JANUARY 21, 2015
PO BOX 278
Info@postcapllc. Com
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>> So we have a pretty full agenda. And what I'm going to do is share my screen.
And I'm going to go through the agenda I sent to everybody and show you guys of what
we've been working on and some new features and on the update and email and things
like that. I'm going to transfer over sharing of the screen to Steven and Yvonne at one
point and Steven is going to show us some stuff. And at the very end Mary is going to
show us some information about video transcript service.
So welcome, everybody. I believe this is the third Digital Media Forum meeting
And this is open to everybody who has an OmniUpdate account. It's also open to
anybody really who wants to join us. So this is a forum so it's an open forum. If you
have questions, if you have ideas about improving the site, social media is also covered
usually. So if you have any questions, ideas, concerns, this is where you voice them.
Or you can just send them directly to me and we can address them later. So it's pretty
much an open book.
The first thing I'm going to talk about just give everybody an update I'm not going to
show anything necessarily right now but an update on the types of communications I've
been doing. I meet fairly regularly with the district directors and let them know how the
counties are doing with updated Web sites. We talk about training and things like that.
So if -- also I've met recently with 4-H. I'm meeting with them again about getting
online donations and maybe even helping them a little bit with some marketing to get
some online donations and things like that.
I've met with different departments about their specific needs for the Web site. So if
you've ever had a question about either how do I get the word out through social media
about something that's going on or if I want to add something new to the Web site, let me
know. We probably have resources that can help here in the state office. And we would
probably be able to help get you either a page or a feature. I can tell you what might work
to get the word out about something or to add some content to the Web site.
Anyway, if you have any kind of issue or project you want help with and you're not
really sure what to do with it, bring it to me and I can let you know if myself or somebody
on our team can help you out
And also I've been doing some presentations, also. I'll be doing some presentations
about health and technology and things like that. So I do presentations, too, so if you
ever have a group that needs somebody to speak to them about different technology
things just let me or Sam know and we can probably help you out with that.
All right. So the next thing I'm going to do is share my screen. And I will do that
now. And you'll be able to see what I'm clicking around on.
Okay. So hopefully everybody can see my screen.
I'm going to start with a few of the things that we've been doing for different
departments. And I don't know, I probably need to slide this -- probably need to minimize
this, as well.
So this, for example, is something we've been working on with Mark Russell and
Dr. Troxel this is Arkansas 4-H stallion service option. Steven and our team here have
done a really great job figuring out a way to allow people to register to bid on horses, bid
on breeding rights to horses.
So this is a separate Web site, And all of the
proceeds from this benefit 4-H. A 4-H I think horse program.
And you can click on a horse. And after you're registered, you can bid on it. And
you get a notification. We're still working through a few legal issues. But this is a pretty
dynamic site. And we're really hoping this goes off pretty well. Because the next year
we're actually hoping to take the donations online. This year all of the registrations and
information go to Mark Russell He's going to manage the bidding. It's basically like a
silent auction online. I don't know that we have ever done anything like this before. But
we're really excited to offer these kinds of features. This is something that normally you
would have to outsource or do somewhere else or it just wouldn't be possible.
So Steven has done a really great job setting up this site. And Mark and his team,
they are able to come in and edit any of these pages and add and remove information
about any of these horses. So it's all done via a database. So we are connecting
databases now to the Web site, which is really great.
There's an UAEX mini site in the works. I know Mary and her team are working on
populating content for that. There's a Big Creek Web site. I think I showed that actually
in the December meeting to the faculty. And basically we have all of these mini Web
sites that we can create that look a lot like our current Web site that are branded very
You can actually come in here and -- it's making me log back in again -- and you can
see or I can see -- I'm not sure if everybody else can see this where you can come up
under sites and you can choose all of these different sites. We have a car site. We
have blogs. We have an auction site. A training site. So we're actually going to be
working on a credit union mini site. So we've been working on all of these little mini sites.
Again, this is allowing us to set up and host a mini site where then someone can log in
using their OmniUpdate credentials and it uses the OmniUpdate system without having to
go to something like WordPress or anything like that. So we do have a team here and
resources here that can work on these kind of mini sites.
Speaking of editing the Web site, we have a new OmniUpdate blogging feature.
This is something that we just literally got set up last week. So we met with -- hang on.
Let me get back in here.
Met with -- I'll show you where it is. It's under business and communities Strategic
And the team with the break-through solutions, they've been talking about wanting a
blog to get information out there about community and economic development. And I
said, well, hold your horses, don't start a whole separate blog. We can actually add in a
blog feature within OmniUpdate so all of the blog content is constrained here in our Web
The good thing about that is it's easy to then go in and do a search on our Web site for
that content instead of having somebody go in and search a whole separate site for it.
So we have created this break-through solutions blog feature just yesterday. What
we did is set up a blog. There's a default page where you can come in and add
information here. Just general information about break-through solutions and the things
that they offer for community economic development.
And then you want to add a post. You click on post. Click on new. Blog post.
You type in your title, the author, it might not even be you. You maybe have a ghost
writer or maybe have a guest blogger or something like that, you can have the author
information here.
The description might be a little teaser text, want to know more about learning about
tax breaks for small businesses in Arkansas. Find out more. That would click you over
to the full article.
We can add tags. These are tags that the OmniUpdate team put in for us just by
default. We can add any tags here we want So for example, if they do a story about
community development and youth development and the people at 4-H say they have a
blog they can add a tag here for youth development, we can have a tag here for youth
development, so someone searching on our site for youth development would find both
blog articles. And it basically just crosses all of our content over.
So we've got, say, information maybe about Arkansas row crops. Well, maybe in
economic development -- if they are talking about row crops in economic development
They can then tag and cross reference each other.
This keeps our information, brings us siloed, and tells people, hey, we have more
than just one type of resource here for the topic area.
And this is a really cool feature. Again, we just got this started. This isn't quite live
yet because we're still getting information in from people who want to have a blog and
we're going to work with Serena Fuller about having a food safety blog, as well. So those
are a couple of people who have talked about having some interest in blogging.
So if you have ever thought about maybe adding a blog but weren't really committed
to getting an entire WordPress blog and some of the hurdles that are involved in that, let
us know. And we can set you up a blog within a section. Maybe it could be a county
blog. Maybe it could be -- maybe Becky McPeake could start a wildlife blog or something
like that.
Usually with blogging you want to think about the purpose, who your audience is,
what you want to name the blog, and if you want it to be a back and forth conversation.
There is a feature where you can turn on and off feedback and comments.
A true blog does invite comments so I encourage you to invite people to talk and go
back and forth about your content. Otherwise, it's just sort of a Web site pushing out
information and you're not inviting a discourse.
So along with social media, blogging is about back and forth conversation with your
readers. And so you really want to have people submit questions to you because, we're
supposed to be state experts on some of these things on topics or county experts. So it's
good if you actually allow people to comment on it. I'm not thinking that we would have a
huge number of people. But the idea would be maybe you post about once a week, a
couple of times a month at least. No less than a couple of times a month.
You know, it would be great if you did it about once a week, if you did have a blog.
Just think ahead what kind of content you're going to have. And how often you think you
could post something. These articles don't have to be super long. They can just be a
couple paragraph.
So something like that, if you really want to get out there and you're not really sure
about social media, a blog is the way to go. Because then it keeps, again, the
conversation here on our Web site and also the links will stay on our Web site. Social
media, some important information can be pushed down in the feed and people forget
about it. And not everybody is on social media, either. But everybody would be able to
access our blog.
So as you can see, it's really easy to add a new post. I'm just going to click create
here. Come in, edit the page. Edit main content area. And then type in your content
Hit save like you would on any normal page. And I have the rights to publish. Now,
once you get really used to this and we see you're doing a great job with publishing
pages, I see no reason why you can't just go ahead and publish directly without sending it
to myself or Steven for review.
If you are blogging as much as we hope you would be blogging, then it should just be
a quick turn-around for you to go in, edit a post, add a post, add some tags, and just
publish it directly to the Web site. So you wouldn't have to wait for somebody to approve
And I can just go ahead and delete this page because I don't want to keep it. But you
can see this other post I made yesterday. A sample post. And it's just small business
and taxes. And when I added the name, small businesses and taxes, the page title in the
URL up here, it says small businesses and taxes. So it's going to be important you add
information in keywords if you are going to blogging Because that's how people are
searching online. And it's going to be more likely people will find our stories.
So anyway, this is a really exciting feature. Like I said, we just tested it out
yesterday, it just came to us on Thursday or Friday of last week. So it's really new. But
please don't hesitate to let us know if you're interested in blogging or having a blog to post
articles or anything like that. And I can help you maybe with some strategies for getting
you, you know, content and having new visitors come to the page.
Because what this will do is just get more traffic to our Web site, too. And Google
Analytics will be crawling these pages so we'll be able to track visitors and things like that.
Speaking of visitors, there are ways -- let me get to the front end of this so that people
can subscribe. On some of the pages on the default master blog page we're going to
have for the extension, there's going to be a way that we have sort of a global extension
blog page. And there's going to be a way for people to sign up to get alerts.
So just like on WordPress if people want to sign up to say I want to get an email every
time this blog is published they can sign up for that so you don't have to send out an
additional newsletter to tell them in email, hey, we just updated the blog. So it's going to
work a lot like a regular blog will.
I don't know if you have any questions about that I have everything hidden. So if
you have any questions about that, Mary, just let me know.
>> Okay, Amy, there's a question about tags, do you want to take that now?
>> Yeah, sure.
>> Okay It's Karen Collins asked, are there 4-H WEP, EHC or FCS tags?
>> We can easily add any tags you want to add. So if you start writing in a story,
hey, let us know, we want to add a tag in. Steven and I can go in the code and add in
those check boxes. And just think about things that might cross reference that a lot of
people might want to know about.
So yeah, really the sky is the limit to whatever tags we want to add in there.
That was a really good question.
So that's about it for the blogs. Again, just let us know. Think about it if you're
interested in having a blog, just give me a call and I can talk to you about it and tell you if
a blog is the way to go for you. It's really thinking ahead and what your goals are and the
audience you want to reach.
Again if your audience isn't really on Facebook, you're not sure they are, or maybe
your messages are getting drowned out on Facebook, it could be a blog might be the way
to go. Especially if you have something more than just a little snippet of information to
share. Maybe you've got more in-depth information, that's where a blog would really
come in handy.
All right. So that's the blog. And the next thing we're going to talk about it Constant
So I sent an email out and let everybody know I believe it was last month about
Constant Contact. So we now have a Constant Contact account. And it is sort of a
global extension Constant Contact log-in. And I sent an inquiry last month I think or the
month before who all is interested in maybe sending e-newsletters out
And I got a really good response. And to those people I sent the information and the
log-in information yesterday. I'm going to share this with you guys, if you're not
interested in email, that's fine, go do something else for a second. But email is going to
be a good way to again to hit people who are not in the social media, don't care about
social media, or only go to social media for fun and they are not really there to learn
A lot of people really like getting an e-newsletter and it's just a way you can maybe
have a little teaser text and click more and maybe the bigger story. This would be a great
hand-in-hand tool with your blog. If you had a blog, you can have a full story and then a
teaser text in an email.
This is used very frequently to send out alerts and eBlasts people like to call them.
What's great about this is it's very quantifiable. You can find out who opened your
email. How many people read it. How many clicks you got.
We can track via Google Analytics whole campaigns. So if you have say a
donations campaign and you want to title that campaign we can track that in Google
Analytics and Constant Contact to find out how well your marketing plan worked out.
We have a master template. So this is what it looks like when you log into Constant
Contact. Everybody is going to have the same log-in and password. And we're
allowing people up to about 500 people on their sign-up lists. Constant Contact bills you
based on your database size. So if your database size gets over 500, you go up to
another tier.
And I sent that pricing I believe it's $35 or $45 or something like that a month. So
once you're kicked out of that 500 tier, we ask we're either going to bill you back for that or
maybe set up your own separate Constant Contact. You wouldn't lose your contacts or
anything. But you might want to set up your own account.
This is sort of the training wheels for e-newsletters and it's possible your list might not
get over 500. And that's fine. It's really a good problem to have if it's over 500.
Because then you can just go up and up. And again, it's a really great way to know if
people are interested in hearing back from you. And you can track that.
So this is what it looks like when you log into Constant Contact. Angie Freel has
been in She's already added a 4-H science newsletter. She created this in Constant
She did a great job. She sent it. 104 sent. She had a really good open rate. But
it also tracks forwards, bounces. It should clean up your newsletter list. So if someone
doesn't use an email, it's just a dead email, it should just clean that out.
She has lists she uploaded so you can segment to whatever list you want to upload.
You can manage whatever list you want.
This is a master extension template. I have this labeled please copy. So if you
were going to start this, you might actually copy this instead of just saving over it.
So you can say, yeah, I like this. You can change your fonts. Your colors. This
one has been branded from Constant Contact for us. So this pretty much holds our logo
and the links, publications, county offices, all of the relevant links we want to include
probably in our newsletter.
If you want to create your own, you can preview it and hit continue. You can just
copy this and create your whole list. You can upload a list from Zimbra. Say you got an
email list from Zimbra. It's a little tricky Zimbra doesn't just let you export a list for some
reason. You can just copy out from the to line, everybody that's in that list, put it in Excel
and import in that list. I would suggest naming a list if you're going to do it Crawford
County 4-H, something pretty specific so no one else is going to accidentally use this list.
In Constant Contact because we have a global account, everybody is going to be
able to come in and see your list and your newsletter. We have not had an issue with
people doing that, editing over people's pages in OmniUpdate. I don't anticipate having
that trouble in Constant Contact, either. But if you're worried about that, that might mean
you want to start your own Constant Contact and not use this global one.
But anyway, Constant Contact has really great training There's live chats. There's
help almost 24/7. And they are pretty Johnny on the Spot with helping you out. So if
you wanted to come in and say, okay, I just want to create a whole new email, I want to
create a brand-new one. I don't want to use any of these templates. I just want to
create a new one.
And you can use -- there's predone templates here. You know, select whichever
one you want. And then this is where you can come in. Hover over. You edit it. Edit
this block. Edit the colors, edit the font, edit the photo. Upload your own photos, upload
your own logos. Again a newsletter doesn't have to be really long. It can just be an
announcement or something. It can be a photo and announcement. It can be congrats
to this team or something like that.
I would recommend sending out a newsletter -- if you're going to start a newsletter list,
send out a newsletter no less than once a month. You know, once a week is probably
fine. A couple of times a month is great. You just don't want to be sending out
newsletters constantly because then people might want to unsubscribe from it. But you
do want to let them remember oh, yeah, I did sign up for that newsletter. Because if you
wait too long in between sending newsletters, people will forget and they will unsubscribe
and say, I don't remember signing up for this.
So you just want to make sure you have some sort of plan for writing a newsletter. If
you're already writing newsletters for print, this might be an opportunity for you to also just
copy and paste that content into Constant Contact and send out to people who might not
want to get printed newsletter. Might save you some postage and time. So this is a
really great way -- an opportunity for you to grow your list and find out your clients, if they
want to get an e-newsletter -- a lot of people would rather get an e-newsletter. You might
just find out from them, hey, would you rather get a printed newsletter or an e-newsletter?
And then if you do want to start a Constant Contact, let me know and I can tell you get
started. It's really pretty easy. It's very user friendly
And again, they have training If I can't help you out for some reason, then they have
a lot of training available.
So I was just going to show you sort of the overview of that. Again, it also has
tracking. It will let you know how well a campaign did. It's really, really robust. And
this is used worldwide. And we get a discount being in education. So we get a 30%
discount on top of if -- if you go over the 500 number, you'll get a discount for -- 30%
discount off their pricing that's shown on their Web site.
I don't know that they say that on their Web site. But if you look at the pricing on their
Web site, just take off 30% because you're in education.
Do we have any questions about that?
>> Great, yes. There are several. So let me go to the top to the first one.
First of all, Kristin Higgins said they have about 7,000 contacts on their Constant
Contact account. Just FYI.
Cynthia Roy wanted to know, can you include other people's newsletters in your
newsletter? For instance, if I wanted to include Angie's science newsletter within mine
>> What I would do with that -- that's a good question There's probably going to be a
link to read the newsletter online.
So what I would do with that is find that link for her newsletter. I need to go back and
open it and see. Often these things will say, can't read this, read it online. And it has a
So instead of maybe copying and pasting her content, you know, you might just have
a link that says, we have a lot more information detailed about this in the Clover Stem
newsletter. Click this link to read it online.
I'm pretty sure that most of these will offer an online link because some email clients
sometimes Zimbra, sometimes Gmail like don't show images or it's not showing up right.
So they offer that read it online link. And I believe that's archived.
That's a really good question. And with that, I would probably say that's the best way
to go. That way you're not having to copy and paste her content into your newsletter or
something like that
>> Okay. We have some more questions. Let me see. So Brad Runsick has
asked, so what's the benefit to using Constant Contact versus just sending an email to a
list of producers? And let me tell you what Kristin responded to him and have you add in.
Kristin Higgins said that she thinks Constant Contact makes the emails stand out, you can
put in pictures, links, et cetera, that might not work out in your email.
>> That's exactly right. So if you've got photos and also links to PDFs, links to
further articles, No. 1, if you're sending out to mass amounts of people from your Outlook
constantly, what Constant Contact is is they have a series of servers that send out so that
it doesn't look like you're spamming people.
So back in the old days, and people still do it, people would have lists of hundreds and
hundreds of people in their Outlook for example. You can send out a quick message to
them. But after a while if you're constantly sending back and forth, at least this was the
reason that we used to have what's called an iron court server. And it's a server that has
many different IP addresses. So you're sending Constant Contact from many different
IP addresses. So it doesn't see one person is spamming all of these people. It sends
out from a range.
So it's possible, you know, I don't know how much -- Sam would probably have to
answer this question How likely it is that you would get blacklisted for spamming.
Because you're sending out to this blast of people. And it's possible sometimes those
receiving servers might see you as a spammer.
Constant Contact though, sends out from a range of IP addresses. And then you're
not going to be flagged as possible spam. That's one of the reasons.
But the other one is that you can make graphics of course like she was saying. You
can have -- you don't have to have attachments. You just have links that then send you
somewhere. You can have you know different colors and photos. And people are used
to getting an e-newsletter. It's branded with our logo.
You can forward it to somebody and then you can track that. It's really difficult to
track anything if you're sending out to a bunch -- it really depends on what your message
is. If you want to track and see how many people are opening it, how many people
clicked on it, how many people -- what the click-through rate was, if you send it from
Outlook, you don't have any of that information. For all you know, people are just
deleting it all.
So for things with Constant Contact and software like that it tells you like we saw with
Angie's, this many people opened it. This many people read it. She knows it's going to
a pretty good audience. It has almost a 50% open rate, which is great. And people
aren't just deleting it.
So that's the kind of information you want to get. You know if you're just sending out
-- shooting out a message to people and it's like, hey, don't forget about the meeting
tonight. That's not what a newsletter is for A newsletter is really about sending out
quality information It just makes it look nicer as a marketing tool, as well.
>> Okay We have a few more questions.
Jerry LaFleur wants to know, are we charged to use the global list?
>> Up until 500, no. Once you get -- once you have your list and say it hits 501, you
know, Sam and I -- this is all sort of new. We talked about possibly billing back to your
department for the bigger list.
Because we would get charged more and we couldn't possibly hold thousands and
thousands and thousands because everybody would start getting more people and then
that would just become cost prohibitive for us. But up to 500 we're prepared to host that
many for as many people as want to try it out.
So like I said, this is sort of the training wheels of Constant Contact. But we will
cover up to 500 on your list.
>> Okay The next question from Cynthia Rory is can these newsletters be printed
and mailed?
>> I think there's usually a print version You should be able to. There's a printable
version. That's my stats. Let me get to it. That's a good question. Again, we just
started this like last month.
These are your stats. So it looks like you can print your stats. I'm going to copy this
so I don't mess with her original.
Once you send it, once you receive it, it's pretty much going to look like this. I mean,
it's going to look like I'm looking at it right here. You know can't see this because you
have to forward it to a friend, join our mailing list.
We have unsubscribed feature, which is very important.
The thing about printing them, if that's how you're going to do it, is, you know, if you
have any links like this, she's got a video here, she's got links and things, you know, that
take you to different Web sites. Those are going to be not useful in a printed version.
So it really sort of depends on if you want to -- what you're putting in there. I don't
see why it wouldn't be able to be. You would just have to have like a color printer
available. And it's not going to be like a trifold thing, depending on how long it is, it might
not fit on one page, either.
You would probably be able to print out, if you made them sort of a shorter newsletter,
to print on your print screen or something like that. I don't see why you couldn't. You
just probably have to play around with it a little bit.
This one looks too long for example to fit on an 8.5 by 11 page. So it really sort of
depends on how you would want to do it.
I don't see why it wouldn't be.
>> Well, and Amy, if anybody out there has printed and mailed a Constant Contact
newsletter, if they would put it in the text chat that would help.
>> Yeah, I have my email closed. I received her newsletter. So I have my email
closed right now. So I don't have it open to check and see if there's a view online or
anything like that. I can click preview and see what it looks like.
>> And maybe we can park this question to the end.
>> That is a good question, though.
>> Because we have several more for you
>> Okay.
>> Okay. Katie Holland wants to know, is there a widget or anything we can embed
in our Web site to have email addresses directly submitted into a particular Constant
Contact list?
>> Funny you should say that, yes. So we are working on -- Steven is working on
this. A page where we have sort of a global sign-up. And that's the other thing I wanted
to do. Where I'm a visitor I come to the extension site. Yeah, I want extension news
And we're going to work with the communications department to have sort of a general
what's happening in the extension this month. But then say you want to hear from 4-H or
the FNET team or SNAP-Ed or something like that My goal is to have a page somewhat
like this. And we have this register page which is actually live -- let's see if I can find it.
The Zoom features are all -- here it is.
So this is a page that we have created where right now, this is what it looks like. My
ideal is say, choose the topic areas you would like to hear from. Oh, yeah, I would love to
hear from business development, fortune news And maybe not all counties will be doing
a newsletter but you can select the wins that are at least available. Oh, yeah, I'm in
Pulaski County, I'm going to check that box, too, I want to receive.
So then I will get signed up to all of those lists. And so my goal is to have a global
sign-up page. So people can see all of the different departments. Like I didn't know we
did, you know, voting -- voter education. Yeah, I would like to hear about those
And hopefully what I can do is integrate the CED Constant Contact sign-up into this
page. I'm trying to see if we can do something like that.
Again, we can also have a little sign-up widget on your county page sign up hear for
our newsletters. It can either have an embedded area on your page or it can click over to
this page where people ask see all of the different things they can sign up for.
So yeah, that's a really good question. So this is sort of the dream we're working
towards of having a global sign-up and a global extension e-newsletter for everybody.
>> Next question, what are the U of A logo usage guides with the templates?
>> That my assumption would be that they would follow pretty much all of our other
What I did in this one -- let me get back to it.
So I sent them the information probably anything that you used online would apply to
an e-newsletter.
So we use the same logo that we have in our header. I think it would just be anything
that's for use online or in publications would also apply here
So I don't know that we really -- I probably need to talk to Mary about that and ask her
if there's any kind of special circumstances we would need for e- newsletters. Or if she
already has some information about that But that's actually something that I should write
down and talk to Mary about.
>> All of the text chat will be saved so that you can review it, Amy. And also people
are putting lots of good suggestions back in. So that will be saved. Because we won't
be able to acknowledge everything that's being put in the text chat. We're going to try to
answer all of the questions.
There's one more. Bev Dunaway asked, and it's been a bit ago, are we talking about
accessing Constant Contact from within Outlook only?
>> You can get to it from any email client. So Constant Contact is a separate Web
site. You go there and you build your newsletter. And it will go to anybody. It will go to
Gmail. It will go to anything
I personally use Outlook. A lot of people use Zimbra So you can upload lists from
Outlook You can upload lists from Excel files So it can connect pretty much anything.
It's made to connect to all kinds of different email clients So you don't have to have
Outlook necessarily to use it.
>> Okay. It looks like I think I've covered everybody's questions. If I've missed one,
go ahead and send it in the text chat and I'll send it back to you, Amy.
>> Great. Good. I'm glad we had a lot of interest in that. And you know, there are
classes, also, that they offer at Constant Contact. And I can help you out with writing for
a newsletter is -- for an e-newsletter is probably fairly similar to writing for a regular
But you want to avoid words like free or a bunch of exclamation points because that's
going to be caught in spam filters. So there are tips in Constant Contact for crafting a
newsletter to make sure they get past those spam filters. And if you really get into writing
for newsletters, e-newsletters, then I can help you out with that.
Glad there was a lot of interest in that.
The last thing I'm going to talk about before I hand it over is Google Analytics We
have some fairly exciting information to share with you about Google Analytics. This is
our global Google Analytics page here. And I'm going to come up to the homepage. I'm
going to look at all Web site data.
And something that we added just a couple of weeks ago was something called
Universal Analytics. We had thought that this was added a long time ago. But it wasn't.
Long story with that.
But anyway it's enacted now. What Universal Analytics allows us to do is several
We can now track data about -- not just -- we used to only be able to track like
information about you know browsers and things like that that people were using. Now
we can go in and look at demographics We can look at the age of people.
As you can see, this is when we started it. So we started getting data on this date in
January, January 5th. So now you can actually see the data.
This is the age range of the people who come to our Web site.
So we have you know sort of skewed a little bit older. We have not as much
information -- interest from people 18 to 24, which is not surprising. They are all on
social media.
We have gender information. Male and female. And this is, again, the information
that Google is getting from browser histories and things like that.
A little bit creepy. But it can find out who is coming to your Web site. We don't know
who these people are. There are privacy laws that keep people from knowing that.
So now we can do age, gender.
The other thing is event tracking. So say you've got a PDF download that you want
to know how many people are looking at that download. Again, this just started once the
Google Analytics was updated with Universal. So we have download information.
These are events Somebody clicked on email links. This is from March 1st to
January 19th. Of course it's only going to track this information since we added it in
How many people clicked on a phone number that might be on a device where you
can actually click and call somebody. How many people downloaded PDF.
We have a specific event for the Farm Bill base acre fact sheet which shows up
because we named this event. If you have a PDF that you're really interested in tracking
that's on this site that, say you spend a lot of time creating this and you upload it and you
always wonder how many people are actually downloading this thing, so you can find out
if it's worth your while or not to keep doing this, at least posting it to the Web site. Let us
know and we can create separate tracking for that.
Since the beginning of time when we added that in, that tracking in, 11 people have
downloaded that people specific Which is kind of varied on the Farm Bill page. So
that's pretty good information to have
Say you've got a big event coming up and you've got a PDF file you put up on the
Web site and you want to know how popular it is, let us know and we can add tracking to
that specific PDF file or Word file or PowerPoint file or whatever it is. And we can track
how many people download it.
At some point we can actually add in tracking for -- say you posted video. We can
track how many people watch the whole video How many people paused it. How many
people left the video.
You can also get that information from YouTube But we are able to do that as an
event in Google Analytics, as well. So this is pretty interesting information. Because we
don't do paid advertising there are still features in Google Analytics that we don't use
because we don't have a conversion rate. Say we don't have a monetary number
assigned to downloading the Farm Bill fact sheet. So it's not worth it to us like if you
wanted to put that in hours oh, yeah, it's like 50 bucks for this PDF or something like that.
Then we can add an actual monetary amount to that. Google wants you to add a
monetary amount to everything. Just so you can find sort of an ROI for your Web site.
So we can add that if you want to. But since we don't do paid advertising, there's
some features in Google Analytics that we just never use. But these events are
important to us because people are asking all the time, how many people downloaded my
file? And until this month, I wasn't able to tell them. So this is really good information.
So just let us know if you want to track anything and we can add that code.
Any other questions about any of this?
>> Amy, currently there are none in the text chat.
>> Okay It's a lot of information. Google Analytics has a ton of information in it.
So it's a very robust feature. So if you're ever wondering about the stats for your page or
if you want a report or something like that, let me know, and I can come in and export a
report for you for any particular page. I can actually get under here under site content, all
pages. I can show you what pages are popular. I can search for your page. I can tell
you how many people went to the page.
This is again traffic from last year to this year. So this is a big number. I can change
this to just this month. Apply. And I can show you this is the traffic for just this month.
So if you have a range of time you want us to track, we can do that, too.
>> Okay We have a tracking question. Or a couple of them.
>> Okay
>> Let me give them to you all at once.
Who do we ask to track, you ->> Yes.
>> -- or is this something we can set up on our pages? And how far ahead of time do
we need to let you know to track?
>> If you can just let me know, say you upload a PDF file, say you are going to upload
it tomorrow. Just let me know beforehand. Actually you can upload the PDF file and let
us know, myself and Steven, and we can add specific tracking code. It really depends on
what you want to track.
There are filters I can add so you can look at the information at any time.
There's a couple of things I can do. I can give you a log-in to Google Analytics to
read only. And you can log in and mess around in Google Analytics.
It's a lot of information. So it's probably information overload. Some of it you might
not care about it. And there's different ways that you can enter different dimensions and
features in Google Analytics. So just know ahead of time you're going to get sort of an
avalanche of information if you get Google Analytics, which is fine. I can show you how
to walk through that.
There is a gadget in OmniUpdate that has never quite worked right in my opinion that
actually shows you your stats over on the right. It's like a little gadget. So you're logged
into OmniUpdate page -- I can probably go in here and show you what it looks like if it's
set up.
And it works but it starts the day I set it up. You won't get historical data Because I
have to add what's called a feature -- a filter. And so when I add a filter in Google
Analytics, it starts that day and goes forward. You won't get information from the past six
So it really depends on what kind of data you want. If you want historical data, don't
worry about the Google thing. But the gadget in OmniUpdate.
Let me see if I can get in here and show you what one looks like. It may or may not
show up correctly.
Page analytics.
So this is -- this is what it looks like. It's probably not set up for this particular page is
why it says zero. But if I set up the right filter, this is what it would look like. So you can
do the last seven days, today, yesterday
Again, it's just if you ask me to start this today, it's going to start today It won't give
you information about two months ago.
So you know, that's fine. If you want to start it today and go forward and you know
going forward how many people are looking at your pages. But it will show you page
use, unique page use. Exit rate. And then what you can do is add this to your
dashboard so when you look in OmniUpdate, you can see these dashboards with
average page -- average time per visit, last seven days, page views
I have non-county set up and I have county set up So I've got different gadgets for
I just go straight into Google Analytics I don't know the veracity of some of these
things coming from OmniUpdate. It's supposed to be pulling from Google Analytics.
But the numbers are not ever quite matched up. So it's either something I'm doing wrong
and I've submitted to them a bunch of questions about this. So if you want that gadget,
I'm happy to set it up for you. I would just take that data with a grain of salt. The data
that comes directly from Google Analytics is probably the way to go. And I can send you
a -- if you have a Gmail account, I can set you up to log into Google Analytics and look at
I hope that answers the question.
Anything else?
>> No more questions at this time.
>> Okay I think the next thing we're going to talk about is online donations. And I
don't know if -- I'm going to stop sharing. And I believe Steven and Yvonne are going to
take it from here for online donations. And then Steven is going to talk about a Flickr
gadget and Mary is going to talk about video transcribing services.
So take it away Steven.
>> Welcome to our online giving donation Web site demonstration. As you can see
we have a field called designation. And as this program is built up, different program
areas will be in this drop-down. And they can receive online donations.
Type in your gift amount. And if they wish to do additional gifts, press that. And
again, pick another place. Put in your amount ->> Excuse me; could you make it larger? I can't read it
>> About me is all the required ->> Steven, I think you need to stop sharing and go again because it's really blurred
and they can't see. And we probably need to start it over.
So let's see what we can do.
>> We're going to go to the Web site and let's try it live.
This has been modified for 4-H, the 4-H logo at the top. And it's showing as proof of
concept two donation locations. Do a drop-down. The Congress trip. Just pick one.
Yeah. Right.
And then we would be able to put in an amount.
What we were doing here was to show that we can take the -- go to ->> Excuse me again; it's still really blurry and we're getting comments on here that it's
very distorted, they can't read anything or see anything.
>> I have no idea.
>> So Steven, are you on your computer?
>> Yes, I'm just sitting here. I'm sharing the screen.
>> Stop sharing. And then which browser are you using?
>> Chrome.
>> Before you start sharing again, would you check your settings? And then let's try
it again.
>> Do you have a specific resolution we should be using?
>> I'm not looking at resolution as much as I usually look at the text size. But it must
be -- it might be a resolution thing. Sam, I'm going to ask you to help me out here, too, if
you have any ideas. And make sure you're full screen.
If everybody will just bear with us just a second.
>> Go up and hit settings up in the upper corner there.
>> Okay.
>> I don't know if it would help. I could show you my screen. If my screen was clear
to everybody.
>> And Yvonne would talk you through it?
>> Yeah, we can try it that way.
>> Okay, Steven and Yvonne --
>> Unfortunately your screen is very small to me over here.
>> You can ->> Let's just go to
>> Do you want Amy Cole to do that?
>> Yeah, let's try that.
>> Amy, go ahead and share your screen and go ahead and do that. And Yvonne
and Steven, keep your microphone open and let's see if we can do that.
>> All right.
>> Once they are doing that, all of our participants, once she shares her screen, if
you're having -- if you're on your computer and having a hard time, if you go up to more at
the top and in the middle, you can go to original size or you can go -- change it to fit to
Okay. That is much clearer. Go ahead, Yvonne.
>> Okay Can you still hear me?
>> Yes.
>> Yes.
>> Okay. If you'll look at the designation line, as this program is built up over time,
different departments and programs can be in this drop-down. And you select one -- just
select one.
>> Okay.
>> And put in an amount less than $900. Okay. Then in the about me, this is the
information that's needed to process this donation.
First and last. Address. City. State and zip.
Okay. And a legitimate email address. Yeah, something you can get to and show
everyone. And a phone number
All right. If you'll go down and hit review your gifts.
Okay. If there were any errors, you know, where you partially fill something out or
whatever, this is where it would show up as an error.
Some of the fields, though, that have the red asterisk on the previous screen, they
won't let you go ahead without them. But there are some things as you go further on that
you may have left part of it out. And that would be an error.
But notice you can see that she has chosen the 4-H Congress trip. If you'll hit
All right. For the sake of testing, if you'll go down to card type, select Visa. And put
a 4 and then 15 1s.
>> 15, okay.
>> And the CVN is three 1s. And the date is any date past where we are now
>> Oh, just do something like that?
>> Right.
>> Okay.
>> And go on down.
>> Click next?
>> Yes
>> Okay.
>> And hit donate. And return to Web site
>> Oh, great.
>> We'll get a thank you. And then Amy will get an email that will show her receipt.
>> Cool Oh, that's great..
>> So if you check your email, it should be there.
>> I have my email closed right now
>> Yeah. But anyway, you'll get a receipt that shows exactly who you donated to.
>> Cool.
>> And how much. Which card you used. And the important thing is the order
number and the date. And that helps match them up for tax seasons and stuff like that.
What we have also done is shown that we can go a direct donate button from like 4-H
wanted to do one. So if you go back up to where it says Dgifts and back up and then right
there type in fourh/ enter, this is proof -- yeah, this is just in proof of concept mode. But
you can see that it's logoed out. And what would happen from their 4-H page or pages,
that we have a donate button. And it would come right to this department to see if they
had their own sub web, if you will, and it's logoed out for them. And it just has their
department stuff in the drop-down.
If you touch designation, see, it's just showing the two things we were given as proof
of concept.
>> Okay.
>> But you can add and subtract as you go along.
Like you may have a one-time thing. It can go on there. And when it's over, it's
taken off
>> That's very cool.
>> And of course if you go to the -- nalc ->> I'm a little dyslexic this morning.
>> See the law center has the same thing. But you notice they only have one
possible location and a designation. There is no drop-down.
Whereas 4-H would have plenty.
>> Uh-huh.
>> So that's how we would make it, you know, work for different areas
And you also notice in the NALC, it doesn't have about spouse, about employer and
all of that other stuff. Because they are not collecting that information.
>> Right.
>> So it's easier to leave it in until you say, well, we don't need that. And then we
take it out.
>> Cool
>> Okay. Does anybody have any questions?
>> Yes, there are several questions.
The first one is, why less than $900?
>> Oh, it's just for testing.
>> That makes sense.
>> It's just for testing. The 900 is the flag for fraud.
>> Okay.
>> For testing. For testing.
So we would see what the fraud flags looked like.
>> Okay So if I wanted to give $1500 in the actual real world ->> We don't care. We want all your money
>> We just don't take cents.
>> Okay.
>> No 50 cents, 25 cents. No 44 cents.
>> All right. The next question -- we have several more questions.
>> Uh-huh.
>> Any way to be able to tie into our county 501(c)(3) 4-H foundation's checking
>> I don't get that. What? Oh, you mean like the county has a checking account?
>> For their 4-H foundation that's a 501(c)(3) that can take ->> So it's a separate thing, right?
>> Yes, I'm assuming that's correct. Brad? Brad Runsick is asking the question.
Yeah, he says yes, it's a separate account.
>> Then it might say Bradley County 4-H.
>> Okay
>> In the designation. And then behind it is Oregon fund for the money people.
You know how they love their Oregon fund. I don't see this part but behind this trip is an
Oregon fund. So it goes specifically to that Oregon fund
>> All right. There's another -- there's some more questions. Hang on.
Would we be able to -- Kristin Higgins is asking, would we be able to use this for
conference registration?
>> No, Kristin, there is a registration program that's separate.
>> The next question, and bear with me. And I'm really going to have to send Zoom
support this ->> Let me ask you a question, though. It really could be but that's kind of -- because
we're asking them to put in an amount. But if you wanted to use it for registration, you
would have to set the amount, wouldn't you?
>> Yeah. So that's something you could test --
>> We could do that. But here is the thing, there is a registration program already.
>> Okay.
>> And it does all sorts of neat and nifty things.
>> Okay For the sake of time, I'm going to park that one. Any of these that we're
not answering fully, you can always email, call, and we can -- or we can stay on at the end
and cover in detail.
Another question, can this be for county programs or is it only for 4-H? And you
might have answered that already; I'm sorry.
>> No, you can use it for county programs. And some county programs have time
limits. You say it starts in February and it ends in August or something like that.
We could do that
>> Uh-huh.
>> But it's all tied to an Oregon fund. It's got to have a separate Oregon fund
combination. Make sure the money goes to the right place.
>> Okay Thank you Next question is from Belinda Weaver. Are reports of these
gifts sent to the development office in some way?
>> Yes.
>> Okay. Next question from Karen Ballard. What does relationship to Ag
Development Council mean? What are the choices?
>> Oh, hit the drop-down. No. Further down in the bottom of the about me. Up,
up, up.
>> Oh, I see.
>> Yeah. I keep wanting to move my mouse for you. And it does not work at all.
See there, those are the choices.
Now, I will have to tell you that Merritt Royal was the one who provided that.
So if there needs to be more or some of it needs to be taken off, that can be done, too.
Click the about my spouse. See Maybe you don't collect that information. So that
can go away. About my employer, same story.
Now, some employers do do a matching gift. So that was why that was requested
that be there.
And in memorial and all, that's pretty much self explanatory.
>> Okay. There's another question.
Is there a fee for using this at the county level?
>> You mean like adding your stuff to the drop-down list?
>> There's no detail. But I'm guessing yes.
>> Not that I know of, no.
>> Okay.
>> You can send me money, if you would like. I'm not proud.
>> Okay Yes, for using the service.
All right. There's a couple of things. And this is just a Zoom teaching moment.
Some of you are having a difficult time seeing the screen share. So in any screen share,
if you're on your computer up at the top in the middle it says -- like I'm seeing, you are
viewing any call screen, it says more, you can either fit to window or resize it. So if you're
having a hard time seeing that.
And if anything else is not working, we'll have to test it later.
Those are all of the questions I'm seeing right now related to online giving.
>> Right. If you have any more questions, you can send me an email.
>> All right.
>> Thank you very much.
>> Thanks, Yvonne.
Next up we have the new Flickr gadget. And I'm not sure if we want Steven to try his
computer or if he just wants to walk me through doing the Flickr gadget or if he just wants
to come into my office and do this. Any one of those ways is fine. Steven, I can stop
sharing if you want to try it over there.
>> Steven is heading your way.
>> Okay That would probably be a good way to do it
(Background talking.)
>> All right. So I'll let him have a seat here. You can drive my computer.
>> All right. Let's see.
Did you get the chat link that I sent you?
>> Huh-uh.
>> No?
Did you have the page already open?
>> It can be anything. If you want to go to the I.T. page under support units. I have
a testing page under there.
I.T. and then Web site help 1 is the one I test on a lot.
>> All right. This new Flickr gadget, if you have a Flickr account and you post your
images and pictures there, the Flickr gadget will actually allow you to pull your Flickr
albums, your sets, directly into the WSYWYG.
By default I think that Flickr image selector gadget is enabled. So you should just be
able to click the little plug-in up here at the top. Open it up. I'm going to go ahead and
close this page analytics.
And then there will be the Flickr image selector. And basically just click on it. As
you can tell there are already some images being pulled in. But I'm going to use
communication has a 2014 centennial celebration album. And what we need is the set
So any time you view a specific album, it will have your name, the sets, and then a
particular number.
So basically just copy that. And then back in the WSYWYG, say we wanted to
replace this particular image with one of our images from that album, we would paste in
that particular set ID. And then click get images
And as you can see, it's basically updated with all of the images that are in that
particular album. So say we wanted to use -- that one. Basically just click on it. And it
will replace that particular image.
They work in the snippets or if you just want to put a particular image on the page
itself, just place the cursor where you want the image to go and then click the image.
Pretty simple. Really easy to use.
Right now, like I said, it uses the album set number. And I think we may in the future
change that to where you can put in, you know, a direct link to any particular group of
images. Or we may even do like keywords where you can type in cats and be able to pull
up images from Flickr that way, as well.
>> So the accessibility image, do you want to talk about the tags?
>> By default all of our pages really need to be accessible. So once you have added
that image, you just right click, go to insert edit image. And as you can see, the title is
actually what's being used from Flickr. So if you want to be a little bit more descriptive,
you would just add -- let's see here. Add a descriptive title.
And by default, you've got to have both the image description and the title set before
you can update that.
So we'll go ahead and add a descriptive description.
>> And that image description is for accessibility. So you want to make sure -- I don't
know -- I actually don't know what's happening in that. Terracing Arkansas. Historical
photo terracing in Arkansas.
>> There we go
But yeah, make sure both the description and the title are filled out. And then click
update. That way when this page is published, as you can tell, the terracing and
descriptive title is popping up already, that way any of the screenreaders should be able
to pull that information out and read that off to them. And that's about it.
I mean, there's really not a whole lot to it. It's not really complicated Pretty easy to
use. If you have any issues with it, just let Amy or I know and we'll take a look at it. So
that's about it.
>> There's one question.
If I have an album from my county, can I use my images, also?
>> Yeah, I don't see why not.
>> Sure.
>> As long as you know the album's set number Back up. Yeah.
So view all albums, as long as you know that each one of these is an album So
when you click on it, it's going to give you that number up here.
So your county, sets, and that particular number. Just copy that number right there.
Paste that into that box there on the gadget and click, get photos.
>> And Flickr is free.
>> Yeah, there's no cost to it.
>> So if you have your photos say in Facebook or something like that. Just start a
Flickr account and name it something for your county like Sebastian County photos It's
really easy to use Flickr. You name your albums. And then all of a sudden you don't
only have your online gallery where your photos are, it will allow you to add keywords and
stuff to your photos when you upload them, too. So if you go ahead and do it when you
upload them to Flickr, it will upload them and transfer them to that gadget.
>> The way the gadget is set up, it pulls it all directly from Flickr. If you put the title in
then and the descriptive tags for it, it just saves you that extra step of having to actually go
in and add the image, you just click the image, and it puts everything on the page for you.
Pretty easy to use.
>> It saves you a few steps when you're adding in images. You just already upload
them to Flickr. Then you don't have to go and browse and upload them to our server,
you're just pulling them from Flickr.
>> So like both of these, neither one of them have the description set. So you would
have to manually set that. So just things to keep in mind.
>> So they need a Flickr account to upload it to Flickr, is that correct.
>> Correct.
>> Okay We have another question.
How do you get to the widget?
>> The widget. It should be enabled by default. Whenever you're in the WYSIWYG
mode -- like right now we're working on the page. Over here on the right-hand side
there's a little power cord icon. Hover over it, it says show gadgets. Basically just click
it. This panel will slide open. And you should see Flickr image selector down at the very
bottom. And just click on it once to actually get it to open up.
If for some reason it's not in that list, in this particular list here, check the little gear
icon next to gadgets. And when you click that, it will actually pull up a list of all of the
available gadgets that we have right now. And you would just need to find Flickr image
selector. And just make sure the check box is checked. And then click save. And then
it should show up in that list.
I think I've got it enabled for the entire account so everybody should be able to get to
>> Is there a price for each county?
>> No, there's no cost involved at all. As long as you've got a free Internet -- like
Amy said, Flickr is free. So just basically set up a Flickr account for your particular
county. Once you go in, the process I think you actually upload the image first. That will
allow you to set your title as well as the descriptive tags. And then once it's saved, then
you'll need to go create your album. And then you actually just add those pictures to that
particular album.
And then when you view the album, you'll have that number that you actually need to
plug in here. So that you'll actually generate those images here on that gadget.
>> Okay. There's a couple -- Amy had just said, I thought we could access our
UAEX Flickr account without signing up for an account. I have always just accessed the
photos that way I do know we can access those photos. But is the question, can we -can a county, a department, upload photos to the UAEX Flickr account?
>> Upload it? I don't know.
>> That I don't know.
>> It's not how do you get a Flickr account. And I guess those directions would need
to be emailed out or posted on the Web site.
>> Yeah, that's something separate But Amy, if you want to, say, use one of those
photos like Chris down there getting his award, you can just go in and grab that set
because it's public and then just pull it in and use it.
So if it's already uploaded, say Mary and hear team have uploaded it already, you can
use any of those photos from our extension account.
This would be -- you would want to create an account if you had your own personal
county photos or program photos, you know, and you can work with Mary I don't know
how she allows for access to that. If she wanted to add another album or something.
You might say, hey, I don't want to create a whole Flickr account but I would just like to
add a different album.
I don't know what the rights are in Flickr if she can add different users. I don't know
how that works exactly. It's so easy to set up an account, though. So if you had a whole
bunch of photos and you didn't want to have to bother Mary about it, just set up your own
county or program photos. That's the only reason you need to set up an account.
But if you want to use any of these photos that are already there in our extension one,
you don't have to set up an account. You just go in and grab that set number.
>> Okay So can you give -- send out directions on how to get a Flickr account? Or
do you just ->> I'll post that along with the instructions on how to use the gadget.
>> Yeah, all I did was go to Flickr and click sign-up and followed their instructions.
>> Okay There are no more questions right now.
>> All right. That's it. I think ->> We'll turn it over to Mary.
>> Next up is Mary. The last on our agenda. I set the meeting to be about an hour
and a half just in case. And I'm glad I did.
>> Okay Amy, if you will open the chat, I'm going to turn over the text chat to you.
And if you'll hit stop sharing -- well, I can start sharing my screen.
>> All right.
>> So Amy asked me to share with you about getting your videos transcribed. And
we're required to have a transcript up with our videos that we post. And I've been
working more directly with Bobby Coats and the Farm Bill webinars to get them
So she asked me to share with you the service that we've been using and how we do
it. So let me share my screen.
I'm going to share my desktop.
And so yesterday afternoon -- so you won't have access to this until -- just a second,
I'll send it out to Amy -- I'll -- I sent it to Amy Cole this morning. But she'll post it
where it needs to be posted and send it out to you.
But this is the service. Thanks to Karen Ballard, when we were doing the virtual field
tour with Service Science Challenge, has used this transcription service. They are out of
Lombard, Illinois. But I asked him yesterday to send us a rate quote and the process of
how you request the services.
So basically we -- when we request -- you know, we finish the recording, we send
them a link to the recording or actually you can do -- send the actual recording. Well, you
can't email the actual recording. It's too big. I'll show you in just a second where we'll
do that. We particularly have a link that we send. And Steven and Amy and Sam, you
can pop in here at any minute and add details here
But I email him. And then I tell him how fast we want it. And so you can see under
-- let me grab my markup tools here My arrow is the favorite one to use.
You can see on here the pricing overview so when you get a copy of this, you'll see,
you know, gold Level 100% accuracy rush turn-around which we are on a rush because
we are wanting to get things posted for external clients -- clientele to see
This is what you pay per minute to be transcribed.
So you can see the different levels, depending on what you need.
So we have an internal YouTube site that Steven converts the Farm Bill recordings
and we put it on our internal YouTube. We send them the link to YouTube. And then
here is the pricing on that down here. You can kind of just see that.
So what happens is -- and back up here, I'm sorry I'm jumping around.
Videos can also be uploaded to their site or Dropbox or do some kind of file share.
And you can email them here and ask them questions and they are really good about
getting back with you.
So what we do is we email the link to the video. Tell them what the level of service
we want. And then I tell them who to send the bill to, the invoice to. And in this case it
goes to Bobby Coats' department. Melody and Bobby get the invoice.
And so what they do then -- and I just talked to Melody this morning, I'm going to
reduce this. Here is an example of the invoice. They send them the invoice -- actually it
says program and staff development. I guess we need to get that changed. I think he
has that on there from before. I haven't told him the department. So that would be
important to put the department on there.
But they send the invoice. And then Melody goes ahead -- and let me look at my
notes because I don't do this. Does the requisition and goes forward from there and they
get paid.
So it's -- you know, that's a transcription service we have started to use. I'm going to
stop sharing.
And you know, the other option that you can do, if you don't want to pay for it to be
transcribed, is somebody can sit and listen to it and create the transcription Do the
Are there any questions?
>> I don't see any. And again, everybody, it's important to transcribe your videos
because it is for people who can watch the video but maybe can't hear it.
So especially if you've got instructional videos or anything like that, it is Federal law
that we follow accessibility standards. And so you know, again, this is a really affordable
service. And clearly a quick turn-around time.
So there are some videos I know that are posted somewhere in different places on
the Web site. Usually what we do is you have the video embedded. Just have a link,
here is the transcription of the video. It's like a PDF or a Word file underneath it.
Mary, do you see the question?
>> Yes, every department or county pays for their own transcription. So that ->> I would add that because we have so many technical terms, even though you pay
for 100% accurate, accuracy, you do need to review them. I would just -- I can't say
enough good things about this organization. They are very responsive. They try really
hard. But you do still need to do a final review before you post it. Because there are
terms that sound so close and are out of context.
So there is some minor editing. And you may want to change the format a little bit.
We often do that just for usability. But they are very, very affordable. And they are nice
people to work with.
>> Yeah, affordable being the operative word. I think that's really the most
affordable I've seen. So 75 bucks, I mean, if the video was important, especially if you
want to post it Web site, it's really good to have that transcription under there.
All right. I don't know if we have any other questions just generally or about any of
the topics. If everybody is good to go, I'm glad everybody stayed with us. So we lost a
few people. But we did run a little long.
I'm going to post a follow-up. We're going to have this recorded. I'm going to post
this to our Web site and the home page the recording of the video so people who weren't
able to make it today can watch what we showed. We're going to send out information
I'm going to follow up with Mary Hightower about the logos and e-newsletters. We're
going to post information on the Web site help page, also, about the transcription service
just for internal employees to know who to use.
We're going to send out Flickr sign-up information. And the gadget instructions.
And just like I said, email me if you want to -- you're interested in using Constant Contact.
What I was thinking about doing is maybe having a student session like this to walk
everybody through Constant Contact.
The other option is you just contact them yourself. And I can send you the log-in and
password. And you guys can -- you go in and start tinkering around with newsletters.
And the blog, let me know if you're interested in that. And we'll set you up with that,
All right. And same thing with online donations, let Yvonne know. Email her if you
want to get online donations started for your organization. You just need a fund and org
number I believe.
This is being provided in a rough-draft format. Communication Access Realtime
Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may
not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings.