July 16 doc.: IEEE 802.19-05/0025 802.16 Overview and Coexistence Aspects Date: 2005-07-20 Authors: Name Company Address Phone email Jose Puthenkulam Intel +1 503 803 8609 jose.p.puthenkulam@intel .com Marianna Goldhammer Alvarion 2111 NE 25th Ave Hillsboro, OR 97124 21 HaBarzel Street P.O.Box 13139, Tel Aviv 61131, Israel +(972)- 3 6456241/6262 marianna.goldhammer@al varion.com Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.19. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. 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Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <http:// ieee802.org/guides/bylaws/sb-bylaws.pdf>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the TAG of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair <shellhammer@ieee.org> as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.19 TAG. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at <patcom@ieee.org>. Submission Slide 1 Jose Puthenkulam, Marianna Goldhammer July 16 doc.: IEEE 802.19-05/0025 Outline • Brief Overview of 802.16 standard • Co-existence Overview Submission Slide 2 Jose Puthenkulam, Marianna Goldhammer July 16 doc.: IEEE 802.19-05/0025 802.16 Protocol Stack Convergence Sub Layer IP ATM Ethernet Header Suppression Packet Classifiers MAC Layer Network Entry ARQ PDU Generation PDU Reassembly Privacy & Key Management Connection Management PHY Burst Scheduling Handoffs BW Management Power Management PHY Layers Single Carrier (10-66GHz & < 11 GHz) Submission OFDM-256 FFT ( < 11GHz) Slide 3 OFDMA (2048,1024,512,128 FFT) ( < 11GHz) (Scalable OFDMA) Jose Puthenkulam, Marianna Goldhammer July 16 doc.: IEEE 802.19-05/0025 802.16-2004 vs 802.16e features Convergence Sub Layer Packet Classifiers ATM Ethernet IP Header Suppression MAC Layer Network Entry ARQ PDU Generation Connection Managemt PDU Reassembly Privacy & Key Management (PK, EAP, AES, Multicast Security) PHY Burst Scheduling Handoffs BW Managemt Power Managemt (Sleep & Idle Modes) PHY Layers Single Carrier (10-66GHz & < 11 GHz) OFDM-256 FFT (<11GHz) (AAS) 2048 FFT mode, Subchannelization Schemes, H-ARQ, AAS, MIMO, STC DL Subchannelization IEEE 802.16-2004 Submission OFDMA ( < 11GHz) 1024,512,128 FFT modes and symbol structures, HARQ, MIMO, STC enhancements P802.16e (licensed only) Slide 4 Jose Puthenkulam, Marianna Goldhammer July 16 doc.: IEEE 802.19-05/0025 OFDM vs OFDMA OFDM Overall Clustered subcarrier allocation User 1 Multipath diversity limited to the clusters User 2 User 3 User 4 OFDMA Overall Permutated subcarriers allocation with permutation varying between cells User 1 User 2 Inter-Cell Interference limited to only some subcarriers User 3 User 4 Optimal for mobile channels Submission Slide 5 Jose Puthenkulam, Marianna Goldhammer July 16 doc.: IEEE 802.19-05/0025 OFDMA Frame Structure (TDD) example Submission Slide 6 Jose Puthenkulam, Marianna Goldhammer July 16 doc.: IEEE 802.19-05/0025 MAC PDU Format • • • • • • Each MAC PDU begins with a 6 bytes generic MAC header. The payload information may vary in length. SS has 48-bit IEEE MAC address (defined in IEEE Std. 802 – 2001) BS has 48-bit base station ID (24 bits operator indicator) Connections are identified by a 16-bit CID. The maximum length of the MAC PDU is 2048 bytes, including header, payload, and cyclic redundancy check (CRC). Submission Slide 7 Jose Puthenkulam, Marianna Goldhammer July 16 doc.: IEEE 802.19-05/0025 Generic MAC Header HT: header type EC: data encryption control ESF: extended subheader flag CI: CRC indicator EKS: Encryption Key Sequence (index of traffic encryption key) Submission Slide 8 Jose Puthenkulam, Marianna Goldhammer July 16 doc.: IEEE 802.19-05/0025 Network Entry Process Submission Slide 9 Jose Puthenkulam, Marianna Goldhammer July 16 doc.: IEEE 802.19-05/0025 802.16 MAC Protocol • Demand Slot Assignment Protocol • Supports QoS Service Classes using Service Flows • Each Service Flow maintains a logical connection using a Connection Identifier (CID – 16 bits) • Subscriber Station (SS) ranges using Ranging Protocol that allows the SS to establish timing synchronization with BS • SS always request UL BW Request using MAC Messages • DL Channel Descriptors (DCD) and UL Channel Descriptors (UCD) are MAC messages used to convey the burst profile sets that are active • DL-MAP and UL-MAP MAC messages provide the burst allocation information Submission Slide 10 Jose Puthenkulam, Marianna Goldhammer July 16 doc.: IEEE 802.19-05/0025 802.16 DFS Operation • Mandatory in LE bands • Requires BS and SS to support the following DFS procedures: – – – – – – Testing channels for primary users Discontinuing operations after detecting primary users Detecting primary users Scheduling for channel testing Requesting and Reporting measurements Selecting and advertising a new channel • Method used to detect is not specified and also RF band specific Submission Slide 11 Jose Puthenkulam, Marianna Goldhammer July 16 doc.: IEEE 802.19-05/0025 802.16 Transmit Power Control • All PHY layers support transmit power control • SCa PHY Layer: – Monotonic Power Level Range : >= 30db; Min. Step size: 1db • OFDM-256 PHY Layer: – Monotonic Power Level Range: >= 30db; Min. Step size: 1db • OFDMA PHY Layer: – Monotonic Power Level Range : >= 45db; Min. Step size: 1db – LE bands: Monotonic Power Level Range : >= 30db; Min. Step size: 1db Submission Slide 12 Jose Puthenkulam, Marianna Goldhammer July 16 doc.: IEEE 802.19-05/0025 802.16-2004 MAC DFS Behavior • In LE Bands – Once BS takes control of channel, it will release it only in the next channel testing cycle – No specification on channel testing except clause to meet regulatory requirements – As DC-11 GHz is within scope, there is lack of clear definition for consistent co-existence behavior – Hence 802.16h! Submission Slide 13 Jose Puthenkulam, Marianna Goldhammer July 16 doc.: IEEE 802.19-05/0025 RF Coexistence info in 802.16-2004 • • • • • License-exempt bands below 11GHz, duplexing: TDD Power limits: defined by country-specific regulations Channelization: 10 and 20MHz, on a 5MHz grid, from 5 to 6GHz Spectral masks – according to local regulations or to a defined mask ACI / alternate channel rejection: 11/30dB for 16QAM3/4 Submission Slide 14 Jose Puthenkulam, Marianna Goldhammer July 16 doc.: IEEE 802.19-05/0025 Spectral masks Submission Slide 15 Jose Puthenkulam, Marianna Goldhammer July 16 doc.: IEEE 802.19-05/0025 Coexistence approach in 802.16h draft • MAC frames synchronization • Separation of interference in time domain – Based on scheduling • High capacity and QoS assurance – Fairness criteria • Radio master sub-frames for every system • Coexistence protocol – Control of interference levels – Distributed architecture • Technology independent approach – Communication at IP level – Other modes are proposed Submission Slide 16 Jose Puthenkulam, Marianna Goldhammer July 16 doc.: IEEE 802.19-05/0025 References • • • • IEEE Standard 802.16-2004 IEEE Draft Standard P80216e/D9 IEEE Draft Standard P80216-2004/Cor1/D3 80216h-05/013 – (802.16h working document) Submission Slide 17 Jose Puthenkulam, Marianna Goldhammer