Agenda Week of 6 Dec – 10 Dec 2010

Date: ____________Period:_____
Agenda Week of 6 Dec – 10 Dec 2010 Class website:
Semester Final Exam Dec 16 and 17, 2010
Monday 12/6/10 –
Review Agenda
Standards 4 Practice Questions Review
HW: Breaking the Code due Tuesday
Tuesday 12/7/10
 Quiz
 Chapter 13 Study Guide
HW: Ch. 13 Study Guide due Friday 12/10
Wednesday 12/8/10 –Late Start
 Review/Finish Work – Remediation –
HW: Ch. 13 Study Guide due Friday 12/10
Thursday 12/9/10 – Substitute
 DNA Formative #2
 DNA/RNA video
HW: Ch. 13 Study Guide due Friday 12/10
Gather Unit 3 Work to bring to class on Friday
Friday 12/10/10 –
 Review Ch 13 SG
 Portfolio Preparation and Stapling
HW: Complete Learning Skill/Evaluation and Unit Essay for Unit 3 Portfolio
Semester Final Study Guide
Parents/Guardian –
 I have reviewed my child’s activities and homework for the week of 12/6/10 – 12/10/10 and will make
sure that my child is studying to be prepared for success.
 I will make sure that my child is studying for the Fall Semester Final on 12/16-12/17. The Fall
Semester Final includes material from Unit 1 Ecology, Unit 2-Cell Biology and Unit 3 Genetics.
 I understand that the last day to retake any Unit Exam or Unit 3 quiz will be on Tuesday
afterschool on 12/7.
 The last day for late work from this unit for partial credit is Friday 12/10/10 –
Parent/Guardian Printed Name
Bell Ringers: Week of 6 Dec – 10 Dec 2010
Monday – What is the difference between habitat and niche?
Tuesday - The structure of the sugar sucrose, C12H22O11, is shown below. It can be broken down to
yield simpler sugars and energy for the cell.
To which class of organic compounds does sucrose belong?
a. Lipids
c. Carbohydrates
b. Proteins
d. Nucleic acids
Explain what is a macromolecule and note next to each their respective monomers.
Wednesday – Exotic species of organisms have been accidentally introduced into well-established
native fresh water ecosystems in recent years and have undergone explosive growth. Which of the
following best describes a possible reason for such a population explosion?
a. They have found many unoccupied niches.
b. They have many enemies in the new habitat.
c. They compete with native species occupying the same niches.
d. New genetic mutations make them more successful in their new home.
Thursday - Explain how the global warming, photosynthesis and respiration are related. You may
attach a separate paper 10 pts
Friday To which class of organic compounds does this molecule belong?
a. Lipids
b. Proteins d.
Nucleic acids
Explain which macromolecule is represented and what this molecule’s name is.