Eat Right…Live Well A lot has been said on the news lately regarding Americans being overweight. Magazines and newspapers have published articles on how teenagers today are heavier than they have been in the past. Much controversy exists as to who is to blame for it. Do we blame the fast food industry for marketing and selling fatty foods? Do we blame our parents who feed us? The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and USDA have researched the foods that Americans eat, the nutrients contained in the foods, and how to make the best food choices. The Food Guide Pyramid was developed as a result of this research; it goes beyond the “basic four food groups” that we have traditionally used as our guidelines. The Pyramid outlines what to eat each day. It is a general guide that lets you choose a Pyramid healthy diet. The Pyramid emphasizes eating a variety of foods to get the nutrients you need and at the same time measuring the calories to maintain or improve your weight. The Pyramid also focuses on fat because most American diets are too high in saturated fats. Health & Nutrition By Michael Rodriguez How does the Pyramid? Let’s look at the Pyramid starting at the bottom and working our way up to the top. The base of the Pyramid contains foods from grains—breads, cereals, rice, and pasta. You need more servings from this category than any of the others. The next levels contain foods from plants; which are vegetables and fruits. These foods are important in that they supply vitamins, minerals, and fibers. The third level from the bottom contains two food groups that come mostly from animals. This group contains meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, and dry beans and nuts. Foods in this level provide protein, calcium, iron, and zinc. Inside this Issue Food Pyramid 1 Right Amount to Eat 2 Servings/Calorie Level 2 Servings Chart 3 The top of the Pyramid contains fats, oils, and sweets. Butter, cream, oils, and salads dressings contain fats. Sweets include sugars, sodas, candies, and sweet desserts. This food group should be eaten sparingly as they add lots of calories and very little nutrition. What is the right amount to eat? You should eat the number of servings as indicated in Table 1. The number of servings you eat depends on whether you are in the low, moderate, or high calorie group. The Low calorie group consumes approximately 1,600 calories. This is the amount of calories that older adults and sedentary women consume each day. The Moderate calorie group consumes approximately 2,200 calories per day. Most children, teenage girls, active women, and many sedentary men are in this category. The High category group consumes approximately 2,800 calories. Teenage boys, many active men, and some very active women may be in this category. Table 1 Recommended Servings for Each Calorie Level Food Group Grain Vegetable Lower 6 3 Moderate 9 4 Higher 11 5 Fruit Milk Meat 2 2 5 3 2 6 4 3 6 Health & Nutrition Eat Right Live Well Page 2 By Michael Rodriguez The following chart illustrates the number of servings that are required by each calorie group. As illustrated in the chart, the highest recommended daily requirement is in the grain group. 12 10 8 6 4 Health & Nutrition 2 0 Lower Grain Moderate Vegetable Fruit Higher Milk Eat Right Meat Live Well Page 3 Ultimately you are the one who needs to accept responsibility for what you eat! By Michael Rodriguez