Document 17774839

Name:___ ______________ Date: _______Period:_____
Agenda Week of 14 April – 18 April 2008
Unit 6 Physiology Exam 5/13/08
Unit 6 Quiz 4
Class website:
Monday 4/14/08
- Digestive System Powerpoint
- Ch 35 Sci Notebook (due 4/16)
HW: Study for Unit 6 Quiz 3
Tuesday 4/15/08 (LEAP 2:30 - 3:30)
- Unit 6 Quiz 3
- Practice Test Biology
HW: Ch. 35 Sci Notebook due 4/16/08
Nervous system
1. Where are blood cells made?
The principal function of structure
X_____________________ is to
Wednesday 4/16/08 –Late Start
- Review Quiz #3 Results
- Complete Biology Practice Test
HW: Overview Vocabulary complete by 4/29
3. To remove the pancreas, a surgeon would have to enter
which cavity?
Thursday 4/17/08 – Block
CST Review Practice Test Results
Endocrine matching cards
5. Specialized cells called ____________________
transfer messages throughout your body in the form
of fast-moving electrical energy.
Friday 4/18/08 Block
CST Review Practice Test Results
Endocrine matching cards
6-9 identify the labeled structures
4. What are the receptors for smelling called?
Parents/Guardian –
 I have reviewed my child’s activities and
homework for the week of 4/14/084/18/08.
 I understand that is important for me to
make sure that my child is ready for the
quiz on 4/15/08 and 4/29/08, and has
completed all assignments this week.
 I understand if my child needs to retake a
quiz that the original quiz with corrected
answers, signed by a parent, must be
turned in when the quiz is retaken on
Tuesday after school.
 I understand that California Achievement
Testing is scheduled for April 22 – 24
and that these days will be minimum
Parent/Guardian Printed Name
10. From a neuron's cell body, information is transmitted
to other cells by a fiber called a(n)
Special neurons called ________________________
send impulses from the brain and spinal cord to
Myelin shealth
Sensory neurons
Motor neurons
Bell Ringers: Week of 14 April – 18 April 2008
Review Questions
Monday – Earth has undergone some catastrophic changes from time to time. Which of
these most likely explains why life on Earth continued following these catastrophes?
A Dominant species had a slow mutation rate.
B Many species filled
the same niche.
C A strong species had many different characteristics.
D A wide diversity of species existed.
What is the greatest danger to a patient who has had damage to the skin?
A loss of oils produced by the skin
B excessive muscle contractions in the damaged area
C infections in uncovered tissues
D damaged tissue entering the blood stream
Tuesday – Which of these secretes a hormone that regulates the rate of metabolism of the body?
A spleen
B cerebrum C thyroid
D kidney
Explain the correct answer and what the functions are for the other organs
Wednesday – In order for the body to maintain homeostasis, the chemical decomposition of food to
produce energy must be followed by __________________
A water intake.
B muscle contractions.
C waste removal.
D nervous impulses.
Thursday/Friday – Carbon dioxide is produced as cells break down nutrients for energy. Which of the
following pairs of systems would participate in removing the carbon dioxide from the body?
A endocrine and circulatory
B circulatory and respiratory
C respiratory and endocrine
D reproductive and excretory
The fight-or-flight response includes greater heart output and a rise in blood pressure. This response is
due to _______________________________
A insulin secreted by the pancreas.
B thyroxine secreted by the thyroid gland.
C oxytocin secreted by the pituitary gland.
D adrenaline secreted by the adrenal glands.
Name:_______________________________ Date:____________________ Period:______
Unit 6 Quiz 4
1. Where are blood cells made?
2. The principal function of structure X_____________________ is to
3. To remove the pancreas, a surgeon would have to enter which cavity?
4. What are the receptors for smelling called?
5. Specialized cells called ____________________ transfer messages
throughout your body in the form of fast-moving electrical energy.
6-9 identify the labeled structures
10. From a neuron's cell body, information is transmitted to other cells by a fiber called a(n)
Special neurons called ________________________ send impulses from the brain and spinal cord to
Myelin shealth
Sensory neurons
Motor neurons
Extra Credit
1. Vaccinated individuals become protected against polio because the weakened viruses __.
A prevent further viral invasion.
B induce an inflammatory response.
C promote production of antibodies.
D are too weak to cause illness.
2. The purpose for giving a person a vaccine is to
A introduce chemicals that destroy viruses.
C prevent inflammation.
B stimulate an immune response.
D cure a disease.
3. How do nutrients, absorbed by the small intestine, travel to the individual cells of the human body?
A The nutrients are absorbed from the small intestine into the blood and move through the
circulatory system to the body cells.
B The nutrients move from the small intestine directly to the liver and then move through the
lymphatic system to the body cells.
C The small intestine forces the nutrients into the kidneys, where the nutrients are then
dissolved in fluids used by the body cells.
D The body cells send nerve impulses indicating a lack of nutrients to the small intestine, and the
small intestine sends the nutrients back to the cells.
Vocabulary Matching
____ Cholesterol
____ Digestive system
A. A structure composed of modified epithelial cells specialized to produce
one or more secretions that are discharged to the outside
B. A long carbon chain carboxylic acid; vary in length and in the number and
location of double bonds; three linked to a glycerol molecule form fat.
_____ Homeostasis
C. Rhythmic waves of contraction of smooth muscle that push food along the
digestive tract.
_____ Fatty Acid
D. An organism or a virus that causes disease.
_____ Olfactory
E. A steroid that forms an essential component of animal cell membranes and
acts as a precursor molecule for the synthesis of other important steroids.
_____ Insulin
F. A protein (or protein-based molecule) that speeds up a chemical reaction in
a living organism; acts as catalyst for specific chemical reaction.
_____ Virus
G. The steady-state physiological condition of the body – maintaining
_____ Polypeptide
H. The primary function is to convert food into energy and convert waste into
excretable material.
_____ Peristalsis
I. A submicroscopic, noncellular particle composed of a nucleic acid core and a
protein coat (capsid); parasitic; reproduces only within a host cell.
_____ Pathogen
J. having to do with the sense of smell, involves the detection and perception
of chemicals floating in the air
____ Enzyme
K. A polymer (chain) of many amino acids linked together by peptide bonds.
____ Gland
L. A vertebrate hormone that lowers blood glucose levels by promoting the
uptake of glucose by most body cells and the synthesis and storage of
glycogen in the liver; forms in the pancreas.