Impacts of Invasions • Measuring impact is complex – What should be measured and how? − For individual plant, individual species, or multiple species? − Over what time frame? − Lack of comprehensive data Impacts of Invasions • Ecology – Species replacement – Ecosystem functions – Threatened & endangered species • Economic – Total environmental damage estimates • Social – Water quantity and quality – Human health Ecological Impacts Conceptual model: Walker & Smith in Lukens & Thieret (1997) • Invasive species affect different community & ecosystem processes Ecological Impacts • Types of impacts (Parker et al. 1999) – Impacts on ecosystem properties – Impacts on community structure – Impacts on individual species Ecological Impacts • Impacts on ecosystem properties 1. Disturbance regimes D’Antonio in Mooney & Hobbs (2002) Ecological Impacts • Impacts on ecosystem properties 2. Resource dynamics Ehrenfeld (2003) Ecosystems 6: 503-523 Ecological Impacts: Nitrogen Question: How is N cycling affected by exotic grass invasion? Method: Examined rates of N mineralization & nitrification, and characterized soil microbial communities Hawkes et al. (2005) Ecology Letters 8:976-985 Hawkes et al. (2005) Ecology Letters 8:976-985 Ehrenfeld (2003) Ecosystems 6: 503-523 Ecological Impacts: Carbon Woody plant invasion into grasslands is thought to increase amount of C stored Ecological Impacts: Carbon Question: Does woody plant invasion increase C sequestration? Method: Examined 6 sites along precipitation gradient Jackson et al. (2002) Nature 418:623-626 Jackson et al. (2002) Nature 418:623-626 Jackson et al. (2002) Nature 418:623-626 Ehrenfeld (2003) Ecosystems 6: 503-523 Tamarix ramosissima Ladenburger et al. (2005) J. of Arid Env 65: 111-128. Ecological Impacts: Water Kulmatiski et al. (2006) Plant & Soil 288: 271-284 Question: Does plant invasion shift timing of water use? Method: Used stable isotope ratios in soil and plant tissue Ecological Impacts Ecosystem engineers: species able to physically alter habitats (Crooks 2002) •Alter ecosystem physical processes (sedimentation, water availability, N cycling) •Change habitat structure (more or less complexity) •Effects cascade through community Crooks (2002) OIKOS 97: 153-166 Ecosystem Impacts: Transformers • Question: What is the long-term impact of C. pubescence invasion on Galapagos vegetation? • Methods: Monitoring permanent plots over 7 years Jager et al (2009) J of Ecology 97:1252-1263 Jager et al (2009) J of Ecology 97:1252-1263 Jager et al (2009) J of Ecology 97:1252-1263