Eric Herbert Santana ENN 198 To Evaluate One’s Self A self evaluation can be incredibly helpful in my own opinion. After one has been completed one has the ability to see what new things they have learned as well as being able to keep a written record of such events. I feel have learned many new and exciting things during the ENN 198 course I am taking this semester as well as in other courses. - I was able to learn about the structure of plays, one act plays in particular. I now understand body language in a play has the ability to communicate what is not spoken, sometimes more powerfully than dialogue itself. - Titles can incredibly strengthen a literary work. I was able to learn this during the ENN 198 course as classmates read their work aloud, including their titles. Hearing a variety of titles in a short period of time allowed me to put more thought into creating my own titles. In some instances a one word title may work best, whereas in other cases a portion of a sentence may be more effective. - I learned that when creating characters for a play their names can serve as a method for communicating who they are. Through a characters name one can get a sense of their personality before even seeing the character during the play. For example, I know of a character named Grimmjow Jaggerjack from the manga and anime Bleach. When I hear that name I think of something sharp, unsafe to approach, or even the words Grim (as in the grim reaper) and Jaw (like a jaw bone). The character Grimmjow is a Sadist who actually has a broken tiger jaw attached to his right cheek so I feel his name adds to his character and is appropriate. - I learned certain elements such as the setting in a play can serve as great literary devices to set the mood. For instance, if one wanted a gloomy mood the setting could be a rainstorm late at night. Or perhaps the setting is supposed to be happy and safe, so one would choose a sunny, cloudless day in a warm environment like florida. Sometimes the setting does not match the mood of the play, which can also be effective in getting the reader to feel a certain way.