Agnieszka Rybak Eng 101 Prof. Marisa Research Paper: Draft


Agnieszka Rybak

Eng 101

Prof. Marisa

Research Paper: Draft

Public education v. private education

Sunday afternoon, living room, close up-coffee table, on the top of it there are resting two

‘fat’ books titled The New York State Public School’s Guide and The Private Schools of

New York State: Guide for Parents. On both sides of the table are sitting a woman and a man. From their faces we can read that they are arguing over some kind of issue.

Suddenly the man says laud:” Why we have to choose the school right now? Our son is only five years old”. On the other hand, the woman asks: “Which schooling system is better a private or a public one?” Similar issues, questions relating to the school choice are faced by millions of parents in the United States every year.

The struggle with this problem exists because every parent know very well that their children’s future depends on their decisions and as parents they want what is the best for their kids. According to the most dictionaries “education is the process of training and developing the knowledge, skill, mind, character, etc., esp. by formal schooling; teaching; training but education is understood by everyone differently”. Even though there are different images of the education, the main goal of learning is to make all people in the country literate, and to be a productive member of society. Unfortunately, not all students that attended schools have an equal stage of education due to income, background, religion and gender. That is why when considering an education, the quality of the

education is almost as important as the education itself. So when picking the school for children comes onto the stage, the debate between public and private schooling system began. With the increasing demand for better schools, states and communities are providing more options to families. Those optional school choices are: publicly funded school choice program, charter schools, magnet school and private scholarship programs.

By allowing parents to choose the school, they are not only improving educational opportunities for children, but also having a dramatic impact on how schools operate.

“In the 1700s a primary goal of education was for children to be able to read the

Bible.”(Harris 145) As history indicates early system of schooling didn’t expect from young citizens much, only the ability to read religious books like Bible or Koran which depended of child family’s tradition. Today on the other hand, every kid after graduation is expected not only to read but also write, solve math problems, think critically and communicate well. For this reason right now parents who want their children to develop all characteristics of well educated person, choose schools that the best fit their needs.

However, way before the choosing action, we need to determine what a “good school” is. “An analysis of research on characteristics of school that reflect high quality, goodness, and success…suggests that.”(Harris 137)

 “An unswerving attitude of care, respect …toward students and parents”

(Harris 137) is one of the first important quality of a good school. Without a respectful manner toward students and her/his parents, school with the best curriculum won’t be considered as a good choice for a young mind because school’s target is not only to teach a child how to solve math equation but also how to interact with other people in different situations.

 The “evidence of provision for safe and regulated environment” (Harris

137) is the second very significant attribute of good school. In today’s world where drugs like narcotics and weapons are easily accessible the safeness and discipline is a prior element of good school. Surely none parent wish for his/her children a similar situation to happen like the one that took place in one of West Virginia’s college where a student entered the campus with gun and killed several people with the cold blood.

 Another and also an important element of a good school is “disciplinary code… [and] a solid foundation of authority”(Harris 137). Students who attend schools that beside good teaching system also emphasizes discipline and the authority, helps parents to teach their children a values of being a productive citizen.

 “Clearly stated academic goals and a clearly defined core curriculum”

(Harris 138) is another significant element that helps students and their parents in very young stage discover student’s ability that then can be used to succeed in adult life.

 But to help kids become a good member of the society “high quality teachers who are academically qualified” (Harris 138) is a must. Schools which have scholars that are well educated and know how to pass their knowledge to their students, is the institution that doesn’t waist children’s time and parents’ money.

Finally after identifying the characteristics of “good school”, we can come to the process of applying them while searching for the right school. Schools that are mostly under parents’ consideration are public and catholic private schools. Those two schools system are mainly mentioned in debates because they have many differences. For instance, unlike private school, public is out of charge. Public school doesn’t provide religion classes like the private one.

Annotated Bibliography (so far)

Harris, Sandra, and Sandra Lynn Tillman Lowery, ed. A School for Every Child: School

Choice in America. Maryland: Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2002
