Interview with the Jacobins: by Louis Armaunt Poisson

Interview with the Jacobins: by Louis Armaunt Poisson
I arrange to meet Jean Chien and Marco Chat at small restaurant in the city of
Paris, one of the hotbeds of revolution that has captivated the French public. Jean and
Marco are in the heart of it all, both part of the National Assembly that is convening right
now to discuss the future of our great nation of France.
Jean and Marco are both waiting for me outside the restaurant when I arrive. The
men are cordial and we seat ourselves at a table quickly. Both men look very different
than what I had imagined them to be; Jean was tall, and younger by far than most men at
the National Assembly. Marco, by comparison, was a short, round, jubilant man, who
always seemed to have a smile on his face.
As we waited for lunch to arrive, I set about asking them about the national party
they belong to, the Jacobins; and what they envision for the future of France.
Poisson: So, if you would not mind to tell us about it, what are the Jacobins all
Chien: We are made up of merchants, lawyers, businessmen- we are not apart of
the rich high class, so we can relate to the majority of people in France.
Chat: Yes, and we also follow Rousseau closely. He said that all men are good
when they are in the state of nature. However, society corrupts men, and makes
them evil.
Poisson: So what are the Jacobins looking at to make this country better?
Chat: We want to eliminate the monarchy- no King, no Queen- we don’t need
another Louis the sixteenth to waste our money, nor another Marie Antoinette to
control him.
Chien: We also are looking at creating a representative government that allows
the people to vote for assemblymen that will look after the people’s interests.
Poisson: That sounds very admirable! What is getting in your way?
Chien: Well, there are a lot of different parties at the national assembly, such as
the FeulliantsChat: Idiots!
Chien: -and the clergyChat: Bunch of Pope loving psychos…
Chien: -as well as Lafayette and the nobilityChat: Money hungry bastards!
Chien: Yes, well…
Poisson: So there’s a lot standing in your way it seems.
Chien: It looks like it, but we have the backing of the people of France; we have
the support of everyone in this country that is tired of seeing some guy that calls
himself the King that never leaves his mansion to help the people.
Chat: We will be the victors in the end- you’ll see.