Name:___________________________ Date: ____________Period:_____

Date: ____________Period:_____
Agenda Week of 15 Oct – 19 Oct 2007 Class website:
Unit 2 Cell Biology Exam 10/23/07
Monday 10/15/07
- Chapter 8 Notes and Lecture
HW: Study for Quiz #3
Ch.8 Science Notebook due 10/16/07
Additional Review Questions for EXAM
Tuesday 10/16/07 (LEAP 2:30-3:30)
- Unit 2 Quiz 3 (10 min).
- Collect Ch.8 Science Notebook
- Microscope Parts and use
HW: Study for Exam and any quiz retakes
Wednesday 10/17/07 –Late Start
- Collect Ch.8 Science Notebook
- Microscope parts and use orientation
HW: Study for Exam and any quiz retakes
Thursday 10/18/07 – Block Day
- Microscopic Observations
- Study Guide Jeopardy
HW: Review Crossword Puzzle #1
Friday 10/19/07 – Block Day
- Microscopic Observations
- Study Guide Jeopardy
HW: Review Crossword Puzzle #1
1_____. creates energy for the cell
2_____. produces proteins
3______unwanted substances would build up in the cell
without this organelle
4_____. contains the cell’s DNA
A. lysosome
B. mitochondria
C. nucleus
D. ribosome
5. Which identifies the relationship between
photosynthesis and cellular respiration?
Parents/Guardian –
 I have reviewed my child’s activities and
A. Both processes generate energy for cell use.
homework for the week of 10/15/07 –
B. Both processes release energy for cell use.
C. The products of one process are used as reactants by
 I understand that is important for me
the other process.
to make sure that my child is
D. The reactants of one process are also the reactants of
studying to be prepared for the
the other process.
EXAM on 10/23/07 and has
6. Light-absorbing molecules such as chlorophyll are
completed all assignments this
week. First quarter ends on
A. grana.
10/19/07. Any late or missed work
B. pigments.
in Unit 2 must be submitted by
C. stomata.
D. thylakoids.
 I understand if my child needs to
retake a quiz that the original quiz
with corrected answers that has been signed by me must be brought to class at the time of the
quiz retake and quiz retakes occur on Tuesdays or Thursdays either a lunch or afterschool.
Parent/Guardian Printed Name
Bell Ringers: Week of 15 Oct – 19 Oct 2007
Monday – The hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon atoms in a glucose molecule are held together
by ____________________________bonds. The chemical energy in these bonds is stored for
future use. Explain how these bonds are made.
Tuesday - Identify the four most
abundance elements found in living things.
Wednesday –Which defines a cell?
A. microscopic organisms in water
B. protein molecules in animals
C. the basic unit of living things
D. the smallest type of animal
Thursday - 2. Elena is taking a guided hike through a New Hampshire forest in October to enjoy
the changing colors of autumn leaves. Her guide explains that the leaves change
color as the green pigment chlorophyll used in photosynthesis decomposes. Another
hiker asks the guide to explain photosynthesis. Which is the guide’s answer?
A. Photosynthesis is the process autotrophs use to make energy.
B. Photosynthesis is the process autotrophs use to make sugar.
C. Photosynthesis is the process heterotrophs use to make energy.
D. Photosynthesis is the process heterotrophs use to make sugar.
Friday - cell theory cells daughter cells genetic material organisms
The ___________________________ includes the following three principles:
1. All living organisms are composed of one or more _________________________ .
2. Cells are the basic unit of structure and organization of all living______________________ .
3. Cells arise only from previously existing cells, with cells passing copies of their
____________________________ on to their ___________________________ .