Ukrainian Continuers Level Resources C OL L A BO RA T I V E C UR RI C UL UM A S S E S S M E NT F RA M E W OR K A US T RA L I A A ND F OR L A N GUA G E S General Resources Dictionaries Andrusyshen, C H, & Krett, J N (comps), Ukrainian-English Dictionary, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1981 Àíòîíåíêî-Äàâèäîâè÷, Áîðèñ, ßê ìè ãîâîðèìî (³ ÿê òðåáà ãîâîðèòè), Íüþ Éîðê, Íàóêîâî-äîñë³äíå òîâàðèñòâî óêðà¿íñüêî¿ òåðì³íîëî㳿, 1980 ÀÍ ÓÐÑÐ, Ñëîâíèê óêðà¿íñüêî¿ ìîâè, ò. ²–Õ², Êè¿â, Íàóêîâà äóìêà, 1970–1980 Áàãìåò, À, Ñëîâíèê ñèíîí³ì³â óêðà¿íñüêî¿ ìîâè, Íüþ Éîðê, ÍÒØ, 1982 Ãîëîñêåâè÷, Ã. Ïðàâîïèñíèé ñëîâíèê, Íüþ Éîðê, Êíèãîñï³ëêà, 1962 or any reprint Äåéêî, Ìàð³ÿ, Äåéêî, Â, Äåéêî, À, ò 1 – Óêðà¿íñüêî-àíãë³éñüêèé ñëîâíèê øèðîêîãî âæèòêó, ò 2 Àíãë³éñüêî-óêðà¿íñüêèé ñëîâíèê øèðîêîãî âæèòêó, Àâñòðàë³ÿ, Âèä-âî “Ð³äíà ìîâà”,1979 Äåðêà÷, Ï.Ì, Êîðîòêèé ñëîâíèê ñèíîí³ì³â óêðà¿íñüêî¿ ìîâè, 2–ãå âèä. Íüþ Éîðê, 1975 Êîâàë³â, Ï, Óêðà¿íñüêèé ïðàâîïèñ, 2–ãå âèä, Íüþ Éîðê, ²íñòèòóò óêðà¿íñüêî¿ ìîâè, 1977 Íèò÷åíêî, Äì, Óêðà¿íñüêèé îðòîãðàô³÷íèé ñëîâíèê äëÿ øê³ë ³ ìîëîä³, 2–ãå âèä, Ìåëüáîðí, Âèä-âî “Ëàñò³âêà”, 1985 Ïîäâåçüêî, ÌË, ³ Áàëëà ̲, Àíãëî-óêðà¿íñüêèé ñëîâíèê, Êè¿â, "Ðàäÿíñüêà Øêîëà" 1974 or any reprint Ïîäâåçüêî, ÌË, Óêðà¿íñüêî-àíãë³éñüêèé ñëîâíèê, 2–ãå âèä, Êè¿â, 1979 or any reprint Ïîëþãà, ËÌ, Ñëîâíèê àíòîí³ì³â, Êè¿â, “Ðàäÿíñüêà øêîëà”, 1987 Ãîëîâàùóê, Ѳ, Îðôîãðàô³÷íèé ñëîâíèê óêðà¿íñüêî¿ ìîâè, Êè¿â, “Äîâ³ðà”, 1994 Grammar and Usage Hornjatkevych, A J, Contemporary Ukrainian, University of Alberta, Edmonton, 1975. (Includes practical phonetic information, useful dialogues and pattern drills, although the approach to grammar is somewhat technical and complex.) Humesky, Assya, Modern Ukrainian, 2nd ed. Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press, Edmonton, 1999. (An advanced textbook of Ukrainian grammar which includes dialogues, notes on grammar and explanatory notes dealing with cultural, regional and stylistic differences. A useful textbook for review exercises. Students will find the appendices useful, with information on phonetics, declensions and verb government.) Slavutych, Y, Conversational Ukrainian, Edmonton, Gateway, 1973. (Uses dialogues and other discourse forms and explains grammatical points after the texts in which they appear.) Slavutych, Y, Standard Ukrainian Grammar, Slavuta Publishers, Edmonton, 1987. (A particularly useful textbook for dialogues and stories, incorporating basic information on Ukraine.) Struk, D H, Ukrainian for Undergraduates, 2nd revised edition, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press, Edmonton, 1998. (Suitable as a textbook for grammar only, since discourse forms are not presented.) ×îðí³é, Ñ, Ãðàìàòèêà óêðà¿íñüêî¿ ìîâè, ÷àñò 1 – ôîíåòèêà ³ ìîðôîëîã³ÿ, ÷àñò.11 – ñèíòàêñà, Ìþíõåí, Óêðà¿íñüêèé ³ëüíèé 1 Óí³âåðñèòåò, 1979. (Uses a traditional approach to grammar, examining each part of speech and syntactic construction separately. Suitable as a reference grammar for teachers.) 2 Reference Books Burstynsky, E, Introduction to Phonetics, in D H, Struk, Ukrainian for Undergraduates, pp. ii– xxvi. CIUS Press, Edmonton 1998. (A good reference article which outlines the basic principles of Ukrainian phonology. Using the contrastive approach, phonetic similarities and differences between English and Ukrainian are exemplified.) Newspapers ˳òåðàòóðíà Óêðà¿íà, Êè¿â Ókðà¿íà ³ ñâ³ò: óêðà¿íñêüèé íåçàëåæíèê òèæíåâèê ÂèäຠUkrainian New Generation Co. Toronto. 1991, e-mail: Óêðà¿íñüêå ñëîâî: óêðà¿íñüêèé òèæíåâèê, ãîë. ðåäàêòîð Ìèêîëà Âåðáîâèé e-mail: ³ëüíà äóìêà, ѳäíåé Öåðêâà ³ æèòòÿ, Ìåëüáóðí ̳ñò, Òîðîíòî Specific Resources The following resources are listed according to the prescribed themes and topics in the syllabus. The Individual Personal identity гäí³ ãîëîñè ç äàëåêîãî êîíòèíåíòó: òâîðè ñó÷àñíèõ óêðà¿íñüêèõ ïèñüìåííèê³â â Àâñòðà볿, Êè¿â, "Âåñåëêà" 1993. (Poetry and fiction by Ukrainian immigrants in Australia. Many of the works reflect on the meaning of change of place for a sense of personal identiry.) Ñàì³ ïðî ñåáå: àâòîá³îãðàô³¿ âèäàòíèõ óêðà¿íö³â Õ²Õ ñòîë³òòÿ, ðåä, Þ, Ëóöüêèé, Íüþ Éîðê, Óêðà¿íñüêà ³ëüíà Àêàäåì³ÿ Íàóê â ÑØÀ, 1989. (Autobiographical articles, mainly by eminent people who made a conscience choice of national identity.) ijëîâ³ ëèñòè, ßïîí³ÿ, (Letters from Ukraine to grandchildren in Japan, 1996-1998.) Åíöèêëîïåäè÷íèé äîâ³äíèê óêðà¿íö³â â Àâñòðà볿, ѳäíåé, "³ëüíà äóìêà", 2000. (Encyclopaedic entries on many Ukrainians and people of Ukrainian origin in Australia.) Education and aspirations Ñëîâî øêîëÿðà, Ìåëüáóðí. (A magazine published by the Noble Park Ukrainian Saturday School, containing texts by students of the school) Êè¿âñüêèé óí³âåðñèòåò ³ì. Òàðàñà Øåâ÷åíêà, Ëüâ³âñüêèé íàö³îíàëüíèé óí³âåðñèòåò ³ì. ²âàíà Ôðàíêà, Macquarie University Ukrainian Studies home page, Monash University Ukrainian Studies home page, 3 Leisure and lifestyles "Ñïîðò", Óêðà¿íñüêà Ðàäÿíñüêà Åíöèêëîïåä³ÿ, 2–ãå âèä, Êè¿â, ò 10, ÓÐÅ, 1983 nos 480–481. (This overview article guides the reader to specific entries on varieties of sport and sporting competitions in the Encyclopedia.) ªâà, Êè¿â. (A glossy women's magazine) The Ukrainian, Kyiv (A glossy bilingual quarterly magazine on lifestyle, culture and current issues. Distributed in Ukraine's airports and embassies.) Ñïîðò, the sports pages of the newspaper Âå÷³ðí³é Êè¿â Óêðà¿íñüêèé ôóòáîë, The Ukrainian-speaking communities Cultural diversity Âîðîïàé, Î, Çâè÷à¿ íàøîãî íàðîäó, 2 òîìè, Êè¿â, "Îáåð³ã", 1991 12 ì³ñÿö³â, Êè¿â, "Âåñåëêà", ð³÷íèê. (Annual containing a variety of text types and much material on customs and traditions.) ²ñòîð³ÿ óêðà¿íñüêî¿ êóëüòóðè: ïîáóò, ïèñüìåíñòâî, ìèñòåöòâî, òåàòð, ìóçèêà, ðåä, ², Êðèï'ÿêåâè÷, Êè¿â, "Ëèá³äü", 1994 Êîëåññà, Ô, Óêðà¿íñüêà óñíà ñëîâåñí³ñòü, Åäìîíòîí, Êàíàäñüêèé ²íñòèòóò Óêðà¿íñüêèõ Ñòóä³é, 1983. (Ukrainian customs and folklore, including texts.) Íàðèñè óêðà¿íñüêî¿ ïîïóëÿðíî¿ êóëüòóðè, ðåä, Î, Ãðèöåíêî, Êè¿â, Óêðà¿íñüêèé öåíòð êóëüòóðíèõ äîñë³äæåíü, 1998. (A collection of essays on key elements of contemporary Ukrainian popular culture, including media culture.) Öâåê, Ä, Ó áóäí³ ³ ñâÿòà, 2–ãå âèä. Ëüâ³â, "Êàìåíÿð", 1993. (A Ukrainian cookery book. Good vocabulary.) Óêðà¿íö³: íàðîäí³ â³ðóâàííÿ, ïîâ³ð'ÿ, äåìîíîëîã³ÿ, ðåä, ÔÏ, Øåâ÷åíêî òà ³í, Êè¿â: "Ëèá³äü" 1991 Ukrainian Holidays, Traditions and Folklore, USA (In English) Ãàëàñ, Êè¿â (Magazine of the contemporary Ukrainian youth music scene) Zdorov! Leeds, United Kingdom. (English-language magazine for young people of Ukrainian background.) ßí³â, Â, Íàðèñ óêðà¿íñüêî¿ êóëüòóðè, Íüþ Éîðê, 1985. (Text written in Ukrainian, covering Ukrainian culture with much interesting information on the origins of many traditions.) Historical perspectives Doroshenko, D, A Survey of Ukrainian History, Winnipeg, 1975. (A history of Ukraine translated into English. Suitable as a teacher reference.) Çàðóá³æí³ óêðà¿íö³: äîâ³äíèê, ðåä, Þ, Ëàçåáíèê òà ³í, Êè¿â, "Óêðà¿íà", 1991. (A guide in Ukrainian to the history of Ukrainian communities outside of the former USSR). Êîçóëÿ, Î, Ƴíêè â ³ñòî𳿠Óêðà¿íè, Êè¿â, Óêðà¿íñüêèé öåíòð äóõîâíî¿ êóëüòóðè, 1993 4 Magosci, PR, A history of Ukraine, Toronto, Universisty of Toronto Press, 1996. (Suitable for students). Subtelny, O, Ukraine: A History, 2nd ed. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1994. (Suitable for students). Óêðà¿íñüê³ ïîñåëåííÿ: äîâ³äíèê, ðåä, À ̳ëüíè÷ òà ³í, Íüþ Éîðê, Óêðà¿íñüêèé ñîö³îëîã³÷íèé ³íñòèòóò, Çàïèñêè ÍÒØ, ò. ÕÕ 1980 Return of the Butterfly, SBS, (1 1/2 hour film on the life of opera singer Ñîëîì³ÿ Êðóøåëüíèöüêà (1872-1952) Taras Bulba, starring Yul Brynner &Tony Curtis, directed by J Lee Thompson, produced by Harold Hecht, United Artists Release, 1962 Íîâèé îáð³é: àëüìàíàõ, ðåä. Ä ×óá, Ìåëüáîðí, Ëàñò³âêà, ÷.6, 1980, ÷ 7, 1985, ÷ 8, 1988, ÷ 9, 1993, ÷ 10, 1997, ÷ 11, 1999 Àëüìàíàõ óêðà¿íñüêîãî æèòòÿ â Àâñòðà볿, ѳäíåé, "³ëüíà äóìêà" ³ Ôóíäàö³ÿ Óêðà¿íîçíàâ÷èõ Ñòóä³é â Àâñòðà볿, 1994 Åíöèêëîïåä³ÿ óêðà¿íñüêî¿ ä³ÿñïîðè, ò. 4: Àâñòðàë³ÿ, Àç³ÿ, Àôðèêà. Êè¿â, Íàóêîâå Òîâàðèñòâî ³ì. Øåâ÷åíêà ³ Íàö³îíàëüíà Àêàäåì³ÿ Íàóê Óêðà¿íè, 1994 Óêðà¿íö³ â Àâñòðà볿, ò. 1 ³ ò. 2, Ìåëüáóðí, Ñîþç Óêðà¿íñüêèõ Îðãàí³çàö³é Àâñòðà볿, 1966 ³ 1998 ³ëüíà äóìêà, ѳäíåé (Newspaper) Öåðêâà ³ æèòòÿ, Ìåëüáóðí (Newspaper) OzeUkes, Perth, (Links to the Ukrainian community web sites throughout Australia. Contains Ukrainian-language press items on Ukrainians in Australia and on Ukrainian-Australian relations.) Arts and Entertainment yevs’kyj, D, A History of Ukrainian Literature, with G.S.N. Lucky, an overview of the twentieth century. Littleton, Colorado, Ukrainian Academic Press, 1997. (Suitable as a teacher reference.) Êèñ³ëåâñüêèé, Ê., Õðåñòîìàò³ÿ ç óêðà¿íñüêî¿ ë³òåðàòóðè äëÿ øê³ë ³ êóðñ³â óêðà¿íîçíàâñòâà, Íüþ Éîðê, Øê³ëüíà Ðàäà Ó.Ê.Ê.À. 1962. (An anthology containing a variety of discourse forms, following the various periods of Ukrainian literature and featuring works by all the major Ukrainian authors.) Êîïà÷, Î, Õðåñòîìàò³ÿ ç óêðà¿íñüêî¿ ë³òåðàòóðè äëÿ øê³ë ³ êóðñ³â óêðà¿íîçíàâñòâà, Òîðîíòî, 1970. (An anthology of Ukrainian literature of the latter half of the 20th century, featuring selections of poetry and prose and including some biographical information about the various authors.) Ëàâð³íåíêî, Þ, Ðîçñòð³ëÿíå â³äðîäæåííÿ: àíòîëîã³ÿ 1917–1933. Instytut Literacki, Paris, 1959. (An extensive anthology of Ukrainian literature of the period 1917–33, featuring an introduction to the period, biographical information about the authors, and selections in poetry, prose, and drama.) Îâ÷àðåíêî, Ì, Çîëîò³ âîðîòà, Íüþ Éîðê, Âèäàííÿ Øê³ëüíî¿ Ðàäè Ó.Ê.Ê.À. 1962. (An anthology of Ukrainian literature, containing a variety of discourse forms and covering many themes.) Ðàäçèêåâè÷, Â., ²ñòîð³ÿ óêðà¿íñüêî¿ ë³òåðàòóðè, ÷.1,2,3 Äåòðîéò, Áàòüê³âùèíà, 1956. (Ukrainian literature to the beginning of the 20th century. Written in Ukrainian, it is suitable as a teacher reference.) 5 Õðåñòîìàò³ÿ ç óêðà¿íñüêî¿ ë³òåðàòóðè ÕÕ ñòîë³÷÷ÿ, Óïîðÿäêóâàëè ª. Ôåäîðåíêî òà Ï. Ìàëÿð, Íüþ Éîðê, Âèä-âî Øê³ëüíî¿ Ðàäè Ó.Ê.Ê.À. 1978 (An anthology of Ukrainian literature of the 20th century, featuring prose and poetry and including short biographical material about the authors.) Äåñÿòü óêðà¿íñüêèõ ïîåò³â / Äåñÿòü óêðà¿íñüêèõ ïðîçà¿ê³â, Êè¿â, "Ðîêêàðä", 1995. (Works by 20 contemporary Ukrainian writers.) From Three Worlds: New Writing From Ukraine, ed. Ed. Hogan, Boston, Massachusetts, Zephyr Press, 1996. (Contains useful parallel Ukrainian and English texts of Ukrainian poetry of the 1980s and 1990s.) Êâ³òè â òåìí³é ê³ìíàò³: ñó÷àñíà óêðà¿íñüêà íîâåëà, Êè¿â, "Ãåíåçà", 1997. (Good contemporary examples of the short story genre.) Brama: Arts and Culture – Literature, USA, (Ukrainian poetry, mainly new work by contemporary Ukrainian poets and writers. Also some childrens' stories.) Gala–ðàä³î (Web site of a Ukrainian FM station. Useful vocabulary.) ̳æíàðîäíèé ìåä³ÿ öåíòð, Êè¿â, Ðàä³î ëþêñ, Ëüâ³â, (Web site of a Ukrainian radio station) Òåëåñòóä³ÿ 1+1, Êè¿â. (Web site of a Ukrainian TV station.) Óêðà¿íñüêèé ìèñòåöüêèé ìîí³òîð, Ëüâ³â, (Arts and culture in Ukraine, 1995 and 1996) Çíàéîìòåñü: Êè¿â, (Overview of the cultural offerings of the city of Kyiv and links to theatres, museums and other cultural institutions.) Films Âàëüäøíåïè, ðåæèñåð Î. Ìóðàòîâ, ʳíîñòóä³ÿ ³ì. Äîâæåíêà, 1996. (Based on Mykola Khvyl'ovyj's novel.) Åíå¿äà, ðåæèñåð Â. Äàõíî, ê³íîñòóä³ÿ "Óêðàí³ìàô³ëüì", 1998. (Featurelength cartoon based on Ivan Kotliarevskyj's classic.) Ò³í³ çàáóòèõ ïðåäê³â, ðåæèñåð Ñåðã³é Ïàðàäæàíîâ, (ʳíîñòóä³ÿ ³ì. Äîâæåíêà, 1965 (One of the classics of modern cinema.) Çàõàð Áåðêóò, ðåæ. Ð. Êîë³ñíèê, ʳíîñòóä³ÿ ³ì. Äîâæåíêà. (Based on Ivan Franko's novel.) Return of the Butterfly, SBS, (1 1/2 hour film on the life of opera singer Ñîëîì³ÿ Êðóøåëüíèöüêà (1872–1952) Taras Bulba, starring Yul Brynner &Tony Curtis, directed by J Lee Thompson, produced by Harold Hecht, United Artists Release, 1962 The Changing World Tourism Êè¿â: îô³éö³éíèé ñàéò êè¿âñüêî¿ äåðæàäì³í³ñòðàö³¿, Ëüâ³â: ̳æíàðîäíèé òóðèçì, ãîë. ðåäàêòîð Îëåêñàíäð Ãîðîáåöü, Êè¿â, 1994 6 Ïàíîðàìà (In-flight magazine of Ukraine International Airlines), published by Concept Publishing Ltd six times a year. Available at embassies and Ukraine International Airline agencies, e-mail: Òóðèçì ñ³ëüñüêèé çåëåíèé, ãîë. ðåäàêòîð Ìèêîëà Õàëèìîíåíêî. Âèäàíî ̳í³ñòðîì ³íôîðìàö³¿ Óêðà¿íè, Êè¿â, 1997 Current issues Âå÷³ðí³é Êè¿â, Êè¿â, (Daily newspaper on the web) Äåíü: Êè¿â, (Daily newspaper on the web) Ëüâ³â: êîìï'þòåðè òà ³íòåðíåò, (A guide to computer resources and internet culture in Lviv. Useful for computer terminology.) Ïðîãðàìè òà íîâèíè, Êðåìåí÷óê, Óêðà¿íà ñüîãîäí³, Ëüâ³â, ˳òåðàòóðíà Óêðà¿íà, Êè¿â Ókðà¿íà ³ ñâ³ò: óêðà¿íñêüèé íåçàëåæíèê òèæíåâèê, âèäຠUkrainian New Generation Co, Toronto, 1991, e-mail: Óêðà¿íñüêå ñëîâî: óêðà¿íñüêèé òèæíåâèê, ãîë. ðåäàêòîð Ìèêîëà Âåðáîâèé e-mail: Âñåñì³õ: óêðà¿íñüêèé ãóìîðèñòè÷íèé æóðíàë. Òîðîíòî, 1991 ³ëüíà äóìêà, ѳäíåé Öåðêâà ³ æèòòÿ, Ìåëüáóðí ̳ñò, Òîðîíòî Radio: Ukrainian Program, Sydney, SBS FM 96.7, Melbourne, SBS FM 93.1, Adelaide Television: Ukrainian News, SBS Sunday 7:30-8:00 am Edwards, Mike & Raymer, Steve, Chernobyl – One Year After, National Geographic, Vol 171, No 5, pp 632–653, May 1987 Greenwald, John, Deadly Meltdown, Time, May 12, pp 4–13, 1986 Äðà÷, ²âàí, "×îðíîáèëüñüêà ìàäîííà", ó êíèç³: Õðàì ñîíöÿ, Êè¿â, "Ðàäÿíñüêèé ïèñüìåííèê", 1988 or any other edition. (A long poem about the nuclear accident by one of Ukraine's best-known poets.) Brama, Assorted maps and pictures pertaining to Chornobyl', Huda, Walter, Annotated Chornobyl Bibliography, (A guide to non-technical literature in English.) World of work Ùîòèæíåâèé ô³íàíñîâèé äàéäæåñò, Ëüâ³â (Useful financial vocabulary.) Ñï³ëüíå Óêðà¿íñüêî-àíãë³éñüêå ï³äïðèºìñòâî "ÍÒÎÍ", Ëüâ³â, (The web site of a fashion shop. Excellent contemporary fashion vocabulary.) Øèìê³â, Àííà. Àíãëî-óêðà¿íñüêèé òëóìà÷íèé ñëîâíèê ä³ëîâî¿ ìîâè. 2000 7 Krouglov, A, K Kurylko and D Kostenko, English–Ukrainian Dictionary of Business, Jefferson, North Carolina, McFarland, 1997 8