Center/Institute: Center for Demographic Research
Director/Administrator: Deborah Diep
College/Academic unit: College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Contact Information: College Park - 750 ext 3009
Date: April 27, 2010
Name of primary authors if different
From Director/Administrator:
1. Mission
The mission of the Center for Demographic Research (Center) is to provide accurate and timely
information regarding population, housing and employment characteristics for Orange County.
Several guiding principles are linked to the mission including: accuracy, objectivity, honesty
(trust and respect), teamwork and problem solving, learning and teaching. Under objectivity the
Center pledges to produce demographic estimates and projections that are independent and
2. Goals and Activities
Founded in 1996 the Center is a force in the development and support of demographic
information through the maintenance of centralized data sources of demographic characteristics
for Orange County. The Center actually operates in accord with a three-year Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with a group of sponsors. The sponsors are: County of Orange, Orange
County Council of Governments, Orange County Sanitation District, Orange County
Transportation Authority, Transportation Corridor Agencies, Municipal Water District of Orange
County, and Orange County Water District. These agencies govern and support the Center. The
“work program” established contains quarterly, annual and multi-year projects. The Center also
makes its data available to faculty and student researchers, assists faculty in designing
instructional activities in the field of demography, and draws upon faculty research and expertise
in its projects. The work plan includes such reports as Orange County Facts and Figures
(quarterly); public information services include process census data; databases include housing
inventory system and estimated population by race/ethnicity by partial census tract.
3. Resources and Sustainability
The Center has six full-time staff and one part time through the CSUF Auxiliary Services.
Beyond the scope of the work agreed upon via the MOU the Center is permitted to perform
additional work and services for sponsors and non-sponsors. FY 2008-09 MOU funding: $592,
929, 6.7% of MOU funded by CSUF, additional contract/invoice work outside scope of MOU
was $38, 669.
4. Organizational Structure and Governance
There is a Director and Assistant Director who provide leadership and oversee daily operations
for the Center. In addition, the Center is governed by a Management Oversight Committee which
is supported by a Technical Advisory Committee. The Management Oversight Committee meets
quarterly and considers among other topics policy matters associated with the operations of the
Center. The Technical Advisory Committee provides technical guidance and input into each
product produced under the MOU. Committees are made up of staff members from the
sponsoring agencies.
5. Highlights and Accomplishments
During the last three years the Center has produced 12 quarterly issues of the Orange County
Facts and Figures these reports focus on the most frequently asked questions about Orange
County demographics and related information. Also 12 quarterly issues of the Orange County
Profiles providing details on demographic topics were also completed over this period. The
Center produced 25 maps for 34 Orange County cities to assist them in planning. A most
important activity for the Center is the three volume annual Orange County Progress Report
published in early fall. This is a 200+ page comprehensive, resource document containing a
variety of statistical and demographic data depicting Orange County and its 34 cities. It
highlights the economic and demographic status of the county.
6. Planning and Strategic Outlook
The Management Oversight Committee provides guidance and oversight for the goals and work
product of the Center. Planning is done to cover three years. The present work program will
include projects that deal with the Decennial Census.
7. Viability
The sponsors will assess product and services needs to maintain the operations of the Center over
the next three years. Center staff will work with the sponsors to develop a work program which
will sustain the Center’s core function with available funding. Given the declining financial
situation in the state the Director and sponsors are also investigating additional funding sources
and sponsoring agencies.
8. Appendices
Summary and Recommendation(s)
The Center for Demographic Research is an active and vital enterprise. It has a distinctive
mission in providing timely and accurate information (data) related to housing, employment and
population of Orange County. Since it’s founding in 1996 it has worked with its sponsors various government agencies including the County of Orange, Orange County Transportation
Authority and the Municipal Water District of Orange County. The six staff including a Director
and Assistant Director who work with a group called the Management and Oversight Committee
composed of members from the sponsoring agencies. The Memorandum of Understanding with
the sponsors provides a blueprint for the three year “work program”. Revenue from the sponsors
is the main source of funding in 2008-09 such funds totaled $592,929 of which 6.7% was funded
by CSUF. The Center publishes several reports, provides information services and databases.
Also it provides research opportunities for faculty and students. A major report is the Orange
County Progress Report which is published annually. It totals more than 200 pages and provides
a comprehensive picture of Orange County including economic health, demographic status and
trends and other related information. A focus of the Center now is the Decennial Census in
Orange County. Though the revenue stream appears secure even in the present economy,
nonetheless the Center is looking at adding contracts and finding other revenue streams.
Reviewed by the Council of Deans
May 5, 2010
Action taken: Continuation
Gerald W. Patton
Director of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness