Document 17781441

Media Independent Handover Services
Teleconference Meeting Minutes of the IEEE P802.21 Working Group
Ad-hoc on Higher Layers Services/Information IEs
Telecon Hosted: Qiaobing Xie
Minutes taken by Qiaobing Xie
Date: Tuesday, February 14th, 2006, 9:00AM-10:30AM EDT
1. The Higher Layers Services/Information IEs currently specified
2. Discuss new proposed Higher Layers Services/Information IEs
3. How to best incorporate the new proposed IEs
1. Discussed IP address config method supported IE proposal
[Kalyan] How the IP address config method supported is defined, we need more details
about its definition.
[Qiaobing] I believe that more details about its definition can be found in the
Commentary submission at the Hawaii meeting by Daniel (Soohong Daniel Park).
[Srini] This information is already available to the MM protocol (such as MIP). There is
no need for this IE.
[Qiaobing] Since Daniel is the one who originally proposed this IE, he may be able to
tell us more about its use cases, i.e., under what circumstances this IE will be used.
[??] Should take into consideration of multiple MM protocols.
2. Discussed DHCP address IE proposal
[Srini] Why this information is needed since DHCP address is a well-known IP
broadcast address.
[Qiaobing] First, some networks, especially those that are non-public, may use different
IP broadcast address for DHCP server discovery. Secondly, the intended use for this IE
is to allow the mobile to be able to get a valid IP address in a neighbor network through
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the current serving network. We can refer to contribution 21-06-0480 at last meeting for
more details on the use case of this IE.
[…] Several seemed to think that allowing the mobile to get a valid IP address in a
neighbor network before handover is a good idea.
[Srini] There are already MIP based solutions/proposals in IETF that will allow one to
get a valid IP address from the target network before handover, why do we still need
this IE.
[Qiaobing] We should not assume that the upper layer MM will only be those MIP-based
ones. 802.21 does not make assumption on what the upper layer MM algorithm will be.
There may be other future MM designs that will find this IE useful.
[Srini] Don’t see how this IE can be used without changing some of the existing MM
protocols or upper layer standards.
[Qiaobing] Many other IEs in Table 6 that we’ve agreed to support are in the same
situation. Why should this be the reason to reject this one? 802.21 work is meant for
future MM designs.
[Srini] This IE suggests DHCP protocol is used to get the IP address from the neighbor
network. DHCP is not capable for that. Other means can be used to get a valid IP
address as well. IETF needs to work on this, not 802.21.
[Ulises] Generate requirements from 802.21 and work on them in IETF.
[Qiaobing] The design of 802.21 IS is to let an app choice which IEs it wants to use and
when to use. There is no intention for 802.21 to force an app to use DHCP. If the app
find its useful and want to use it, then it will use it. Otherwise, it doesn't have to. This
applies to all the other IEs.
[Srini] Then we can wait until some one defines how upper layers will use it.
[Srini] How about to rename it as "IP Server Address" and remove all ref to DHCP? (to
make it general).
[Qiaobing] This sounds acceptable to me.
[Ajay] Disagree. If we call it "IP Server Address", we must tell people what it is and how
it is used. "DHCP address" is better since we all know what it is, even though not every
will find it useful and may choose not to use it.
[Ajay] Can have another ad-hoc at the next face-to-face to continue this discussion.
(Meeting adjourned - ran out of time)
(More may have attended. Please send updates to Chair)
Kalyan Koora
Srini Sreemanthula
Ulises Olvera-Hernandez
Ajay Rajkumar
Yoshihiro Ohba
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Ronny Kim
Jason Li
Qiaobing Xie
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