Name:_________________________ Date: ____________Period:_____

Agenda Week of 18 Feb – 22 Feb 2008
Date: ____________Period:_____
Unit 5 Evolution Exam 3/11/08
Class website:
Unit 5 Quiz 2 Questions (2/26/08)
Monday 2/18/08
President’s Day Holiday
Modern sea star larvae resemble some
primitive vertebrate larvae. This similarity
may suggest that primitive vertebrates
Differences between the members of a
population will most likely be passed onto
future generations if they are ________
A random change in gene frequency in a
small population is called ____________
Natural selection acts directly on
An example of a structure that would be
homologous to a bird wing would be
______________ and analogous
structure to a bird wing would be a
__________ genetic diversity provides
a species with a higher probability of
surviving changes to its environment.
The number and location of bones of many
fossil vertebrates are similar to those in
living vertebrates. Most biologists would
probably explain this fact on the basis of
Tuesday 2/19/08 (LEAP 2:30 -3:30)
Unit 5 Quiz 1
Collect Chapter 14 Sci Notebook, Agenda 2/11 – 2/15,
Overview Vocab 1-20, and Relative dating lab.
Chapter 15 Science Notebook
HW: Ch 15 Sci Notebook due 2/27/08
Vocabulary 21-40 due 2/26
Wednesday 2/20/08 –Late Start
- Chapter 15 Lecture/Notes
Thursday 2/21/08 – Block Day
Study Guide
Adaptations Bats and Dogs
Breeding Bunnies Lab
HW: Complete Breading Bunnies Lab if not finished .
Friday 2/22/08 – Block Day
Study Guide
Adaptations Bats and Dogs
Breeding Bunnies Lab
HW: Complete Breading Bunnies Lab if not finished.
Parents/Guardian –
I have reviewed my child’s activities and homework for the
week of 2/18/- 2/22/08.
I understand that is important for me to make sure that my
child is studying to be prepared for the Quiz on Tuesday
2/26/08, and has completed all assignments this week.
I understand if my child needs to retake a quiz that the
original quiz with corrected answers, signed by a parent,
must be turned in when the quiz is retaken on Wednesday
at lunch or Tuesday after school.
Significant problems have arisen in regards to students’
chewing gum and depositing the gum under the lab tables
instead of the garbage can at the door. Like the no tardies
½ hour detention policy, a student chewing gum in class will
receive a ½ detention notice that if not served will require
a parent/teacher/student/administrator conference. No
other notice will be given.
Parent/Guardian Printed Name
Natural selection
Artificial Selection
Analogous structures
Gene Pool
Homologous structures
Bell Ringers: Week of 18 Feb – 22 Feb 2008
Monday – President’s Day Holiday
Tuesday -
The difference in the fur color of the individual rabbits is described as _____.
Wednesday –
In humans, the pelvis and femur, or thigh bone, are
involved in walking. In whales, the pelvis and femur
in the figure are _________________________
In a species of plant, the sudden appearance of one plant with a different leaf structure would most
likely be the result of ________________________________?
a. chromosomal mutations
b. slow environmental changes
c. asexual reproduction
d. stable gene frequencies
Explain why each of the wrong answers is wrong and why the right answer is right. Because it is so or
that type of explanation will result in zero points. Use complete sentences.
Name:_______________________________ Date:____________________ Period:______
Unit 5 Quiz 2 February 26, 2008 (18 points)
Differences between the members of a population will most likely be passed onto future
generations if they are ________
The number and location of bones of many fossil vertebrates are similar to those in living
vertebrates. Most biologists would probably explain this fact on the basis of
A random change in gene frequency in a small population is called ____________
Modern sea star larvae resemble some primitive vertebrate larvae. This similarity may suggest
that primitive vertebrates _____________________________________________________
An example of a structure that would be homologous to a bird wing would be ______________
An example of a structure that would be analogous structure to a bird wing would be a
Natural selection acts directly on
__________ genetic diversity provides a species with a higher probability of surviving changes
to its environment.
Extra Credit
Vocabulary words Matching (9 – 18):
_____ Gene Pool
A. generally, a group of organisms living close to one another that interbreed
with one another and do not breed with other similar groups.
_____ Evolution
B. similar because of convergent evolution, and not because of common
ancestry, may have a similar function but a different structure.
_____ Population
C. physical appearance of an organism
_____ Artificial
D. adaptations some animals use as protection from predators by using colors
and markings to look like another animal.
_____ Mutation
E. all of the genes in a population. Any genes that could wind up in the same
individual through sexual reproduction.
_____ Analogous
F. A process in which some individuals have genetically-based traits that
improve survival or reproduction and thus have more offspring surviving to
reproductive age than other individuals.
_____ Natural
G. a change in a DNA sequence, usually occurring because of errors in
replication or repair.
_____ Phenotype
H. inherited from a common ancestor, may have a similar structure but
different function.
_____ Mimicry
I. changes in gene frequency in a population from one generation to the next.
_____ Homologous
J. a process in which humans consciously select for or against particular
features in organisms.
Extra Credit
In humans, the pelvis and femur, or thigh bone, are involved in walking. In whales, the pelvis and femur
shown above are _____________________________________.