Rough Outline for a Intra-Portal Protocol Version 01 Stephen Haddock July 17, 2012 1 LACP in a Nutshell • Each Port on a System advertises: 1. A System ID • 2. A Key • 3. The same System ID value is used for all Ports on a System. The Key is an indication of aggregation capability. Ports that can be aggregated advertise the same Key value. A Port ID • The Port ID is included to handle some special cases. It is not important for a high level understanding of basic LACP concepts. • LACP Selection Logic will form an aggregation between any ports that: 1. 2. Advertise the same System ID and the same Key (called the Actor_System and Actor_Key), and Receive advertisements containing the same System ID and the same Key (called the Partner_System and Partner_Key) 2 Two Systems without Distributed Aggregation System A Port Port Port System B Port Port Each Port on System A advertises: 1. Actor_System = A 2. Actor_Key = Ax Where Ax may be the same value on some or all of the ports, or may be a different value on different ports. Port Port Port Port Port Each Port on System B advertises: 1. Actor_System = B 2. Actor_Key = Bx Where Bx may be the same value on some or all of the ports, or may be a different value on different ports. 3 Two Systems with Distributed Aggregation System A Port Port System B Port Port Port Port (possible) Network Link Intra-Portal Link (could be virtual) Network Link Gateway Link (virtual) Emulated System C Port Port Each Network Port on System A advertises: 1. Actor_System = A 2. Actor_Key = Ax Port Port Port Port Port Port Network Link Gateway Link (virtual) Each Network Port on System B advertises: 1. Actor_System = B 2. Actor_Key = Bx Each (non Gateway) Port on System C advertises: 1. Actor_System = C 2. Actor_Key = Cn Where Cn is the same value on all of the ports. 4 Intra-Portal Protocol Creating and Maintaining a Distributed Aggregation requires: • State machines in System A and System B (the “real” systems) to control the transitions between the state without distributed aggregation and the state with distributed aggregation. • A protocol that 1. 2. 3. Determines the System ID and Key values for the Emulated System C. Coordinates the Selection Logic for the Emulated System C. Coordinates the distributed aggregation state machines in each of the “real” systems. 5 Configuration versus Discovery • LACP designed to allow minimal configuration and maximal discovery: – A default configuration is all ports advertise the same key value. – LACP will then discover all groups of ports connecting the same pair of systems and automatically aggregate them. • The Intra-Portal Protocol could conceivably follow the same philosophy: 1. 2. 3. • Advertise ability to do distributed aggregation on all ports. Form an Intra-Portal Link to any connected system that is also capable of distributed aggregation, and create an emulate system between them. Use LACP (possibly with enhancements) to discover links that could form a distributed aggregation and “move” those ports to the emulated system. This is quite ambitious! 6 A less ambitious starting point 1. Configure the port(s) that are expected to form IntraPortal Links. – Use protocol advertisements on those ports to verify that the other system also expects these to form Intra-Portal Links, and to agree on Emulated System parameters (System ID, Key value, Port IDs). 2. Configure which port(s) are expected to be “moved” to the Emulated System. – – Once the Intra-Portal Link is active and Emulated System parameters agreed, use LACP to advertise the Emulated System parameters these ports. Intra-Portal Protocol coordinates the Selection Logic of the Emulated System to form the distributed aggregation. 7 Rough Distributed Aggregation State Machine Begin SINGLE •LACP advertises “real” system parameters on all ports. •Send Intra-Portal Protocol advertisements (candidate Emulated System parameters) on potential Intra-Portal Port. All communication with spouse lost ESTRANGED •LACP advertises Emulated System parameters on Emulated System ports. •Send Intra-Portal Protocol advertisements on Intra-Portal Port and alternate paths. •Maintain Distributed Aggregation IPPort Operational & IPProtocol Advertisements received All communication with spouse lost All communication with spouse lost IPPort Operational & IPProtocol Advertisements received IPPort not Operational but communication through other paths possible BETROTHED •LACP advertises “real” system parameters on all ports. •Send Intra-Portal Protocol advertisements on Intra-Portal Port. Not in sync In sync (Emulated System parameters agreed) MARRIED •LACP advertises Emulated System parameters on Emulated System ports. •Send Intra-Portal Protocol advertisements on Intra-Portal Port (and alternate paths?). •Create Distributed Aggregation. 8 Intra-Portal Protocol Advertisements • Ethertype • Maybe use Slow Protocols Ethertype with new sub-type • Maybe use new Ethertype (without chatter limits) • Modeled after LACP advertisements – Contains Actor parameters • Actor_System, Actor_Emulated_System, Actor_Distributed_Key, Actor_State – Contains copies of parameters received from Spouse • Spouse_System, Spouse_Emulated_System, Spouse_Distributed_Key, State – In sync when the Spouse_* parameters in received advertisements match the Actor_* parameters in transmitted advertisements. • The agreed Emulated_System identifier is the numerically lower of that proposed by the Actor or the Spouse. • The agreed Distributed_Key is the value associated with the agreed Emulated_System identifier. • May contain other TLVs in some or all advertisements for coordinating gateway selection, link selection, etc. 9 Obviously needs further refinement 10 Thank You . 11