California State University, Fullerton Campus Information Technology Desktop Technology Training

California State University, Fullerton
Campus Information Technology
Desktop Technology Training
Course Name:
Course Description:
Course Prerequisites:
Course Duration:
Intermediate Excel Functions and Equations
This course will develop the skills needed to create enhanced reports for data in
Microsoft Excel 2007 worksheets. Some of the items will include: Advanced Lookup
Functions, Logical and multiple criteria conditional functions and Excel D functions.
A good general understanding of using Microsoft Excel 2007, including knowledge of
how to enter data, create basic equations, use relative and absolute references and
using standard functions such as SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT. Students without this
background should take the course “Introduction to Equations and Functions in
Microsoft Excel 2007” as preparation
8-10 hours over 5 class sessions.
Three will be 1 -2 hours of “homework” outside of class as learning reinforcement and
Course Instructor:
Course Outline:
Course Notes
Timothy Benbow
Review of Absolute and Relative References
Using the Lookup Functions such as LOOKUP, VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP
and using OFFSET, MATCH, and INDEX with Lookup Functions.
Using Multi-Criteria Conditional Equations such as IFS, SUMIFS and
Using the Excel D class functions such as DGET, DMAX and DSUM
Working with Named Ranges and Scenarios
Working with Excel Solver and Goal Seek Tools.
Understanding Excel Conditional Formatting
Three Dimensional Equations (Multi-sheet Equations)
For additional information, please contact Timothy Benbow at
For additional information please contact Timothy Benbow at