5th Annual University of Nevada, Reno Student World Water Forum November 20th-21st, 2008 Joe Crowley Student Union, Ballroom C with Keynote Speaker Dr. Chris Brown of New Mexico State University speaking on: “Comparative discussions on international water resource management: Case Studies from the US-Mexico Border and the Middle East” WRB Building Room 2030, 4:00pm, November 21st, 2008 Presentation Sessions: Thursday 8:00-9:30 - Water Quality/Water-borne illness 9:45-11:00 - Water & Agriculture 11:15-12:15, 12:30-1:30 - Contamination 1:45-3:00 - Innovations & Technology 3:15-4:00 - Soils 4:15-5:15 - Water/Waste Water treatment 5:30-7:00 - Water Rights/Water Resources 7:00-8:30 - Poster Session Introducing the 1st Annual Poster Session! Come see poster presentations from 7:00-8:30pm on Thursday, November 20th, JCSU Ballroom C - Refreshments will be provided - Program times will run: Thurs. Nov. 20th 8:00am-8:30pm Friday Nov. 21st 8:00am-5:00pm Friday 8:00-9:30 - Dams/River systems 9:45-10:45 - Climate Change & Water 11:15-12:15 - Riparian Restoration and Conservation 12:30-2:00 - Aquatic Ecosystems 2:15-3:15 - Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions General Info and Contact: Special thanks to: Academy for the Environment, Geography Department, Natural Resource and Environmental Sciences Department, Bibo Coffee, Davidson's Tea, Franz’s Backstube, UNR Graduate Student Association, and the Rotary Club of Reno Sunrise, for their support of the 2008 5th Annual Student World Water Forum. Web Site: http://www.cabnr.unr.edu/swwf/ Email address: swwf@unr.edu Phone: (775) 851-6567