the endoscopist in maintaining or ientation and allowing fo r a caref u l examinat ion of the area that wa s k nown to have the f inding of interest . We also ant icipated that the motion of organs induced by respirat ion and gravit y would compromise the ut ilit y o f the compar ison of the preoperative C T i mage with the real-t ime ult rasound image. This wa s not the case, as ve r y lit tle relative m otion (~ 3 mm) bet ween the C T oblique image and the US image was obser ved. W hen the patient wa s i n the lef t-lateral decubit us posit ion, gravit y did cause minimal distor t ion bet ween the C T image and the real-t ime ult rasound image for st r u c t ures that were in the lef t upper quadrant . H owever, all retroper itoneal st r uct ures and st r u c t ures in the r ight side remained in posit ion without distort ion. Finally, the cur rent st udy wa s a feasibilit y s t udy of f ive human patients and a single endoscopist . L arger, randomized, clinical st udies compar ing IRGUS with convent ional EUS with mult iple operators are ongoing. In summar y, I RGUS appears feasible and may b e super ior to convent ional EUS in a ccuracy of probe posit ioning and in image interpretat ion; howe ver, these compar isons are limited i n the current feasibilit y s t udy. W h e n consider ing these results, as well as the int uit ive interface and the ease of implementation , i t i s ant icipated that such systems could f ind ut ilit y i n m any diagnostic and therapeut ic endoscopic procedures, including the potent ial fo r the development of new procedures w ith novel indicat ions. These preliminar y results also sug g es t that IRGUS technolog y may shor ten the EUS lear ning cur ve and could broaden the adopt ion of EUS techniques. Original ar ticle Competing interests : None Institutions Surgical Planning Labor ator y, Brigham and Wo men’s H ospital, Boston, Massachuset t s, USA Center for Integratio n o f M edicin e and Innovative Technology Image Guidance Laborator y, Massachuset ts General Hospital, Boston, Massachuset t s, USA Division of Pediatric Gastroenterolog y, Massachuset ts General Hospital, Boston, Massachuset t s , USA Division of Gastroenterolog y, Brigham and Wo men’s H o spital, Boston, Massachuset t s, USA College of Engin eering and Computer Scien ce, Australian National Universit y, Canberr a, Austra lian Capital Territor y, Australia References 1 Peter s T , C lear y K , eds. Image-gu ided inter vent ions: technolog y and applications. 1st edn. New York: Spr inger Science+Business Media; 2008: 1 – 560 2 Vosbur gh KG , Jolesz FA . 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