1 McGill University School of Communication Sciences and Disorders STUDENT EVALUATION FORM Student: Dates of Practicum: Practicum Site: City: Province/State: Name(s) of Clinical Educator(s): Please refer to the instructions in the Clinical Training Manual before completing the Student Evaluation Form. NB*: Throughout the Form ‘Clinical Educator’ is abbreviated to CE. 2 Competency I: Professional Skills & Professional Development SUMMARY Please enter an overall rating for Competency I on the 1-5 scale below; 0.5 scores may be used. unacceptable needs improvement average above average excellent midterm 1 2 3 4 5 final 1 2 3 4 5 Please check ONLY any areas that require improvement. Checked = needs improvement but skill is developing Add * to if lack of improvement constitutes a concern MIDTERM FINAL **Double click on the checkboxes and select ‘checked’ to check off the desired boxes (if typing on form) needs improvement needs improvement 1. Adheres to professional standards, ethics, policies 2. Has positive attitude & openness to CE & to learning 3. Has good rapport & professional manner with CE 4. Has good rapport & professional manner w/clients; team 5. Respects confidentiality 6. Is appropriate, appearance, dress code, name tag 7. Is on time 8. Is prepared (familiarity w/tests; sessions; etc) 9. Meets deadlines (reports, therapy plans, etc.) 10. Shows effective time management (Internship) 11. Takes initiative 12. Demonstrates self-directed learning&independence 13. Seeks assistance & feedback when necessary 14. Incorporates CE’s suggestions 15. Is able to self- (peer-) evaluate COMMENTS COMPETENCY I. Mid-term: Clinical Educator Strengths: COMMENTS COMPETENCY I. Mid-term: Student self-evaluation Strengths: Areas for improvement: Areas for improvement: Strengths: Final: Clinical Educator Final: Student self-evaluation Strengths: Areas for improvement: Areas for improvement: 3 Competency II: Interpersonal Skills & Communication Skills SUMMARY Please enter an overall rating for Competency II on the 1-5 scale below; 0.5 scores may be used. unacceptable needs improvement average above average excellent midterm 1 2 3 4 5 final 1 2 3 4 5 Please check ONLY any areas that require improvement. Checked = needs improvement but skill is developing Add * to if lack of improvement constitutes a concern MIDTERM needs improvement FINAL needs improvement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Fosters trust & respect w/CE, clients; etc. Is perceptive to client/caregiver needs Is able to address client/caregiver needs Perceives/interprets nonverbal cues/body language Adapts to change/is flexible Is a good communicator Speaks clearly and at an appropriate rate & pitch Modifies language to suit client’s needs Adapts technical language to knowledge level of clients/team during oral communication 10. Ditto for written communication 11. Ability to facilitate communication verbally/nonverbally COMMENTS COMPETENCY II. Mid-term: Clinical Educator Strengths: COMMENTS COMPETENCY II. Mid-term: Student self-evaluation Strengths: Areas for improvement: Areas for improvement: Strengths: Final: Clinical Educator Final: Student self-evaluation Strengths: Areas for improvement: Areas for improvement: 4 Competency III: Practice Knowledge & Clinical Reasoning Skills SUMMARY Please enter an overall rating for Competency III on the 1-5 scale below; 0.5 scores may be used. unacceptable needs improvement average above average midterm 1 2 3 4 5 final 1 2 3 4 5 Please check ONLY any areas that require improvement. Checked = needs improvement but skill is developing Add * to excellent if lack of improvement constitutes a concern MIDTERM needs improvement FINAL needs improvement 1. demonstrates theoretical knowledge 2. applies academic information 3. researches problems (readings, previous exp.) 4. demonstrates analytical thinking 5. demonstrates judgement and decision making 6. able to solve problems 7. demonstrates reasoning based on evidence COMMENTS COMPETENCY III. Mid-term: Clinical Educator Strengths: COMMENTS COMPETENCY III. Mid-term: Student self-evaluation Strengths: Areas for improvement: Areas for improvement: Strengths: Final: Clinical Educator Final: Student self-evaluation Strengths: Areas for improvement: Areas for improvement: 5 Competency IV: Clinical Performance Please list the learning objectives from the Practicum Contract on the lines below. You may have less than 7 objectives (or more than 7), as desired. Any written comments should be made on pages 6 - 8. N/A unacceptable below average 1. ____________________ average above average excellent midterm 1 2 3 4 5 final 1 2 3 4 5 midterm 1 2 3 4 5 final 1 2 3 4 5 midterm 1 2 3 4 5 final 1 2 3 4 5 midterm 1 2 3 4 5 final 1 2 3 4 5 midterm 1 2 3 4 5 final 1 2 3 4 5 midterm 1 2 3 4 5 final 1 2 3 4 5 midterm 1 2 3 4 5 final 1 2 3 4 5 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________ 4. ___________________ 5. ___________________ 6. ____________________ 7. ___________________ Competency IV Clinical Performance: SUMMARY unacceptable midterm 1 below average 2 final 1 2 average excellent 3 above average 4 3 4 5 5 6 To be completed by the Clinical Educator Clinical educator, please also comment on any of the following, if you wish: - were general/specific expectations met for Competency IV (re. column 2 Contract): level of independence demonstrated for Competency IV: (re. column 3 Contract): evidence that the criteria for specific learning objectives were met any (subjective) comments about where the student is estimated to be on the “clinical education continuum” other COMPETENCY IV - COMMENTS Mid-term Strengths: Areas for Improvement: Final Strengths: Areas for Improvement: 7 Student Self-Evaluation COMPETENCY IV - COMMENTS Mid-term Strengths: Areas for Improvement: Final Strengths: Areas for Improvement: 8 In the event that the student is supervised by more than one CE onsite, please ensure that all CE’s have provided input. They must also co-sign the form. MID-TERM _____________________________ Clinical Educator(s) ________________________ Student _____________ Date _____________________________ 2nd Clinical Educator (if applicable) FINAL EVALUATION Please check one of the following (only at the final evaluation): I recommend that the student receive a Pass for this practicum. I recommend that the student receive a Pass with Reservations for this practicum. Comments: I cannot recommend that the student receive a Pass for this practicum.* _____________________________ Clinical Educator ________________________ Student _____________ Date _____________________________ 2nd Clinical Educator (if applicable) Signatures used on this form must be unique, original signatures1. RISK OF FAILURE * Please notify the clinical coordinator at McGill prior to assigning a FAIL. In addition, the Performance Problem Protocol should have been affected before a FAIL is assigned (refer to Clinical Training Manual). The Student is required to submit this form in electronic format to: 1) practicum.scsd@mcgill.ca AND 2) CE’s email (at the same time) Before 11:59pm on Sunday following completion from his/her McGill email address (name@mail.mcgill.ca). 1 A unique, original signature is either a pen signature or a unique digital signature. Do not simply type your names on this form when submitting electronically. StudentEvalEN