Name:___________________________ Date: ____________Period:_____

Date: ____________Period:_____
Agenda Week of 5 Nov – 9 Nov 2007 Class website:
Unit 3 Genetics-DNA Exam 12/13/07
Monday 11/5/07
- Translation and Gene Regulation
- Begin Breaking the Code practice
HW: Chapter 12 Sci Notebook due 11/8
Overview vocabulary 1-34 due 11/8
Unit 3 Quiz 2 Nov 13
1. Arrange the following in order from largest to
smallest in size? Nucleus, DNA,
Chromosome, nucleotide, cell
Tuesday 11/6/07 (LEAP 2:30-3:30)
- Unit 3 Quiz 1
- Collect Ch. 12 Notes
- Complete Braking the Code
HW: Chapter 12 Sci Notebook/1-34 vocab
2. What are the building blocks of DNA?
Wednesday 11/7/07 –Late Start
- Chapter 12 Sci Notebook/vocab
HW: Chapter 12 Sci Notebook/1-34 vocab
4. What is the mRNA sequence for a strand of
DNA reading CACGTAC?
3. X-ray evidence was used to discover that the
shape of DNA was a
Thursday 11/8/07 – Block Day
- Collect Chapter 12 Sci Notebook/Vocab ck.
- Mutations type and consequence
- Mending Mutations
- Unit Overview Review
HW: Ch. 12 Study Guide Worksheets
5. Using DNA sequencing, you discover that a
bacterium has experienced a deletion
mutation that removed three nucleotides.
The bacterium appears completely unaffected
in all its functions. Where is the mostly likely
location for the mutation?
Friday 11/9/07 – Block Day
- Collect Chapter 12 Sci Notebook/Vocab ck.
- Mutations type and consequence
- Mending Mutations
- Unit Overview Review
HW: Ch. 12 Study Guide Worksheets
Because of base pairing in DNA, the
percentage of ____________________ in
DNA is about equal to the percentage of
DNA is copied during a process called
What is produced during transcription?
Which type of RNA functions as a blueprint
of the genetic code?
What happens during the process of
Parents/Guardian –
 I have reviewed my child’s activities
and homework for the week of
11/5/07 – 11/9/07.
 I understand that is important for
me to make sure that my child is
studying to be prepared for the
Quiz on 11/6/07 and has
completed all assignments this
I understand if my child needs to retake a quiz that the original quiz with corrected
answers that has been signed by me must be brought to class at the time of the quiz
retake and quiz retakes occur on Tuesdays or Thursdays either a lunch or afterschool.
Parent/Guardian Printed Name
Bell Ringers: Week of 5 Nov – 9 Nov 2007
Monday – What is the Central Dogma?
Tuesday - Desta is studying for an entrance exam for a nurse’s training program at a local hospital.
She learns the components of a DNA molecule. What are these components?
A. double strands of RNA twisted together
B. molecules of amino acids linked together
C. protein strands connected by nucleotides
D. sugar and phosphate strands connected by nucleotide pairs
Wednesday – Explain the three ways that RNA is different from DNA
Thursday - While visiting the local science institute in his city, Damian visits an exhibit that displays
great scientists of the twentieth century and their discoveries. For the year 1953, Damian reads about
two British scientists named James Watson and Francis Crick. Which discovery was made by these
A. double helix shape of DNA molecules
B. molecular proof for biological evolution
C. process for creating a large, nuclear explosion
D. process for creating the first clone
Friday - Use the following terms: E. coli, metabolic pathway, proteins, environment, operator,
repressor, genes, promoter, RNA polymerase.
An operon is a cluster of genes in ___________________ . These genes make
___________________ that work together in one __________________________________. An
operon is able to respond to changes in the _________________________ . The ______________
segment of DNA that acts as a switch for transcription, turning operon on or off. When the operon is
on, the ______________________________ binds to the ________________________ and
transcribes the DNA. When the operon is off, a _____________________blocks transcription.
Name:_______________________________ Date:____________________ Period:______
Unit 3 Quiz 2 Nov 13
1. Arrange the following in order from largest to smallest in size?
Nucleus, DNA, Chromosome, nucleotide, cell
What is produced during transcription?
3. Using DNA sequencing, you discover that a bacterium has experienced a deletion mutation
that removed three nucleotides. The bacterium appears completely unaffected in all its
functions. Where is the mostly likely location for the mutation?
4. What are the building blocks of DNA?
5. X-ray evidence was used to discover that the shape of DNA was a _________________.
6. What is the mRNA sequence for a strand of DNA reading CACGTAC?
Because of base pairing in DNA, the percentage of ____________________ in DNA is
about equal to the percentage of _________________________.
DNA is copied during a process called ________________________
Which type of RNA functions as a blueprint of the genetic code?
10. What happens during the process of translation?