The Need for an Improved PAUSE Mitch Gusat and Cyriel Minkenberg IEEE 802 Dallas Nov. 2006 IBM Zurich Research Lab GmbH 1 Outline I) Overcoming PAUSE-induced Deadlocks PAUSE exposed to circular dependencies Two deadlock-free PAUSE solutions II) PAUSE Interaction with Congestion Management III) Conclusions IBM Zurich Research Lab GmbH 2 PAUSE Issues • PAUSE-related issues interfere with BCN simulations • Correctness Deadlocks cycles in the routing graph (if multipath adaptivity is enabled) – multiple solutions exist circular dependencies (in bidir fabrics) BCN can’t help this => Solutions required • Performance (to be elaborated in a future report) low-order HOL-blocking and memory hogging Non-selective PAUSE causes hogging, i.e., monopolization of common resources: e.g. shared memory may be monopolized by frames for a congested port (as shown here) Consequences – best: reduced throughput – worst: unfairness, starvation, saturation tree, collapse properly tuned, BCN can address this problem IBM Zurich Research Lab GmbH 3 A 3-level Bidir Fat Tree Unfolded Root = ‘hinge’ to unfold HCATx port 1 port 1 shortcut routes within same modules port 4 HCATx HCARx port 4 port 128 port 128 32 4x4 modules HCARx 32 4x4 modules 32 4x4 modules 32 4x4 modules 16 8x8 modules same modules • Using shared-memory switches with global PAUSE in a bidirectional fat tree network can cause deadlock Circular dependencies (CD) != loops in the routing graph (STD) Deadlocks were observed in BCN simulations IBM Zurich Research Lab GmbH 4 PAUSE-caused Deadlocks in BCN Simulations 16-node 5-stage fabric Bernoulli traffic SM, BCN Partitioned, w/ BCN SM, no BCN Partitioned, no BCN IBM Zurich Research Lab GmbH 5 The Mechanism of PAUSE-induced CD Deadlocks • When incorrectly implemented, PAUSE-based flow control can cause hogging and deadlocks A • PAUSE-deadlocking in shared-memory switches: Switches A and B are both full (within the granularity of an MTU or Jumbo) => PAUSE thresholds exceeded All traffic from A is destined to B and viceversa B Neither can send, waiting on each other indefinitely: Deadlock. Note: Traffic from A never takes the path from B back to A and vice versa Due to shortest-path routing IBM Zurich Research Lab GmbH 6 Two Solutions to Defeat the Deadlock A • I. Architectural: Assert PAUSE on a per-input basis • Confirmed by simulations No input is allowed to consume more than 1/N-th of the shared memory All traffic in B’s input buffer for A is guaranteed to be destined to a different port than the one leading back to A (and vice versa) Hence, the circular dependency has been broken! Assert PAUSE on input i: occmem >= Th or occ[i] >= Th/N Deassert PAUSE on input i: occmem < Th and occ[i] < Tl/N Qeq = M / (2N) B • II. LL-FC: Bypass Queue, distinctly PAUSE-d Achieves similar result as (I), plus: independent of switch architecture (and implementation) required for IPC traffic (LD/ST, request/reply) compatible w/ PCIe (dev. driver compatibility) IBM Zurich Research Lab GmbH 7 Simulation of BCN with Deadlock-free PAUSE • Observations Qeq should be set to partition the shared memory Setting it higher promotes hogging Setting it lower wastes memory space BCN works best with large buffers per port Buffer size per port should be significantly larger than mean burst size 256 frames per port IBM Zurich Research Lab GmbH 8 PAUSE Interaction with Congestion Management • What is the effect of deadlock-free PAUSE on BCN? • Memory partitioning ‘stiffens’ the feedback loop • PAUSE triggers backpressure tree earlier Backrolling propagation speed depends not only on the available memory, but also on the switch service discipline • Next: Static analysis of PAUSE-BCN interference, function of the switch service discipline Note: To visualise the analytical iterations, enable animation. IBM Zurich Research Lab GmbH 9 Simple Analytical Method • Method used in this presentation • explicit assumptions simple traffic scenario reduced MIN topology, with static/deterministic routing (fixed) This ‘model’ considers • queuing – in Eth. Channel Adapter (ECA) and switch element (SE) scheduling – in ECA and SE Ethernet’s per-prio PAUSE-based LL-FC (aka backpressure - BP) reactive CM a la BCN Linearization around steady-state => tractable static analysis salient transients will be mentioned, but not computed Compute the cumulative effects of – – – scheduling, LL-FC backpressure per prio (only one used here), CM source throttling (rate adjustment) – – – blocking probability per stage and SE variance of service time distribution Lyapunov stability Do not compute the formulas for 10 Model and Traffic assumptions .4 +.1 .4 +.2 .4 .4 .4 +.1 .4 .4 +.4 .4 .4 +.1 .4 +.2 .4 .4 .4 +.1 .4 .4 .4+.8 .4 +.1 .4 +.2 .4 .4 .4 +.1 .4 .4 +.4 .4 .4 +.1 .4 +.2 .4 .4 .4 +.1 .4 .4 .4 • Traffic = ∑(background + hot) • Bgnd traffic: “A total of 50% of link rate is attempted from 9 queues ( 8 background + 1 hot) from each ECA.” 8 queue/ECA on the left. Each of the 8 queues is connected to one of the 8 ECAs on the right. => 64 flows (8 queue/ECA x 8) on the left that are each injecting packets. “80% of these [total link rate] are background, that is 80%x50% = 40% of link rate.” => background traffic intensity λ=0.4 is uniformly space-distributed • Hot traffic: “20% of these are hot, so hot traffic is 20%x50% = 10% of link rate.” 11 120% Link Load => 20% Overload - What Happens Next? S1 S3 .4 +.1 .4 +.2 .4 .4 .4 +.1 .4 .4 +.4 .4 .4 +.1 .4 +.2 .4 .4 .4 +.1 .4 .4 .4 +.1 .4 +.2 .4 .4 .4 +.1 .4 .4 +.4 .4 .4 +.1 .4 +.2 .4 .4 .4 +.1 .4 .4 .4 BP • S2 cf = 1.2 CM .4+.6 L1 L2 L3 L4 Hotspot arrival intensity: λbgnd + λhot = .4 + .8 = 1.2 > 1 => Overload , [mild] congestion factor = 1.2 @ SE (L2,S3) ? • BP and CM will react if SE(L2,S3) is work-conserving, 0.2 overload must be losslesy squelched by CM and BP • • The exact sequence depends on the actual traffic, SE architecture and threshold settings. Irrelevant for static analysis, albeit important in operation • Separation of concerns -> Study the independent effects of BP (1st) and CM (2nd) iff linear system in steady-state -> superposition allows to compose the effects 12 Link-Level FC will Back-Pressure: Whom? How Much? Whose 1st? bgnd + hot’ = .4 + .4 .4 + .4 = .8 hot” = .4 .4 Stop1 ? Buffers fill up bgnd + hot’ = .4 + .4 .4 + .4 = .8 1.2 Stop2 ? .8 + .4 = 1.2 > 1 • Depends on the SE’s service discipline • Most well-understood and used disciplines 1. Round-Robin RR versions: strict (non-WC) and work-conserving (skip invalid queues) 2. 3. • FIFO, aka FCFS, aka EDF (timestamps, aging) Fair Queuing, WRR, WFQ A future 802.3x should standardize only the LL-FC not its ‘fairness’ 13 EDF-based BP: FCFS-type of Fairness (subset of max-min) S1 .4 +.1 .4 +.4 .4 +.2 L1 .734 BP .4 +.1 S3 .4 +.2 BP .4 +.1 S2 .4 +.1 .4 +.2 .4 +.1 .417 .4 +.1 .4 +.2 L2 .566 BP .4 +.1 1.0 .4 +.4 .666 L3 .5 BP .4 +.1 L4 .483 • New TX rates EDF-fair are backpropagated λ’ = (1 - θ) * λ = 0.834 * λ θ = 1- μj / (∑ λij) , incremental upstream traversal rooted on SE (L2,S3) Hint: subtract the bgnd traffic λ = .4 from the EDF-fair rates and compare w/ previous hot rates Obs.: If moderate-to-severe congestion θ->1 => λ’ -> 0 : Blocking spreads across all ingress branches => neither parking lot ‘unfairness’ nor flow decoupling is possible. (wide canopy saturation tree) * All flows sharing resources along the hot paths are backpressured proportional to their respective contribution (not their traffic class). No flow isolation. 14 RR-based BP: Prop. Fairness – Selective and Drastic S1 .4 +.1 .4 +.4 .4 +.2 L1 .8 BP .4 +.1 S3 .4 +.2 BP .4 +.1 S2 .4 +.1 .4 +.2 .4 +.1 .4 +.1 .4 +.2 .4 +.4 .6 / .5 L3 .4 / .25 BP .3 / .15 L2 .6 BP .4 +.1 1.0 .4 +.1 L4 .5 • New TX rates RR-fair are iteratively computed and backpropagated 1. identify the INs exceeding RR quota, as members of N’ ≤ N 2. distribute the overload δ across N’ δij’ = N*λij - μj / (N*N’), δij’ ≤ δ for work-conserving service 3. recompute the new admissible arrival rates λij’ = λij - δij’ incrementally, upstream traversal rooted on SE (L2,S3) 3’. If strict RR no longer δij’ ≤ δ => the BP effects are drastic and focused! Hint: subtract the bgdn traffic λ = .4 from the RR-fair rates and compare w/ previous hot rates Obs. 1: Only the selected branch is BP-ed (discrimination) => RR-BP blocking always discriminates between ingress branches. Obs. 2: If severe congestion and/or many hops, selected branches will be swiftly choked down (bonsai – narrow trees). 15 20% Overload - Reaction According to CM • What’s the effect of CM only, if no LL-FC BP? • Congestion factor cf=1.2 : 1. Marking by SE(L2, S3) 2. ECA sources adapt their injection rate • is done at flow resolution (queue connection here) is based on SE queue occupancy and a set of thresholds (single one here, @8) – if fair w/ p=1%, BCN marking is pro-rated 33% (bgnd) + 67% (hot) per e2e flow Desired result: convergence to proportionally fair stable rates λbgnd + λCM_hot = O(.33 + .67) - achievable by fair marking by CPID, proper tuning of BCN params and enhancements to self-increase (see recent Stanford U. proposal) 16 20% Overload - Reaction According to LL-FC Strictly depending on the service discipline 802 shouldn’t mandate scheduling to switch vendors, because Round-Robin (RR: strict, or, work-conserving) • strong/prop. fairness decouples flows simple & scalable globally unfair (parking lot problem) FIFO/EDF (timestamps) temporally & globally fair: first-come-first-served locally unfair => flow coupling (can’t isolate across partitions and clients) complex to scale BP will impact the speed, strength and locality (fairness) of backpressure... (underlying CM) hence different behaviors of the CM loop 17 Observations • PAUSE-induced deadlocks must be solved two solutions were proposed • PAUSE + BCN: two feedback loops intercoupled BP/LL-FC modulates CM’s convergence: +/- phase and amplitude depends on topology, RTTs, traffic and SE • Switch service disciplines impact (via PAUSE) BCN’s stability margin and transient response Switches w/ RR service may require higher gains for w and Gd , or a higher Ps, than switches using EDF to signal this? • CM should trigger earlier than BP => the two mechanisms, albeit ‘independent’ should be codesigned and co-tuned. thresholds’ choice depends on link and e2e RTTs 18 Instead of Conclusion: Improved PAUSE • 10GigE is a discontinuity in the Ethernet evolution • opportunity to address new needs and markets however, improvements are needed Requirements of next-generation PAUSE 1. Correct by design, not implementation 1. 2. Deadlock-free No HOL1- and, possibly reduced HOL2-blocking Note: Do not try to address high-order HOL-blocking at link layer 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Configurable for both lossy and lossless operation QoS / 802.1p support Enables virtualization / 802.1q Beneficial or neutral to CM schemes (BCN, TCP, ...) Legacy PAUSE-compatible Simple to understand and implement by designers 1. 8. Min. no. of flow control domains: h/w queues and IDs in Ether-frame Compelling to use => always enabled...! 19