[System Name] Chart of Authorities 1.0 Background The following Chart of Authorities (CoA) pertains to the [System Name]. The system was procured by [Client] to meet the [detailed needs] of the university. [Vendor] was contracted to provide a solution. Information Technology Services (ITS) is hosting the [System] servers. 2.0 Purpose The purpose of the CoA is to define the roles and responsibilities in the management of the hardware and software in the [System] Environment. 3.0 Scope This CoA applies to both the Development and Production [System] Application Environments. 4.0 Update Process Requests for modification to the names listed below are to be made by a senior staff member of the person affected by the change. 5.0 Chart of Authorities Activity System Access: -Firewall Rules -Server Accounts ITS A Network Administrators, NCG System Administrators, TSG IT Security [Client] RA Application Administration Account Creation/Deletion and Module Access Application Support [Vendor] SI S [Client] Application Administrators SI Service Desk 1 [Client] R RC - First Call User Support [Client] Application Administrators RA [System Name] Chart of Authorities Activity Database Administration and Support -Database backup and recovery Application Server and Data Server Backup and Archiving ITS OCRO RA C Database Administrators, EAS [Client] Application Administrators RA C System Administrators, TSG [Client] Application Administrators Server O/S and Hardware Support and Maintenance RA C System Administrators, TSG [Client] Application Administrators Change Management (Physical) (Infrastructure) RA C System Administrators, TSG Network Administrators, NCG IT Security [Client] Application Administrators Change Management (Application) CS A System Administrators, TSG Database Administrators, EAS IT Security [Client] Application Administrators Banner Extracts/Interfaces (** Data from the Banner System is governed by the Banner Steering Committee/CoA **) R I Database Administrators, EAS [Client] Application Administrators D3 S S CS CS R IS Definition of Terms R A Responsible: person assigned to do the work Accountable – individual who makes the final decisions and has ultimate ownership Supportive: optional designation to indicate ‘supportive’ resources as applicable Consulted – individual who must be consulted before decision or action is taken Informed: individuals who must be informed that a decision of action has been taken S C I 2 [System Name] Chart of Authorities 6.0 Contact Information/Communications Matrix Contacts Name [Vendor] [Client] David Janes ITS Service Desk Title/Dept. [Vendor Title] [Client Department] Application Administrator, Client Unit Director, ITS Manager, Technical Support (TSG), ITS Systems Administrator, TSG, ITS Manager Production Support, EAS, ITS Database Administrators, EAS, ITS Manager, Networks & Communications, NCG, ITS IT Security Officer ITS E-mail Address Tel # X X X X X X help@mun.ca Regular Hours: 709-864-4595 After Hours: 709-864-3433 3 Notification of Critical Service Disruption X X X X X [System Name] Chart of Authorities 7.0 ITS Hosting Services ITS Operational Support will: Manage and administer the virtual infrastructure and operating systems. Manage and administer the storage area network infrastructure. Maintain the physical data centers, including Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS); Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC); Fire Suppression systems; and Physical Security. Maintain all physical systems located within the data centers. This includes the administration of the hardware maintenance contracts. Provide database administration support Provide backup services for hosted servers according to the specifications provided: o Details…Example: Nightly database backups (In addition, database logs backed up every 15 minutes) o Details…Example: Nightly server backups - archived for 30 days Provide support for the Banner Data Feed according to specifications provided: o Active employee and student data to be fed every week replacing existing data in the table Be responsible for maintaining software licenses related to monitoring and backup systems. Provide reports on the performance, capacity and operational management of hosted systems. Administer access to the application and database servers to allow the vendor access on demand to the environment. Conduct vulnerability assessments for server and application changes and upgrades The environment will conform to the established ITS maintenance windows: o http://www.mun.ca/cc/services/servicecatalogue/Service_Windows.php Notify the CoA in the event of a planned or critical outage. In the case of an unplanned outage, [client] has indicated that it will revert to manual procedures for business continuity while ITS does its best to recover the system. 4 [System Name] Chart of Authorities Governance Confidentiality: ITS acknowledges that its staff may have access to, and receive information that may be confidential. ITS agrees to hold such information confidential and to absolutely refrain from the release of such information in any form without the express written consent of the owner, unless required to do so as applicable by law. All ITS employees are required to sign an Undertaking of Confidentiality Agreement. Operational Communications: For all operational communication related to the infrastructure services being provided by ITS, the client authority as defined in the CoA will contact the ITS Service Desk. Requests, or tickets, are logged at the ITS Service Desk and entered into a computer system that manages, assigns and reports on the resolution of problems. Contact Information: Service Desk Phone: 864-4595 After Hours Support: 864-3433 E-mail: help@mun.ca Hours of service: Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Summer Hours: Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ** Hours are reduced at Christmas and on certain holidays. 5 [System Name] Chart of Authorities Approvals Approved by: __________________________ Date: ____________________________ Client Approved by: __________________________ Date: ____________________________ Information Technology Services Approved by: __________________________ Vendor 6 Date: ____________________________ [System Name] Chart of Authorities Appendix A: Example: MIMS Issue/Call Management MIMS Application User MIMS Call Management START HERE CALL END HERE PROBLEM IS FIXED OCRO (MIMS Application Support) PROBLEM IS FIXED Initial Problem Analysis Resolved? - If not notify applicable service desk(s) Record Solution and notify User YES ITS Service Desk OCRO Application Support PROBLEM IS FIXED SERVER ISSUE Application issue D3 Security Systems (MIMS) Service Desk ITS SERVICE DESK x4595 Initial Problem Analysis Escalate to 2nd level support etc Infrastructure and Operating Systems & DBMS Assist Initial Problem Analysis Escalate to 2nd level support etc Application Support & Management SERVICE DESK D3 Security Systems support@d3security.com 7 PRIME ITS Assist D3 to Apply Solution