The Daily Sales Log

The Daily Sales Log
• It is a good practice to log in funds received
by using the Daily Sales Log.
• If funds are being transmitted to Financial
Services for deposit – it is an imperative.
• is a
quick access link to this log.
The Daily Sales Log ensures that your
funds are deposited and credited to
the correct fund and org.
• Fill in your Department or County
• Enter the Fund # and Org #
Enter for each receipt:
Name of person submitting funds
Their address
City, State, Zip
Check # or write cash
Item Pur. = what funds are for
Your receipt #
Processed by – is you!
This is a template and it will calculate
your totals.
Make copies of checks – and attach.
Attach yellow copies of your receipts.
Mail to CES – Financial Services:
Checks to be deposited
Copies of checks
Yellow receipt copies
Be sure to keep copies for your records