Chapter 23 A. Know the general properties of a plasmid

Chapter 23
A. Know the general properties of a plasmid
B. Know the general properties of restriction endonucleases
1. Know what a restriction modification is and how it protects bacteria
from infection by foreign DNA.
2. Know the difference between type 1 and type 2 restriction
3. Know that restriction endonucleases cleave at palindromic sequences.
4. Know that restriction enzymes can leave blunt or sticky ended cuts.
5. Know how to estimate the number of cut sites that there will be for a
specific restriction enzyme in a piece of DNA.
Know what DNA ligases do.
Know why we transform plasmids into bacteria.
Know how a cDNA Library is constructed. Know how to make cDNA. Know
why we need to make cDNA.
Know the process of library screening with nucleic acid probes.
Know how to express a gene in a microbial host to produce lots of protein. Know
why you may want to do this.