Module 4 - Thermal Radiation I. History of Blackbody Radiation A. What is a blackbody? A blackbody is an object that absorbs all radiation that is incident upon it. When radiation falls upon an object, some of the radiation may be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted. Most objects that appear black are poor reflectors of optical radiation but they are not blackbodies since they still reflect some radiation. A good approximation of a blackbody is a cavity. In the cube below, the radiation entering the cavity is continually reflected around the cavity. Thus, the cavity acts like a minnow trap. It is easy for the light to enter but not exit. This is why a cavity always looks black at room temperature regardless of the color of the inside of the cavity. Front View B. Side View of Cavity Emission Spectra When a body is at thermal equilibrium, it must re-emit all the radiation that it absorbs. Blackbodies are interesting because the color of their emission depends only on their temperature and not upon their shape or composition. Thus, their emission spectrum can be used as a pyrometer (temperature gauge). The processing of steel became of great importance during the industrial revolution of the late 1800's. Thus, blackbody pyrometers were extremely useful tools for determining the temperature of steel ovens and other processing equipment. Although light bulb filaments and many other regular objects are not true black bodies, their temperature can be approximated from their emission spectra by assuming that the object is a blackbody. Thus, blacksmith's used the color of the heated steel to determine the processing of steel when making buggy springs, horse shoes etc. C. Experimental Emission Spectra Blackbody Emission Energy Density Higher T 0 0 Frequency We can see from the graph that the maximum emission frequency shifts to higher frequency as the temperature is raised. We can also see that the total energy emitted (area under curve) increases at increasing temperature. D. Stephan-Boltzman Equation The power density emitted by a blackbody is proportional to the 4th power of its temperature. P σ T4 A σ 5.670x108 W K/m 2 E. Wien's Displacement Law The peak of the blackbody emission spectra is inversely proportional to the temperature. λ max 2.898 mm K T F. Ultra-violet Catastrophe The theory of blackbody radiation would appear to be a straight forward application of classical electromagnitism and classical physics. Although classical physics produced a workable theory at low frequency (long wavelengths), it failed at high frequencies (short wavelengths). Since the theory predicted an infinite amount of energy radiated at short wavelengths, it was called the "ultra-violet catastrophe." II. Density of States For An E&M Wave In A Blackbody Radiator Since the emission spectrum of a blackbody radiator is independent of the shape of the blackbody, we are free to choose the simplest shape possible in deriving the density of state function. Thus, we choose a cube with sides of length L. L Blackbody (3-D Cube ) L 1-D E&M Wave Boundary (analogous to waves on string) A. Wave Equation We start by writing the wave equation for a wave in free space. We developed this equation using Maxwell's Equations in PHYS2424. 1 2 E 2 E 2 0 c t2 where 2 2 2 2 î ĵ k̂ x 2 y 2 z 2 This equation is a separable differential equation and can be solved by separation of variables. This is a standard math technique that you either may have already studied or will learn later in your course work. For now, we are only concerned with the fact that the electric field can be written as the product of three spatial functions (X,Y,Z) and a time function as shown below: E E o Xx Yy Zz e iω t B. Using Boundary Conditions From PHYS2424, we know that the electric field inside a perfect conductor in electrostatic equilibrium is ZERO! Thus, we have six boundary conditions that must be imposed upon our standing wave solution. These six conditions are due to the six metal conductors that form the faces of our cube. 1) X(0) = 0 2) X(L) = 0 3) Y(0) = 0 4) Y(L) = 0 5) Z(0) = 0 6) Z(L) = 0 By looking at the figure of the standing wave on a string, you will notice that conditions 1,3, and 5 are satisfied by a sine function. Thus, we have that X(x) = Sin ( kx x) Y(y) = Sin ( ky y) Z(z) = Sin (kz z) We also see that only certain wave numbers (k's) will satisfy the boundary conditions 2,4, and 6. The argument of the sine function must change by an integer number of radian as the spatial variable changes by L. This corresponds to the conditions that k x L jx π where jx is either 0,1, 2, 3,.... k y L jy π where jy is either 0,1, 2, 3,.... k z L jz π where jz is either 0,1, 2, 3,.... Thus, we have that the electric field in one direction can be written as jx E E o sin D. π x jy π y jz π z ω t sin sin e L L L Wave Number Vector - k The individual wave numbers (kx ky, kz) found in the previous section are components of the three dimensional wave vector as shown below: kz kx ky The magnitude of this vector, k, is called the wave number and is connected to the wave length, , by the equation that we developed in PHYS2424: k k x 2 k y 2 k z 2 2π λ We can now convert this to a connection between j and by k kx ky kz 2 2 2 2 π L π L 2 j 2 2 2 2 j 2 j j y z x 2π λ 2π λ 2 2 j 2L . λ Thus, only certain wavelengths exist in the cavity as determined by the magnitude of the j-vector. We will study this material again when we deal with wave guides in the junior E&M class. E. Density of States Function We now wish to determine the number of available states with wavelengths such that j is between some value j to j+dj. A spherical shell of radius j and thickness dj has a volume of V 4 π j2 dj j However, all components of j must be positive so we are restricted to only 1/8th of the sphere's volume. 1 π j2 dj 2 V 4 π j dj 2 8 We must also account for the fact that an E&M wave can have two different polarization states. Thus, the total number of states with wave numbers between j and j + dj is Gjdj π j2 dj We now convert this into the number of states in the cavity between the frequency and + d using the relationship c λν . Substituting the relationship into our previous results, we have that j 2L ν c dj 2L dν c G ν dν 2 4πL c2 Gν dν 2 2 L dν ν c 2 8π ν c3 dν L3 We now divide by the volume of the cube to obtain the density of state function: gν dν 2 8π ν c3 dν DENSITY OF STATES This is the number of allowed energy states per unit volume of the cavity that emit radiation between the frequency and + d. Everyone used this result in their work even Max Planck. III. Calculating Blackbody Energy Spectra To calculate the energy per volume emitted by the blackbody, you multiply the average energy emitted per state by the number of states per volume. Thus, we have that u νdν ε gvdv Thus, the problem with the classical result had to either reside in the calculation of the density of states using Maxwell's electromagnetic theory or the average energy calculation using classical mechanics (Maxwell-Boltzman distribution / equipartition theorem). IV. Classical Physics (Rayleigh - Jeans Theory) A. The atoms of the blackbody radiator are considered to be classical harmonic oscillators whose energy is given by ε 1 k x2 2 Noting that a classical harmonic oscillator has two degrees of freedom and using the equipartition theorem (from Maxwell-Boltzman Statistics), we have the average energy of the oscillator states as ε 2 1 k T k T 2 Since the oscillators are in thermal equilibrium with their environment, this is also the average energy of the radiation they emit. B. Rayleigh - Jeans Radiation Formula u ν dν ε gν dν 2 8π ν kT dν 3 c The formula can also be written in terms of wavelength by noting that ν c λ dν c dλ . λ2 Substituting this into our Rayleigh - Jeans formula, we obtain u λ dλ 2 8 π c k T c λ 2 c 3 λ 2 dλ 8 π k T dλ λ4 Thus, the classical theory suggested that energy density was proportional to the square of the frequency or inversely to the fourth power of the wavelength. Theory fits the experimental data at low energy but predicts infinite energy as or equivalently 0. C. Max Planck's Solution Planck was a former student of Kirchhoff 's and had developed a research program on applying the Second Law of Thermodynamics to problems at a time when the law was not widely applied. Planck's application of thermodynamics convinced him that the average energy calculation was incorrect. Planck decided that the energy of the harmonic oscillator states shoul be represented by ε n h ν where n is an integer 0, 1, 2, .... Planck's arguments for this statement are beyond the scope of this course. The interested student can find a discussion in The Quantum Physicists and an Introduction to Their Physics by William H. Cooper. We now calculate the average energy for an energy state using this relationship between energy and frequency. n h ν e ε n 0 n h ν kT e h ν kT n n 0 The bottom summation can be found in a math handbook and is given by h ν k T n e n0 1 h ν k T 1 e We can use the following Calculus trick to help evaluate the top summation d e n x n e n x dx Where we will define x to be x hν kT n h ν e h ν kT n n0 n h ν e n0 h ν kT n h ν n e h ν kT n n 0 n x n x h ν de h ν d e dx dx n0 n 0 n h ν e h ν kT n n0 n h ν e h ν kT d 1 h ν dx 1 e x n n0 n h ν e h ν h ν kT n n0 2 e - x x 1 e 1 hν kT - h νe hν kT 1 e 2 We now substitute our results back into average energy equation and obtain ε n h ν e h ν kT n n0 e n 0 n h ν kT hν kT hν e hν kT hν 1 e e hν kT 1 Planck now multiplied the average energy by the classical density of states to obtain his radiation formula of 2 hν 8π ν dν u ν dν ε gν dν 3 c hν e k T 1 uν dν 8 π h ν3 h ν c3 e k T 1 dν We see that the exponential in the denominator prevents the ultra-violet catastrophe by causing the intensity to decrease exponentially at high frequencies. We also can show that Planck's result give the Rayleigh - Jean's result for low frequency by expanding the exponential function as follows e uν dν hν k T 1 hν kT for ν kT h 2 8 π h ν3 dν 8 π k3T ν dν c h ν c 3 1 1 kT Planck was aware that a classical harmonic oscillator should have a continuous energy distribution. However, he thought that the ultra-violet catastrophe might be due to a convergence problem with the integration. Thus, he made the energy levels discrete so that the average energy calculation involved a sum. He intended to obtain the continuous energy distribution of the classical harmonic oscillator by letting the parameter h approach zero in his final result. However, letting h go to zero resulted in the ultra-violet catastrophe. Thus, h had to be left finite. An excellent fit of experimental blackbody spectra could be obtained using the value for h of h 1240 eV nm c This constant is called Planck's constant!! FACT: Planck was a classical physicist and never believed that this constant had any great physical significance. In particular, he didn't believe that the oscillator's energy levels were actually quantized! In reality, he had used the wrong energy statistics with the wrong energy to get the right answer! A young patent clerk named Albert Einstein had a much different view of the constant and would make it central to his solution of a problem that would win him the Nobel prize! IV. Classical Theory of Light (Review) At the turn of the Century, all physicists considered light to be an electromagnetic wave due to the conclusive demonstration of light interference by Thomas Young, the theoretical work of James Clerk Maxwell and the demonstration of other electromagnetic waves (radio waves) by Hertz. 1) The energy of a wave is directly proportional to the square of the amplitude of the wave. Thus, the brightness of light determines the energy of light. 2) The energy of a wave is independent of the wavelength or frequency of the wave. 3) The energy of the wave is not localized in space. Instead, the wave’s energy is spread out through all of space. V. Photoelectric Effect A. In his experimental verification of Maxwell’s electromagnetic wave theory of light, Hertz noticed and interesting phenomena. When shorter wavelength light (ultraviolet light) was directed upon his electrodes, an electrical discharge (spark) was more likely to occur. Hertz died in his early 40’s and never fully examined this phenomenon called the photoelectric effect. It has profound applications in a wide range of engineering applications ranging including light detectors as well as being a major driving force in the radical new field of quantum mechanics. It was for his 1905 explanation of the photoelectric effect and not Relativity that Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. B. Experimental Setup In the figure, a light source is directed upon a metal surface. The light provides energy to electrons in the metal which allows many bound electrons to escape with some kinetic energy. These electrons are collected on the top plate where they flow through an ammeter allowing us to detect the number of electrons per second collected (current). A grid placed in front of the top plate can be biased to a negative electrical potential (voltage). As we raise the voltage, the current decreases since only the most energetic electrons (highest kinetic energy) can make it to the cathode. Eventually, we reach a voltage at which no electrons have enough energy to make it to the top plate. This voltage is called the stopping potential or stopping voltage and enables us to measure the maximum kinetic energy of an electron emitted by the metal. Light Source V A + Experimental Results: 1) If current is detected, it will be proportional to the intensity of the light source. 2) Maximum kinetic energy of electrons emitted from the plate depends upon the wavelength of the light source and is independent of the intensity of the light. 3) For longer wavelengths of light, no current is detected no matter how great the light source intensity. 4) The minimum wavelength of light at which electron emission just stops is called the cut-off wavelength and depends only on the type of metal used for the bottom pate (assuming no surface contamination). 5) For light whose wavelength is below the cut-off wavelength, the current is detected immediately no matter how dim the light source. Results 2,3 and 5 can not be explained by the wave picture of light!!! C. Einstein’s Explanation Einstein proposed that light was composed of discrete bundles of energy called photons. The energy of each photon was directly proportional to its frequency by Planck’s equation: Eh ν where h is Planck’s constant. Although Planck may have used the equation first, Einstein’s view was much more radical. The finite value of h actually produces a graininess in the energy of light found in nature. Light exists only in these packets and packets will have to be either totally absorbed or not absorbed at all. The importance of the finite value of h can not be overstated as it will be the cause of all of the amazing results which originate from Quantum Mechanics. If this constant had any other value, the world will live in would be dramatically different. This special equation relating energy and frequency is often called Einstein’s energy relation since it appears in a several different forms throughout quantum mechanics. For example using our knowledge of waves including ω 2π ν and c λν , we can rewrite Einstein’s energy relation in equivalent forms as E ω where hc λ h . 2π Einstein’s other assumptions are that: 1) Energy is conserved 2) The electron bound in a metal can be thought of as a particle in some average potential energy well created by all the other charges in the metal. U(x) 0 eV -W In the figure above, the green electron is least tightly bound (i.e. It is in the highest energy state) to the metal. Thus, this electron will have the largest kinetic energy if it is emitted. The minimum energy, W, needed to remove the electron from the metal is called the metal’s work function. When physicists or engineers want to build electron emitters, they choose materials with low work functions and often coat the materials surface with cesium to further reduce the materials normal work function. By Conservation of Energy, we know that the energy available as kinetic energy to the electron from a photon of energy E is given by KEU . Using Einstein’s energy relationship for the energy of the light photon, we have for the least tightly bound electron (our green electron), K max h ν - W . When the voltage on our repulsive grid reaches the stopping potential, all of the kinetic energy of the most energetic electron is converted to electrical potential energy by the time it reaches our grid. Thus, we have K max e Vstop . Plugging this into our previous equation gives us e Vstop h ν W h W Vstop ν . e e For a graph with the stopping on the y-axis and frequency on the x-axis, this is the equation of a straight line with slope (h/e) and y-intercept of (W/e). Thus, the experiment provides a means of finding the work function of materials for engineering applications as well as another means of determining the constant h!! VI. Duality of Light Einstein’s explanation of the photoelectric effect suggests that light is composed of bundles of energy called photons (light baseballs) whose energy (baseball size) is determined by the frequency/wavelength of the light. However, the total energy contained in an E&M wave depends also on how many photons are present!! Bright red light consists of many low energy photons while dim blue light consists of a few high energy photons. The model of light waves traveling as a collection of light photons may be pleasing to a classical physicist and explain the photoelectric effect, but it is definitely not correct. Modern physicists have now demonstrated that there are some problems with this view of light. It appears that light and everything else in the world has dual properties (wave and particle). The photon always interacts with matter as a particle, but in other experiments like Young’s interference experiment it shows wave properties. Also, it never shows both types of properties in the same experiment. It is as if the very act of making a measurement creates reality. The philosophical implications of these experimental results are both intriguing and disturbing to physicists. Einstein never accepted the philosophical implications of modern quantum mechanics. However, there is no doubt that the physics which originates from the simple experiments we will discuss in the next few modules is amazingly accurate in describing how things work in the atomic world.