VMX 42 SR NC Post Processor Guide Version: 1.2

Engineering Document
NC Post Processor Guide
Version: 1.2
Table of Contents
REVISION LOG ............................................................................................ III
GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................... 4
Machine and Workpiece Coordinate Systems ................................................... 4
5-axis Part setup .................................................................................................... 4
3-axis part setup .................................................................................................... 6
Rotary direction convention................................................................................. 6
Tool Change Sequence.......................................................................................... 7
M31 rotary encoder reset ..................................................................................... 7
NC PROGRAM SYNTAX .............................................................................. 8
Transform plane – Vector Input ......................................................................... 8
Transform plane – Angle Input ........................................................................... 9
Local vs. Global Rotations for Transform Plane ................................................ 9
M126/127 shortest angular traverse .................................................................. 11
M200 Tilt axis preference ................................................................................... 11
M128 TCPM ........................................................................................................ 12
Axes Angle Input ................................................................................................. 13
Tool Vector Input ................................................................................................ 13
What is a Vector? .............................................................................................. 13
Activating and Cancelling Tool Vector Input Mode ........................................ 15
3D Tool Geometry Compensation ..................................................................... 15
Tool Geometry Specification ............................................................................ 18
G43.4 5-axis linear interpolation ....................................................................... 18
M140 tool vector retract ..................................................................................... 20
Eng. Doc. 757-4002-505
SR42 Machine Specifications ............................................................................. 21
Inverse Time ........................................................................................................ 21
Eng. Doc. 757-4002-505
1 Revision Log
Revision Description
Paul J. Gray
Initial Document Release
REV 1.0
Paul J. Gray
Updated NC Transform Plane and G43.4 linear
REV 1.1
Paul J. Gray
Updated M141 Tool Vector Input Mode Cancel
REV 1.2
Eng. Doc. 757-4002-505
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2 General Information
Machine and Workpiece Coordinate Systems
Figure 1 shows the Machine Coordinate System (blue), the Un-rotated “Part” Coordinate
System (yellow), and the Workpiece Coordinate System (red).
The Machine Coordinate System is fixed to the machine frame and does not move when
the machine axes move. It is located at the spindle nose center when all machine axes are
at their zero machine positions.
The Workpiece Coordinate System is fixed to the part loaded on the C-axis table. This
coordinate system is typically set in the user’s CAD/CAM system or on the part drawing
used for programming the tool paths. The Workpiece Coordinate System moves and
rotates when the machine axes move since it is fixed to the physical workpiece loaded on
the table.
The Un-rotated “Part” Coordinate System is located at the Workpiece Coordinate System
when all machine axes are set to their Part Setup locations. This coordinate system moves
with the machine’s linear axes but does not rotate with the rotary axes. It is generally
used only by NC Post Processors that do not use Tool Center Point Management.
Figure 1 Coordinate Systems
5-axis Part setup
Figure 2 shows the values used to setup a 5-axis part on the machine. The Workpiece
Coordinate System is shown in red and is fixed to the part that is being cut. The values in
the Part Setup Screen (Figure 3) are described below.
Z Table Offset = the directional distance from the C-axis table face to the Workpiece
Coordinate System XY-plane. It is a positive number for the setup shown in the figure.
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Offset Z = the directional distance from the Z-calibration point on the machine used to
calibrate the tools to the Workpiece Coordinate System XY-Plane. It is a positive number
for the setup shown in the figure.
Z Calibration = tool calibration height. In the tool setup screen this number is positive
but in the NC Tool Offsets table it is negative.
When measuring these values, ensure that the B-axis is at Zero degrees.
For conversational programs, the B-axis Part Setup Offset must be Zero Degrees
Figure 2 5-Axis Part and Tool Setup
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Figure 3 Part Setup Screen
3-axis part setup
For 3-axis operation of the SR machine, the setup procedure is identical to any Hurco
3-axis machine. Calibrate tools to the calibration plane and use the Offset Z field to
indicate the Workpiece XY plane relative to the calibration plane.
Rotary direction convention
The VMX 42 SR machine follows the ANSI/EIA Standard RS-267-B. This standard
states that the user programs the tool moving about the workpiece without regard for
which axes of the machine move the spindle or the table. According to the standard, a
positive move of +100mm in X, the machine control will move the machine table
-100mm in the X-axis relative to the fixed machine coordinate system. Similarly, a
positive C-axis command in a program will result in a C-axis rotation that is clockwise
when viewing along the negative Z-axis direction (along the spindle pointing towards the
table) of the machine coordinate system. This move corresponds to a negative rotation of
the C-axis relative to the machine coordinate system, which results in a positive rotation
of the cutting tool about the Workpiece Coordinate System Z-axis. Figure 4 shows the
machine axes motion for a positive axis input.
Since the B-axis is attached to the spindle, a positive B-axis command will result in a
clockwise rotation of the machine B-axis when viewed along the positive Y-axis
direction of the Machine Coordinate System. This move corresponds to a positive
rotation of the B-axis relative to the Machine Coordinate System, which results in a
positive rotation of the cutting tool about the Workpiece Coordinate System Y-axis as
shown in Figure 4.
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Figure 4 Rotational Axes Rotation Direction Convention
Tool Change Sequence
For any tool change, whether it is during program run (M06) or a manual tool change, the
CNC will perform the following operations automatically in the specified order:
1. Retract along the current tool vector to machine limits.
2. Retract to machine Z-axis limit
3. Move X- and Y-axes to tool change position. The tool change position is specified
in the Integrator Support Screens.
4. Rotate B-axis to zero degrees (spindle vertical).
5. Move Z-axis to tool change height.
6. Perform tool change.
M31 rotary encoder reset
The M31 command will reset the rotary axis encoder position (C-axis for the VMX 42
SR) if it has wound up or down multiple revolutions to lie between –180 to 180 degrees.
If M31 is executed during contouring while running a program, the move prior to the
M31 call will come to an exact stop before M31 is executed.
 180   C Angle  180 
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3 NC Program Syntax
Transform plane – Vector Input
NC Transform Plane does not execute a rotary move when it is called. It defines a new
position and orientation for a Transform Plane Coordinate System. The XYZ location of
the Transform Plane is defined with respect to the Workpiece Coordinate System. It uses
the X- and Y-direction vectors to define the orientation of the Transform Plane
Coordinate system with respect to the Workpiece Coordinate System (vectors are
discussed in subsection 3.7). The operator can use any tool orientation in an NC
Transform Plane (i.e. the Tool Axis does not have to lie along the Z-axis of the
Transform Plane shown in Figure 5).
Figure 5 NC Transform Plane
G68.2 X_Y_Z_ I_J_K_U_V_W_
G68.2 specifies the {XYZ} location of the Transform Plane with respect to the
Workpiece Coordinate System. {IJK} tokens specify the Transform Plane’s X-direction
vector with respect to the Workpiece Coordinate System, where the I component is the
along the Workpiece X-direction, the J component is along the Workpiece Y-direction
and the K component is along the Workpiece Z-direction. Similarly, {UVW} tokens
specify the Y-direction of the Transform Plane with respect to the Workpiece Coordinate
G69 cancels NC Transform Plane.
The CNC will align the Transform Plane to the specified IJK X-direction exactly. If
the Y-direction is not exactly perpendicular to the X-direction, the control will
automatically recomputed the Y-direction to be perpendicular to the X-direction. The
recomputed Y-direction will lie in the plane containing the IJK and UVW direction
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All subsequent tool positions (XYZ positions, IJK tool vectors, and UVW surface
normal vectors) are specified with respect to the Transform Plane except part rotary
angles (i.e. B- and C-angles).
Rotary moves are permitted while NC Transform Plane is active.
The NC Transform Plane block is not a motion block; it does not execute motion.
NC Transform Planes can be stacked.
Transform plane – Angle Input
Similar to the Vector Input NC Transform Plane, the Angle Input NC Transform Plane
also does not execute a rotary move when it is called. It defines a new position and
orientation for a Transform Plane Coordinate System. The XYZ location and ABC
rotations are defined with respect to the Workpiece Coordinate System. The operator can
use any tool orientation in an NC Transform Plane (i.e. the Tool Axis does not have to lie
along the Z-axis of the Transform Plane shown in Figure 5).
Local vs. Global Rotations for Transform Plane
G68.2 specifies global rotations for the A-, B-, and C-angle in the NC Transform Plane.
The rotation sequence will be in the order of A, followed by B, followed by C, where all
rotations are about the X-, Y-, Z- axes of the fixed Un-rotated Part Coordinate System
(Figure 6).
G68.3 specifies local rotations for the A-, B-, and C-angles in the transform plane. The
rotation sequence will be in the order of A, followed by B, followed by C, where all
rotations are about the rotated X-, Y-, Z- axes of the rotating Transform Plane Coordinate
System. A rotation of the A-angle would rotate about the X-axis. Then a rotation of the
B-angle would rotate about the Y-axis of the rotating Transform Plane Coordinate
System that has been rotated by the A angle. Then a rotation of the C-angle would rotate
about the Z-axis of the rotating Transform Plane Coordinate System that has been rotated
by the A and B-angle rotations. This is demonstrated in Figure 6.
G68.{2,3} X_Y_Z_ A_B_C_
G68.2 rotations sequence of A, B, C about fixed machine reference frame
G68.3 rotation sequence of A, B, C about the rotating Transform Plane
G69 cancels NC Transform Plane.
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Figure 6 G68.2 Global vs. G68.3 Local Transform Plane
All subsequent tool positions (XYZ positions, IJK tool vectors, and UVW surface
normal vectors) are specified with respect to the Transform Plane except machine
rotary angles (i.e. B- and C-angles).
Rotary moves are permitted while NC Transform Plane is active.
The NC Transform Plane block is not a motion block; it does not execute motion.
NC Transform Plane has three rotations available.
NC Transform Planes can be stacked.
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M126/127 shortest angular traverse
M126 activates Shortest Rotary Angle Path Traverse. The control will move the rotary
axis through the shortest angular distance to the commanded position as described in
Table 1. The red case is depicted in Figure 7.
Table 1 M126 Shortest Angular Traverse
Initial position
Commanded position
Angular distance
M127 cancels Shortest Rotary Angle Path Traverse. This is the standard operating mode,
which is described in Table 2. The green case is depicted in Figure 7.
Table 2 M127 Canceling Shortest Angular Traverse
Initial position
Commanded position
Angular distance
Figure 7 M126 red, M127 Green cases
M200 Tilt axis preference
To improve the work volume when the spindle is horizontal, the C-axis table has been
located at the corner of the machine’s base table. Although this configuration provides a
large work volume for negative B-axis angles, it restricts the work volume for positive
B-axis angles. Since parts that require positive B-axis angles can be cut using a negative
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B-axis angle with a rotation of 180 degrees of the C-axis table, the configuration does not
impose limitations on the parts that the user can cut.
Since positive B-axis angles have a restricted work volume, for 3+2-axis machining, the
user may request that the post processor set the B-axis limits to –90 to 0 degrees to
prevent using positive B-axis angles.
M200 can be used to select the Tilt Axis Preference direction for simultaneous 5-axis
contouring in an NC program. A positive Tilt Axis Preference will keep the B-axis
between 0 to +90 degrees. A negative Tilt Axis Preference will keep the B-axis between
-90 to 0 degrees. A neutral Tilt Axis Preference specifies no preference and the program
will execute with the shortest angular traverse if activated. A Neutral, Positive, and
Negative preference is specified using P0, P1, or P2 parameter with the M200 command
The Tilt Axis Preference is only applied in M128 mode and when Tool Bottom Centre
with Tool Vector interpolation mode is active (G43.4 {Q0}, described in Subsection 3.9).
The machine will then force the B-axis to remain in the Tilt Axis Preference region
The default for NC programs is P2 (negative).
M200 P[0,1,2]
P0 = None (turns tilt axis preference off)
P1 = Positive, B-axis between [0, +90]
P2 = Negative, B-axis between [-90, 0]
Motion during 5-axis contouring with Tilt Axis Preference:
If the B-axis is requested to move to the opposite side of the Tilt Axis Preference, the
CNC will interpolate the tool tip and tool vector up to the machine singularity point
(B-axis at 0 degrees), then the machine will rotate about the singularity point (i.e. the
CNC will rotate the C-axis and interpolate the X- and Y-axes while keeping the tool tip at
a constant location relative to the workpiece), followed by interpolating the B-axis and
tool tip to their final positions with the B-axis on the Tilt Axis Preference Side.
The Tool Centre Point Management (TCPM) feature allows the user to program 5-axis
tool positions in the Workpiece Coordinate System independent of the part setup location
in the machine.
M128 activates TCPM and M129 deactivates TCPM.
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Only G00 and G01 moves and NC canned cycles are supported in M128 mode.
Both G94 (UPM) and G93 (Inverse Time) modes are supported.
The CNC will not automatically activate G43.4{Q[0,1]} 5-axis linear interpolation
(Subsection 3.9) when M128 TCPM mode is activated. The user must explicitly call
G43.4{Q[0,1]} to activate the interpolation mode.
Input Options for M128 Mode
The following three input modes are available with M128 active and are discussed in
greater detail in Subsections 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8.
1. Tool tip (X_ Y_ Z_) and axes angle input (B_ C_).
2. Tool tip (X_ Y_ Z_) and tool vector (I_ J_ K_).
3. Surface Contact Point (X_ Y_ Z_) and Tool Vector (I_ J_ K_) and Surface
Normal Vector at the Surface Contact Point (U_ V_ W_).
Axes Angle Input
The user can specify the tool tip with respect to the Workpiece Coordinate System and
the rotary and tilt axes angles relative to the Part Setup offsets:
G[00, 01] X_ Y_ Z_B_ C_ [F_]
{X_ Y_ Z_} is the bottom centre point of the tool
{B_ C_ } are rotary and tilt angles relative to the Part Setup. Angles are modal
F_ is optional unless it is a G01 move in inverse time mode (G93)
Tool Vector Input
What is a Vector?
A Vector is a directional line in 3D space that is defined using values for the X, Y, and Z
direction components. Since Vectors describe a direction, their base is always at the
coordinate system origin from which they point outward. Figure 8 a plot of a Vector with
its I, J, K components that correspond to the X, Y, Z directions.
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Figure 8 Example of a Vector
A Tool Vector is simply the Vector that describes the orientation of the tool axis. The
Tool Vector describes the direction from the tool tip pointing up through the spindle and
away from the workpiece. If the NC program contains Tool Vectors in the tool positions,
the CNC will compute the appropriate Rotary and Tilt axes (B- and C-axes) positions.
The Tool Tip location in the part program specifies where on the workpiece that the tool
should be positioned. The CNC computes the X, Y, Z machine axes positions to move the
rotated tool tip to the specified point on the rotated workpiece. The Tool Tip and Tool
Vector are specified with the following syntax:
G[00, 01] X_ Y_ Z_I_ J_ K_ [F_]
{X_ Y_ Z_} is the bottom centre point of the tool. XYZ are modal.
{I_ J_ K_} is the tool vector. IJK are non-modal.
F_ is optional unless it is a G01 move in inverse time mode (G93)
This feature is only available if M128 TCPM mode is active.
The Tool Vector can be specified with up to 6 decimal places. It is highly
recommended that the full precision be used. The field values will normally lie in the
range of [-1.000 000 to +1.000 000]. If the magnitude of the vector does not equal 1,
the vector will be automatically normalized by the CNC.
Since Vectors specify direction, they are non-dimensional. {I, J, K} Vector
components should not be multiplied by unit conversion factors when converting a
program from Inch to metric or vice-versa.
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The Tool Tip and the Tool Vector are specified with respect to the Workpiece
Coordinate System defined in the CAM software for the part program. The CNC will
automatically compute the machine axes positions using the tool length and part setup
The CNC will not automatically activate G43.4{Q[0,1]} 5-axis linear interpolation
(Subsection 3.9) when Tool Vector input is used. The user must explicitly call
G43.4{Q[0,1]} to activate the interpolation mode.
Activating and Cancelling Tool Vector Input Mode
Tool Vector Input Mode activates automatically when a tool vector is given in a G00 or
G01 block. When Tool Vector Input Mode is active, the Tool Vector is non-modal and
must be given for each G00 and G01 block.
Tool Vector Input Mode is cancelled by the four commands listed below. When the Tool
Vector Input Mode is cancelled, the CNC will hold the current rotary orientations until
new orientations are programmed either by a new Tool Vector or new rotary axes
1. M141 (Tool Vector Input Mode Off). This command explicitly cancels Tool
Vector Input Mode.
2. M129 (Cancel Workpiece Coordinate System) command.
3. G69 (Cancel rotation or NC Transform Plane), but only if all Transform Planes
have been cancelled. If more than one Transform Plane has been stacked, all
Transform Planes must be cancelled before Tool Vector Input Mode will be
automatically cancelled.
4. G00 or G01 block with a rotary axis angle.
3D Tool Geometry Compensation
This function will allow the user to specify the Surface Contact Point, the Surface
Normal Vector, and the Tool Vector. The CNC will compute the tool position
automatically for ball nose, flat end, and bull nose (corner radius) end mills. The tool will
be positioned to tangentially touch the specified Surface Contact Point.
The Surface Contact Point, Surface Normal Vector, and Tool Vector are specified with
respect to the Workpiece Coordinate System defined in the CAD/CAM software or part
drawing. The CNC will automatically compute the machine axes coordinates using the
tool dimensions and Part Setup information.
G[00, 01] X_ Y_ Z_ I_ J_ K_ U_ V_ W_ [F_]
{X, Y, Z} is the part’s surface contact point (modal),
{U, V, W} is the surface normal vector of the part contact point (non-modal),
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{I, J, K} is the tool axis vector (non-modal),
F_ is optional unless it is a G01 move in inverse time mode (G93),
where all coordinates are specified in the Workpiece Coordinate System.
Surface Normal Vector
Tool Vector
Surface Contact Point
Figure 9 Vector definition for 3D tool geometry
Only the XYZ and F parameters are modal. IJK and UVW are non-modal.
The Tool Vector and Surface Normal Vector can be specified with up to 6 decimal
places. It is highly recommended that the full precision be used. The field values will
normally lie in the range of [-1.000 000 to +1.000 000]. If the magnitude of the
Vector does not equal 1, the vector will be automatically normalized by the CNC.
Since Vectors specify direction, they are non-dimensional. {I, J, K} and {U, V, W}
Vector components should not be multiplied by unit conversion factors when
converting a program from Inch to metric or vice-versa.
G41.2 activates 3D Tool Geometry Compensation Mode.
G40 cancels 3D Tool Geometry Compensation Mode.
TCPM (M128) must be active when using 3D Tool Geometry Compensation
Although 3D Tool Geometry Compensation can position ball, flat, and bull nose
endmills interchangeably, there is no guarantee that the selected tool dimensions and
geometry will not cause gouging of the part. It is the responsibility of the operator to
ensure that the tool path is gouge-free for the selected tool.
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The CNC will not automatically activate G43.4{Q[0,1]} 5-axis linear interpolation
(Subsection 3.9) when 3D Tool Geometry Compensation is activated. The user must
explicitly call G43.4{Q[0,1]} to activate the interpolation mode.
Infinite Solution Case
For flat and corner radius endmills, when the Tool Vector and Surface Normal Vector
point in the same direction there are infinite solutions for the tool position. Under this
condition, any point on the bottom face of the tool can touch the Surface Contact Point as
shown in #1 and #2 in Figure 10. For this condition, the CNC will place the bottom
center of the tool on the surface contact point, shown as #3 in Figure 10.
Figure 10 3D Tool Geometry Compensation infinite solution case
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Tool Geometry Specification
3D tool geometry compensation requires the following tool dimension information to
compute tool positions:
1. Radius
2. Corner radius
Tool Length
(spindle zero to tip)
Corner Radius
Figure 11 Tool Geometry
G41.2 D_ R_ specifies the Tool Radius D_ code and the Corner Radius R_ code. The
values in D_ and R_ are indexes for the NC Tool Radius Offset Table and NC Tool
Corner Radius Offset Table respectively.
The Tool Radius and Corner Radius offsets can be cancelled when 3D Tool
Geometry Compensation Mode is cancelled using G40.
The tool Z-calibration can be specified using G43 H_ where H_ references the Tool
Calibration register number or it can be specified using the Zero Calibration value in
the Tool Setup. The Tool Length is computed based on the Z-Calibration, Offset Z,
and Z Table Offset in the Part Setup screen.
G41.2 will not cause movement. The tool geometry is compensated in the next
commanded move.
G43.4 5-axis linear interpolation
The CNC can interpolate the Tool Tip relative to the Workpiece Coordinate System for
5-axis machining. The CNC offers two modes for rotary interpolation:
1. Linearly interpolate the tool vector with respect to the Workpiece Coordinate
System between tool positions (Figure 12).
2. Linearly interpolate the rotary angles between tool positions.
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Figure 12 G43.4 Q0 Tool Tip and Tool Vector linear interpolation
Important Notes
1. It is extremely important to have a good start point that is relatively close to the
C-axis centerline location immediately before activating G43.4 5-axis linear
interpolation. Due to the M200 Tilt Axis Preference, the machine may need to
rotate the part up to 180 degrees about the machine singularity point when
moving to the contouring start point and tool orientation. If the tool start point is
too far away from the C-axis centerline, an axis out of limits error will be thrown.
2. Although G43.4 Q0 will interpolate the Tool Tip and Tool Vector relative to the
Workpiece Coordinate System, the CAM software must generate properly
tolerance tool paths to machine smooth surfaces. Even with G43.4 the surface
finish is still highly dependent on the CAM software to generate enough tool
positions to properly break up rotary transitions and tolerance the Tool Tip
linearization of the surfaces being cut. The concept is similar to using G01 moves
to cut 3D surfaces in 3-axis machining but even more critical since the Tool
Vector may change orientation.
3. M129 (subsection 3.5) will automatically turn G43.4 off. G69 will turn G43.4 off
if it is cancelling the last stacked Transform Plane.
G43.4 {Q[0,1]} will turn 5-axis workpiece-relative linear interpolation on. If Q parameter
is not specified, the CNC will automatically select Q=0 (linear interpolation of Tool
Vector and Tool Tip) when Tool Vector input is used (subsection 3.7) and Q=1 (linear
interpolate rotary angles and Tool Tip) when rotary angle input is used (subsection 3.6).
Otherwise, when the user specifies Q=0 the CNC will linearly interpolate the Tool Vector
and Tool Tip in a plane between NC points (Figure 12) regardless of the input type. If the
user specifies Q=1 the CNC will linearly interpolate the Tool Tip between tool positions
with respect to the Workpiece Coordinate System and the rotary angles in the Machine
Coordinate System regardless of the input type.
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3.10 M140 tool vector retract
M140 command allows the operator to move the tool along the current Tool Vector for a
specified distance or to retract to the machine limits.
M140 [L_] [F_]
L_ is the incremental distance the tool will move from its current position along the
current Tool Vector direction. A positive value retracts the tool away from the
workpiece as shown in Figure 13. A negative value plunges the tool towards the
workpiece. Normally a positive value will be programmed, which will move the tool
away from the workpiece in most situations. When the L parameter is specified, the
CNC will NOT clip the move to machine limits and the CNC may throw an out of
machine limits alarm if necessary.
When M140 is used without the L_ parameter, the tool will retract along the positive
direction of the current Tool Vector to the machine limits (i.e. move the tool tip away
from the workpiece). The CNC will clip the move to the machine limits and will not
throw an out of limits alarm.
There are 4 possible cases for the F_ token:
1. If in G94 mode (feedrate in UPM, units per minute) and F_ is provided, the CNC
will retract at the specified feedrate.
2. If in G94 mode (UPM) but not in Rapid traverse, the retract will use the current
modal feedrate.
3. If G00 is called immediately before M140 or during the same block, the CNC will
retract at rapid traverse rate.
4. If in G93 Inverse Time mode the CNC will thrown an alarm.
M140 is non-modal and only active for the current block.
Figure 13 Positive tool vector retract direction along arrow
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3.11 SR42 Machine Specifications
Axes Limits:
X 1067mm, attached to table
Y 610mm, attached to table
Z 610mm, attached to spindle
B +/-90 degrees, attached to spindle
C Full 360 degrees rotation, attached to table
Maximum programmable contouring feedrate is 15240 mm/min
Maximum rapid traverse feedrate is 35000 mm/min
3.12 Inverse Time
Hurco’s inverse time field width has been expanded to 9 digits [######.###]. However,
all interpolation modes and tool path inputs can use G94 unit-per-minute feedrate.
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