Class Agenda Week of 9 Aug – 13 Aug 2010 Name:______________________ Agenda collected on Monday 8/19 (10 pts) Date: ___________Period:_____ Class website with study materials and other resources: Monday 8/9/10 No School – Teacher Preparation Unit 1 Quiz #1 - Monday August 16, 2010 Tuesday 8/10/10 No School – Teacher classroom preparation Wednesday 8/11/10 No School – Teacher meetings Thursday 8/12/10 – Per 1-6 Introductions – Roll and seat assignments Class Syllabus Overview Weekly agenda/bell ringer Science and Personal Interests Survey Folder procedures HW: Review with Parents/Guardians Weekly Agenda – and class syllabus with acknowledgement signed due Friday 8/13 Number the levels of the organization of living things from 1 through 6 to put them in order from simplest to most complex. ______ organs ______organism ______ organ system ______ cell ______ tissues ______ biosphere 7. Biology is the study of ______________ things and the environment. 8. People who study biology are called ______________ Using letters a – h match terms (below) with definitions ______9. a procedure that tests a hypothesis by collecting information under controlled conditions ______10. in an experiment, the group that is the standard against which results are compared ______11. in an experiment, the group that is exposed to the factor being tested ______12. the factor that remains fixed in an experiment Friday 8/13/10 – Per 1-6 ______13. the condition being changed by the scientist - Collect HW - Check out books ? ______14. the factor that results from or depends on - Ch. 1 Scientific Methods – Paired changes to the independent variable reading and Sci Notebooks ______15. information gained from observation - Understanding Variables (collect) HW: The Scientific Method-Ant ______16. a testable explanation of a situation Problem due Monday (5 pts) Study for A. constant/controlled factor Quiz – complete Ch 1 SciNotebook B. experimental group due on Tuesday C. independent variable Parents/Guardian – D. experiment I have reviewed my child’s activities and E. control group homework for the week of 8/9/10 – F. dependent variable 8/13/10. G. hypothesis H. data I understand that is important for me to make sure that my child is studying to be prepared for the quiz on Monday 8/16 and has completed all assignments this week. Parent/Guardian Printed Name Signature Date Bell Ringers: Week of 9 Aug – 13 Aug 2010 Bell ringers are graded activities meant to be completed in the first five minutes of class while I am taking roll and attending to other necessary administrative duties. Points are earned by answering the questions using complete sentences. If the answer itself is wrong when you are asked to explain your answer I will be able to understand better your thinking process and you may still earn full credit. Misunderstandings are explained and discussed on Wednesdays when we review our quiz results. Points are assigned for independent work, complete sentences, and thoughtful responses. Monday – no class Tuesday – no class Wednesday– no class Thursday What about the skeleton in the photo on your syllabus reminds you of a living thing? What about the skeleton reminds you of a nonliving thing? Friday Are flames alive? Explain you answer including characteristics of living things. Name:________________________________ Date:________________ Period:_______ Unit 1 Quiz 1 Number the levels of the organization of living things from 1 through 6 to put them in order from simplest to most complex. ______ organs ______ biosphere ______organism ______ cell ______ organ system ______ tissues 7. Biology is the study of ________________ things and the environment. 8. People who study biology are called ________________ Match terms (below) with definitions _______________ 9. a procedure that tests a hypothesis by collecting information under controlled conditions _______________ 10. in an experiment, the group that is the standard against which results are compared _______________ 11. the factor that results from or depends on changes to the independent variable _______________ 12. the condition being changed by the scientist _______________ 13. a testable explanation of a situation _______________ 14. the factor that remains fixed in an experiment _______________ 15. information gained from observation _______________ 16. in an experiment, the group that is exposed to the factor being tested hypothesis independent variable constant/control factors experiment dependent variable control group experimental group data Extra Credit Smithers thinks that a special juice will increase the productivity of workers. He creates two groups of 50 workers each and assigns each group the same task (in this case, they're supposed to staple a set of papers). Group A is given the special juice to drink while they work. Group B is not given the special juice. After an hour, Smithers counts how many stacks of papers each group has made. Group A made 1,587 stacks, Group B made 2,113 stacks. Identify the: 1. Control Group 2. Independent Variable 3. Dependent Variable 4. What should Smithers' conclusion be? 5. How could this experiment be improved? Name:________________________________ Date:________________ Period:_______ Unit 1 Quiz 1 Retake Number the levels of the organization of living things from 1 through 6 to put them in order from simplest to most complex. ______ tissues ______ cell ______ organ system ______ biosphere ______organism ______ organs 7. Biology is the study of ________________ things and the environment. 8. People who study biology are called ________________ match terms (below) with definitions __________________ 9. the factor that remains fixed in an experiment __________________ 10. in an experiment, the group that is the standard against which results are compared __________________ 11. a testable explanation of a situation __________________ 12. in an experiment, the group that is exposed to the factor being tested __________________ 13. the factor that results from or depends on changes to the independent variable __________________ 14. a procedure that tests a hypothesis by collecting information under controlled conditions __________________ 15. information gained from observation __________________ 16. the condition being changed by the scientist experimental group independent variable experiment hypothesis data constant/control factors control group dependent variable