LAW SCHOOL POSITION APPROVAL Date submitted: Requestor Name: Supervisor (of this position’s) Name: Operational Area: (narrowest unit name; ex. Career Services, Mediation Clinic) Official UW Payroll Title: Working Title: Proposed Salary: Fixed Salary: Job Summary: or Salary Range: to (attach detailed job description) Appointment Duration/Type: Circle One: Renewable Terminal (has end date) Start Date: End Date: (if terminal) Funding Source: (describe funding, and, likelihood of continued funding) Organizational chart for unit (please attach org chart that includes this position) Recruitment Plan: (describe where you want to advertise, if there will be a search committee, how you will determine the qualifications, etc.) Approved By: Dean Raymond: ______________________________________ Date:_________________ Dean Pluymers: ______________________________________ Date:_________________ Dean Brito: ______________________________________ Date:_________________ Dean Sperling: ______________________________________ Date:_________________