The World of Life Science Chapter 1 Holt Science and Technology, Life Science, 2001 Science Reading Introduction Name:______________________ Date: ____________ Period:____ What is Science? 1. ____________ – so when reading we will classify text by identifying the main idea and details 2. _____________ – so when reading we will look for sequencing the order of ideas 3. ______________________– so when reading we will draw conclusions as we read 4. _______________________________ so after reading we will write an expository essay. This is an essay that is meant to inform the reader. Some examples: Tell what happened when . . . Write a report on . . . , Explain how to . . . , Describe how to for . . . . Some good links to reference: and 5. ___________________________so when reading we will distinguish between cause and effect. Usually scientists observe the effect and infer its cause. 6. ________________________________ so also when reading we will determine cause and effect – the main cause and the main effect. 7. _______________________________ so when reading we will look for things that are similar and that are different. Comparing and contrasting allow readers and scientists to group similarities and separate differences. T-Chart Question and Response What is “on the page” What is “between the lines” • Direct information found in a portion of text you read – just the facts. • What words, phrases do you like? What clues do they give about the meaning or purpose or sense of the passage? • What is happening in the “story”; what are the parts of the “argument”? • What questions do you have as you are reading? Where do these questions lead? • What words are unfamiliar? What do they mean? What do they add? • What main concepts begin to emerge for you? • How do the parts of the “story” or “argument” or “concept” fit together? Wonderings – What is “off the page” • Wondering: what do I wonder abut now? • Memory: what does this remind me of? • Application: what areas of my everyday life incorporate these ideas? • Feeling: how do I feel about this “story” • Imagination: what story can you imagine and write about? Chapter 1 Structured Notes 1 7th Grade Life Science Education • • _____________________________ – not just a one way with teacher providing information. Education is two ways with half from teacher providing information and half your response. ________________ is more than getting the right answer which requires memory but not deep thinking (where a backhoe was used to build the second lane). Science Notebook • We will have “unit notebooks” to keep all our papers together, but also a journal where we can gather our thoughts and our questions. To help with developing our questioning or interrogation skills we will copy the previous T-chart to the inside of your first science journal. Structured Notes to help get the main ideas and important details together. In the beginning of the class we will work through structured notes before reading is assigned. You will have directed reading worksheets to complete while reading. Once through those we will practice “deep reading” when we are really thinking about what we are reading. Chapter 1: The World of Life Science What do you think – complete sentences mean complete thoughts • What tools do life scientists use? • What methods do scientists use to study life science? • Can anyone become a life scientist? 1.1 Asking About Life –Wondering – questions that just pop into your mind. –Observing the world around us, being curious. Leads to questioning our observations. –Life Science is the ________________________________. •It all starts with a question. –Easy to find in your backyard or touring the world •Looking for Answers - Science takes people with curiosity and determination. o o o ___________ Anyone can investigate the world around us. Women and men from any cultural, ethnic, or income background can become life scientists. ___________Doing investigations in a laboratory is an important part of life science, but science can be studied in many other places too. These are some places: ___________ Life Scientists or Biologists specialize in many different areas. Chapter 1 Structured Notes 2 7th Grade Life Science What Life Scientists Study how organisms ___________________________. how organisms _____________ with each other and with their environment. how organisms ________________ and pass ___________from one generation to the next. how organisms ___________________________ and what are the origins of organisms. • • • • Why Ask Why – Two ways listed: 1) to combat disease and 2) to protect the environment. Can you think of some other reasons why study life science? • Life science affects you and all the living things around you. •Combating Disease – Polio is a disease of the brain and informs that causes paralysis. We don’t see many people now but before 1960, it infected 1 in every 3,000 Americans. _______________________ discovered the way to prevent the spread of the polio virus and we are now vaccinated. – Children get 4 doses of polio vacine, at these ages: A dose at 2 months A dose at 6-18 months A dose at 4 months A booster dose at 4-6 years Current Diseases that scientists search for ways to fight • • • Tuberculosis caused by ___________________ ___________________, a slow-growing bacteria that thrive in areas of the body that are rich in blood and oxygen, such as the lungs. AIDS caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) Cystic Fibrosis caused by an inherited gene Protecting the Environment •Why protect the environment? •What environmental problem can you think of? • Pollution can harm our health and the health of other animals and plants. When we cut down trees we alter and sometimes destroy the habitat of other creatures or the climate. 1.2 Thinking Like a Life Scientist The _____________________ __________________ – Is a series of steps that is used to answer a question or solve a problem. – The steps are applied creatively meaning sometimes scientists come back to a step, do the steps in a different order, or skip a step depending on the question The steps: – _______________________: based on observations – __________________________: a possible explanation for what you have observed. – ___________________________: by conducting experiments. – __________________________: collected from experiments. – ___________________________: from the results – __________________________: to other scientist in writing and in presentations Chapter 1 Structured Notes 3 7th Grade Life Science When researchers use the scientific method, can they repeat or switch the order of steps or do they need to keep them always exactly the same? Explain. Ask a question: based on observations. Observations can take many forms: – – __________________ of length, volume, temperature, time or speed. – Scientist have to be _______________when making observations that the observations are _______________ made and recorded. __________________ of how loud or soft a sound is or the color or shape of an organisms; what something does, how it moves, or its patterns of behavior. – Observations become data. Form a hypothesis: a possible explanation for what you have observed. When scientists form hypotheses they think logically, creatively, and keep in mind what they already know. – – A hypothesis must be _________________ by experiment or observation. – – Different scientists can have different hypotheses for the same question. A hypothesis that is not testable may not be wrong, but it is not ________________ because it can’t be proved or disproved. Hypotheses are based on _________________. A prediction is a statement of cause and effect that can be used to set up a test for a hypothesis. __________________are usually stated in an “If ………, then…….” format. Once predictions are made, scientists can _______________ experiments to see which predictions, if any prove to be true and support the hypothesis. Self Check – Which of the following statements is a hypothesis? Deformed frogs have been found in the United States and Canada. Insecticides and fertilizers caused the frog deformities. Frogs can easily absorb pollutants through their skin. • • • What do scientists use to answer a question or solve a problem? ____________________________, ___________________, ____________________ Test the hypothesis: by conducting experiments. • • • • – Scientist try to design experiments that will clearly show whether a particular factor was the cause of an observed outcome. A factor is anything in an experiment that can _______________the experiment’s outcome. Here we have lots of causes. Scientists ___________________experiments so that only one factor at a time is tested. In a controlled experiment there is a ___________________and one or more _____________________________. All the factors in the control group and the experimental groups are the same except for one. • The one factor that differs is called the _______________. Chapter 1 Structured Notes 4 7th Grade Life Science – Because the variable is the only factor that differs between the control group and the experimental groups, • Scientists have more certainty that a particular _______________ is causing the differences observed in the results. Inference or Observation? • • In order to be certain about the conclusions of an experiment, scientists should ________ the same experiment many times. Designing a good experiment requires a lot of ____________ and _________________. Self Check Henry is testing the effects of different antibacterial soaps on the growth of bacteria. His experiment contains several jars of the same strain of bacteria. Which of the jars described below is the control group? •To Jar A, Henry adds two drops of Super soap. •To Jar B, Henry adds two drops of Anti-B Suds. •To Jar C, Henry adds no soap. Self Check A scientist wants to study the possible side effects of a new medicine, how should he/she set up this experiment? (How many groups, how much medicine, control group?) –how many groups? Depends on the _______________________that will be treated by the drug. –how much medicine? Depends on _______________ that have been established by other tests. –control group include a control group that receives _______________________. • Analyze the results: collected from experiments. •Ways to analyze results: – _____________________________ into tables, charts and graphs. – _____________________ to learn more about your results. Math Break Finding the average of a group of numbers is one way to analyze data. •Dr. Brown found that 3 seeds kept at 25°C sprouted in 8, 8, and 5 days. – To find the average number of days that it took the seeds to sprout, she added 8, 9, and 5 and divided their sum by, the number of subjects (seeds) in the group. – She found the average number of days to sprout at 25°C was 7 days. Math Break Self Check Dr. Brown also found that 3 seeds kept at 30°C sprouted in 6, 5, and 4 days. What’s the average number of days that it took these seeds to sprout. Chapter 1 Structured Notes 5 7th Grade Life Science Draw conclusions: from the results •When drawing conclusions, scientists have to decide whether the results of the experiment have shown that _______________________________________________. •When scientist find that a hypothesis is not supported by the tests: –they must try to find another _________________ for what they have observed. –they realize that they have _________________one possible factor. What to do with a wrong hypothesis? •If a tested hypothesis does not produce the expected results, – _________________________________—it might lead to another discovery. •Proving that a hypothesis is wrong is just as helpful as supporting it. – Because either way, the scientist has __________________ something. Communicate results: to other scientist in writing and in presentations •After concluding that your tests support your hypothesis, you should publish the results: –so that other scientists can learn from you. –so that other scientists may repeat the experiments to see if they get the same results. Scientific Knowledge Changes •Scientists continue to discover new information all the time. •Each time a prediction is proven true, a hypothesis gains more support. •A theory is a unifying explanation for a broad range of hypotheses and observations that have been supported by testing. 1.3 Tools of Life Scientists - Tools for seeing - Computers - Systems of Measurement - Safety Rules Tools for Seeing - Magnifying tools enables scientists to observe smaller details: –Compound Light Microscope •__________________because it has two lenses an ocular lens and an objective lens. •Uses light to illuminate –Electron microscope •Uses tiny particle called electrons to either bounce off or penetrate a non-living sample. high magnification. Other Seeing Tools Very •X-rays, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and Computed Tomography (CT) –High energy photons pass through a sample and an image is created. Chapter 1 Structured Notes 6 7th Grade Life Science Computers First built in 1946 – ______________years ago Not commercially available until _____________. Allow complex calculations and graphic representation of data used to decide whether ___________________ in experimental data are important. Systems of Measurement •The International System of Units, universally abbreviated _____ (from the French Le Système International d'Unités), is the modern metric system of measurement. •Developed by the French Academy of Sciences in the late 1700’s. •A system of measurement based on the ______________. Scientists use the International System of Units because it: – – – ________________ results among scientists easier. contains units that are based on the ________________. ____________________________ a method of recording observations. Common SI Units Length – meter • Volume – cubic meter = m3 • Area – square meter = m2 Mass – gram Temperature – degrees Celsius = °C SI prefixes •___________– kilo - 1000 •___________ – hecto - 100 •___________– deka (deca) - 10 •___________– deci – 1/10 = 0.1 •___________– centi – 1/100 = 0.01 •___________ – milli -1/1000 = 10-3 = 0.001 Even smaller Micro – 10-6 = 0.0000001 Nano – 10-9 = 0.000000001 • New site in construction: • • Safety Rules •_________________is the motto. •Having experiments in class requires ___________________ – and _____________________. •Always follow your _________________________ •Don’t take shortcuts! Chapter 1 Structured Notes 7 7th Grade Life Science