CMPSC 60: Week 6 Discussion Originally Created By: Jason Wither


CMPSC 60: Week 6 Discussion

Originally Created By: Jason Wither

Updated and Modified By: Ryan Dixon

University of California Santa Barbara

Shell Scripts - Usefulness

Mass file modification

– Run a program on a set of files

 Rename a set of files

 Convert image files from Bitmap to JPEG

 Backup critical files

Tailor command input and output

Create custom filters to dynamically alter text

Generate a composite file combining data from a set of files

Simplify sequences of commands


 Evaluate an expression

When the expression is true , exits with 0

When false , exits with a non-zero value

“test -e filename ” == “[ -e filename ]”

– if filename exists, exits with 0

“test $var1 = $var2”, “[ $var1 != $var2 ]”

– string equality, inequality test

More Test

[ $i -eq 2 ], [ $i -ne 1 ]

– integer equality, inequality test

[ $i -lt 20 ], [ $i -le 4 ]

– integer L ess T han, L ess than or E qual test

[ $i -gt 0 ], [ $i -ge 5 ]

– integer G reater T han, G reater than or E qual test

[ ! -d $file ]

– NOT a directory = true

Test Example

 An example: for i in `ls` do if [ -d $i ] then echo $i fi done


Cut out selected bytes, columns, or fields cut -b10-15 <file >

– prints bytes 10-15 of each line in <file> cut -c1-10,20-22 <file>

– prints characters 1-10 and 20-22 of each line in <file> cut -f2 <file>

– prints the second field of each line in <file> by default, fields are separated by tabs the delimiter can be changed from tabs using the -d option

Head / Tail

 Prints the first / last lines of a file

 head <file>

– Prints the first 10 lines of <file>

 tail -15 <file>

– Prints the last 15 lines of <file>

 tail -2 <file> | head -1

– Prints out only the second to last line of file

expr – evaluates math expressions

 expr 2 + 2

Outputs 4

White space around “+” matters

 Other operations:

+ - * / % and more

Note that some operators may need to be escaped to be called from the command line.

 expr 2 * 2 # Results in an error since “*” is a wild card.

 expr 2 \* 2 # Correct expression, asterisk is escaped.

Shell Scripts - How they start

 Begins with #! (Sha-Bang)

 #! is followed by the interpreter to use

#!/bin/sh (what we’ll be doing)

#!/usr/bin/perl etc…

BTW, whitespace matters…

Shell Scripts - Variables

 Case-sensitive

 Created as needed, simply assign to a name

– var=3 or var=“Your favorite band”

 Access by pre-pending with a $

– echo $var (prints out the value of var)

Shell Scripts - Variable Manipulation

 Working with numbers

– var=$t + 2 var=`expr $t+2`



– var = `expr $t + 2` (WRONG!!!!!!)

– var=`expr $t + 2` Correct Solution

Shell Scripts - Quotations

 Double-quotes

– Variables within are resolved

If var=“This is cool” echo “$var stuff”

Outputs “This is cool stuff”

 Single-quotes

– String is treated literally

Echo ‘$var stuff’

Outputs “$var stuff”

Shell Scripts - Quotations

 Back-quotes

Executes quoted command

 echo “Today’s date is `date`”

Prints “Today’s date is Wed May 19…” var=`ls -l`

 var now contains the output of the ls -l command

Shell Scripts - Conditionals

If-statements if test-cmds then commands else commands fi

Else portion is optional

Shell Scripts - Conditionals

 Multiple If-statements in a row if test-cmds then commands elif test-cmds then commands else commands fi

Shell Scripts - Conditionals

 Examples if [ $var -gt 0 ] then echo ‘$var is greater than zero’ else echo ‘$var is not greater than zero’ fi

Shell Scripts - Loops

 While-loops while test-cmds do commands done

Shell Scripts - Loops

 For-loops for x in list do commands done

Shell Scripts - Loops

Example: for x in 1 2 3 4 5 do echo “$x” done







Shell Scripts - Loops

Example: x=1 while [ $x -le 3 ] do echo “$x” x=`expr $x + 1` done





Shell Scripts - Loops

Example: for x in `ls` do if [ -d $x ] then chmod 750 $x else chmod 640 $x fi done

Sets all directories with rwxr-x--- and all other files with rw-r----permissions

Shell Scripts - Exercise

 Print out the greatest of the variables $1, $2 and $3 (These represent the first 3 commandline arguments passed to the script)
