Coexistence Scenario – A Pair of Unlicensed Wireless Networks Date: Authors:

July 2006
doc.: IEEE 802.19-06/0028r0
Coexistence Scenario – A Pair of Unlicensed
Wireless Networks
Date: 2006-07-17
Company Address
Steve Shellhammer Qualcomm
5775 Morehouse Dr
San Diego, CA 92121
(858) 658-1874
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Slide 1
Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm
July 2006
doc.: IEEE 802.19-06/0028r0
Coexistence Scenario Description
• Title – A Pair of Unlicensed Wireless Networks
• A pair of frequency static unlicensed wireless
networks operating co-channel (or adjacent
– This covers many of our coexistence scenarios we have
considered up to this point in time
– Often a WLAN and a WPAN, though also applies to
– Both networks are unlicensed
– Neither network is frequency hopping
– Neither network is adapting to the other network (e.g.
Slide 2
Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm
July 2006
doc.: IEEE 802.19-06/0028r0
PHY Characteristics
Operating Frequency
TX power
Antenna gain
Supported Data Rates (Modulation and Coding)
Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves (for
each data rate)
Slide 3
Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm
July 2006
doc.: IEEE 802.19-06/0028r0
MAC Characteristics
• MAC Frame Traffic Statistics
– Typical MAC Frame duration (Bytes).
• Could be a distribution of Frame sizes
– Typical time between frames
Slide 4
Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm
July 2006
doc.: IEEE 802.19-06/0028r0
Other Parameters
• Geometric location of nodes for both of the unlicensed
wireless networks
• Path loss model
• Possibly other channel model characteristics
– Shadow fading
– Multipath fading
Slide 5
Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm
July 2006
doc.: IEEE 802.19-06/0028r0
Typical Coexistence Metrics
• Packet Error Rate (PER)
• Throughput
• Latency
• These metrics are typically evaluated in one of several
– With and without interference
– As a function of distance between nodes in the two networks
Slide 6
Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm
July 2006
doc.: IEEE 802.19-06/0028r0
• The coexistence scenario is frequently used in IEEE 802
• Gives a good indication of coexistence when both
networks operate without adapting to the presence of
the other network
• Also a good scenario when the two networks operate
co-channel due to unavailability of other channels
Slide 7
Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm