Due March 1, 2016. UACES Professional Development Scholarship Application

UACES Professional Development
Scholarship Application
Due March 1, 2016.
Send completed electronic applications and letters of support to Brian Helms, bhelms@uaex.edu.
Official Station:
Position Title:
Date of Hire:
I am applying for (please check the scholarship you are applying for):
Mildred and Liz Childs Professional Development Fund Scholarship
Lynn R. Russell Endowed Award for Professional Excellence
In applying for the scholarship checked above, I certify:
I have more than three years of service with the Cooperative Extension System.
I am enrolled/intend to enroll in an accredited graduate program, or will register for an
educational program, workshop or conference, or will use the funds for educational materials to
further my professional skills as an employee of Extension.
I am responsible for ensuring that one letter of support from my supervisor and one letter of
support from a peer are submitted by the deadline.
If seeking a scholarship for university course work:
Name of institution:
Degree sought:
Last semester attended
(if applicable):
Expected completion
Semester for which the scholarship would be used:
If seeking a scholarship for a program, conference or workshop:
Name of program, workshop or conference:
Date(s) of event:
Estimated cost of program, workshop, etc.: $
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If planning to use funds for educational materials (books, DVD’s, etc.) (Mildred and Liz Childs Only):
List of educational materials
Estimated cost of materials:
In 500 words or less, explain how the degree or program/conference/workshop or educational
materials will benefit your professional goals and how it will benefit the Cooperative Extension
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