Title: Cuba Calling
Client: Gander International Airport
Duration: 30 seconds
(sound fx : Phone Ringing)
Beatrice: Hello?
Cuba (using sultry Antonio Banderas-styled Latin voice): Beatrice, this is Cuba calling. We are wondering if you are coming to visit us?
Beatrice: Well, I …
Cuba: Our beaches are endless, our mojitos are unforgettable, the rhythm of our jazz will set your passions ablaze. Tell me Beatrice, do you know how to mumba?
Beatrice: I’m willing to learn … can I bring my husband?
Cuba (disappointed): I suppose …
Beatrice: Do I have to?
Narrator: The Caribbean is calling. Flights from Gander to Varadero, Cuba. Call your travel agent today.
Title: Dominican Republic Calling
Client: Gander International Airport
Duration: 30 seconds
(sound fx : ringing phone being picked up.)
Dominican Republic: Hola! This is the Dominican Republic calling. We have direct flights from
Gander to Punta Cana.
Frazzled Homeoner: Look, I have a broken hot water tank and the cat is doing laps.
Dominican Republic: I will make it better with a song! (breaking into Flamenco-style song)
Dominican vacation, you need to relax,
You will love our beaches, don’t worry about that cat,
Fly direct from Gander and then you will land-a,
Directly to paradise in sunny Punta Cana
Narrator: The Caribbean is calling. Flights from Gander to Punta Cana. Call your travel agent today.
Title: The House Guest Who Wouldn’t Leave
Client: Gander International Airport
Duration: 30 seconds
Narrator (professional, emotionless tone like those who narrate nature videos)
He sits in your favorite chair, wears your slippers and takes over the remote.
Father Winter (deep, baritone God-like voice.)
Let’s see what’s on the weather channel. Ooh, sleet and snow. My favourite.
Narrator: He makes annoying conversation to anyone who will listen.
Father Winter: Shoveling is good for your back – hahah.
Narrator: He is the house guest that will not leave. He is Father Winter, and you are stuck with him until Spring at the earliest. Book your escape from Father Winter and fly all-inclusive from
Gander to Cuba with Sunwing vacations. Call your travel agent today for details
Title: Mother Nature Gets Blasted
Client: Gander International Airport
Duration: 30 seconds
Narrator: It’s not easy being Mother Nature.
Sound FX (old fashionedanswering machine beep)
Answering Machine Message Voice
You have two thousand six new messages.
Voice 1 on Answering Machine
(cheerily) Hi Mother Nature, summer’s over and I’d just like to say (voice goes crazy with anger)
Mother Nature (docile grandmother-type voice)
Oh dear.
(Sound FX: answering machine beep)
Voice 2 on Answering Machine Man
You call yourself a Mother, you’re nothing but a …
(Sound FX beep, skipping through Answering Machine Messages)
Voice 3 on Answering Machine Crazed Woman
Where is the sun! Where is it?
(Sound FX Skipping ahead on answering machine.)
Voice 4 Surly Man
I hope you get hit by a cement truck …
Narrator: Mother Nature doesn’t give refunds. Get some sun this winter. Fly Sunwing
Vacations from Gander direct to the Dominican Republic. Call your travel agent.