Class Agenda Week of September 3 – 7, 2007 Name:________________________

Class Agenda Week of September 3 – 7, 2007
UNIT EXAM 9/18/07
Date: _________Period:_____
Class website with study materials and other resources:
Monday 9/3/07
Labor Day Holiday
Unit 1 Quiz #3 September 11, 2007
Tuesday 9/4/07 –Jury Duty
- Unit 1 Quiz #2 – 10 min
- check agenda
- Chapter 2.3 – Science
Notebook pg. 18-20. Think Pair
HW: Unit Study Guide and
Vocabulary Questions
Wednesday 9/5/07–Jury Duty
- Review Quiz #2 Results
- Ch. 2.3 Diagrams: Water
Cycle, Carbon Cycle,
Nitrogen Cycle
HW: Ch.2 Study Guide
pg.49-52 – collected next
Thursday 9/6/07 –Jury Duty
- Review Quiz #3 Answers
- Ch. 3.1 Notebook pg. 2124.
- Fish in Hot Water Project
HW: Study for Quiz #3
1. The ultimate source of energy for life on Earth is the _____________.
2. Nutrients move through the biosphere in
_______________________ cycles
3. As water cycles through the ecosystem, which process returns it to
the atmosphere?_____________________
4. As water cycles through the ecosystem, which process returns it
from the atmosphere to land?
5. In the water cycle, what process occurs in
6. In the nitrogen cycle, decomposers directly aid in restoring the
availability of nitrogen in the ______________.
7. The phenomenon in which organism pick up and concentrate
pollutants they cannot metabolize is
Approximately 45 million acres of tropical rain forest are destroyed each
year by means of burning and clearing trees.
8. What would be the results of these activities (in regards to C-cycle)?
9. What would happen to the oxygen content of the atmosphere?
Friday 9/7/07 - Jury Duty
- Review Quiz #3 Answers
- Ch. 3.1 Notebook pg. 2124.
- Fish in Hot Water Project
HW: Study for Quiz #3
10. What two biological processes are involved in the carbon cycle?
11. What does the graph
show about the Earth’s
Parents/Guardian –
 I have reviewed my child’s
activities and homework for
the week of 9/3/07 –
 I understand that is
important for me to
make sure that my child is studying to be prepared for the quiz and has completed all
assignments this week.
Parent/Guardian Printed Name
Bell Ringers: Week of September 3 – 7, 2007
Monday Emily and her family live in Maine, and they have planned a road trip to travel across Canada and the
United States. They travel across Canada through forests of spruce and fir trees until they reach the west
coast. Traveling south through temperate rain forests, they reach southern California, where only shrubs grow in
dry soil. Heading east, they pass through deserts and eventually reach the deciduous forests of the east coast.
They drive northward to home. Which describes Emily’s cross-country trip?
A. Emily witnessed a series of ecosystem successions such as scrubland to desert.
B. The family spent their entire trip in the North American biological community.
C. The trip encompassed a majority of the major terrestrial biomes of Earth.
D. They traveled through several large ecosystems such as the American desert.
Tuesday As we move up an energy or biomass pyramid, the top levels get smaller like an Egyptian pyramid.
Diagram an energy pyramid showing trophic levels and explain why the top levels get smaller.
Wednesday Mario and several friends spend a day at the beach. While watching the ocean waves crashing to
shore, Mario wonders how much of the world’s water is contained in different types of bodies of water such as
oceans, lakes, and rivers. He decides to research the percentage of Earth’s water found in different locations.
Which does his research reveal?
A. Fifty percent of Earth’s water is in oceans and the glaciers at the poles.
B. Less than 3 percent of Earth’s water is freshwater containing no salt.
C. Ninety percent of Earth’s water is in lakes, rivers, and groundwater.
D. The ice caps located at both poles contain 30 percent of Earth’s water.
As soon as rock forms, as it does almost continually on the island of Hawaii, biological changes begin.
Describe some examples of plant life at each level of succession starting from new rock.
If a population grows larger than the carrying capacity of the environment what will most likely happen
and why?
Name:________________________________ Date:________________ Period:_______
Unit 1 Quiz 3
_________________________1. In the nitrogen cycle, decomposers directly aid in restoring the
availability of nitrogen in the ________.
_________________________2. As water cycles through the ecosystem, which process returns it
to the atmosphere?
_________________________3. As water cycles through the ecosystem, which process returns it
from the atmosphere to land?
_________________________4. In the water cycle, what process occurs in clouds?
_________________________5. The ultimate source of energy for life on Earth is the _______.
_________________________6. The phenomenon in which organism pick up and concentrate
pollutants they cannot metabolize is called _______________.
_________________________7. Nutrients move through the biosphere in _____________ cycles
Approximately 45 million acres of tropical rain forest are destroyed each year by means of burning and
clearing trees.
8. What would be the results of these activities (in regards to C-cycle)?
9. What would happen to the oxygen content of the atmosphere?
10. What two biological processes are involved in the carbon cycle?
11. What does the graph show about
the Earth’s atmosphere?