Earth Dynamics Jeopardy – Fall week 10

Earth Dynamics Jeopardy – Fall week 10
Climate change – human impacts – history –
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2x<sup>2</sup> will look like 2x2
H<sub>2</sub>O will look like H2O
<em>Jeopardy Labs</em> will look like Jeopardy Labs
<ins>Jeopardy Labs</ins> will look like Jeopardy Labs
<del>Jeopardy Labs</del> will look like
The most important anthropogenic greenhouse
What is - CO2 (carbon dioxide)
State of the Earth when incoming heat is balanced by heat radiated away
What is (Thermal) Equilibrium
Net cost of retrofitting buildings with recommended energy saving features
What is – Zero or less – green buildings can save money.
Natural cycles of climate change caused primarily by Earth’s varying tilt and distance from the Sun
What is – Milankovitch Cycles
Role of the Sun in climate change at present
What is – Little to none (Sun’s output is steady and slightly cool)
Swede who happily predicted that coal burning would warm the Earth, over a century ago.
Who is – Svante Arrhenius, 1896
British amateur who accurately quantified climate sensitivity, and was not believed in his lifetime.
Who is – G.S. Callendar, 1938
Young geophysicist whose careful measurements of atmospheric CO2 revealed rapid global
Who is – Dave Keeling (starting in 1958)
Abbreviated IPCC, panels of scientists review studies and produce assessments for approval by this
What is - The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
ROUND 2 - Likelihood that present observed global warming is caused by humans, according to
the IPCC
What is – (99%)
SOCIETY & Science #1
This country is no sunnier than Olympia, yet it is the world’s top PV installer.
What is - Germany.
Number of major extinction events in Earth history, before the presently occurring event.
What is – Five
New name for the Holocene which reflects human impacts on Earth, which will be visible in the
future sedimentary record.
What is - The Anthropocene?
Principle that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
What is - The Precautionary Principle
The process in which the earths' reflected insolation decreases with increased ice melt.
What is - Ice albedo feedback
A cycle in which an effect amplifies its cause, leading to a runaway excursion from equilibrium (e.g
a runaway warming or a runaway cooling).
What is - Positive feedback.
The relative decrease of this isotope is a smoking gun for anthropogenic carbon in the atmosphere
What is - Carbon 14 (this short-lived radioactive isotope is absent from fossil fuels)
Trend in the growth rate of human population, globally
What is - Decreasing growth rate
Impact = PAT stands for this
What is - Population * Affluence * Technology
This IPAT factor produces the greatest growth in carbon emissions
What is - A for Affluence (GDP per capita)
Cause of the features observed at Dry Falls, and timing of their occurrence
What is – periodic flooding from Glacial Lake Missoula, about 11,000 years ago
Building up an existing technology or strategy, to remove 25 billion tons of carbon emissions per
year, within 50 years.
What is a “wedge,” by Pacala and Socolow
WINTER or Double jeopardy
Approximate timescale for the earth to reach new thermal equilibrium after greenhouse gas
emissions cease
1000 years
Earth Dynamics Jeopardy (eda7889)
NEXT quarter
Conservative physicist who became radicalized by his early realization of anthropogenic global
Who is – James Hansen (1988)