Fr o m th e la b or at or y to th e cl as sr o o m: Cr e ati n g a n d im pl e m e nti n g a re se ar c h b as e d c urr ic ul u m ar o un d th e us e of c o m p ari so n 564 C o ur tn e y P oll a c k, H ar v ar d U ni v er sit y Dr . J o n R. St ar , H ar v ar d U ni v er sit y 564 RIT TLE -JO HN SO N AN D STA RRI TTL E-J OH NS ON AN D STA R II. Learning & comparison: Cognitive science research There is a great deal of cognitive research I. Abstract This poster presents a research program that showing seeks to the benefits of comparison for learning in young improve educational practice and student learning in children (e.g., Loewenstein & Gentner, 2001; Oakes & mathematics by developing, implementing, and Ribar, 2005) and adults (e.g., Gentner, Loewnstein, & testing curriculum materials built on findings from Thompson, 2003; Namy & Gentner, 2002). Yet, little of cognitive science. We convey the process of this type of research has been done in classrooms. conducting experimental classroom studies built on Building on these findings, we engaged in small-scale lab-based cognitive science research and the experimental classroom studies to explore the subsequent design and implementation of a benefits of comparison for students’ learning of supplemental first-year algebra curriculum based on mathematics, focusing on equation solving. comparison. III. Experimental classroom research Our experimental research showed positive effects of Two-year randomized controlled trial 564RITTLE-JOHNSON AND STARIV. Curriculum Design and Development During 2008-2009, we worked with a small group of expert teachers to transform our experimental materials (see Figure 1) into a supplementary Algebra I curriculum that embodied the principles derived from previous experimental research (see Figure 2). • Side-by-side comparison • Labeled solution steps • Prompts to identify similarities & differences Figure 1. Experimental comparison materials from Rittle-Johnson & Star (2007) Which is better? comparison on student learning in controlled settings. th and 8th Alex and Morgan were asked to solve • “Infuse” comparison into first-year algebra classes • Facilitate comparison of and reflection on multiple First I gave the two fractions the same denominator. Then I subtracted the fractions. First I multiplied both sides of the equation by the least common multiple of the denominators, which is 20. Then I multiplied by 20 on both sides. 205 " #$ %x 4! x& ’= !2(20) Then I simplified both sides of the equation. I simplified both sides of the equation to get the answer. Then I combined like terms to get the answer. x 20= !2(20) Which is better? • About 80 “worked example pairs” • Characters: Alex and Morgan • Four comparison types • Which is better? • Why does it work? • How do they differ? • Which is correct? • Discussion phases • Understand, compare, make connections • Help teachers facilitate comparison conversations • Supplementary materials A l e x ’ s “ e l i m i n a t e t h e f r a c t i o n s ” w a y ! o m i n a t o r s , First I multiplied both sides of the equation by the least common m u l t i p l e o f t h e d e n w h i c h i s = !2(20) 2 0 5 W h y " # $ % x 4 ! x & ’ 2 0 . * denominator. d i d A l e x m u l t i p l y e a c h t e r m by 20 as a first step? * Why did Morgan find a common denominator as a first step? 3.1.2 • Beyo nd linear equa tion solvin g to inclu de Alge bra I cont ent Figure 1. Sample pages from interven tion packet for (A) compare and (B) sequenti al conditio ns. Pilot testing Curriculum design Experimental classroom studies • 7th grade students • Worked examples side-by-side • Compare side-by-side or reflect sequentially • Comparison condition: Greater procedural knowledge and • grade students • What you compare 7matters • Solution methods: largest gains in conceptual knowledge and flexibility • Problem types: Support both to a lesser extent Alex’s “eliminate the fractions” way! (20) Morgan’s “find common denominators” way strategies How doesfcomparison affect student learning in real l classroom environments? Cognitive science research e VI. Randomized controlled x trials Our revised materials are currently being tested i using b Alex and Morgan were asked to solve V. Pilot testing During the 2009-2010 school year, we worked with 12 i about 80 first-year algebra l classrooms across Massachusetts. i Morgan’s “find common denominators” way t y middle and high school teachers to test our materials in classrooms. Then I subtractedThen the I simplified fractions. both sides of the equation. Figure 1. Sample pages from intervention packet for (A) compare and (B) sequential conditions. fractions first or by finding the common denominators first. You get the same answer using both • One-week summer PD • Comparison activities • Create own worked example pairs • Model teaching with comparison • Tasks • Use materials 1-2 x per week • Videotape 2 x per month • Submit log after material use (e.g., time spent, student learning, teacher satisfaction) • Student assessments • Feedback • Ongoing feedback throughout the year • Student and teacher end-of-year When solving equation with fractions as coefficients, you can des of the equation by the LCM of the s t a r t b y m u l t i p l y i n g b o t h s i • New comp versus incorre F i r s t * What are some similarities and differences between Alex's and Morgan's ways? * Which way is easier, Alex's way or Morgan's way? Why? I simplified both sides of the equation to get the answer. interviews Based on our pilot year feedback, we expanded our curriculum to include 150 worked example pairs. We h e ns the same Figure 2. Worked example from comparison curricu t w o I f r a c t i o g a v e t There was also a packet of 12 practice problems. The problems were isomorphic to the equations used in the worked examples, and the same practice problems were used for both conditions. Three brief homework assignments were developed, primarily using problems in the students’ regular textbook, and homework was the same for both conditions. Assessment. The same assessment was used as an individual pretest and posttest. It was designed to assess procedural knowledge, flexibility, and conceptual knowledge. Sample items of each knowledge type are shown in Table 2. The procedural knowledge items were four familiar equations (one of each type presented during the intervention) and four novel, transfer equations (e.g., a problem that included three terms within parentheses). There were six flexibility items designed to tap three components of flexibility—the abilities to generate, recognize, and evaluate multiple solution methods for the same problem. There were six conceptual Figure 3. Take-away page excerpt from the revised curriculum experimental research grounded in cognitive science has substantially improved educational extending the benefits of learning through * What are some similarities and differences between Alex's and Morgan's ways? * Which way is easier, Alex's way or comparison to authentic classroom settings. Morgan's way? Why? We are currently finishing data collection of videos, logs, and student assessments for the first year of the RCT. We will continue to collect data during the 2011-2012 school year. relevance of its findings to classroom settings. They note that lab findings cannot alone improve classroom practice, but that “controlled practice,” (p. 184). We hope to illustrate one way that building on experimental research can improve educational practice and student learning, by 3. 1. 2 Before you start solving a problem you can look at the problem first and try to see which way might be easier. ! * Why did Alex multiply each term by 20 as a first step? * Why did Morgan find a common denominator as a first step? also added a second page for each (see Figure 3). VII. Conclusion References separate packet for each of the two days of partner work; (2000) methods. Multiplying both sides of on both sides. Atkinson, Derry, Renkl, and Wortham the equation by the LCM of the the first two problem types in Table 1 were presented in the first packet, and the third and fourth problem types in Table 1 were presented in a second packet. In the sequential packets, there were 24 equations, the 12 equations from the compare condition and an isomorphic equation for each that was identical in form and varied only in the particular numbers. The same acknowledge the gap between mathematics solution methods were presented as in the compare condition, but each research in controlled laboratory settings and the worked example was presented on a separate sheet. Thus, exposure to multiple solution methods was equivalent across the two conditions. As in the compare condition, steps were labeled or students needed to fill in the appropriate label. At the bottom of each page was one question prompting students to reflect on that solution. The number of reflection questions (24) was the same across the two conditions. A pair of sample pages from the packet is shown in Panel B of Figure 1. Then I multiplied=by 20 !2(20) fractions first might be easier because it eliminates the fractions. ! Then I combined (20)x 20 like terms to get the answer. Atkinson, R. K., Derry, S. J., Renkl, A., & Wortham, D. (2000). Learning from e Educational Research, 70(2), 181-214. Gentner, D., Loewnstein, J., & Thom Journal of Educational Psychology, 95(2), 393-408. Loewenstein, J., & Ge far mappings. Journal of Cognition and Development, 2, 189– 219. Namy, children’s use of comparison in category learning. Journal of Experimenta comparison of infants’ categorization in paired and successive presentati Does comparing solution methods facilitate conceptual and procedural k Educational Psychology, 99(3), 561-574. Rittle-Johnson, B. & Star, J. R. (20 knowledge and procedural flexibility for equation solving. Journal of Educ the two days of partner work; the first two problem and the third and fourth problem types in Table 1 w packets, there were 24 equations, the 12 equations equation for each that was identical in form and va methods were presented as in the compare conditio separate sheet. Thus, exposure to multiple solution in the compare condition, steps were labeled or stu bottom of each page was one question prompting s reflection questions (24) was the same across the tw is shown in Panel B of Figure 1.separate packet for problem types in Table 1 were presented in the firs Table 1 were presented in a second packet. In the s equations from the compare condition and an isom varied only in the particular numbers. The same so condition, but each worked example was presented solution methods was equivalent across the two co labeled or students needed to fill in the appropriate prompting students to reflect on that solution. The across the two conditions. A pair of sample pages f