Name:__________________________ Date: ____________Period:_____

Date: ____________Period:_____
Agenda Week of 28 Jan – 1 Feb 2008 Unit 4 Genetics-Heredity Exam 2/5/08
Class website:
Monday 1/28/08
Dihybrid Crosses #7
Interpreting Pedigrees #8
Pedigree Project (group) #9
HW: Genetics Problems #7 and 8 due
Wednesday; #9 due Th/Fr
Tuesday 1/29/08 (No LEAP)
- Unit 4 Quiz 3
- Study guide completed
HW: Review Study Guide and Practice Problem Sets
and write on a piece of paper the 10 hardest
questions you select. Collected on 1/30/08
Wednesday 1/30/08 –Late Start
- Pedigree Project Work
HW: Overview vocabulary /SG due 2/5/08
Thursday 1/31/08 – Block Day
(LEAP 2:30-3:30)
- Karyotyping Lab
- Pedigree Project
- Pedigrees
HW: Study for Exam
Friday 2/1/08 – Block Day
- Study Guide 1-50 - check
- Dihybrid Crosses Problems #7
- Pedigrees
HW: Overview vocabulary /SG due 2/5/08
study for Unit4 Quiz 3
Exam Review Questions
A diploid cell with two homologous pairs of
chromosomes. Due to independent assortment, the
possible allelic combinations that could be found in
gametes produced by the meiotic division of this
cell are ____.
Which event during meiosis leads to a reduction in
chromosome number from 2n to n?
Suppose an animal is heterozygous AaBb, and the traits are
not linked. When meiosis occurs, what is the total
number of possible combinations of gametes that
can be made for these traits?
In which situation are the phenotypes of F2 offspring
expected to follow the ratio of 9:3:3:1
What phase of meiosis whould you expect to see these
Parents/Guardian –
I have reviewed my child’s activities and
homework for the week of 1/28/08 – 2/1/08.
I understand that is important for me to make
sure that my child is studying to be prepared
for the Quiz on 1/29/08 and Exam on
Tuesday 2/5/08, and has completed all
assignments this week.
I understand if my child needs to retake a quiz that the original quiz with corrected answers, signed by a parent, must
be turned in when the quiz is retaken on Wednesday at lunch or Thursday after school.
Parent/Guardian Printed Name
Bell Ringers: Week of 28 Jan – 1 Feb 2008
Monday – Explain what this pedigree shows.
Tuesday Explain the difference between mitosis and meiosis
Wednesday –
Mutations that are lethal in homozygous individuals can survive in a population by being carried by _______.
a. codominant individuals.
c. homozygous dominant individuals.
b. heterozygous individuals.
d. homozygous recessive individuals.