Name:__________________________ Date: ____________Period:_____ Feb 2011

Date: ____________Period:_____
Agenda Week of 7 Feb – 11
Feb 2011
Unit 5 Quiz 1 Questions (2/11/10)
Unit 4 Genetics-Heredity Exam
Evolution can be defined as any change in the relative
frequency of alleles in the gene pool of a
Class website:
Monday 2/7/11
Review GUHS Formative
Organize Portfolio
Last day for any late work –
Tuesday 2:30
HW: Portfolio summary page
Tuesday 2/8/11
- Life Histories Ch 14 ppt
HW: Vocabulary
Wednesday 2/9/11
- Distinguish between
spontaneous generation and
HW: Study for Quiz on Friday
Thursday 2/10/11
- Geological Time Organization
- Interpretation of fossil
HW: Study for Quiz
Friday 2/11/11 –
- Quiz 1
- Mass Extinctions
HW: Study Guide for
Parents/Guardian –
I have reviewed my child’s activities
and homework for the week of
2/8/11 – 2/12/11.
I understand that is important for
me to make sure that my child is
studying to be prepared for the
Quiz on Friday, and has
completed all assignments this
Parent/Guardian Printed Name
Mutations that are lethal in homozygous individuals can
survive in a population by being carried by
The idea that evolution takes place at one point in time,
followed by a long period without change is
A change in a sequence of DNA is called a
The idea that evolution is a slow continual process of change
in species over time is
The difference in the fur color of the individual species in a
population is described as
Two animals of different species would not be able to
A single species of squirrel evolved over time into two
species, each on opposite sides of the Grand Canyon. This
change was most likely due to
Fossil trees are petrified when the wood is replaced with
Relative dating
Index fossil
Radioactive (radiometric) dating
Geologic Time Scale
Mass Extinction
Bell Ringers: Week of 7 Feb – 11 Feb 2011
Monday – Which statement best describes the process of asexual reproduction?
a) It involves two parents
b) It produces daughter cells identical to parent cell.
c) It results in genetic variation in the offspring
d) It involves the production of sex cells.
Tuesday - DNA in an individual’s gametes will most likely be altered before being passed to offspring if
exposed to_____________________
A x-rays
B loud sounds
C magnetic fields
D extreme temperatures
In fruit flies, the gray body color (G) is dominant to the ebony body color (g). What is the genotypic ratio of
the offspring of a heterozygous gray female and an ebony male?
A 25% Gg, 75% gg
B 50% Gg, 50% gg
C 75% gray, 25% ebony
D 100% gray
In Mendel’s experiments with a single trait, the trait that disappeared in the first generation and reappeared
in the next generation is called the ______________________
A homozygous trait
B dominant trait
C recessive trait
D heterozygous trait
Wednesday – This process is known as
A meiosis.
B mitosis.
C endocytosis.
D phagocytosis.
If a corn plant has a genotype of TtYy, what are the possible
genetic combinations that could be present in a single grain
of pollen from this plant?
Thursday If a human baby boy inherits a recessive allele from his
mother, in which circumstance would he most likely show the trait
coded for by the recessive allele.
a) The baby inherits the dominant allele form his father
b) The allele is on an autosomal chromosome and the baby is a
c) The allele is on the X chromosome.
d) The allele is on the Y chromosome.
Friday Which cross will alwayas produce a child with blood type A?
a) IAi x ii
b) IAIA x ii
c) Iai x IBIB d) IAIA x IBIB
Name:_______________________________ Date:____________________ Period:______
Unit 5 Quiz 1 2/11/11 (20 points)
Evolution can be defined as any change in the relative frequency of alleles in the gene
pool of a _____________________
Mutations that are lethal in homozygous individuals can survive in a population by being
carried by
The idea that evolution takes place at one point in time, followed by a long period without
change is
A change in a sequence of DNA is called a
The idea that evolution takes place slowly, continually over time is
The difference in the fur color of the individual species in a population is described as
Two animals of different species would not be able to
A single species of squirrel evolved over time into two species, each on opposite sides of the
Grand Canyon. This change was most likely due to
Fossil trees are petrified when the wood is replaced with
a)The area was once a salt water sea and later was
replaced by a desert.
b)The area was once a forest and was replaced by
freshwater lake.
c)The area was once a freshwater lake and was
replaced by a saltwater sea.
d)The area was once a saltwater sea and later was
replaced by a deciduous forest.
Vocabulary words Matching:
A. measures the decay of radioactive isotopes to obtain exact
dates of materials
_________________________ B. the study of fossils
_________________________ C. all individuals of a species are dead
D. change in a species over time
_________________________ E. compares the sequence of rock layers
F. affect most major taxonomic groups present at the time —
birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, invertebrates and
other simpler life forms. They may be caused by the extinction
of an unusually large number of species in a short period of
_________________________ G. remains of an organism or its activities
H. forms of life which existed during limited periods of geologic
time and thus are used as guides to the age of the rocks in
which they are preserved
_________________________ I. Scientists use to measure Earth’s geological and biological
_________________________ J. subdivision of geologic time that divides an Eon into smaller
intervals of time
Relative dating
Mass Extinction
Geologic Time Scale
Index fossil
Radiometric dating
Some scientists suggest that the mass extinction of dinosaurs resulted from sudden global weather
changes caused by the impact of an asteroid on Earth. This event most likely promoted the evolution
of new species of animals. These ideas best support the concept of
a) punctuated equilibrium
b) use and disuse
c) gradualism
d) geographic isolation