Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report August 2013 © 2013 Copyright Board of Studies NSW for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales. This document contains Material prepared by the Board of Studies NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales. The Material is protected by Crown copyright. All rights reserved. No part of the Material may be reproduced in Australia or in any other country by any process, electronic or otherwise, in any material form or transmitted to any other person or stored electronically in any form without the prior written permission of the Board of Studies NSW, except as permitted by the Copyright Act 1968. School students in NSW and teachers in schools in NSW may copy reasonable portions of the Material for the purposes of bona fide research or study. 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Published by Board of Studies NSW GPO Box 5300 Sydney NSW 2001 Australia Tel: (02) 9367 8111 Fax: (02) 9367 8484 Internet: August 2013 20130590 Contents 1 Executive summary.......................................................................................................... 4 2 Background information .................................................................................................. 5 3 Syllabus development and consultation process .............................................................. 5 4 Summary of respondents.................................................................................................. 7 5 Analysis............................................................................................................................ 8 6 Respondents ................................................................................................................... 29 Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report 1 Executive summary The Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report presents data and findings gathered through consultation. The profile of respondents reflects a range of school contexts, locations and school systems. Key matters An analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data indicated strong support for the Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus. Respondents clearly appreciated the addition of the course to the current suite of Stage 6 Life Skills courses available for students with special education needs. Respondents endorsed the draft syllabus and were satisfied that the syllabus will allow them to design and implement teaching and learning programs that meet the needs and interests of their students. Responses totalled more than 90% in ‘strongly agree’ and ‘agree’ for all question categories. In addition, 73% of respondents indicated that the draft syllabus requires little or no change. Respondents felt that the content of the draft syllabus is relevant and appropriate for students with special education needs, providing opportunities for practical engagement with the content and the development of knowledge, understanding and skills required for post-school environments. It was acknowledged that the modules are varied, well-sequenced and accessible by the full range of students with special education needs. The breadth of content was supported and respondents felt the flexibility of course content enables delivery across a range of contexts. Key matters to emerge from consultation were: clarification regarding the selection of modules and content better alignment between the draft syllabus and the draft amendments to the Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Syllabus to facilitate delivery in integrated settings further content in relation to the use and impact of technology review module six to improve the progression of learning and the cohesiveness of the content. Actions taken in response to the key matters were: advice in relation to the selection of modules and content has been clarified the draft syllabus has been reviewed to better align with the draft amendments to the Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Syllabus content in relation to the use and impact of technology has been strengthened, particularly in modules two, three and six outcomes and content in module six have been reviewed to enhance sequencing and cohesion. 4 Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report 2 Background information The Board of Studies NSW has developed Stage 6 Life Skills syllabuses to enable students with special education needs to be accredited for the Higher School Certificate (HSC). The first Stage 6 Life Skills syllabuses were published in 1999 in each broad area of learning. Stage 6 Life Skills courses have Board Developed status and can be used along with other Board Developed courses to meet the requirements for the award of the HSC. Between 2009–2012, the Stage 6 Life Skills courses were revised to expand course options in the key learning areas of Creative Arts, Technology and Human Society and its Environment. The new Stage 6 Life Skills syllabuses reflect the breadth of options available to students not undertaking Life Skills courses in these learning areas. A review of enrolment figures in both the Preliminary and HSC years over the past five years indicates enrolments in Stage 6 Community and Family Studies have steadily increased during this period. In addition, of the most popular Stage 6 Board Developed courses, it is the only course without a Stage 6 Life Skills option. The Board approved the development of a Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills course in October 2012. 3 Syllabus development and consultation process The Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus and survey instrument were distributed to a wide consultation network, including all secondary schools in NSW currently delivering Stage 6 Community and Family Studies, between 20 May and 21 June 2013. Both the draft syllabus and survey instrument were also available on the Board website. A Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Reference Group was convened, consisting of representatives from the following organisations: NSW Department of Education and Communities Association of Independent Schools of NSW Catholic Education Commission NSW NSW PDHPE Teachers’ Association Technology Educators Association NSW NSW Australian Council of Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) Australian Association of Special Education. The Reference Group met on 4 April and 15 August 2013 to provide advice on the development and quality of the syllabus. Additionally, consultation meetings with teachers in metropolitan and regional areas were also conducted: Newcastle on 30 May 2013 Campbelltown on 6 June 2013 Hornsby on 11 June 2013. The Board’s Special Education Committee was also involved in consultation. 5 Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report Subject to Board approval, the syllabus will be available for Preliminary course implementation in 2014. 6 Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report 4 Summary of respondents Consultation meetings Two Reference Group meetings and three teacher meetings were held. The number of participants are as follows: Reference Group members 10 Teacher meetings participants 15 Survey respondents Individual teachers 8 Faculty 2 Other: Association of Independent Schools NSW 7 Independent Sector Catholic Government Non-school-based Parent body 4 University Area of NSW Metropolitan 5 Regional 5 7 Other: Association of Independent Schools NSW Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report 5 Analysis 5.1 Aim, objectives and course structure Summary Respondents indicated that the aim and objectives were clear and achievable and that the aim provided an adequate statement of the overall purpose of the syllabus. Respondents appreciated that the objectives provided an opportunity for students to engage in more in-depth study of a particular area of interest. It was felt that the modules were clear and comprehensive, providing flexibility for programming and opportunities for implementation within integrated settings. Quantitative analysis The aim provides a statement of the overall purpose of the syllabus. Nil response 1 9% Strongly agree 4 36% Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly disagree 6 55% The objectives define in broad terms the knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes to be developed through the study of the Community and Family Studies Life Skills course. Nil response 1 9% Strongly agree 5 45% Agree Unsure 4 36% 1 9% Disagree Strongly disagree The modules provide sufficient scope to meet the needs, interests and abilities of students with special education needs. Nil response 1 9% Strongly agree 5 45% Agree Unsure 4 36% 1 9% 8 Disagree Strongly disagree Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report Qualitative analysis Key matters raised and writing team action Key matters raised Source/s Action Objectives may be too broad in that knowledge, understanding and skills are covered in one objective. Skills should be listed before knowledge and understanding in the objectives. The objective stems are repetitive. CM, Survey (AIS) More specific language is required for the objectives to assist with assessment, programming and reporting. DEC Objectives define, in broad terms, the knowledge, understanding, skills and values and attitudes to be developed through study in the subject. Assessment, programming and reporting are based on the outcomes of the syllabus. Objective 6 requires further clarification as the intent is unclear and there is little correlation with the module description. It is suggested that: using both ‘positive’ and ‘productive’ is redundant concept of citizenship should be included. CM The objective has been reviewed to clarify the intended learning. Objective 7 is too difficult for some students and is not specifically reflected in the content of the course. CM, DEC, Survey Content can be selected based on the needs, abilities and interests of students. Content in relation to objective 7 has been included in each module. Objective 7 should be listed first. Survey (AIS) The order of the objectives aligns with the order of the modules. The advice regarding the selection of modules and content requires clarification and strengthening. CM The advice has been reviewed to clarify the selection of modules and content. The module descriptions do not include content in relation to the use and impact of technology. Survey The module descriptions have been reviewed. Include all factors affecting wellbeing in the description for module 1. CM, CAFSRG Include recognising the value of different family structures in the description for module 2. CM 9 Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report 5.2 Outcomes Summary Feedback from respondents indicated that the outcomes are clear and provide sufficient scope for the range of students with special education needs for whom Life Skills is appropriate. It was felt that the outcomes relate clearly to the objectives and modules and allow for specific assessment of student achievement. Respondents indicated that the outcomes allowed for flexible programming and integration with other Stage 6 Life Skills syllabuses. Quantitative analysis There is a clear relationship between the syllabus objectives and the outcomes. Nil response 1 9% Strongly agree 4 36% Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly disagree 6 55% The outcomes provide a sound basis for guiding assessment and reporting of student achievement. Nil response 1 9% Strongly agree 4 36% Agree Unsure 5 45% 1 9% Disagree Strongly disagree The outcomes provide sufficient scope for developing programs for students with special education needs. Nil response 1 9% Strongly agree 4 36% Agree Unsure 5 45% 1 9% 10 Disagree Strongly disagree Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report Qualitative analysis Key matters raised and writing team action Key matters raised Source/s Action More specific language is required for the outcomes to assist with assessment, programming and reporting. Terms such as ‘explore’, ‘develop’, ‘investigate’ and ‘demonstrate an awareness of’ are not observable. DEC ‘Appreciates’ is difficult to assess. Survey (AIS) The outcome verbs are consistent with other Stage 6 Life Skills syllabuses. Board syllabuses include outcomes relating to values and attitudes. There is no requirement to formally assess these outcomes. The concept of ‘interrelationships’ in outcome 3.2 may be too challenging for some students. CM Outcome 7.1 is difficult for students to achieve, particularly in relation to using a variety of strategies to undertake research. Survey x 2 The content presented in relation to outcome 7.1 requires further refinement in order to: adequately describe research skills provide an opportunity for students to report on the research they have undertaken. DEC, CM The content has been reviewed to include knowledge, understanding and skills related to research There is little relationship between the Life Skills outcomes and the draft amendments to the Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Syllabus. CM The outcomes have been reviewed for better alignment with the draft amendments of the Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Syllabus. 11 Outcomes have been developed to cater for the full range of students with special education needs and may be selected based on the needs, abilities and interests of students. Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report 5.3 Module 1: Wellbeing of individuals Summary Respondents reported that the content of this module is clear and appropriate for students. They indicated that the content provides variety and flexibility to develop relevant teaching and learning programs. Respondents felt that the module would be particularly useful in assisting students in post-school transitioning. Consultation supported the following content in this module: personal hygiene and personal safety local community resources factors that affect wellbeing. Quantitative analysis The sequence of content for this module is logical and appropriate. Nil response 2 18% Strongly agree 5 45% Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree 4 36% The content adequately describes the scope of each outcome. Nil response 2 18% Strongly agree 4 36% Agree Unsure 5 45% The content provides sufficient scope for developing programs for students with special education needs. Nil response 2 18% Strongly agree 5 45% Agree Unsure 3 27% 1 9% 12 Disagree Strongly disagree Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report Qualitative analysis Key matters raised and writing team action Key matters raised Source/s Action The content does not align well with the draft amendments for the Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Syllabus. CM Content is lengthy and some content redundant. Refine outcomes 1.3 and 1.4. CM, Survey The content in relation to visiting a range of resources in the local community is not practical. Survey Some content, such as the interrelationship between factors that affect wellbeing, is too conceptual for students with high support needs. Survey The content has been reviewed to remove redundancy and improve alignment with the draft amendments of the Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Syllabus. Content points have been developed to cater for the full range of students with special education needs and can be selected based on the needs and abilities of students. Content in relation to managing resources is required, such as budgeting and managing personal schedules. Survey Expand wellbeing to include economic and cultural. CM, CAFSRG Content could be included in relation to the importance of independence for a person’s selfesteem. CM Outcome 1.1 The use of the term ‘health’ in the examples for key aspects of wellbeing is redundant. CM The aspects of wellbeing listed should be factors affecting wellbeing. CAFSRG Include personal safety in the examples of factors that affect physical wellbeing. Survey (AIS) Outcome 1.2 Include content in relation to technology. Survey Include an example related to spiritual wellbeing in the strategies to improve wellbeing. CM Revise terminology in relation to relationships to maintain consistency with Years 7–10 PDHPE. CAFSRG The term ‘socioeconomic status’ is too complex. Consider revising this term to ‘financial circumstances’ or ‘social group’. AASE Revise examples of factors influencing the availability of resources for consistency with the draft Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Syllabus. CAFSRG 13 Content in relation to managing resources is included in module 5. Additional content has been included. Additional content and examples have been included. Technology has been revised. Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report Key matters raised Source/s Action Include a sense of belonging or wellbeing in the examples of things people need to survive. Survey (AIS) Additional content and examples have been included. Technology has been revised. Expand the examples of wants to include nonmaterialistic examples. CM Include the steps of decision making and content relating to how needs and wants may not be supported by the community. CM Outcome 1.3 Outcome 1.5 Replace ‘tolerance’ with ‘trust’ in the examples of factors impacting on maintaining positive relationships. 14 CAFSRG Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report 5.4 Module 2: Families Summary Respondents indicated that the content in this module allows for progressive development of knowledge and understanding. They felt that the content is relevant and inclusive of the full range of students with special education needs. Respondents acknowledged the flexibility to deliver this module within an integrated setting. Consultation supported the following content in this module: parenting family structures and roles support services. Quantitative analysis The sequence of content for this module is logical and appropriate. Nil response 2 18% Strongly agree 5 45% Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree 4 36% The content adequately describes the scope of each outcome. Nil response 2 18% Strongly agree 5 45% Agree Unsure 4 36% The content provides sufficient scope for developing programs for students with special education needs. Nil response 2 18% Strongly agree 5 45% Agree Unsure 2 18% 2 18% 15 Disagree Strongly disagree Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report Qualitative analysis Key matters raised and writing team action Key matters raised Source/s Action The content does not align well with the draft amendments for the Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Syllabus. CM Include the term ‘guardian’ in reference to parents/carers. SEC The content and terminology have been reviewed for better alignment with the draft amendments of the Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Syllabus. Content is lengthy and could be reduced. CM Outcome 2.1 Content should begin with identifying different family structures first, then identifying their own family structure. CM Content in relation to analysing council information and census data is too difficult. Survey x 2 Include content in relation to how families gain financial support. CM Review the examples of different family structures that people may have to include: nuclear families foster families ‘kinship’ families. CM, SEC, Survey (AIS) Outcome 2.2 Include content in relation to technology. Survey Review the examples provided in relation to the role expectations of families to include: ‘the need for household rules’ and ‘the need to follow household rules’. Survey Include some examples of role expectations for different cultural groups. CM Include ‘caring for parents’ in the examples of specific tasks family members perform and role expectations. SEC, CAFSRG Include content in relation to challenges and issues faced by siblings, such as caring for a sibling with a disability. SEC Outcome 2.3 Include reference to parents/carers in the Aboriginal community within types of parents/carers. 16 SEC Content points can be selected and sequenced based on the needs and abilities of students. Content in relation to analysing council data and family role expectations for different cultural groups has been removed. Additional content and examples have been included, and some examples removed as suggested. The term ‘socioeconomic status’ has been revised. Students can demonstrate understanding in a variety of ways, including listing and describing. Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report Key matters raised Source/s Revise examples of types of parents/carers and factors influencing how parents/carers provide for children for consistency with the draft amendments of the Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Syllabus. CAFSRG Modify content point in relation to planning for parenthood to ‘recognise that conception can be planned or unplanned’. CM Remove examples in relation to using reproductive technology. CAFSRG Include an example relating to medical decisions in the decisions parents/carers make for families. CM The term ‘socioeconomic status’ is too complex. Consider revising this term to ‘financial circumstances’ or ‘social group’. AASE Include ‘health’ in the examples of factors that influence how parents/carers provide for the needs of their children. SEC Change stem from ‘demonstrate an understanding’ to ‘list and describe’. CM Comparing roles of carers will be difficult for students with special education needs. Survey Outcome 2.4 Include examples of how to access support services. 17 CM Action Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report 5.5 Module 3: Participating in groups Summary Respondents reported that the content of this module is varied and relevant for students. They indicated that the examples provided are practical and support the content well. Respondents felt that the content presents achievable skills to enable students to actively participate in groups and is inclusive of the full range of students with special education needs. Respondents appreciated that the nature of the content allows for delivery in an integrated setting. Consultation supported the following content in this module: communication teamwork how groups help the community. Quantitative analysis The sequence of content for this module is logical and appropriate. Nil response 1 9% Strongly agree 6 55% Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree 4 36% The content adequately describes the scope of each outcome. Nil response 1 9% Strongly agree 7 64% Agree Unsure 3 27% The content provides sufficient scope for developing programs for students with special education needs. Nil response 1 9% Strongly agree 6 55% Agree Unsure 3 27% 1 9% 18 Disagree Strongly disagree Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report Qualitative analysis Key matters raised and writing team action Key matters raised Source/s Outcome 3.1 Include content in relation to special interest groups. CM, SEC Include further examples of reasons why we become part of a group, such as to share resources. CM, SEC Clarify content in relation to the ways groups CM provide for an individual’s wellbeing by rewording stem to: ‘Identify the ways in which a group provides for an individual’s wellbeing …’. Add ‘cultural’ to the list of functions that a group provides for individuals. CM Outcome 3.2 Review the content around roles that may exist in a group to better align with current Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Syllabus. CM Replace the term ‘successful groups’ with ‘effective groups’. CM Outcome 3.3 This outcome may be challenging for some students. CM Include ‘active listening’ and ‘respecting other people’s personal boundaries’ in relation to demonstrating respect for the opinions of others. CM Include content in relation to managing and resolving CAFSRG conflict in groups. Outcome 3.4 Add ‘resolve conflict’ as an example of purposes for communication in a group in outcome 3.4. CM Include content in relation to understanding social cues, demonstrating empathy, not using violent words/responses and no inappropriate touching in relation to effective communication. CM Include further content in relation to safe language, cyber bullying and appropriate use in the workplace in relation to social media. CM Include further content in relation to the use and impact of technology. CM Include content in relation to appropriate communication in the workplace. CM 19 Action Additional content and examples have been included. The wording of specific content points has been revised. The examples of group roles included are considered more appropriate for students with special education needs. Outcomes are selected based on the needs, abilities and interests of students. Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report 5.6 Module 4: Specific groups in society Summary Respondents felt that the content in this module is appropriate and relevant for students with special education needs. The content adequately covers the scope of the objective and outcomes and is well sequenced. Respondents indicated that the examples appropriately support and clarify the content and appreciated the opportunity for students to engage in further research. Consultation supported the following content in this module: the range of examples of specific groups the range of services available for specific groups. Quantitative analysis The sequence of content for this module is logical and appropriate. Nil response 1 9% Strongly agree 5 45% Agree Unsure 4 36% 1 9% Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree The content adequately describes the scope of each outcome. Nil response 1 9% Strongly agree 5 45% Agree Unsure 5 45% The content provides sufficient scope for developing programs for students with special education needs. Nil response 1 9% Strongly agree 4 36% Agree Unsure Disagree 3 27% 2 18% 1 9% 20 Strongly disagree Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report Qualitative analysis Key matters raised and writing team action Key matters raised Source/s Action The nature and detail of this module may be too difficult for students with high support needs. Survey x3, CM The modules, outcomes and content have been developed to cater for the full range of students with special education needs and are selected based on the needs and abilities of the students. Additional examples have been included. The wording of specific content points has been revised. The list of specific groups and terminology used is consistent with the Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Syllabus. Outcome 4.1 Include ‘culture’, ‘religion’ and ‘gender’ as examples of what people in a group have in common. CM The term ‘economic status’ is too complex. Consider revising this term to ‘financial circumstances’. AASE Include isolated communities as an example of a group in society that has specific needs. CM Revise terminology in relation to the specific groups to strengthen the concept of the individual. CAFSRG Replace ‘societies’ with ‘local communities’ in ‘explore ways in which societies can support groups with specific needs …’ CM 21 Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report 5.7 Module 5: Transition to adulthood Summary Respondents indicated that the content of this module is well sequenced and relevant for students with special education needs. They appreciated the practical nature of the content, indicating that this enabled the content to be inclusive of the full range of students. Respondents reported that the content provides sufficient scope to develop teaching and learning programs relevant to students transitioning to post-school environments. Consultation supported the following content in this module: legal rights and responsibilities independent living and personal skills decision making post-school changes and transitions support network personal safety. Quantitative analysis The sequence of content for this module is logical and appropriate. Nil response 2 18% Strongly agree 6 55% Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree 3 27% The content adequately describes the scope of each outcome. Nil response 2 18% Strongly agree 6 55% Agree Unsure 3 27% The content provides sufficient scope for developing programs for students with special education needs. Nil response 2 18% Strongly agree 5 45% Agree Unsure 4 36% 22 Disagree Strongly disagree Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report Qualitative analysis Key matters raised and writing team action Key matters raised Source/s Action The content does not relate well to the draft amendments of the Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Syllabus. Content such as decision making and rights and responsibilities has been removed from the draft amendments. CM Some content within this module is specific to the Life Skills syllabus and could not be delivered in an integrated setting. Survey Content is required in relation to common issues in personal relationships. Survey Content in relation to gaining employment should be more inclusive of the full range of students with special education needs and include ‘community participation’. CM The content has been reviewed for better alignment with the draft amendments of the Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Syllabus. Schools wishing to deliver the syllabus in an integrated setting can select modules and content to suit available resources as well as the needs of the students. Additional content and examples have been included. Some examples have been removed as suggested. Terminology has been revised. Content is presented progressively to facilitate achievement by students with a range of abilities. Repetition of content provides opportunities for students to generalise knowledge, understanding and skills in a range of contexts. Outcomes can be selected and integrated as appropriate. Outcome 5.1 Revise terminology in relation to ‘stages of life’ for greater consistency with the draft amendments of the Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Syllabus. CAFSRG Combine content points in relation to identifying and sequencing the stages of life. Survey Include content relating to identifying challenges and positive experiences of life transitions. CM Outcome 5.2 Provide greater focus on voting. CM Include financial rights and responsibilities, such as obtaining/paying for credit. CM Include access to health care in the examples of the ways in which rights are regulated. CM Include financial responsibilities and safe sex as examples of responsibilities people have as adults. CM Change ‘consequences’ to ‘outcomes’ in relation to sexual relationships and remove examples. CAFSRG Outcome 5.3 Content included in outcome 5.3 is covered in other syllabuses. CM Include accessing goods and services as an example of skills that can assist a person to live independently in outcome 5.3. CM 23 Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report Key matters raised Source/s Outcome 5.4 Integrate content in relation to decision making with other outcomes. CM Include content in relation to consequences related to decision making. CM Content in relation to the significance of making decisions and the steps involved in the decisionmaking process requires further elaboration. CM 24 Action Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report 5.8 Module 6: Work and the individual Summary Respondents reported that the content of this module covers key issues for students with special education needs. It was indicated that the content provides sufficient scope to meet the needs of the full range of students. Respondents felt that the content provides opportunities for students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills required to transition from school to working life and appreciated the opportunities for students to engage in practical experiences. Respondents appreciated the connection to current Stage 6 Life Skills syllabuses, particularly Work and the Community Life Skills. Consultation supported the following content in this module: practical skills required for work environments technology, particularly in relation to appropriate use of technology. Quantitative analysis The sequence of content for this module is logical and appropriate. Nil response 1 9% Strongly agree 6 55% Agree Unsure 3 27% 1 9% Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree The content adequately describes the scope of each outcome. Nil response 1 9% Strongly agree 5 45% Agree Unsure 5 45% The content provides sufficient scope for developing programs for students with special education needs. Nil response 1 9% Strongly agree 6 55% Agree Unsure 3 27% 1 9% 25 Disagree Strongly disagree Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report Qualitative analysis Key matters raised and writing team action Key matters raised Source/s Action Content in relation to technology should also be included in other modules. Survey, CM Technology content could be incorporated into outcome 6.2. CM Some content within this module is specific to the Life Skills syllabus and could not be delivered in an integrated setting. Survey Content is too broad and requires refining. Survey More explicit reference to employability skills is required. Survey (AIS) Additional content and examples have been included. Schools wishing to deliver the syllabus in an integrated setting can select modules and content to suit available resources as well as the needs of the students. Content has been reviewed to improve consistency, cohesion and specificity. The outcome and content in relation to maintaining a balanced lifestyle have been reviewed to more accurately reflect the intended learning of the module. Outcome 6.1 Include ‘shift work’, working in remote places and ‘supported employment’ as examples of types of work. CAFSRG, AASE Include content in relation to identifying types of work they would like to do. CAFSRG Remove ‘adulthood’ from ‘recognise work as a significant aspect of adulthood’. Integrate this content with the needs met by work. CM CAFSRG Include content in relation to the value of work to the individual and how work meets the needs of individuals. CM Outcome 6.2 Include further references to unpaid work, such as volunteering, so that the focus is not on paid work. CM Include examples of advocates in the range of roles that exist in the workplace, such as union representatives, human resource officers, employment trainer. CM Include ‘taking initiative’, ‘reliability’ or ‘meeting responsibilities’ as examples of qualities of an effective worker. CM Outcome 6.3 Provide further content in relation to the responsible use of technology. CM Replace ‘in the workplace’ with ‘in our working lives’ and ‘in the workplace that can also be used for personal purposes’ with ‘in our social lives’. CM 26 Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report Key matters raised Source/s Group content related to the social use of technology together and content related to using technology in the workplace together. CM Include the protection of the rights of others when using technology as an example of an issue and challenge in using technology. CM Revise the factors affecting access to technology for greater consistency with the draft amendments of the Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Syllabus. CAFSRG Outcome 6.4 This outcome seems inappropriately placed in this module. CM Content in relation to maintaining a balanced lifestyle should focus on accessing facilities, obtaining funding to support the needs of individuals, and accessing and developing support networks and systems. CM The concept of ‘balanced lifestyle’ is out of place in this module. CM Review the examples presented as social/leisure activities and responsibilities to ensure a more balanced mix of activities and responsibilities. AASE 27 Action Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report 5.9 Overall evaluation Quantitative analysis On balance, how would you classify the draft Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Syllabus? Nil response I like it, it needs little or no change It is quite good but still needs moderate change 2 18% 8 73% 1 9% I don’t think it will work well and requires substantial amendments Qualitative analysis Key matters raised and writing team action Key matters raised Source/s Action It may be difficult to deliver this syllabus in an integrated setting. Survey Access to resources to support implementation is required. Survey Further examples of additional support are required in the Assessment and Reporting section. Survey (AIS) Embed the glossary of key terms into the modules. Survey (AIS) Incorporate this syllabus into Program Builder. Survey (AIS) Include a definition of work in the glossary that encompasses both paid and unpaid work. CM Content described by ‘demonstrate’ may require clarification as it is not an observable term. CM Content could be made more explicit to assist assessment, programming and reporting. DEC Revise terminology to improve consistency. CAFSRG Strengthen opportunities for students to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and skills in practical ways. CAFSRG Schools wishing to deliver the syllabus in an integrated setting can select modules and content to suit available resources as well as needs of the students. Existing resources aligned with the current Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Syllabus can be used to support implementation of this syllabus. Examples of additional support are included on Board websites. The presentation of the glossary is consistent with Stage 6 Life Skills syllabuses. The glossary has been updated. Program Builder is currently only available for K–10 NSW syllabuses for the Australian curriculum. The term ‘demonstrate’ is represented in the HSC glossary of key words. Further examples and elaboration have been included to support content. Terminology has been revised. Further opportunities for practical demonstration of learning have been included. 28 Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus Consultation Report 6 Respondents 6.1 Consultation meetings Stage 6 Community & Family Studies Life Skills Draft Syllabus consultation meetings (code: CM) Venue Date Number of participants Newcastle 30 May 2013 5 Campbelltown 6 June 2013 4 Hornsby 11 June 2013 6 Board of Studies Special Education Committee meeting on 25 June 2013 (code: SEC) Stage 6 Community and Family Studies Reference Group meetings on 4 April 2013 and 15 August 2013 (code: CAFSRG) 6.2 Written submissions Key groups and professional associations Code Australian Association of Special Education AASE NSW Department of Education and Communities DEC 29