Document 17769024

Multiple Intelligences
Logical Mathematics has to do with numbers that
involve logic and abstractions. Math itself is not a
subject that I am good or catch on quickly. Though
logical math is part of everyone’s daily routine. I am
able to put and work out problems in a quick and
simple way. I was quite well in logical math up to
eleventh grade but as the work got more challenging it
became difficult for me to do as well as I did.
Visual- Spatial:
Visual- Spatial has to do with vision and spatial judgment. People in this group are generally
possessed of high hand-eye coordination. Visual understanding comes easy to me. I feel that it
has been one of the simplest things because for me it is easier to comprehend to a visual picture
rather than to work out situations in a logical and difficult way. My visual-spatial id quite better
than any other of my intelligences, it is easier for me to make judgments visual rather than using
mathematical skills.
Verbal Linguistic:
Verbal Linguistic has to do with words that are spoken or written. The people who specialize in
the area are generally good writing and coordination in learning from lectures. My spoken
coordination’s are not as good as my writing coordination’s for various reasons. One most
important reason is that I am a shy person who does not like to speak in front of a large group of
audience. My verbal skills are not as well as my other skills because since I was young I was
always quiet and shy so now that has leaded me to remain the same.
Physical- Kinesthetic:
Physical-kinesthetic do with muscular coordination, movement and doing. In this category,
people generally are more adept at sports and dance, and work better when moving. I can not
relate myself to muscular coordination’s or movement because this is the last of my interest. I do
exercise and work out but I do not enjoy it, my work out is just to walk
Musical Intelligence:
Musical Intelligence is the sensitivity to the pitch, timbre and rhythm of sounds as well as
responsiveness to the emotional implications of these elements of music. I have never played a
instrument but I do enjoy listening to music. Music itself is enjoyed by me whether it is
traditional, country, R&B, etc...
Interpersonal is to do with interaction with others. People do categorizes usually extravert as it is
good with people. I am not good with interacting with others. From the beginning I was always
the one who stepped back from speaking in public or making any type of contact that made me
speak out aloud.
Interpersonal is to do with oneself. People categorized here are most often introverts and have
very complex philosophies. I can connect myself with more of the complex philosophies. I can
adjust with myself rather than anyone else.
Sensitively to nature:
Sensitively to nature is the capacity to recognize flora and fauna; to make distinctions in the
natural world; and to use this ability productively in activities such as hunting, farming and
biological science. I am afraid of animals of any kind big or small. The biological science is one of
the hardest to follow because of my fear.