Suggestions for Assembling the WPAF provided by Faculty Affairs and Records

Suggestions for Assembling the WPAF
provided by Faculty Affairs and Records
The WPAF should include the following contents as appropriate to the faculty member’s work
assignment. The WPAF shall include evidence of effective instructional performance as well as
evidence of currency in the field, consistent with the faculty member’s work assignment. (See
UPS 210.070 for more information).
We recommend that you start with a large binder and tabs as follows:
Table of Contents
This is a simple, standard form available on the FAR website.
Table of Contents of Appendix
This is your own document, and will provide reviewers with a table of contents for
what you have in your Appendix binder.
UPS 210.070
To save paper, you may ask your department if it’s okay to insert a single page simply
saying “UPS 210.070.” This establishes what document you are being reviewed under,
without having to print the entire UPS document.
Vita – Updated C.V.
Summary of Assigned Duties, including a list of teaching assignments for each semester
See more below
Narrative Summary
See more below
Sample form: Student Opinion Questionnaire
Student Opinion Questionnaires (SOQs) Statistical Summaries – Course Report
These are your score summaries, which can be obtained from Portal. These are not
the raw data SOQs. Raw data is placed in a different section of the WPAF.
Grade Distribution Summaries (aka: Graded Class List)
For Tab 5.0 Summary of Assigned Duties
According to UPS 210.070, this section is “A summary of assigned duties, including (for
instructional faculty) a list of teaching assignments for each semester, including number of
students per class. For those with non-instructional duties such as course coordination or
assessment activities, the summary shall indicate expected activities and/or products
associated with the assignment.”
If, like most lecturers, your only work assignment is teaching, you can probably assume that
your evaluators know what is expected of an instructor (being instructors themselves). Thus, a
“List of Courses” stating what courses you taught, organized by semester, and the number of
students per class, may be only thing that needs to be provided.
If you have been assigned other duties or expectations besides teaching courses, be sure to
include them in this section.
For Tab 6.0 Narrative Summary
According to UPS 210.070, this section is “A narrative summary (not to exceed 1000 words),
that provides a self-assessment of accomplishments in all aspects of assigned duties, including
the primary assignment (teaching performance or performance as librarian or professional
counselor) as well as related activities. If the WPAF includes evidence not directly related to the
primary assignment(s), the narrative shall explain the relevance of such evidence to those
assigned duties.”
Keeping in mind the 1000 word limit, use the Narrative Summary to summarize or highlight
significant accomplishments. It is the opportunity for faculty to summarize/highlight how they
have accomplished their assigned duties (which for most people, as noted above, is being an
instructor). The self-assessment can include writing about your SOQ student evaluations.
Some people use part of the narrative summary to talk about teaching philosophy and
pedagogy. You can also talk about changes, such adjustments you made based on student
feedback or new developments in the discipline.
Keep in mind the 1000 word limit. The UPS also increases the word limit by 500 words for each
of the following situations (UPS 210.070, page 10)
If any weaknesses or problem areas have been identified (either in earlier reviews, in SOQs, or
by the faculty member him or herself), the narrative shall include any plans or prior efforts to
address these areas and (if known) the results of those efforts.
If the faculty member is expected to render service to the profession, the University, the
College, or the Department as part of his or her work assignment, the narrative shall
summarize those service activities.
If the faculty member is expected to be professionally active and/or to engage in scholarly or
creative activity as part of his or her work assignment, the narrative shall summarize those
professional, scholarly, or creative activities. Note that all faculty members in the Mihaylo
College of Business and Economics are expected to meet AACSB (Association for
Advancement of the Collegiate Schools of Business) accreditation standards for faculty as
implemented by the College; narratives provided by temporary faculty in MCBE shall include
this area.
Additional Binders for “APPENDIX MATERIALS” & “RAW DATA”
All of the above (Sections 1-9) can fit into one large binder or packet. You will also have an
“Appendix” of supporting materials which may require a second binder. Examples of
supporting material include a representative syllabus for each course taught, class assignments,
sample papers and/or exams, other instructional material, evidence of grading practices,
classroom visitation reports, and (where available) signed letters from students.
Your WPAF should also include “Raw data” SOQs. These are the forms that students completed,
including their comments, from your classes for the period under review (see UPS 210.070,
page 12). Raw Data might need a binder to itself, depending on how many you have. Please
check with your department as to whether they expect you to place the raw data SOQs in the
WPAF yourself or if the department does that.