MRAM Monthly Research Administration Meeting TOPIC PRESENTER

MRAM Monthly Research Administration Meeting
MARCH 10, 2016
Lupe Valencia,
Director, Management Accounting & Analysis
206 543-9985
Mike Anthony
Executive Director, Management Accounting & Analysis
206 616-1379
Effort Reporting Update
Mike Anthony
Executive Director, Management Accounting & Analysis
206 616-1379
Researcher Reporting Obligations
Joe Giffels
Assoc. V. Provost for Research Administration & Integrity
Office of Research
206 616-0804
TPU Updates
Kristen Bendixen
Senior Business Analyst, Research Accounting & Analysis
206 616-9890
eGC1 Changes Related to Animal Use
Michelle Brot
Research Coordinator, Office of Animal Welfare
206 221-0891
Contractual Considerations
Carol Rhodes
Acting Co-Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
206 543-2139
Equipment Capitalization Threshold
Equipment Threshold
March 10, 2016
Michael Anthony and Lupe Valencia
Management Accounting and Analysis
University of Washington
Equipment Threshold
 UW capitalization threshold is $2000
 Equipment over the threshold is capitalized and must be tagged,
tracked and inventoried
 The Federal government the State of Washington have $5000
equipment thresholds
 Our top 24 research peers have increased their respective
thresholds to $5000
 Inventory process is manual and paper-intensive
 Different thresholds (UW vs. Federal) create confusion and errors
University of Washington
Management Accounting and Analysis
Equipment Threshold
Items in targeted range represent
 Only 13% of the total value of inventory
 Over 65% (40,000 count) of items in total inventory
 Over 60% (3,300 count) of equipment items
purchased in FY 2013 were between the $2,000 and
$4,999 range
University of Washington
Management Accounting and Analysis
Equipment Threshold
Participants involved in decision making process
 Faculty Council on Research
 Research Advisory Board
 Associate Deans for Research
 Post-award Administrative Advisory Group
 Office of Research
 Office of Sponsored Programs
 Office of Planning and Budgeting
 Financial Accounting
 Research Accounting and Analysis
University of Washington
Management Accounting and Analysis
Equipment Threshold
Project Milestones
Nov 2015:
 Equipment threshold proposal approved
Dec 2015:
 Revised Disclosure Statement submitted to Cost Allocation Services
Jan 2016:
 University physical inventory (due date 5/31/2016)
May 2016:
 Effective 5/1/16 for sponsored projects proposals submitted to OSP*
July 2016:
 $5,000 equipment threshold (effective 7/1/2016)
August 2016:
 Federal and Agency physical inventory (due date 9/30/2016)
University of Washington
Management Accounting and Analysis
Equipment Threshold – Sponsored
Existing $2k threshold will apply to the following:
 Existing funding
 Non-competing renewals
 Funding received in response to proposals with EGC-1
approval prior to May 1, 2016 (even if start date is
7/1/16 or later)
University of Washington
Management Accounting and Analysis
Equipment Threshold – Sponsored
New Equipment Expense Object Codes for Grandfathered Award Budgets
Object Code
Non-capitalized Equipment ($2,000 - $4,999) –
Grandfathered Awards
Non-capitalized Equipment – M&E Tax Exemption
($2000 - $4,999) – Grandfathered Awards
* Will be available to use in the Sage budget module in March
* Will be available to use in Ariba on 7/1/16 for grandfathered award budgets only
* Considered non-capital equipment, but will be excluded from indirect cost (F&A)
Equipment Threshold – Sponsored
New $5k threshold will apply to the following:
 Proposals for new, competing renewal, and
supplemental funding with an EGC-1 approval date on or
after May 1, 2016.
 Budgets submitted with these proposals must categorize
items with an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more and a
useful life exceeding one year as equipment.
 Indirect cost (F&A) must be calculated on all non-capital
equipment/supplies with an acquisition cost under
University of Washington
Management Accounting and Analysis
Equipment Threshold NonSponsored Budgets
New $5k threshold will apply based on the purchase order
 The purchase order date will determine which threshold
will apply. The $2,000 threshold will apply in cases where a
purchase order has been fully executed (EI or BPO number
issued) prior to July 1, 2016, with the equipment object
code “06” regardless of when the equipment is paid for
and/or received.
 Purchase orders executed on or after July 1, 2016 will be
subject to the new $5,000 threshold.
University of Washington
Management Accounting and Analysis
Equipment Threshold NonSponsored Budgets
MRAM Meeting - Purchase Order Approval Clarification
*EIO is the final approver only if the purchase is under the direct buy limit
*The $2,000 threshold will apply in cases where a purchase order has been fully executed
(EI or BPO number issued) prior to July 1, 2016
*We recommend submitting requisitions early to ensure the buyers have adequate time to work
through any contracting and compliance issues
*Requisitions that are not fully executed on July 1, 2016, will be subject to the new $5,000
*Check Ariba to ensure outstanding requisitions have been processed
Equipment Threshold – FAQ’s
Frequently asked questions including announcement are
available on the following website:
University of Washington
Management Accounting and Analysis
Effort Reporting Update
March 10, 2016
Michael Anthony
Management Accounting and Analysis
University of Washington
Effort Reporting Update
 Calendar FECs
 Due March 30, 2016
 Email to faculty March 11, 2016
 Dashboard Report – Can now filter out “Certification not
Required” FECs
 Cost Share Module (Summary)
 Will not work with MS10 default browser (Edge)
 Will work with IE11 and Mozilla
University of Washington
Management Accounting and Analysis
Effort Reporting Update
 K8 and K23 awards have increased the salary threshold from
$75k to $100k. Will reduce the amount of cost sharing
 Be aware, cost share commitments set up late may not have
been set up in time for faculty to certify which would require
the department to process a recertification. If you know the
cost share commitment is missing or wrong have the faculty
member hold off on certifying until corrected (better late
than wrong)
University of Washington
Management Accounting and Analysis
Effort Reporting Update
 MAA working with GCA on the close-out process for
sponsored awards.
 The focus will be on cost sharing and interim reporting to
streamline the process in some manner.
 We may be seeking input from academic units so hope you
will help out if approached (or you can volunteer!)
University of Washington
Management Accounting and Analysis
Sponsored Research
Reporting Obligations
MRAM – March 10, 2016
Joe Giffels
Associate Vice Provost
Office of Research
University of Washington
Examples of late or neglected
reporting by UW investigators
 Clinical trials
 Publication within 24 months
 Reporting on
 Shared instrumentation grants
 Annual reports for 4 years following the end of the
grant period
University of Washington
Office of Research
Untimely reporting…
… may jeopardize future funding opportunities
for PI
for UW
… erodes public trust in research, especially at UW
University of Washington
Office of Research
Other Reporting Obligations
 Research
 Progress reports
 Final progress/technical reports
 Crediting sponsor support in publications
 Results – Publications
 Journals
 Web pages
 Inventions
 Training Grants
 Subrecipients
University of Washington
Office of Research
What to Report
 Reporting obligations are award-specific
 Anticipate them!!!
University of Washington
Office of Research
Reporting is an Obligation
 Establishes reputation for good stewardship
 Documents credit for accomplishments
University of Washington
Office of Research
Research Compliance and Operations :: Systems and Data Analysis
Add New Subs in GrantTracker
Transpasu Automation Update
March 10 2016
Kristen Bendixsen
Research Compliance and Operations :: Systems and Data Analysis
Add New Subs in GrantTracker
Transpasu Automation Features…
 Save, Edit, Delete a Transpasu request
 Signatory setup and sign off and reason when rejected (edit, fix and resend)
 Email notification to Signatories, Originator as sign off occurs
 Status Transpasu requests which will indicate the location of your Transpasu
request in the approval and setup pipeline
 My Transpasu Requests page showing a user’s Transpasu Requests and statuses
 “Push Button” submission of Transpasu request in GrantTracker and automated
attachment of Transpasu form to the GrantTracker request
Research Compliance and Operations :: Systems and Data Analysis
Add New Subs in GrantTracker
Next Feature Completed – 1st - 2nd week in April
 Save Transpasu request
 My Transpasu Requests showing list of logged in user’s Transpasu Requests
Transpasu Probable Rollout Plan
1. Signatory setup, signoff, and email notifications
2. Status of Transpasu Requests
3. Edit and Delete requests that have not yet gotten to the “In Process” status
4. “Push Button” submission of Transpasu request in GrantTracker
Research Compliance and Operations :: Systems and Data Analysis
Add New Subs in GrantTracker
Next Delivery – 1st - 2nd week in April
 Save Transpasu request
 My Transpasu Requests showing list of logged in user’s Transpasu Requests
Next delivery is later and smaller in features than anticipated
We are changing the underlying technology of GrantTracker
Because we are anticipating redesigning GrantTracker to make it
 Easier to use
 Align with your work
Beta site for people to try out and provide feedback on
 Transpasu – Add New Subs
 New GrantTracker design
Research Compliance and Operations :: Systems and Data Analysis
Add New Subs in GrantTracker
If you want to help with requirements or testing contact me
Kristen Bendixsen
Research Compliance and Operations :: Systems and Data Analysis
Transpasu Processes we Intend*to Deliver
 Add New Subs
 Replace ADV Sub Budget
 Supplement Existing Sub
 Transfer from Sub to Parent
* This is our plan for now but it may change depending on further analysis
Research Compliance and Operations :: Systems and Data Analysis
Current Add New Subs Workflow
The online workflow accessible from GrantTracker we have build so far
Future Add New Subs Workflow
Changes to the AC-1 section of
the eGC1
MRAM -3/10/16
Michelle Brot
Office of Animal Welfare
University of Washington
UPDATE TO ANIMAL USE section of the
eGC1—March 24—
The eGC1 Section AC-1 asks about the use of Vertebrate Animals for the proposal. The
following refinements will allow OAW to process the grants more efficiently:
 If the answer to AC-1 is YES, these changes will apply:
 A protocol # will be required at the time of submission (no more ‘JIT’ or ‘pending’
responses will be accepted).
 The 3-yr approval date range will be required at the time of submission.
 Identifying grants that will require a Significant Change at the time of submission via
the following new question (AC-1-D): Will a Significant Change to the protocol be
required to perform the animal work in this proposal?
 The facility name and location of the work to be done will no longer be requested on
the AC-1-A section (for UW work).
 All submissions should now be sent electronically to
University of Washington
Presenter’s Office
AC-1 section (Animal Use)
Animal Use
AC-1. YES: Application involves the use of vertebrate animals.
AC-1. Does this application involve the use of vertebrate animals? YES
AC-1-A. Does the application involve the use of live vertebrate animals, at any location, by UW faculty,
staff or students, or non-UW personnel visiting the UW and working under a UW IACUC protocol?
UW South Lake Union
Seattle, WA
AC-1-B. Does the application involve use of live vertebrate animals at any domestic (US) location other than
the UW (e.g. custom antibodies, contracts, subcontracts or any collaborative work in support of the
specific aims of the grant)?
AC-1-C. Are you citing any foreign sites for performance of live vertebrate animal work?
AC-1-D. Will a Significant Change to the protocol be required to perform the animal work in this proposal?
All submissions should be sent electronically to
University of Washington
Presenter’s Office
Web Updates
Navigation & New Content
Scheduled for end of March publication:
• Principles applicable to sponsored research
• Basic information on establishing a research
agreement with the UW (procedural)
• Agreement types related to sponsored
programs & contact offices
& Templates
Upcoming Additions
Decision tree for agreement types
& Templates
Templates with instructions for use