PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION HIV Community Services Program Intake/Eligibility Review "Confidential this form must be saved on a secure network accessible only by Ryan White funded staff." Initial intake Social Security number: Date completed: - / / Annual review - Age: HIV positive (initial intake only) dx date: / DOB: Preferred Pro-Noun She/Her/Her / / / County: Legal first name He/Him/His Street address (if homeless, complete affidavit on page 5) Middle initial They/Them/Their City State Other names used Ze/Hir/Hirs ZIP Other O.K. to send mail No Mailing address, if different / / Personal information Legal last name Date completed: City Home phone number - O.K. to leave message No Yes Cell phone number O.K. to leave message Message phone number E-mail address No Yes O.K. to leave message No Yes O.K. to leave message No Yes State ZIP Yes O.K. to send mail No Yes Sex at birth: Male Female Gender Male Female Transgender (M F) Transgender (F M) Other Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino1 Non-Hispanic/Latino Race White/Caucasian Black/African American Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander3 Asian2 American Indian/Alaska Native Other 1 If Hispanic/Latino: Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a Puerto Rican Cuban 2 If Asian: Asian Indian Chinese Filipino Japanese Korean 3 If Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: Native Hawaiian Guamanian/Chomoro Samoan Primary language: Let us know if you need: An interpreter. Language I speak: English Spanish A sign language interpreter Written materials translated (what language): English Materials in: Audio tape Large print Braille Client name: Page 1 of 5 Other Hispanic origin Vietnamese Other Asian origin Other Pacific Islander Other Spanish Other Computer disk Oral presentation OHA 8395 (6/16) Medical insurance Health exchange Qualified Health Plan (QHP) Metal level (check one): Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Medicare (mark all that apply) Part A Part B Part D: Low income subsidy Qualified Medicare beneficiary Oregon Health Plan (OHP) - (Medicaid) OHP number: Coordinated Care Organization (CCO) OHP Open Card Dual Eligible Managed Care Organization (MCO): Citizen Alien Waived Emergent Medical (CAWEM) Private Other public Purchased outside the exchange Group policy (through employer or spouse/parent employer) COBRA (end date): / / VA benefits number: For all insurance plans: Insurance carrier: Policy ID number: Prescription ID number (if different): Primary policy holder’s name: No insurance Comments: Indian Health Services Plan name: Policy group number: CAREAssist: No Yes If yes, number: Dental insurance: No Yes If yes, plan information: Medical care: None Publicly-funded or Health Department Hospital outpatient Other: Private practice Emergency room Key contacts Other emergency contact Relationship Primary care physician Phone number Phone number - HIV specialist Phone number Pharmacist Aware of HIV status No Yes Phone number Phone number - Dentist Housing family/dependent children Do you have dependent children (including children you are paying child support for)?: If yes, do they live with you? No Yes Client name: Page 2 of 5 No Yes, number: OHA 8395 (6/16) Household family members Names Relationship Age Aware of HIV status No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Income Documentation presented (Copies of all documentation are to be filed with this form and retained by the provider agency.) HIV + diagnosis—Required only Current CAREAssist client at intake. Check one: Lab test (Viral load, Western Blot, etc.) sent from lab or physician Documentation submitted from the healthcare provider who is providing medical care Previously obtained/is in client file Verification of identity — Oregon driver license Social Security card Required only at intake. Client Tribal ID Citizenship/naturalization must provide one of the following: Oregon state ID card Student visa Military ID Birth certificate Passport Oregon learner’s permit or temporary license Student ID List other official documents1: Verification of residency Current CAREAssist Card or copy Homeowner's association statement of the CAREAssist Eligibility Report Client must provide one of the Military/Veteran's Affairs documents following (Documentation must Unexpired Oregon State driver Oregon vehicle title or registration card include client’s full legal name license, Tribal ID or Oregon State ID Any document issued by a financial and match residential address Utility bill (including cell phone) institution that includes residence address, on application.): such as, a bank statement, loan statement, Lease, rental, mortgage or moorage agreement/document student loan statement, dividend statement, credit card bill, mortgage document, closing Current property tax document paperwork, a statement for a retirement Current Oregon Voter account, etc.; Registration card Approved letter from Oregon State Letter from lease holding roommate2 Hospital, homeless shelter, transitional Copy of public assistance/benefits service provider or halfway house letter /documentation (SSI, SSDI, Letter on company letterhead from an TANF, etc.) employer certifying that the client lives at Paystubs a non-business residence address owned Court Corrections Proof of Identity by the business or corporation. Eligibility category See “Services Guidance” in program manual for additional allowed documents. Must include the lease holder's name, address that matches the client's application, relationship to the client and lease holder's telephone number. Client name: Page 3 of 5 OHA 8395 (6/16) 1 2 Verification of income Current CAREAssist client (If not, proceed with income verification below) Person(s) Annual gross income Monthly gross Type of income receiving (multiply monthly income income income to get annual) Work income (wages, tips, $0.00 commissions, bonuses): Required documentation Self-employment income: $0.00 Unemployment/disability benefits: Stocks, bonds, cash dividends, trust, investment income, royalties: $0.00 Alimony/child support, foster care payments: $0.00 Pension or retirement income (not Social Security): Social Security retirement/ survivor’s benefits: Veterans benefits: Social Security income (SSI/SSDI): Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF): $0.00 2 months current, consecutive paystubs or earnings statements for all jobs. Most recent quarterly tax returns or Business records for 3 consecutive months prior to verification. Compensations stubs or Award letter Documentation from financial institution showing income received, values, terms and conditions. Benefit award letter or Official document showing amount received regularly. Annual benefits statement $0.00 Annual benefit statement $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Worker’s Compensation or sick benefits: Rental income: Other: Total: $0.00 Benefit award letter Annual benefit statement Most recent payment statement or Benefit notice Benefit award letter Monthly = $0.00 Family size: Do you have a payee? Client name: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Annual = $0.00 Most recent tax documents Document: Federal poverty level: No Yes, name: Phone: Page 4 of 5 - - OHA 8395 (6/16) No income affidavit I declare that I and my family have no income. I (we) get food, housing and clothing in the following ways: I understand that I must tell my HIV case manager about any changes as part of the six month eligibility review. If I lie or do not give complete information, my eligibility for Ryan White–funded services may be denied. / / Today’s date (day/month/year) Client (or legal guardian) signature Homeless/residency affidavit I am currently homeless, do not have a fixed address, and/or do not have proof of address. I am living in the city of I most often stay at the following locations: . . I am a resident of Oregon and all statements regarding my housing status are true. I understand that false or misleading information may result in my benefits ending with the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), HIV Care and Treatment Programs, including CAREAssist / / Today’s date (day/month/year) Client (or legal guardian) signature Additional comments Signature and credentials: Client name: Date: Page 5 of 5 / / OHA 8395 (6/16)