June 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 Logical Sector-based Resource Hopping Coexistence using Direct Communication Date: 2009-06-xx Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.19. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.19. Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <http:// ieee802.org/guides/bylaws/sb-bylaws.pdf>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the TAG of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair <shellhammer@ieee.org> as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.19 TAG. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at <patcom@ieee.org>. Submission Slide 1 Apurva N Mody (BAE Systems), Ranga Reddy (US Army) June 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 Abstract • This contribution discusses methods for resource allocation in situations that demand coexistence • We propose Two Modes of operation – Normal mode and Co-existence Mode • We propose that a TVBD system will try and resolve the channel selection issues with neighboring TVBD systems, first, based on what is known as spectrum etiquette in 802.22. • If channel selection does not get resolved using spectrum etiquette, then the TVBD system will go into the Co-Existence Mode. Co-Existence Mode of operation is when it is expected that a TVBD may interfere with other TVBDs in the area. • How the system resource is divided can be left up to future discussion. From the our perspective, we propose sub-frame creation and sharing – concepts similar to the ones discussed in IEEE 802.16h. • In the co-existence mode, the sub-frames are divided into zones. Clock-wise or anticlock-wise rotation policy is followed to achieve diversity and control message passing. • Using sub-frame for resource allocation allows guaranteed QoS, delay and jitter requirements in situations that demand co-existence – It can drive applications such as VoIP and Gaming • We also suggest a couple of basic coexistence metrics Submission Slide 2 Apurva N Mody (BAE Systems), Ranga Reddy (US Army) June 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 Coexistence Is Necessary Co-existence is necessary when: TVBDB can not find any channels unoccupied by the protected users (incumbents) after polling the database, or advertisements channel usage (e.g. spectrum etiquette) of neighboring TVBDs. Following cases are possible • 4W TVBD tries to co-exist with a 4W TVBD • 4W TVBD tries to co-exist with a 100 mW TVBD • 100mW TVBD tries to co-exist with a 4W TVBD • 100 mW TVBD tries to co-exist with a 100 mW TVBD A B A B A B Submission Slide 3 Apurva N Mody (BAE Systems), Ranga Reddy (US Army) June 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 Simplified* Link Analysis from 1st Tier (4W) Neighbors (1/2) • • • • • • • PRxB = PTxA + GTxA – LTxA – LFS – LM + GRxB – LRxB PRxB = Received Power at B PTxA = Transmit power from A = 4W = 36 dBm GTxA = Antenna Gain A = 0 dB LTxA = Transmitter losses = 0 dB Fc = Carrier frequency = 617 MHz -> Corresponding to the Channel 38 l = Wavelength = (3 x 108) / (617 x 106) = 0.48622 m LFS = Free space loss = 20 * log10 (4p d/ l) = 20 * log10 (4 p d / 0.48622) = 117.79 dB, where d = Distance from B to A (30 km) = 68.25 dB, where d = Distance from B to A (100 m) • LM = Miscellaneous losses = 0 dB • GRxB = Receiver (B) antenna gain = 0 dB • LRXB = Receiver losses at B = 0 dB • Based on the previous calculations, – PRxB = -81.79 dBm for 30 km separation distance – PRxB = -32.25 dBm for 100 m separation distance * For detailed link analysis refer to [1] & [2]N Mody (BAE Systems), Ranga Reddy (US Army) Submission Slide 4 Apurva June 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 Simplified* Link Analysis from 1st Tier (4W) Neighbors (2/2) • Assuming the Noise Figure NF = 11 dB • Noise Power (dBm) = PN = 10 * log10 (kTB/(1 x 10-3)) + 11 dB = 10 * log10 (1.38 x 10-23 * 290 * 6 x 106 / (1 x 10-3)) + 11 dB = -95.19 dB • SNRA->B = PRxB – Noise Power = PRxB + 95.19 dB • The table below shows the SNR that is possible at a receiver who is separated by a distance of 30km and 100m for 4W and 100mW transmitters Tx Power (dBm) Separation Distance (m) SNR (dB) 36 dBm 30,000 13.4 36 dBm 100 62.94 20 dBm 30,000 -2.6 20dBm 100 46.94 Submission * For detailed link analysis refer to [1] & [2] Slide 5 Apurva N Mody (BAE Systems), Ranga Reddy (US Army) June 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 Co-existence Message Passing Co-existence Message Passing for Various Cases • 4W TVBD tries to co-exist with a 4W TVBD - Direct message passing between BSs possible for • 4W TVBD tries to co-exist with a 100 mW TVBD - Requires a relay station, e. g. a CPE ‘a’ associated with BS A. • 100mW TVBD tries to co-exist with a 4W TVBD - Requires a relay station, e. g. a CPE ‘a’ associated with BS A. • 100 mW TVBD tries to co-exist with a 100 mW TVBD – Direct Messaging Possible A B a A B Co-existence message passing using CBP – Worst case situation may require a relay node. B to a and a to A Given analysis on previous two slides, it is possible to have TVBD decode some control channel information that they directly communicate to each other to enable coexistence Submission A B Slide 6 Apurva N Mody (BAE Systems), Ranga Reddy (US Army) June 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 Entering Coexistence Mode • In the Co-existence Mode Cell B requests to share the channel with Cell A. • Since TVBD A is the existing user of the given channel, TVBD B requests channel sharing with TVBD A using • CO_EXISTENCE_REQ message using CBP, backhaul or some other means. • In response to the request from TVBD B, TVBD A accepts or rejects to the scheduling of a co-existence frame using CO_EXISTENCE_RSP message. • BS B then then sends CO_EXISTENCE_ACK message to acknowledge the receipt of the CO_EXISTENCE_RSP message. • TVBD A schedules CO-EXISTENCE Frames in the subsequent super-frames. Submission Slide 7 Apurva N Mody (BAE Systems), Ranga Reddy (US Army) June 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 Coexistence Mode Operation • TVBD Master devices divide their area of operation into logical or physical sectors • Resources assigned to a sector can represent a channel or portion of a channel • If interference from other users is detected, then the coexistence signaling mentioned earlier is used to determine which resources can be used in each zone • Examples of methods for determining which zone can use which resource are: – Contention – Renting • Then each TVBD then schedules its users according to its own MAC/PHY procedures. An example is provided in the figure using subframes Submission Slide 8 Apurva N Mody (BAE Systems), Ranga Reddy (US Army) June 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 Co-Existence Mode Operation – Sub-frame Creation and Sharing for Situations with More than Two Cells • These figures illustrate how resource allocation may be carried our in situations which require coexistence between more than two cells Submission Slide 9 Apurva N Mody (BAE Systems), Ranga Reddy (US Army) June 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 QoS Specifications for Various Category Types and Applications * Information derived from – [3] Submission Slide 10 Apurva N Mody (BAE Systems), Ranga Reddy (US Army) June 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 QoS Specifications for Various Category Types and Applications * Information derived from – [3] Submission Slide 11 Apurva N Mody (BAE Systems), Ranga Reddy (US Army) September 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 Advantages of Sub-frame Resource Allocation Over Inter-frame Resource Allocation • Sub-frame resource allocation can provide guaranteed QoS requirements in situations that demand co-existence – It can drive applications such as VoIP and Gaming • Delay and jitter between successive transmissions can be guaranteed to satisfy the QoS requirements – • Note that VoIP packets in general are quite small – e.g. 20 - 150 bytes • VoIP - Total Network (Source to Dest.) delay should be less than 150 ms which means that the Wireless Access Delay should be a few tens of ms • Delay Jitter < a few tens of mS) • As an example: 802.16m – Super-Frame Duration = 20 ms is divided into Four frames of 5 ms each, each frame is made up of 8 sub-frames Submission Slide 12 Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems June 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 Resource Allocation in the Co-Existence Mode Sector Rotation for Diversity and Information Exchange • • TVBDs periodically rotate the channel/sub-channel assignments to sectors This rotation periodicity and schedule is communicated between TVBDs during coexistence signaling • In the example above, TVBD A and B follow the zone rotation policy within the subsequent frames in order to achieve diversity and create a periodic dedicated channel for information exchange between the cells. • The zone rotation, or “hopping” may improve spectrum sensing by allowing the system to sensing on channels that are not currently being used, thus allowing sensing to be accomplished without interrupting system operation [5], [6], [7] Submission Slide 13 Apurva N Mody (BAE Systems), Ranga Reddy (US Army) June 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 Coexistence Metrics – Coexistence Resolution Timer • Coexistence Resolution Timer – Time from when a TVBD system detects another user, determines the type of system the other user is, decides upon a coexistence action, and completes execution of that action • What is the purpose of this metric? • To allow objective analysis of how much time it takes to resolve a coexistence situation. This is needed in order to fairly assess how various coexistence methods perform when applied to the use cases and scenarios being developed by the SG. Conventional wisdom would dictate that not all coexistence methods are equal and therefore not applicable to all use cases/scenarios Submission Slide 14 Apurva N Mody (BAE Systems), Ranga Reddy (US Army) June 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 Coexistence Metrics – Spectrum Sensing Occupancy Percentage • Spectrum Sensing Occupancy Percentage – Percentage of time or portion of frame(s) within a reference operating period that a TVBD must dedicate to spectrum sensing • What is the purpose of this metric? • Spectrum sensing to the signal levels as specified by the R&O requires significant resources. The purpose of this metric is allow us to gauge how much of the system capacity is dedicated for sensing in various coexistence scenarios Submission Slide 15 Apurva N Mody (BAE Systems), Ranga Reddy (US Army) June 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 Summary and Conclusions • This contribution discussed methods for resource allocation in situations that demanded coexistence • We proposed Two Modes of operation – Normal mode and Co-existence Mode • We proposed that an TVBD system will try and resolve the channel selection issues with neighboring WRAN systems, first, based on spectrum etiquette. • If channel selection does not get resolved using spectrum etiquette, then the TVBD system will go into the Co-Existence Mode. Co-Existence Mode of operation is utilized when interference free scheduling, dynamic resource renting / offering or contention is required for resource sharing • We proposed sub-frame creation and sharing – concepts similar to the ones discussed in IEEE 802.16h • In the co-existence mode, the sub-frames are divided into zones. Clock-wise or anti-clock-wise rotation policy is followed to achieve diversity and control message passing. • Using sub-frame for resource allocation allows guaranteed QoS, delay and jitter requirements in situations that demand co-existence – It can drive applications such as VoIP and Gaming • We also presented some ideas on new coexistence metrics to consider when evaluating various coexistence metrics Submission Slide 16 Apurva N Mody (BAE Systems), Ranga Reddy (US Army) June 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Chounaird, Gerald, “WRAN Reference Model”, IEEE 802.22 WG Contribution, 22- 04-0002-17-0000-p802-22-intial-election-process.xls Chouinard, Gerald, “Mutual Interference between 802.22 WRAN CPEs and Portable Devices”, IEEE 802 TVWS ECSG Contribution, sg-whitespaces-090043-01-0000-mutual-interference, “Co-existence Capacity Allocation Methods,” White Paper: Mobile WiMAX Part I – Overview and Performance – WiMAX Forum http://www.opalsoft.net/qos/VoIP.htm Hu, Wendong, et al., “Dynamic Frequency Hopping Communities for Efficient IEEE 802.22 Operation”, IEEE Communications Magazine, May 2007 Hu, W. and Sofer, E., “IEEE 802.22 Wireless RAN Standard PHY and MAC Proposal”, IEEE 802.22 WG Contribution, 22-05-0098-00-0000_STMRuncom_PHY-MAC_Outline Hu, W. et al., “Dynamic Frequency Hopping Community”, IEEE 802.22 WG Contribution, 22-06-0113-01-0000-dynamic-frequency-hopping-community Submission Slide 17 Apurva N Mody (BAE Systems), Ranga Reddy (US Army)