Document 17768407

WinMill Software QuickStart for CA PPM
CA WORLD, LAS VEGAS, NV – November 16, 2015 - WinMill Software, a CA Preferred Services Partner
and Global Partner Program Advanced member, recently unveiled its newest service offering: QuickStart
for CA Project and Portfolio Management (CA PPM). Using best practices and a repeatable, proven
methodology, WinMill is using its QuickStart offering to implement CA PPM for new customers in just 30
“CA PPM is an exceptionally powerful solution that can meet the needs of not just the Fortune 1000, but
also smaller firms,” said Kevin Kilgore, President of WinMill Software. “We have demonstrated time and
time again that companies of all sizes can be up and running, and getting real ROI, in just 30 days. So
we’ve formalized that offering into this QuickStart service, and it’s proving to be incredibly popular with
our clients.”
WinMill’s QuickStart for CA PPM begins with a small group of users, typically in just one or two
departments. Using as much out-of-the-box functionality as possible and a deep store of best practices,
WinMill focuses on quick wins and rapid user adoption. A QuickStart usually starts with Timesheets,
Resource Management, Demand Management, Project Management and basic Portfolio Management.
However, QuickStarts are always customized to the specific requirements of each organization.
“The QuickStart is breaking down the perception of smaller companies that CA PPM is too big for them,”
said Amy Skaar, WinMill’s CA PPM Practice Manager. “They are surprised, and then thrilled, that they
can be up and running in just 30 days. We are finding that the QuickStart is changing the conversation
entirely. The reception from our clients has been fantastic.”
CA PPM helps customers manage the innovation lifecycle from ideas to execution, better align IT
initiatives with business strategy, and deliver greater business value.
“The WinMill QuickStart for CA PPM has been a huge win for customers,” said Scott Westmoreland,
Senior Director of Solution Sales for IT Business Management at CA Technologies. “CA has made it a
priority to open up the growth market for PPM, and WinMill has found the key. WinMill continues to be
an outstanding and innovative partner to CA.”
About WinMill Software
Founded in 1994 and headquartered in New York City, WinMill Software is a CA Technologies Preferred
Services Partner, an Advanced Channel Partner and a premier provider of CA PPM consulting services.
When you partner with WinMill, you have access to world-class CA PPM experts. Whether you need
help enhancing your CA PPM implementation, administering your users and projects, or just keeping
your CA PPM lights on, WinMill Software has the right Managed Services package for you. For more
information on WinMill Software, visit
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