Fall wk 2 – Mon.4.Oct.04 • • • • • • Welcome, roll, questions Revisit Calculus from last Thursday break Energy Ch.2 3:30 visitors: measuring energy use on campus Looking ahead Energy Systems, EJZ Questions • WebX Energy PIQ • I will look for your posts in the morning before class • Opportunity to address your Q in more depth • Please remember to finish inQsit surveys if you have not already done so Revisit Calculus - outline • 1. 2 Exponential functions – review and practice • 1.3 Inverse functions, stretches, shifts • Wiley says they have fixed eGrade – please see if your registration works • If eGrade doesn’t work for you yet, hand in paper homework for now. Calculus 1.2: Exponential fxns #32 Nicaragua’s inflation rate 1.3% per day P(t) = P0 at #36 Radioactive strontium-90 in bones How much Sr absorbed in 1969 remains in bone in 1990, if the half-life is 30 years? P(t) = P0 et Why use e instead of a? Calculus 1.3: New functions from old Ex: Oil slick area depends on growing radius Area depends on radius: A(r) = Radius grows in time: r(t) = 1+t (graph these) How does area grow in time? A(t) = Questions 2 f(x(t)), 11 (inverse), 20 stretch/shift, 26 g(f(x)), 15 (inverse) Symmetry: #36 Calculus Ch.1 Homework due online this Thus: Calc 1 HW 1 Ch.1.1 # 4, 14, 30, 36 Ch.1.2 # 8, 18, 32, 36 Ch.1.3 # 2, 11, 20, 26 To access these, click Calc HW on our Schedule webpage. Discuss – – – Shorten assignments, stretch syllabus? Teamwork on homework Qualitative reasoning center Energy 2: Energy Resources Cumulative production vs time When is production rate increasing most rapidly? a, b, or c When does production rate peak? a, b, or c Production rate vs time When is production rate increasing most rapidly? a, b, or c When does production rate peak? a, b, or c When does production rate start to decline? a, b, or c At what time was the most total (cumulative) oil produced? a, b, or c Production rate P = production/time = dQ/dt Cumulative production Q = area under the production rate curve P Discuss Energy Ch.2 • • • Key points? Insights from team discussion? Questions? - questions of fact: Can we find answer in the text? What page? - Outstanding questions of fact - Outstanding significant questions Measuring energy use on campus • Sustainability indicators website • Interested in analyzing these for your research project? • Rich Davis, PE, is the campus engineer • Patty VanDeWalker measures electricity, water, steam • Let’s tour the tunnels! Next Tuesday at 3:30? Looking ahead • Seminar in Sem II C2109 tonight – better room • Please put your team’s best Q on the board before 5:00 • Tomorrow: research workshops in class and Library – Goals: to explore topics and questions, learn search tech. – Assignment: read Research webpage before class tomorrow – New: research ideas & resources from solar homes tour • Thursday Physics – let’s do heat (Ch.18) instead of motion (Ch.2), as the latter has only a couple of concepts that are required for energy. • Essays – write on your research for weeks 2, 4, 7, 9