PROGRAM REVIEW FOR CENTERS AND INSTITUTES Center/Institute: The Social Science Research Center Director/Administrator: Ms. Laura Gil-Trejo College/Academic unit: College of Humanities and Social Sciences Contact Information: McCarthy Hall (657) 278-7691 Date: March 15, 2012 Name of primary authors if different From Director/Administrator: Ms. Lizette Sanchez, Co-Author Self-Study 1. Mission Established in 1987 the primary mission of the Social Science Research Center (SSRC) is to support data-driven decision making by providing competitively priced, high quality research solutions using advanced software and empirically sound methodologies. Specifically, SSRC provides research services to the campus and community organizations and research support to CSUF faculty and staff. In addition, the Center develops sponsored projects – typically contracts to conduct evaluation research, scientific telephone surveys and other forms of applied research. The self-study provides ample evidence of linkage of the Center’s mission to the University/s goals and mission. 2. Goals and Activities One main activity is the role of the Center director who consults with potential, new and existing clients to help them articulate their data information needs in ways that inform potential research methodologies. Despite decreasing response rates due to wide use of cell phones, telephone survey work comprises the largest proportion of activities conducted by the Center. SSRC operates a 24 station Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing survey research lab staffed six days a week to conduct various telephone surveys of general and special populations often in multiple languages. The Center is adopting other methodologies to meet client needs including web surveys; mail surveys; in-person face-to-face interviews with hard to reach populations; random intercept surveys; focused group discussion; key informant interviews and methods of direct observation. Also SSRC undertakes the development of evaluation designs as well implementation of program evaluation. Results of evaluations are presented to board members, stakeholders and advisory board councils and members of the community served by the program being evaluated. The Center engages in the analysis of secondary data set, as well as assists agencies in the development and submission of proposals. 3. Resources and Sustainability SSRC is housed in the lower level of McCarthy Hall occupying approximately 3,200 square feet. The space includes at least five offices, telephone lab and a conference room. The Center once had an associate director but that position has not been filled after the associate director move to be director. In the past three fiscal years SSRC has generated contracts with extramural agencies and organizations totaling $786,252 in direct costs and $134,928 in university, facilities and administrative (indirect) costs and has conducted research for intramural sponsors totaling $81,859. (A detailed budget appears in Appendix). The Center has been quite successful in generating revenue and the director indicates the Center is expected to experience moderate growth in the next three to five years. Space is presently a constraint and the telephone survey research lab needs to be expanded from to 24 to 50 stations. 4. Organizational Structure and Governance SSRC employs a full-time director, seven to 14 managerial staff and 20-50 telephone interviewers and research assistants. The director reports to the dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. The Center has an Advisory Committee made up of university faculty, administrators and members of the business community. The Advisory committee meets quarterly and assists in strategic planning efforts. 5. Highlights and Accomplishments There are several highlights and accomplishments worthy of note including the Point in Time Survey of Homeless in San Bernardino County and the Center received a quarter of a million dollar contract from Institute for Democracy, Education and Access at UCLA to administer a telephone survey of 2,600 young people between ages of 18-26 residing in the state of California. The purpose of the study was to explore factors that facilitate and pose barriers to the educational, employment and civic engagement opportunities available to young people. It was the first time the Center included cell phones in a telephone survey. SSRC has recently secured a contract with the DeVos Institute of Arts Management at the Kennedy Center to conduct the evaluation of its various Capacity Building Programs. Recently the Center has stepped efforts to increase intramural contracts to this end center staff have met with several constituent groups on campus which has resulted in increased contracts from the university. 6. Planning and Strategic Outlook Under present leadership the Center has developed a three year strategic plan implemented in the summer of 2011. The plan includes five key areas: Technology development; Staff capacity; Marketing efforts; Agency account and Self-assessment. Goals included: restructure and update Center website; Upgrade the Center’s CATI lab’s software (in progress); Increase the educational capacity of the SSRC, add SMART technology to conference room and investigate the potential use for social media as tool of marketing. Strategic planning is an ongoing activity with input from the Advisory Committee. 7. Viability The SSRC leadership affirms that the Center is headed in a positive direction and is accomplishing its goals and objectives. The self-study makes the case that the there is a pressing need to enlarge the CATI Lab. This will allow the center to accept larger contracts that require more than 5,000 survey completions. Such expansion will generate more revenue and more opportunities for student participation as well. Because of limited space on campus a move to a larger space is problematic. 8. Appendices Appendix A: Organizational Structure of SSRC Appendix B: Table of Sponsored Projects During the Last Three Year Period Appendix C: ASC Financial Statements: Last Three Years Summary and Recommendation(s) The Social Science Research Center (SSRC) established in 1987 and housed in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences is a dynamic enterprise serving both University and community clients. The Center provides research services to campus and community organizations and research support for CSUF faculty and staff. In addition, SSRC supports the learning environment of the University by providing research service opportunities for students at any given time SSRC employs 20 to 50 undergraduate and graduate students who gain experience in survey methodology, program evaluation, data analysis, report writing as well as communication skills. Though telephone surveys comprise the largest proportion of activity conducted by the Center there are forays into other methodologies including web surveys, mail surveys face-to-face interviews and focused groups. SSRC has strong active leadership and a highly engaged advisory committee. The Center is outgrowing its present space in the basement of McCarthy Hall and seeks to expand its telephone lab.