Proportion of roots Soil depth (cm) Table 5. Estimates of survival for roots by treatment and sampling location using LIFETEST procedure in SAS. Sampling location Ambrosia dumosa Larrea tridentata Community CO2 Treatment Ambient Number roots 3163 % censored 48.7 Elevated 3196 45.8 Ambient 4055 44.0 Elevated 4353 43.0 Ambient 5148 44.0 Elevated 6017 42.4 75% survival 50% survival (95% CI) (95% CI) 803 440 (761, 869) (420, 457) 791 427 (756, 819) (406, 446) 410 (385, 426) 412 (398, 433) 723 (659, 754) 750 (734, 771) 440 (414, 446) 377 (356, 390) 759 (735, 787) 723 (711, 737) Percentage censored indicates percent of individual roots that were right censored (i.e. roots that were either present at the beginning of the study or present at the end of the study) of the total number of roots for each sampling location – treatment combination. Percent survival is the number estimated days until the percentage of roots surviving is 75% or 50% of the original population; numbers in parentheses are lower and upper 95% confidence intervals for the estimate.