OFFICE OF THE PROVOST AND VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS 700 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, MSC 102 KINGSVILLE, TEXAS 78363-8202 361/593-3106 FAX 361/593-3107 UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM REVISIONS Effective Fall 2014 (as of June 13, 2014) COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, NATURAL RESOURCES AND HUMAN SCIENCES Department of Agriculture, Agribusiness and Environmental Sciences Proposal No.: AGBU-13-U-1 Modify B.S. in Agriculture with a major in Agribusiness. 1. Delete ISYS 1301 Soph 2nd (ISYS 1301 used for ^Global Learning). 2. Move AGBU 3995 Senior 2nd to Soph 2nd. 3. Add ANSC 4308 to Junior 2nd. 4. Move AGBU 3360 from Junior 2nd to Senior 1st. 5. Move AGBU 4360 Senior 1st to Senior 2nd. 6. Change AGBU 4390 Senior 2nd to AGBU 4370. Proposal No.: AGBU-13-U-2 Modify B.S. in Agriculture with a major in Agribusiness – option Range Management. 1. Delete ^Global learning Soph 2nd. 2. Add Kinesiology (1 hr) to Soph 2nd semester. 1 hr specific to Component Area Option B. 3. Move and change credit hours for AGBU 3995 Senior 2nd (3 hrs) to Soph 2nd (2 hrs). 4. Add ANSC 4308 to Junior 2nd. 5. Move AGBU 4360 Junior 2nd to Senior 2nd. 6. Change ANSW 2310 Junior 1st to ANSC 2310. Proposal No. AGSC-13-U-1 Broaden elective options and correct education course numbering in the B.S. in Agriculture – Agriculture Science and Technology with Teaching Certification. (See department for specific modifications.) 1. Add AGSC/PLSS/ANSC options to the AGBU adv. (Jr. Both 1st and 2nd) 2. Correct EDSE 4350 to EDSE 4349 (Sr. 1st) Proposal No.: AGSC-13-U-2 Modify B.S. in Agriculture with a major in Agriculture Science with option – General Agriculture. 1. Delete ^Global learning Fresh 2nd. 2. Move *3995 Senior 1st to Soph 2nd. 3. Add ANSC 4308 Senior 2nd. 4. Move ^Literature/philosophy Soph 2nd to Fresh 2nd. 5. Move PLSS elective Senior 2nd to Senior 1st. Proposal No.: AGSC-13-U-3 Modify B.S. in Agriculture with a major in Agriculture Science with option – Natural Resource Enterprise Management (formerly WREN). 1. Delete ^Global learning Soph 2nd. 2. Add ANSC 4308 Senior 2nd. 3. Delete +Elective, adv., Specific Senior 2nd. 4. Add AGSC 3995 Soph. 2nd. Proposal No.: AGSC-13-U-4 Modify B.S. in Agriculture with a major in Agriculture Science with option – Agricultural Science and Technology with Teaching Certification. 1. Delete ^Global learning Soph 2nd. 2. Add AGSC 1352 Soph 2nd. 3. Remove AGSC 1352 or AGSC 4353 Junior 2nd, and keeping just AGSC 3352. 4. Remove AGSC 1352 or AGSC 3352 Senior 1st, and keeping just AGSC 4353. Proposal No.: PLSS-13-U-1 Modify B.S. in Agriculture with a major in Agriculture Science with a major in Plant and Soil Science option – Agronomy. 1. Delete ^Global learning Soph 2nd. 2. Add PLSS 3995 Soph 2nd. 3. Add ANSC 4308 Junior 2nd. 4. Delete Ag. Or Sci., adv. Junior 2nd. Proposal No.: PLSS-13-U-2 Modify B.S. in Agriculture with a major in Agriculture Science with a major in Plant and Soil Science option – Environmental Soil Science. 1. Delete ^Global learning Soph 2nd. 2. Add PLSS 3995 Soph 2nd. 3. Add ANSC 4308 Junior 2nd. 4. Delete Ag. or MATH Elective Junior 2nd. 5. Change credit hours CHEM 1312/1111 (3 hrs) Soph 1st to 4 hrs. Proposal No.: PLSS-13-U-3 Modify B.S. in Agriculture with a major in Agriculture Science with a major in Plant and Soil Science option – Horticulture. 1. Delete ^Global learning Soph 2nd. 2. Add PLSS 3995 Soph 2nd. 3. Add ANSC 4308 Junior 2nd. 4. Delete Ag., adv. Junior 2nd. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Human Sciences Proposal No. RWSC 1320-13-U-2 New course RWSC 1320. Wildlife in Literature. Study of literary works emphasizing past and present wildlife and ecological issues. 3(3-0) Proposal No.: RWSC-13-U-3 New course RWSC 4320. Prescribed Burning. 3(3-0) Science and art of prescribed burning; review science and ecology concepts basic to prescribed burning and discuss management aspects such as firing techniques, fire weather, fireline safety and smoke management. Proposal No.: RWSC-13-U-4 New course RWSC 4325. Grazing Management and Nutrition. 3(3-0) Physiological processes, morphological development, nutritional qualities and palatability of range plants as a basis for grazing management strategies for domestic and wild animals. Proposal No.: RWSC-13-U-5 New course RWSC 4171. Wildlife Capstone Seminar. 1(1-0) Holistic knowledge of wildlife management principles and practices. Prerequisite: senior standing in graduating semester or department chair approval. Proposal No.: RWSC-13-U-6 New course RWSC 4370. Ecology and Management of Game Birds. 3(3-0) Life-history characteristics, population dynamics, population monitoring, harvest management and habitat management of North American game birds. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Proposal No.: RWSC-13-U-7 Delete Emphasis Delete Range and Wildlife Management-Range Emphasis program Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-1 Changing catalog prefix, create a specific section of course descriptions and add a statement to the catalog. 1. [Page 95, Paragraph 1, first sentence] Department curriculum is designed to provide students with foundation knowledge in basic and applied Animal Science (ANSC), Range and Wildlife Management (RWSC) and Veterinary Technology (VETT). 2. [Page 99, after the listing for Range and Wildlife Management (RWSC)] include a section listed as Veterinary Technology (VETT) with the attached course descriptions (page 4-6). 3. [Page 95, Paragraph 4]Students majoring in Animal Science (ANSC) or Range and Wildlife Management (RWSC) must receive a grade of C or better in all ANSC and RWSC courses AND must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 within the College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Human Sciences in order to graduate with a bachelor of science degree. Students majoring in Veterinary Technology (VETT) must receive a grade of C or better in all VETT and upper level ANSC courses. Failure to receive a C or better in any VETT course will result in immediate withdrawal from the Veterinary Technology program. Students would need to reapply to the program the following year. 4. [Page 84, Paragraph 4] The agricultural programs at Texas A&M-Kingsville strive to serve the unique and diverse agriculture needs of South Texas with widely applicable programs in teaching, research and public service. Its program in the agricultural sciences is augmented by courses in the natural sciences, the arts and other supporting fields. A major in one of the six disciplines--Agribusiness, Agriculture Science, Animal Science, Plant and Soil Science, Range and Wildlife Management and Veterinary Technology--leads to a degree, as indicated later. A minor in Animal Science requires 22 semester hours, consisting of ANSC 1419, ANSC 2307, ANSC 2310, ANSC 3313, ANSC 3335, one of the following Animal Management courses (ANSC 3302, ANSC 3304, ANSC 3308 or ANSC 4305, and one of the following Applied Management courses (ANSC 3305, ANSC 3309 or ANSC 3336) or either ANSC 3333 or ANSC 4301. A minor in Animal Science for Veterinary Technology students requires 19 semester hours, consisting of ANSC 1419, ANSC 2307, ANSC 2310, ANSC 3313, ANSC 3335 and a choice of one of the following Animal Science courses: ANSC 3302, ANSC 3304, ANSC 3306, ANSC 3308, ANSC 3333, ANSC 3336, or ANSC 4301. Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-2 New course VETT 3102. Veterinary Medical Terminology. Introduction to word parts, directional terminology, and analysis of veterinary terms. Prerequisite: Admission into the Veterinary Technology Program. 1(1-0) Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-3 New course VETT 3105. Pharmacological Calculations. 1(1-0) Skill development in calculating drug dosages. Prerequisite: Admission into the Veterinary Technology Program. Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-4 New course VETT 3403. Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology. 4(3-4) Gross anatomy of domestic animals including physiological explanations of how each organ system functions. Prerequisite: Admission into the Veterinary Technology Program. Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-5 New course VETT 4311. Surgical Nursing. 3(2-4) Fundamentals of common surgical procedures, asepsis, patient monitoring, and surgical instrument identification and care. Prerequisites: VETT3306, VETT 3307, VETT 3308, VETT 3309, and VETT 4110 with a “C” or better. Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-6 New course VETT 4313. Large Animal Medicine. 3(3-2) Feeding, management practices, and care of food-producing animals and equine in a clinical setting. Common diseases, preventive medicine and nursing of food-producing animals and horses in the practice of veterinary medicine. Prerequisite: VETT 3306, VETT 3307, VETT 3308, VETT 3309, and VETT 4110 with a “C” or better. Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-7 New course VETT 4316. Lab Animal, Exotic Animal and Avian Medicine. 3(3-2) Feeding, common management practices, and care of laboratory and exotic animals and avian in a clinical or zoological setting. Common diseases, preventive medicine and nursing of laboratory and exotic animals and avian in the practice of veterinary medicine. Prerequisites: VETT 4311, VETT 4312, VETT 4313, VETT 4314 with a “C” or better. Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-8 New course VETT 4218. Emergency Medicine/Critical Care. 2(2-2) Fundamentals of emergency medicine, including veterinary first aid, CPCR, toxicology and specialized medical techniques and procedures. Prerequisites: VETT 4311, VETT 4312, VETT 4313, VETT 4314 with a “C” or better. Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-9 New course VETT 3308. Small Animal Medicine II. 3(3-4) Continuation of the study of common and zoonotic diseases of canines and felines encountered in the practice of veterinary medicine and introduction to advanced nursing skills. Prerequisites: VETT 3102, VETT 3105, VETT 3304, VETT 3401, and VETT 3403, with a “C” or better. Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-10 New course VETT 4110 requested. Clinical Externship. 1 Supervised and planned work experience under college guidelines in a veterinary clinical setting. Practical application of knowledge and skills of major subject area without classroom consultation, but with formal evaluation. The student is required to complete a minimum of 120 hours of work at an off campus veterinary clinical site. Prerequisites: VETT 3306, VETT 3307, VETT 3308, and VETT 3309 with a “C” or better. Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-11 New course VETT 3309. Veterinary Parasitology. 3(3-2) Study of parasites common to domestic animals including zoonotic diseases. Prerequisites: VETT 3102, VETT 3105, VETT 3304, VETT 3401, and VETT 3403, with a “C” or better. Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-12 New course VETT 43 17. Veterinary Office Management. 3(3-2) Practical experience in management of the veterinary practice. Emphasis on client relations, record keeping, inventory, employment skills, and computer skills in the veterinary environment. Prerequisites: VETT 4311, VETT 4312, VETT 4313, VETT 4314 with a “C” or better. Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-13 New course VETT 4312. Veterinary Pharmacology. 3(3-2) Practical experience in management of the veterinary practice. Emphasis on client relations, record keeping, inventory, employment skills, and computer skills in the veterinary environment. Prerequisites: VETT 4311, VETT 4312, VETT 4313, VETT 4314 with a “C” or better. Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-14 New course VETT 3401. Introduction to Veterinary Technology. 4(3-4) Survey of the profession of veterinary technology with emphasis on basic techniques, handling and care of animals, and ethical and professional requirements. Prerequisite: Admission into the Veterinary Technology Program. Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-15 New course VETT 3307. Veterinary Clinical Pathology I. 3(3-4) In-depth study of hematology and blood chemistries with emphasis on lab procedures. Prerequisites: VETT 3102, VETT 3105, VETT 3304, VETT 3401, and VETT 3403, with a “C” or better. Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-16 New course VETT 3306. Veterinary Radiology. 3(2-3) Presentation of theory and principles and practical application of radiology within the field of veterinary medicine. Prerequisites: VETT 3102 [see Proposal VETT-13-U-2], VETT 3105 [see Proposal VETT-13-U-3], VETT 3304 [see Proposal VETT-13-U-18], VETT 3401 [see Proposal VETT-13-U-14], and VETT 3403 [see Proposal VETT-13-U-4], with a “C” or better. Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-17 New course VETT 4415. Anesthesia and Surgical Assistance. 4(3-4) In-depth application of surgical, obstetrical, and anesthesia techniques including identification and use of instruments and equipment. Prerequisites: VETT 4311 [see Proposal VETT-13-U-5], VETT 4312 [see Proposal VETT-13-U-13], VETT 4313, VETT 4314 [see Proposal VETT-13U-19] with a “C” or better. Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-18 New course VETT 3304. Small Animal Medicine I. 3(3-4) Feeding, common management practices, basic nursing skills and care of canines and felines in a clinical setting. Introduction to common diseases of canines and felines encountered in the practice of veterinary medicine. Prerequisite: Admission into the Veterinary Technology Program. Proposal No.: VETT-13-U-19 New course VETT 4314. Veterinary Clinical Pathology II. 3(3-4) In-depth study of urinalysis, cytology, and microbiology within a clinical setting including detailed survey of bacteriology, virology and mycology. Emphasis on laboratory procedures. Prerequisites: VETT 3306 [see Proposal VETT-13-U-16], VETT 3307 [see Proposal VETT-13U-15], VETT 3308 [see Proposal VETT-13-U-9], VETT 3309 [see Proposal VETT-13-U11], and VETT 4110 [see Proposal VETT-13-U-10] with a “C” or better. Department of Human Sciences Proposal No.: HSCI-13-U-1 Modify B.S. in Human Sciences – Family and Consumer Sciences Education degree program. 1. Replace ^Natural sciences 4 semester credits Freshman 2nd with ^Life/physical sciences 3 semester credits; change total hours required for Freshman 2nd to 16. 2. Replace ^Oral communication Freshman 2nd with ^Communication. 3. Replace ^Literature/philosophy Sophomore 2nd with ^Language/philosophy. 4. Replace ^Global learning Sophomore 2nd with HSCI 2323 Junior 1st. 5. Replace HSCI 2323 Junior 1st with HSCI adv. elective. 6. Add Elective (1 semester credit) Senior 2nd change total hours required for Senior 2nd to 13. Proposal No.: HSCI-13-U-2 Modify B.S. in Human Sciences – Fashion and Interiors Merchandising degree program. 1. Replace ^Natural sciences 4 semester credits Freshman 2nd with ^Life/physical sciences 3 semester credits; change total hours required Freshman 2nd to 16. 2. Replace ^Literature/philosophy Sophomore 1st with ^Language/philosophy. 3. Replace ^Oral communication Sophomore 1st with ^Communication. 4. Replace ^Global learning 3 credits Sophomore 2nd with ^Component option B 2 credits; change total credits required Sophomore 2nd to 14. 5. Add Elective (2 semester credit) Senior 1st; change total hours required for Senior 1st to 14. Proposal No.: HSCI-13-U-3 Modify B.S. in Human Sciences – Human Development and Family Studies degree program. 1. Replace ^Oral communication Freshman 1st with ^Communication. 2. Replace ^Literature/philosophy Sophomore 1st with ^Language/philosophy. 3. Replace ^Natural sciences 4 semester credits Sophomore 1st with ^Life/physical sciences 3 semester credits; reduce total hours required Sophomore 1st to 15. 4. Replace ^Visual/performing arts Sophomore 1st with ^Creative arts. 5. Replace ^Global learning Sophomore 2nd with HSCI 2323. 6. Replace ^Natural sciences 4 credits Sophomore 2nd with ^Life/physical sciences 3 credits; reduce total hours required Sophomore 2nd to 15. 7. Replace HSCI 2323 Junior 1st with HSCI, adv. 8. Change Electives 4 credits Junior 1st to Elective 6 credits; increase total hours required Junior 1st to 15. Proposal No.: HSCI-13-U-4 Modify B.S. in Human Sciences – Human Nutrition. 1. Replace ^Oral communication Freshman 2nd with ^Communication. 2. Replace ^Visual/performing arts Freshman 2nd with ^Creative arts. 3. Replace ^Global learning Sophomore 2nd with HSCI elective. 4 Replace ^Literature/philosophy Sophomore 2nd with ^Language/philosophy. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Department of Art, Communications, & Theatre Proposal No.: ARTS-13-U-1 Amend B.A. in Art to reflect Core requirement changes. 1. Replace ^Global learning (Jr 1st) with ^Component B (Jr. 1st). 2. Replace Minor (Sr 1st) with Adv. Elective. Proposal No.: ARTS-13-U-2 Amend B.F.A. in Art. 1. Replace ^Global learning (So. 2nd) with ^Component B (Jr. 1st). 2. Change ^Life and physical sciences hours to 3 hours (Jr. 1st). Proposal No.: COMJ-13-U-1 Amend B.A. in Journalism. 1. Replace ^Global learning (Jr. 1st) with ^Component B. Proposal No. COMM 12-U-03 Delete Course COMM 2309 Editing Proposal No. 12-U-09 COMM 2310. Media Design Theory and practice of media design, editing, and layout for print and electronic media. Journalistic ethics and other problems confronting editors and publication designers. Prerequisite: COMM 2311. Proposal No.: COMS-13-U-1 Amend B.A. in Speech Communications. 1. Replace ^Global learning (So. 2nd) with ^Component B. Proposal No.: COMS-13-U-2 Amend B.A. in Speech with Teaching Certification to reflect Core requirement changes. 1. Replace ^Global learning (Sr 1st) with ^Component B. 3(3-0) Department of Chemistry Proposal No.: BIOL 13-U-1 Modify degree plan for Bachelor of Science degree in BIOL 1. Move MATH 1316 from Freshman 2nd to Sophomore 2nd . 2. Replace BIOL 2421 (Sophomore 1st) with BIOL elective. 3. Replace ^Global learning (Sophomore 2nd) with BIOL, adv (Junior 1st). 4. Replace PHYS 1301/1101 (Sophomore 1st) and PHYS 1302/1102 (Sophomore 2nd) with Minor or Elective (Sophomore 1st and Junior 2nd). 5. Replace CHEM 3323/3123 (Junior 1st) and CHEM 3325/3125 (Junior 2nd) with Minor. 6. Move ^Literature/philosophy from Junior 2nd to Sophomore 2nd. 7. Replace STAT 4301 or STAT 4303 (Senior 1st) with STAT 1342, STAT 4301, or STAT 4303. 8. Replace Minor adv. Or any elective (Senior 2nd) with Minor adv. 9. Replace Electives (4 SCH) with Elective, adv. (3 SCH) (Senior 2nd) with Electives, adv. (7 SCH). 10. Add notes about suggested minors and appropriate electives for different career options. 11. Add note: Non-advanced courses may be substituted for those marked “adv.” provided the student will otherwise complete 45 advanced hours including those required in a minor. Proposal No.: BIOL-13-U-2 Modify B.S. in Biology with Teaching Certification. 1. Delete “or PHYS 1407” (Sophomore 2nd). 2. Delete CHEM 3323/3123 (Junior 1st). 3. Move HIST 1301 from Freshman 2nd to Sophomore 1st. 4. Move HIST 1302 from Sophomore 1st to Sophomore 2nd. 5. Move ^Visual/performing art from Sophomore 2nd to Sophomore 1st. 6. Replace ^Global learning (Soph. 1st) with BIOL elective (Junior 1st). Proposal No.: BIOL-13-U-3 Modify the B.A. in Biology. 1. Replace ^Global learning (Soph. 2nd) with BIOL elective. 2. Change footnote to indicate writing proficiency requirement. Proposal No.: BIOL-13-U-4 Modify degree plan for B.S. in Biomedical Sciences. 1. Change total hours (Fr. 1st) from 17 to16. 2. Replace ^Global learning (Jr. 2nd) with BIOL (elective). 3. Move: HIST 1301 (So. 2nd to So. 1st), HIST 1302 (Jr. 1st to So. 2nd), ^Social/behavioral (Fr. 2nd to So. 2nd), and adjust term SCH totals. 4. Move Minor/free Elective (So. 2nd) to Jr. 1st as “Minor or Elective”; move Free Electives, adv. (Sr. 1st) to Sr. 2nd as “Electives, adv.”; move “Free Electives, 5” (Sr. 2nd) to Sr. 1st as “Electives, 5”; and adjust term SCH totals. Proposal No. CHEM-13-U-1 Restate General Requirements for Chemistry minor. The minimum number shall be 20 semester hours, including CHEM 1311/1111, CHEM 1312/1112, CHEM 3323/3123, CHEM 3325/3125 and other chemistry courses (CHEM 2401 is recommended) to fulfill the 20 hour requirement (excluding CHEM 1405 and CHEM 1407); CHEM 2421 may not be counted for the minimum amount. Proposal No. CHEM-13-U-7 Change(s): Allow credit to be obtained for both CHEM 4345 (Principles of Biochemistry) and CHEM 4341 (Biochemistry), by removing the statement “Credit may not be obtained in both CHEM 4341 and CHEM 4345” from the Description of both courses in the catalog. CHEM 4341. Biochemistry I. 3(3-0) Introduction to the important concepts, nomenclature and compounds of biochemistry with special emphasis on the chemical interpretation of the structures and functions of biological macromolecules. Prerequisite: CHEM 3325. Proposal No.: CHEM-13-U-9 Modify B.S. in Chemistry (pre-health track). 1. Replace ^Global learning (Jr. 1st) by “Elective” (Sr. 2nd) and move “Lit/Phil (Sr. 2nd to Jr. 1st). Proposal No.: CHEM-13-U-10 Modify B.S. in Chemistry (Biochemistry track). 1. Replace ^Global learning (Jr. 1st) by “Elective” (Sr. 2nd) and move “Lit/Phil (Sr. 2nd to Jr. 1st). Proposal No.: CHEM-13-U-11 Modify B.A. in Chemistry 1. Remove ^Global learning (Sr. 1st). 2. reduce number of hours (Sr. 1st) from 17 to 14. 3. Change total hours from 123 to 120. Proposal No.: CHEM-13-U-12 Modify B.S. in Chemistry 1. Replace ^Global learning (Jr. 1st) by “Elective” (Jr. 2nd). 2. Move ^Visual/performing arts from Sr. 1st to Jr. 1st. 3. Switch Lit/Phil (Sr. 2nd) with Elective Adv. (Jr. 2nd). Department of Clinical Health Sciences Proposal No.: CSDO-13-U-1 Modify the B.S. in Communication Sciences and Disorders. 1. Drop Global learning, So. 2nd. 2. Add ENGL 1171, So. 2nd. 3. Add one semester credit hour of free elective, So. 2nd. 4. Change science 3-4 to science 4 in Fr. 2nd; change the footnote to say that an hour satisfying the Option area must be included in place of the fourth science hour if PHYS 1375 is chosen. 5. Restate “Sophomore English”, So. 2nd, as ENGL 2342 or ENGL 2362; rephrase PSYC elective (So. 2nd) as PSYC; rephrase Elective, 6 (Sr. 1st) as Electives, 6. Proposal No.: SCWK-13-U-1 Modify B.S.W. degree. [Pages 201-202] Social Work (SCWK) The profession of social work is based on the values of service, social and economic justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships and integrity and competence in practice. With these values and defining principles, the primary mission of the social work program at Texas A&M University-Kingsville is to prepare graduates to provide competent, entry-level, generalist social work values, ethics, and practice in the development of social work knowledge and responsive social service delivery systems. Accreditation The B.S.W. degree program at Texas A&M University-Kingsville is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. Degree Requirements The B.S.W. degree requires the completion of 120 semester credit hours including 54 hours in social work and 66 semester credit hours in liberal arts and related courses with 54 advanced hours. The major in social work does not require the student to have a minor. Admission to the Program Students admitted to the university may declare Pre-Social Work as their major and initiate a general academic program preparatory to this objective. Formal admission into the B.S.W. degree program is required to register for many of the professional social work courses, and is offered by the Social Work Program Director in collaboration with the social work faculty. The qualifications for admission to the B.S.W. degree program are as follows: 1. Completion of 41 semester hours of coursework including the following courses, or their equivalent, with an overall college grade point average of 2.25 or better. BIOL 2401 and BIOL 2402 ENGL 1171, ENGL 1301, ENGL 1302, AND ENGL 2342 or ENGL 2362 HIST 1301 and HIST 1302 POLS 2301 and POLS 2302 UNIV 1101 and UNIV 1102 University Mathematics requirement University Visual and Performing Arts requirement University Oral Communications requirement 2. Completion of PSYC 2301, SOCI 1301, AND SCWK 2331 with a “C” or better and a 2.50 grade point average in these three courses. 3. Completion of 20 hours of social or human service work approved by the Social Work Program. 4. Submission of an acceptable personal narrative paper as outlined by the Social Work Program. 5. Submission of an Application for Admission into the B.S.W. Degree Program on forms provided by the Social Work Program and in accordance with the policies and procedures set out in Social Work Student Handbook, which is available in the program office. Retention in the Program A student may be advised to consider another major at any point after achieving admission into the B.S.W. degree program based on the social work faculty’s assessment of the student’s academic and/or professional performance. The social work faculty continually assesses B.S.W. degree students’ academic progress, and B.S.W. degree students must maintain at least a 2.50 grade point average in their major to earn a grade of “C” or higher in each social work course. Social work faculty also expect students to adhere to the social work profession’s Code of Ethics, show emotional and mental stability, demonstrate strong communication skills, show working interpersonal relationship skills, and be self-aware. Department of History, Political Science, and Philosophy Proposal No. CRIJ-13-U-1 Create a new Bachelor of Arts degree program in Criminal Justice. Degree Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts Major Art, Biology, Chemistry, Communications, Criminal Justice, English, History, Mathematics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Spanish [page 117, under “The College is composed of the following departments (with the nonteaching degrees each offers):] History, Political Science and Philosophy (B.A., Criminal Justice, History, Political Science) [page 119, under “Recognized Minors”] The following minors are available to Arts and Sciences majors: Agribusiness, Agriculture Science, Animal Science, Anthropology, Art, Biology, Business Administration, Chemistry, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Criminology, English, Environmental Science, Film Studies, French, Generic Special Education, Geography, Geology, Health, History, Human Sciences, Industrial Technology, International Studies, Journalism, Kinesiology, Mathematics, Mexican American Studies, Military Science, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Plant Science, Political Science, Psychology, Range and Wildlife Management, Reading, Sociology, Southwest Borderlands, Studies, Spanish, Spanish Journalism, Speech, Sports Journalism, Theatre Arts, Women and Gender Studies and Writing. [Page 149, Department of History, Political Science and Philosophy, under Criminal Justice (CRIJ)] A Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice prepares students for careers in Law, Law Enforcement, and Corrections. A major in Criminal Justice requires completion of 30 semester hours in Criminal Justice. A minor in Criminal Justice requires completion of 18 semester hours in Criminal Justice. Proposal No.: CRIJ-13-U-2 New course. CRIJ 1301. Introduction to Criminal Justice. 3(3-0) Introduction to the operation of the U.S. criminal justice system including an overview of law enforcement, the judiciary and corrections. Proposal No.: CRIJ-13-U-3 New course. CRIJ 2328. Police Systems and Practices. 3(3-0). Introductory overview of the U.S. system of policing including its history, development and methods of policing. Prerequisite: CRIJ 1301. Proposal No.: CRIJ-13-U-4 New course. CRIJ 2313. Correctional Systems and Practices. 3(3-0) Introductory overview of modern corrections including its history and current correctional issues and practices. Prerequisite: CRIJ 1301. Proposal No.: CRIJ-13-U-5 New course. CRIJ 1313. Juvenile Justice System. 3(3-0) Introductory overview of the juvenile justice system in the United States, to include common law roots, case law and evolution of juvenile courts and corrections. Prerequisite: CRIJ 1301. Proposal No.: CRIJ-13-U-6 New course. CRIJ 1310. Fundamentals of Criminal Law. 3(3-0) Study of criminal law, its philosophical and historical development, major definitions and concepts, classifications and elements of crime, penalties using Texas statutes as illustrations and criminal responsibility. Prerequisite: CRIJ 1301. Proposal No.: CRIJ-13-U-7 New course. CRIJ 2323. Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement. 3(3-0) A study of the procedural rules for judicial enforcement of the substantive criminal law and analysis of constitutional law as it relates to the criminal justice system. Prerequisite: CRJI 1301. Proposal No.: CRIJ-13-U-8 New course. CRIJ 4301. Criminal Justice Theory. 3(3-0) Survey of the origins and subfields of criminology/criminal justice, how crime is defined and measured, issues affecting victims of crime and leading theories that attempt to explain crime. Prerequisites: CRIJ 1301 and 6 hours of Criminal Justice. Proposal No.: CRIJ-13-U-9 New course. CRIJ 4302. Criminal Justice Ethics. 3(3-0) An examination of the philosophical ideals of ethics that arise in the criminal justice context. Prerequisites: CRIJ 13XX [1301] and 6 hours of Criminal Justice. Proposal No.: CRIJ-13-U-10 New course. CRIJ 3304. Research Methods in Criminal Justice. 3(3-0) Examination of various research, planning and evaluation methods as they apply to the field of criminal justice. Prerequisites: CRIJ 1301 and 6 hours of Criminal Justice. Proposal No.: CRIJ-13-U-11 New course. CRIJ 4304. Organization and Management in Criminal Justice. 3(3-0) Overview of the various management and organization theories as applied to the criminal justice context. Prerequisites: CRIJ 1301 and 6 hours of Criminal Justice. Proposal No.: CRIJ-13-U-12 New course. CRIJ 4331. Constitutional Law I. 3(3-0) Survey of American constitutional law, using leading cases, both historic and contemporary, of the Supreme Court of the United States. Establishment of the federal political system for which the Constitution provided and the judicial allocations of political and economic power within that system. Prerequisites: 6 semester hours of Political Science. Credit may not be obtained in more than one of CRIJ 4331, POLS 4331 and CRIM 4331. Proposal No.: CRIJ-13-U-13 New course. CRIJ 4332. Constitutional Law II. 3(3-0) Survey of American constitutional law using leading cases, both historic and contemporary, of the Supreme Court of the United States. Matters of rights and liberties, their recognition and definition, policies of rights developed by the Supreme Court of the United States. Prerequisites: 6 semester hours of Political Science. Credit may not be obtained in more than one of CRIJ 4332, POLS 4332 and CRIM 4332. Proposal No.: CRIJ-13-U-14 New course. CRIJ 4333. The American Judicial Process. 3(3-0) Federal judicial system in terms of structure, function and process with stress on court interaction at both intracourt and intersystem levels. Prerequisites: 6 semester hours of Political Science. Credit may not be obtained in more than one of CRIJ 43XX [4333], POLS 4333 and CRIM 4333. Proposal No.: CRIJ-13-U-15 New course. CRIJ 4343). International Law. 3(3-0) Introduction to the study of international law. Examines the definition, object and sources of international law as well as its relationship to domestic law and to the study of international relations. Prerequisites: 6 semester hours of Political Science. Credit may not be obtained in both CRIJ 4343 and POLS 4343. Proposal No.: CRIJ-13-U-16 New course. CRIJ 4320. Law and Society. 3(3-0) In-depth examination of law and society through the philosophy and evolution of legal systems and legal institutions. The major functions of law as agents of social control, dispute resolution and societal engineering are addressed. Prerequisites: SOCI 1301 and 3 semester hours of Criminal Justice, Criminology or Sociology. Credit may not be obtained in more than one of CRIJ 4320, CRIM 4320 and SOCI 4320. Proposal No.: CRIJ-13-U-17 New course. CRIJ 4345. Victimology. 3(3-0) Examination of the historical role of crime victims, nature of victimization in modern society, the victimization process, solutions to victimization and victim’s rights. Emphasis given to the social, legal, psychological and societal aspects of victimization. Victim-offender interaction and societal response to victimization will also be treated. Prerequisites: 6 semester hours of social science. Credit may not be obtained in both CRIJ 4345 and CRIM 4345. Proposal No.: CRIJ-14-U-1 Revise degree requirements – B.A. in Criminal Justice. 1. Change Visual/performing arts (Fr. 1st) to Creative arts. 2. Change POLS 2340 to POLS 2304 (So. 1st). 3. Change Natural Science to Life and physical science (So. 1st and So. 2nd). 4. Change CRIJ 1313 to CRIJ 2313 or CRIJ 2328 (So. 2nd). 5. Change POLS 2340 to PHIL 3313 (So. 2nd). 6. Change Oral Communication to Communication (So. 2nd). 7. Change CRIJ adv. to CRIJ 2214 or CRIJ 2323 (Jr. 1st). 8. Add CRIJ 3304 to Jr. 1st. 9. Change SOCI 3381 to SOCI 3381 or PSYC 3381 (Jr. 1st). 10. Change CRIJ adv. to CRIJ 4345 (Sr. 1st). 11. Add footnotes, Sr. 1st to indicate choices for CRIJ, adv. Proposal No: CRIJ-14-U-2 New Course CRIJ 2314. Criminal Investigation. 3(3-0) Investigative theory; collection and preservation of evidence; sources of information; interview and interrogation; uses of forensic sciences; case and trial preparation as they apply to the field of criminal justice. Prerequisite: CRIJ 1301. New course CRIJ 4305. Seminar in Criminal Justice. 3(3-0) Intensive seminar in Criminal Justice, culminating in the production of a significant research paper. Prerequisites: Six hours of CRIJ and PSYC 3381 or SOCI 3381. Proposal No. HIST-13-U-1 Add new field of study in World History. Upper-level courses are grouped into five areas of study: United States, Europe, Latin America and Non-western. Majors must take at least one upper-level course in each of three of these four areas of study. Majors must complete at least one 4000-level Crucial Topics course in which they will produce a significant research paper, which will serve as a senior thesis. Proposal No.: HIST-13-U-2 Delete course. HIST 4344. American Frontier. Proposal No. HIST-13-U-4 Add AP World History to the list of courses for which students may receive Advanced Placement. HIST 1301, HIST 1302 (6 Cr). History-U.S.History. 3+ HIST 2321, HIST 2322 (6 Cr). History-World History. 3+ Proposal No.: HIST-13-U-5 Modify B.A. in History. 1. Change natural sciences electives to ANTH 2303 (Soph. 1st) and BIOL 2375 (Soph. 2nd) and delete footnote. Proposal No.: HIST-13-U-6 Modify B.A. in History with Teaching Certification. 1. Change natural sciences electives to ANTH 2303 (Fresh. 2nd) and BIOL 2375 (Soph. 1st) respectively and delete footnote. 2. Change ** to * for Advanced History footnote. 3. Change MATH 1314 to ^Mathematics. Department of Language and Literature Proposal No. ENGL-13-U-2 In B.A. in English with Teacher Certification, enlarge Social Class and Writing (ENGL 4376) or ENGL 4390 requirement to state simply ENGL, adv. 1. Change ENGL 4390 (Sr. 1ST ) to ENGL, adv. 2. Change FREN 1301, OR SPAN 1313 (fr 1st) to FREN 1311, SPAN 1313, or SPAN 1373. 3. Change Fr. 2nd SPAN 2312 to SPAN 2314 with corresponding footnote concerning heritage learners. 4. Change FREN 2311/FREN 2312 in soph 1st to FREN 2311; leave SPAN offerings untouched. 5. Change FREN 2311/FREN 2312 in soph 2nd to FREN 2312; leave SPAN offerings untouched. 6. Change ENGL 2342 or ENGL 2362 (soph. 1st) to ENGL 2342. 7. Change ENGL 2342 or ENGL 2362 (soph. 2nd) to ENGL 2362. 8. Change EDRG 4389 (jr. 2nd) to EDRG 4307. 9. Change ENGL 4341/ENGL 4343/ENGL 4346/ENGL 4385 (jr. 2nd) to §§Later British; add corresponding explanatory footnote. 10. Change ENGL 4361/ENGL 4365/ENGL 4366/ENGL 4370 (jr. 2nd) to §§§American and add corresponding footnote. 11. Change ENGL 4322/ENGL 4325/ENGL 4327/ENGL 4384 (sr. 1st) to §Early British; add corresponding footnote. 12. Change ENGL 4361/ENGL 4365/ENGL 4366/ENGL 4370 (sr. 2nd) to §§§American. 13. Add ENGL 4114, Senior Capstone, to sr. 1st. Proposal No. ENGL-13-U-3 Change course title and description. ENGL 3399. Special Topics in Literature or Language for Non-English Majors. 3(3-0) Readings in special topics such as science fiction, detective novels, Chicano literature, AfricanAmerican literature, women’s studies or the dialects of American English. Prerequisite: 3 semester hours of sophomore English or permission of instructor. Proposal No. ENGL-13-U-4 Delete course. ENGL 4390. Explorations in English. Proposal No.: ENGL-13-U-6 Modify B.A. in English 1. Make global ^Creative arts and ^Life and physical sciences changes. 2. Replace ^Global learning with ENGL 2331 or ENGL 2314 (So. 2nd). 3. Replace Elective with ENGL 3399 (Jr. 1st). 4. Add ENGL 4340 to Early British footnote. Proposal No.: ENGL-13-U-7 Amend B.A. in English with teaching certification. 1. Change COMS 1311 to ^Communication (Fr. 2nd). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Change ^Visual/performing arts to ^Creative arts (Fr. 2nd). Change ^Natural sciences to ^Life and Physical Sciences (So. 1st and 2nd). Change ^Global learning to ENGL 2331 or ENGL 2314 (So. 2nd). Add “Heritage speaker” footnote for Spanish language. Add Early British footnote. Add Later British footnote. Add American literature footnote. Proposal No. FREN-13-U-1 New course. FREN 2315. French and Francophone Culture. 3(3-0) Aspects of culture in France and other French-speaking countries and how they express and affect human experiences. Prerequisites: FREN 1311 and FREN 1312. Add wording that would encourage students to complete their language requirements in one language. Proposal No.: FREN-13-U-2 Foreign Language All Bachelor of Arts degrees must include two years (12 SCH) of foreign language study. While not required to do so, students are encouraged to take two years of the same foreign language. Proposal No.: SPAN-13-U-1 Modify B.A. in Spanish. 1. Broaden communications offerings to all those available under Component Area Option A (Fr. 2nd). 2. Change ^Visual/performing arts to ^Creative arts (Fr. 2nd). 3. Change ^Natural sciences to ^Life and Physical Sciences (So. 1st and 2nd). 4. Change ^Global learning to ENGL 2331 or ENGL 2314 (So. 2nd). 5. Change PSYC/SOCI to ^Social and Behavioral Sciences (So. 1st). 6. Reduce elective hours from 3 to 1 (So. 2nd). 7. Change Minor, adv. to ^Language, philosophy and culture (Jr. 1st). 8. Change ***PHIL/RELG to ***PHIL (Jr. 2nd). Change corresponding note. 9. Change SPAN, adv. to SPAN 3302 or SPAN 3311 (Jr. 2nd). 10. Change Minor or Elective to SPAN 4320 (Sr. 1st). 11. Change Minor, adv. to Minor (3 instances; Jr. 1st, Jr. 2nd, Sr. 1st). 12. Change Minor or Elective, adv. to Minor (Sr. 1st). 13. Change Minor or Elective, adv. to Minor, adv. (Sr. 2nd). Proposal No.: SPAN-13-U-2 Modify B.A. in Spanish with Teaching Certification 1. Change ^Visual/performing arts to ^Creative arts (Fr. 1st). 2. Change specific COMS offerings to ^Communication (Fr. 2nd). 3. Replace ^Global learning with ENGL 2331 or ENGL 2314 (Fr. 2nd). 4. Change SOCI 2361 to ^Social/behavioral (So. 1st). 5. Change ^Natural sciences to ^Life and physical sciences (So. 1st and 2nd). 6. Change SPAN adv. to SPAN 3302 or SPAN 3311 (Jr. 2nd). 7. Change SPAN, adv. to SPAN 4320 (Sr. 1st). Department of Mathematics Proposal No.: MATH-13-U-1 Amend B.A. in Mathematics. 1. Replace ^Global learning (Jr. 1st) with MATH elective. Proposal No.: MATH-13-U-2 Amend B.S. in Mathematics. 1. Replace ^Global learning (So. 1st) with MATH elective. Proposal No.: MATH-13-U-3 Amend B.S. in Mathematics with Teaching Certification. 1. Replace ^Global learning (So. 2nd) with MATH elective. Proposal No.: STAT-12-G-06 New course MATH 5340. Matrix Methods for Linear Models. 3(3-0) Common matrix methods in statistical applications, including eigenvalues and eigenvectors; the Moore-Penrose inverse; matrix differentiation; the distribution of quadratics forms. Prerequisite: STAT 4303 and MATH 3340 or equivalents. Proposal No.: STAT-12-G-07 New course MATH 530. Analytic Decision Theory 3(3-0) Introduction to mathematical decision theory and game theoretic analysis. Classification of games, definitions in game theory, sequential-/simultaneous-move games, pure and mixed strategies, equilibrium concepts and matrix games. Prerequisite: MATH 3340 or equivalent. Proposal No.: STAT-12-G-16 New course MATH 5374. Numerical Analysis. 3(3-0) Underlying principles of numerical analysis. Topics include: finite differences and interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, solving algebraic and transcendental equations, computations with matrices, the method of least squares, and numerical solutions of differential equations. Attention is given to the solutions of problems using computer. Prerequisite: MATH 4341 or equivalent. Department of Music Proposal No. MUSI-13-U-1 Restate General Requirements for Department of Music g. Students majoring in music must make at least a grade of C in every music course taken toward the degree. In sequential music courses, a grade of C must be made in order to progress to the next music course in the sequence. h. At the conclusion of the fourth semester of music theory (MUSI 2317-2117), students must take and pass the Sophomore Theory Exam in order to proceed to the upper level theory course. Admission to Junior Standing in Music Procedure Prior to enrolling in 3000-level music courses*, a student must successfully pass an Admission Review to Junior Standing. The initial music review will take place prior to the completion of the sophomore year or at the time a student would normally have completed 60 semester hours. For transfer students, the initial review will take the place subsequent to the sophomore placement examination but no later than the end of the second year of enrollment at TAMUK. *Wind Symphony and Jazz Band 1 are exempt from this requirement In order to enroll in 3000 level classes, students must have fulfilled the following: a. Completion of MUSI 1316/1116, MUSI 1317/1117, MUSI 2316/2116, MUSI 2317/2117, MUSI 2317 with a “C” or better (First and Second Year Music Theory and Aural Skills). b. Completion of MUSI 2306 with a “C” or better. (Introduction to Music History and Literature). c. Passage of the Piano Proficiency Examination. d. Successful completion of at least four semesters of lessons with at least one of the MUSA 2220 level with a “C” or better. e. Successful completion of at least four semesters of the appropriate major ensemble with a “C” or better. f. Achievement of cumulative GPA of 2.5. g. Successful faculty panel review with three of the four panel members recommending that the student be admitted to the junior level in music. Proposal No.: MUSI-13-U-03 Modify degree plan of Bachelor of Music, Music-Instrumental with Teaching Certification to reflect core curriculum requirement changes. Changes: 1. Drop Global learning from Sr. 1st. 2. Move POLS 2301 from So. 2nd to Jr. 2nd and move SOCI 2361 from Jr. 2nd to Sr. 1st. 3. Adjust total hours in So. 2nd to 16 and adjust total hours for degree to 131. 4. Change 112X in Fr. 2nd and So. 2nd to “1121 or 1122”. Proposal No.: MUSI-13-U-04 Modify degree plan of Bachelor of Music, Music-vocal with Teaching Certification to reflect core curriculum requirement changes. Changes: 1. Drop Global learning from Sr. 1st. 2. Move POLS 2301 from Jr. 2nd to So. 2nd and move SOCI 2361 from So. 2nd to Sr. 1st. 3. Adjust hours form Jr. 2nd to 16 and total hours for degree 131. Proposal No.: MUSI-13-U-05 Modify degree plan of Bachelor of Music, Performance-Instrumental to reflect core curriculum requirement changes. Changes: 1. Add “MUSI 1116, 1” to Fr. 1st 2. Drop Global learning from Sr. 2nd. 3. Change total hours for Fr. 1st to 16, total hours for Sr. 2nd to 12, and total degree hours to 121. 4. Change 112X in Fr. 1st, Fr. 2nd, So. 1st, and So. 2nd to “1121 or 1122” Proposal No.: MUSI-13-U-06 Modify degree plan of Bachelor of Music, Performance Instrumental-Jazz Studies to reflect core curriculum requirement changes. Changes: 1. Drop Global learning from Sr. 2nd. 2. Adjust total hours for Sr. 2nd to 13 and total degree hours to 121. Proposal No.: MUSI-13-U-07 Modify degree plan of Bachelor of Music, Performance Instrumental-Piano Pedagogy to reflect core curriculum requirement changes. Changes: 1. Replace ^Global learning, 3 (Sr. 1st) with Elective, 1. 2. Change total hours for Sr. 1st to 14. 3. Change total hours for degree to 120. Proposal No.: MUSI-13-U-08 Modify degree plan of Bachelor of Music, Performance-Voice to reflect core curriculum requirement changes. Changes: 1. Drop ^Global learning from Sr. 2nd. 2. Change total hours for Sr. 2nd to 12. 3. Change ^Foreign Language Soph 2nd to *^Language, philosophy, and culture and add footnote * Students must take a foreign language course to satisfy the Language, Philosophy, and Culture Component. 4. Change total hour for degree to 120. Department of Physics and Geosciences Proposal No. GEOG-13-U-1 New course. GEOG 4441. GIS for Business. 4(3-3) GIS and spatial analysis applied to organizations. Geographic information, locational decisionmaking, spatial data, investment in and value of GIS, ethical aspects and GIS strategies. Case studies and lab practice with spatial data. Prerequisite: GEOG 2472. Proposal No. GEOG-13-U-2 New course. GEOG 4436. Advanced Remote Sensing. 4(3-3) Advanced topics in remote sensing. Recently emerged remote sensing systems, including highresolution multi-spectral imaging systems, thermal remote sensing, hyperspectral remote sensing and airborne LiDAR remote sensing systems. Cutting-edge remote sensing data processing and analysis techniques. Prerequisite: GEOG 4435 or equivalent. Proposal No. GEOG-13-U-3 New course. GEOG 3460. GIS in Natural Resources and Environmental Management. 4(3-3) GIS and other geospatial technologies (including GPS and remote sensing) as applied to natural resources and environmental management. Technologies and techniques used to acquire geographic information, spatial data and location analysis and applications of geospatial technology within the natural and environmental sciences. Case studies, labs and field exercises. Prerequisite: GEOG 2472. Proposal No.: GEOG-13-U-4 Add new minor to the Geosciences program and the Arts and Sciences recognized minors. [Add to Arts and Sciences List of Recognized Minors (pages 119-120) In the list, alphabetically:] Geographic Information Systems [Add under “Special conditions apply to the following:”, same pages]: Geographic Information Systems: A minor consists of five 4-SCH courses For required and elective courses, see the description under the Department of Physics and Geosciences. [In the Department pages, immediately preceding the GEOG course listings:] The Department offers minors in Geography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Geology, and Physics. The minor in GIS consists of five 4-SCH courses, three required and two chosen from among alternatives. The required courses are GEOG 2472; GEOG 4429; and GEOG 4435. The remaining two courses shall be selected from GEOG 3450; GEOG 3460, GIS in Natural Resources and Environmental Management; GEOG 4436 Advanced Remote Sensing; GEOG 4441, GIS for Business. Courses counted in this minor may not also be counted toward a minor in Geography. Proposal No.: GEOL-13-U-1 Amend B.S. in Geology. 1. Replace ^Global learning (So. 2d) with Elective. Proposal No.: GEOL-13-U-2 Amend B.S. in Geology. 1. Replace ^Global learning (So. 2d) with Elective. Proposal No. PHYS-12-U-17 Modify Bachelor of Science in Physics degree. 1. Change PHYS 3110, 1 (Jr 2) to PHYS 3310 [3310, Adv. Lab], 3. 2. Change PHYS 4391*, 3 (Sr 2) to PHYS 4192 [4192, Research Seminar], 1, and drop related footnote. 3. Specify PHYS, adv. (Jr 2) as PHYS 4303 (Jr 1). 4. Replace Elective, adv. (Sr 2) with PHYS 4360 [4360, Nuclear Physics] 5. Drop + marker on PHYS, adv., twice (Sr 1 and Sr 2). 6. Replace Elective (Sr 1) with CSEN 2304 (So 2) 7. Modify + footnote: drop phrases about substituting lower-division for adv. 8. Move PHYS 3323 (Jr 1 to Jr 2); PHYS 4353 (Sr 2 to Sr 1); Minor+ (Jr 1 to Sr 1); Minor, adv.+ (Sr 1 to Sr 2); ^Global learning (So 2 to Jr 1). Proposal No PHYS-13-U-1 Delete course. PHYS 1105. Elementary Physics I Laboratory. Proposal No. PHYS-13-U-2 Delete course. PHYS 1107. Elementary Physics II Laboratory. Proposal No. PHYS-13-U-3 Delete course. PHYS 1305. Elementary Physics I. Proposal No. PHYS-13-U-4 Delete course. PHYS 1307. Elementary Physics II. Proposal No.: PHYS-13-U-6 Amend B.S. in Physics. 1. Replace ^Global learning (Jr. 1st) with Elective. Proposal No.: PHYS-13-U-6 Delete B.A. in Physics. Proposal No.: PHYS-13-U-8 Delete B.S.. in Physics with Teaching Certification (Science 8-12). Department of Political Science Proposal No.: POLS-13-U-3 Change degree plan for B.A. in Political Science. 1. Change the science requirement first semester Sophomore year and second semester Sophomore year from 4 credits to 3 credits. 2. Change Lab Science to ^Life and Physical Sciences for the same classes. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Delete the one-credit in Kinesiology second semester Freshman year and add 3 credits to Elective adv. second semester Senior year (delete POLS from language). Change POLS or Elective adv. first semester Senior year to Elective, adv. Change one credit of Kinesiology Freshman year first semester to Elective. Change Minor, adv. second semester Junior year to Minor. Change the language in footnote # to read Pre-law students should take PHIL 3346. Department of Psychology and Sociology Proposal No.: CRIM-13-U-1 Modify the B.S. in Criminology. 1. Replace ^Global learning (So. 2nd) with ANTH 2301/ANTH 2302. Proposal No. PSYC-13-U-01 New course. PSYC 2314. Lifespan Developmental Psychology. 3(3-0) Human growth and development through the prenatal, child, adolescent and adult stages of life. Physical, emotional, psychosocial and cognitive influences from conception to death will be addressed. Proposal No.: PSYC-13-U-2 Modify degree plan for Bachelor of Arts degree in PSYC PROPOSED CHANGES: 1. Substitute SOCI 2361 for ^Global Learning (Soph. 2nd). 2. Reduce hours in natural science requirements from 4 each to 3 each. 3. Remove 1 credit hour of kinesiology from Jr. 1st. 4. Move minor (3 credits) from Jr. 1st to Soph. 1st. 5. Add PSYC, adv. (Jr. 1st). Proposal No.: SOCI-13-U-2 Modify degree plan for B.A. in Sociology. 1. Substitute the Anthropology course options (2301/2302) for the Global Learning requirement. 2. Eliminate one of the 4 credit science electives within the Core Requirements and replace it with a 3 credit course in Physical Anthropology (Anthropology 2303, So.1st). 3. Change Kinesiology (Fr 1st and Jr 2nd) to **Component B. 4. Add 1 credit to the “Free/Adv. Electives” category. 5. Add footnote: **To be chosen from EDKN options in Component B. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Department of Accounting and Finance Proposal No.: ACCT-13-U-3 Add new course and delete existing course ACCT 4309. (formerly ACCT 4207). Accounting for Governmental and Nonprofit Entities. Principles and practice of fund accounting applicable to governmental and nonprofit organizations. Prerequisite: ACCT 2302. Credit may not be obtained in both ACCT 4207 and ACCT 4309. Proposal No.: ACCT-13-U-4 Reinstate ACCT 4318 and change course prerequisites; delete ACCT 4218 from course inventory ACCT 4328. Advanced Tax Accounting. 3(3-0) Federal taxation of entities including C Corporations, S Corporations, partnerships, trusts, estates, Gifts, as well as, how the entities affect individual tax returns. Prerequisite: ACCT 3308. Credit cannot be obtained in both ACCT 4218 and ACCT 4328. Proposal No.: ACCT-14-U-1 Modify the Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting degree plan. PROPSED CHANGES: 1. Change BUAD 3311 to BUAD 3341 (Jr. 1st). 2. Change old General Education component title Natural sciences to new General Education component title Life/physical sciences (Fr. 1st and Fr. 2nd). 3. Change old General Education component title Visual/performing arts to new General Education component title Creative arts (Fr. 2nd). 4. Change footnote to *Students who choose to take ENGL 2314 must fulfill the core curriculum language/philosophy/culture component by taking an appropriate course as an elective. Proposal No.: FINC-14-U-1 Modify the Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance degree plan. PROPOSED CHANGES: 1. Remove BCOM 2107 and add BUAD 1105 (So. 2nd). 2. Change BUAD 3311 to BUAD 3341 (Jr. 1st). 3. Change old General Education component title Natural sciences to new General Education component title Life/physical sciences (Fr. 1st and Fr. 2nd). 4. Change old General Education component title Visual/performing arts to new General Education component title Creative arts (Fr. 2nd). 5. Change footnote to *Students who choose to take ENGL 2314 must fulfill the core curriculum language/philosophy/culture component by taking an appropriate course as an elective. Proposal No.: GENB-14-U-1 Modify the Bachelor of Business Administration in General Business degree plan. PROPSED CHANGES: 1. Remove BCOM 2107 and add BUAD 1105 (So. 2nd). 2. Change BUAD 3311 to BUAD 3341 (Jr. 1st). 3. Change old General Education component title Natural sciences to new General Education component title Life/physical sciences (Fr. 1st and Fr. 2nd). 4. Change old General Education component title Visual/performing arts to new General Education component title Creative arts (Fr. 2nd). 5. Change footnote to *Students who choose to take ENGL 2314 must fulfill the core curriculum language/philosophy/culture component by taking an appropriate course as an elective. Department of Management, Marketing, and Information Systems Proposal No.: ISYS-14-U-1 Modify the Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Systems degree plan. PROPOSED CHANGES: 1. Remove BCOM 2107 and add BUAD 1105 (So. 2nd). 2. Change BUAD 3311 to BUAD 3341 (Jr. 1st). 3. Change old General Education component title Natural sciences to new General Education component title Life/physical sciences (Fr. 1st and Fr. 2nd). 4. Change old General Education component title Visual/performing arts to new General Education component title Creative arts (Fr. 2nd). 5. Change footnote to *Students who choose to take ENGL 2314 must fulfill the core curriculum language/philosophy/culture component by taking an appropriate course as an elective. Proposal No.: MGMT-14-U-1 Modify the Bachelor of Business Administration in Management degree plan. PROPOSED CHANGES: 1. Remove BCOM 2107 and add BUAD 1105 (So. 2nd). 2. Change BUAD 3311 to BUAD 3341 (Jr. 1st). 3. Change old General Education component title Natural sciences to new General Education component title Life/physical sciences (Fr. 1st and Fr. 2nd). 4. Change old General Education component title Visual/performing arts to new General Education component title Creative arts (Fr. 2nd). 5. Change footnote to *Students who choose to take ENGL 2314 must fulfill the core curriculum language/philosophy/culture component by taking an appropriate course as an elective. Proposal No.: MGMT-14-U-3 Modify the Bachelor of Business Administration in Management-Materials and Supply Chain Management degree plan. PROPOSED CHANGES: 1. Remove BCOM 2107 and add BUAD 1105 (So. 2nd). 2. Change BUAD 3311 to BUAD 3341 (Jr. 1st). 3. Change old General Education component title Natural sciences to new General Education component title Life/physical sciences (Fr. 1st and Fr. 2nd). 4. Change old General Education component title Visual/performing arts to new General Education component title Creative arts (Fr. 2nd). 5. Change footnote to *Students who choose to take ENGL 2314 must fulfill the core curriculum language/philosophy/culture component by taking an appropriate course as an elective. Proposal No.: MGMT-14-U-3 Modify the Bachelor of Business Administration in Management-Materials and Supply Chain Management degree plan. PROPOSED CHANGES: 1. Remove BCOM 2107 and add BUAD 1105 (So. 2nd). 2. Change BUAD 3311 to BUAD 3341 (Jr. 1st). 3. Change old General Education component title Natural sciences to new General Education component title Life/physical sciences (Fr. 1st and Fr. 2nd). 4. Change old General Education component title Visual/performing arts to new General Education component title Creative arts (Fr. 2nd). 5. Change footnote to *Students who choose to take ENGL 2314 must fulfill the core curriculum language/philosophy/culture component by taking an appropriate course as an elective. Proposal No.: MKTG-14-U-1 Modify the Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing degree plan. PROPOSED CHANGES: 1. Remove BCOM 2107 and add BUAD 1105 (So. 2nd). 2. Change BUAD 3311 to BUAD 3341 (Jr. 1st). 3. Change old General Education component title Natural sciences to new General Education component title Life/physical sciences (Fr. 1st and Fr. 2nd). 4. Change old General Education component title Visual/performing arts to new General Education component title Creative arts (Fr. 2nd). 5. Change footnote to *Students who choose to take ENGL 2314 must fulfill the core curriculum language/philosophy/culture component by taking an appropriate course as an elective. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN PERFORMANCE Department of Health and Kinesiology Proposal No. EDKN-13-U-1 Modify the B.S. in Kinesiology (Exercise Science/Pre-Physical Therapy). 1. Replace ^Global learning (So 2nd) with EDKN 2340. 2. Remove COMS 2335 (So. 1st). 3. Replace PSYC 2308 (Jr. 2nd) with PSYC 2314 (see PSYC-13-U-01). 4. In Jr. 1st move EDKN 3345 to before EDKN 3436 in the semester list. Proposal No. EDKN-13-U-2 Modify the B.S. in Kinesiology (Exercise Science). 1. Remove COMS 2335 (Fr. 1st). 2. Replace ^Global learning (Fr. 2nd) with EDKN 2335 or EDKN 2335 or EDKN 2340. 3. Remove EDKN 3350 (Jr. 1st) as an option. 4. In Jr. 1st move EDKN 3436 to after EDKN 3352 in the semester list. Proposal No. EDKN-13-U-4 Modify the B.S. in Kinesiology (EC-12). 1. Remove COMS 2335 (Fr. 1st). 2. Replace ^Global learning (So. 1st) with EDKN 2335. 3. Remove EDKN 3350 (Jr. 1st) as an option. Proposal No. EDKN-13-U-5 Modify the B.S. in Kinesiology (Sports and Leisure Studies). 1. Remove COMS 2335 (Fr. 2nd). 2. Replace ^Global learning (So. 2nd) with EDKN 2335. Department of Teacher and Bilingual Education Proposal No. EDED-13-U-4 Amend B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Business Education 6-12. 1. Change EDED 1301 (Fr 1) to UNIV 1101(Fr 1) and UNIV 1102 (Fr 2). Add Elective (1 hr.) (So 1). 2. Change FINC 4341 Financial Markets and Institutions (Sr 1) to FINC 3321 Business Finance (Sr 1). 3. Change ISYS 3358 Business Information Systems (Jr 1) to ISYS 3302 Business Applications Using C++ or ISYS 4306 Data Communication & Networking I (Jr 1). 4. Change MGMT 4331 International Management or MKTG 4363 International Marketing (Jr 2) to MGMT or MKTG, adv. (Jr 2). Proposal No. EDED-13-U-5 Amend B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Technology Applications Grades EC-12. 1. Change EDED 1301 Teaching as a Profession: Schools and Society (Fr 1) to UNIV 1101 (Fr 1) and UNIV 1102 (Fr 2) and add Elective 1 (Fr 1). 2. Remove EDRG 3321 Literature for Public Schools (Jr 1). 3. Change Support area (So 2) 3 hours and (Jr 1) 3 hours to Support area (So 2) 6 hours and (Jr 1) 6 hours. 4. Remove Global Learning (So 1). Proposal No. EDED-13-U-6 Amend B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Technology Applications 7-12. 1. Change EDED 1301 (Fr 1) to UNIV 1101 (Fr 1) and UNIV 1102 (Fr 2). Add 1 hour elective (So1). 2. Move Visual and Performing Arts (So 1 to So 2) 3. Remove Global Learning (So 2) 4. Change Technology Applications 8-12 to Technology Applications 7-12 5. Change COMJ, COMM or COMS 6 hours (So 2) to COMJ, COMM or COMS 3 hours (So 2). 6. Change Support area, adv. 3 hours (Jr 2) to Support area , adv. 6 hours. Proposal No. EDED-13-U-7 Amend B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Science Grades 8-12. 1. Change EDED 1301 (Fr 1) to UNIV 1101 (Fr 1) and UNIV 1102 (Fr 2). 2. Change GEOG 3305 (Jr 1) to GEOG or GEOL adv. (Jr 1). 3. Change PHYS 1304/1104 (Jr 1) to PHYS 1303/1103* or PHYS 1304/1104. PHYS 1303/1103 is recommended. 4. Change Science 8-12 to Science 7-12. 5. Remove Global Learning (So 2). 6. Change hours from 125-121. Proposal No. EDED-13-U-8 Amend B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: English/Language Arts/Reading Grades 8-12. 1. Change ENGL 4390 (Sr 1) to ENGL adv. 2. Change EDED 1301 (Fr 1) to UNIV 1101 (Fr 1) and UNIV 1102 (Fr 2) and add EDED 4310 (Jr 1). 3. Footnote—Take out list of courses 4. Remove Global Learning and EDRG 4314 (Sr 2) and add Elective 4 hours (So 2). 5. Move COMM/COMJ/COMS adv. (Jr 1) to (So 2) 6. Change English Language Arts/Reading 8-12 to English Language Arts/Reading 7-12 Proposal No. EDED-13-U-10 Amend B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Social Studies 4-8. 1. Change EDED 1301 (Fr 1) to UNIV 1101 (Fr 1) and UNIV 1102 (Fr 2). 2. Change EDED 4613 to EDED 4613 or EDED 4623 (Sr 2). 3. Move ECON 2301 (Jr 1 to So 1) and ECON 2302 (Jr 2 to Jr 1) and move SOCI 2361 (Jr 1 to So 1). 4. Change Global Learning (So 2) to Elective 2 (Fr 1). 5. Change HIST 4334 (Jr 1) to HIST adv. (Jr 1), change HIST 4336/4338 (Jr 2) to U.S. HIST adv. (Jr 2), change HIST 4344 or HIST 4332 (Sr 1) to U.S. HIST adv. (Sr 1), and change POLS 4324 or HIST 3324 or SOCI 4324 (Sr 1) to HIST adv. (Sr 1). Proposal No. EDED-13-U-11 Amend B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Science 4-8. 1. Change PHYS 1305/1105 Elementary Physics I (Fr 2) to PHYS 1301/1101 College Physics I (So 1) and PHYS 1307/1107 Elementary Physics II (So 1) to PHYS 1302/1102 College Physics II (So 2). 2. Move MATH 1350 Fundamentals of Math I (Fr 2 to So 1). Replace MATH 1351 Fundamentals of Math II (So 1) with MATH 1316 Trigonometry (Fr 2). 3. Change EDED 4613 Elementary School Student Teaching (Sr 2) to EDED 4613 Elementary School Student Teaching or EDED 4623 Secondary School Student Teaching (Sr 2). 4. Remove EDED 1301 3 Teaching as a Profession (Fr 1) and add UNIV 1101 1(Fr 1) and UNIV 1102 1(Fr 2). 5. Remove Global Learning. 6. Change the credit hours required for degree completion from 125 to 120. Proposal No. EDED-13-U-12 Amend B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Mathematics 4-8. 1. 2. 3. 4. Change EDED 4613 (Sr 2) to EDED 4613 or EDED 4623 (Sr 2). Change EDED 1301 (Fr 1) to UNIV (Fr 1) and UNIV 1102 (Fr 2). Move SOCI 2361 (Fr 1 to Jr 1). Remove Support area, adv. (Jr 1); Remove footnote *MATH 3325 must precede MATH 3360. 5. Change MATH 3325/3340/3370/3371 (Jr 1) to MATH 3325 (Jr 1) and MATH 3325/3340/3360/3370/3371 to MATH, adv. (Jr 2). 6. Change Total Hours Required to 120. Proposal No. EDED-13-U-13 Amend B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Generalist 4-8. 1. Change English/LA/Reading: COMS 3304 Advanced Oral Interpretation, EDRG 3321 Public School Literature, ENGL 3300 Special Topics in Writing, ENGL 4365 Colonial and Nineteenth Century American Literature, ENGL 4366 Twentieth Century American Literature to English/LA/Reading: COMS 3304 or ENGL 3300 and EDRG 3321. Choose 2 from British Lit., American Lit, ENGL 4311 English Grammar and Usage in Special Emphasis Area. 2. Remove HIST 4332 American Controversy and Conflict and HIST 4344 American Frontier and replace with choose 2 from any approved U.S. history class and/POLS 4331 Constitutional Law I in Special Emphasis Area. 3. Remove MATH 1348 Analytic Geometry and MATH 1334 Contemporary Mathematics (So 2) and move MATH 1316 Trigonometry (So 2) as option with MATH 1314 (Fr 1). 4. Change EDSE 4391 Foundations of Special Education (Jr 2) to EDSE 4349. 5. Change MATH 3390 Special Topics to MATH 3352 Applied Fundamentals of Mathematics in Special Emphasis Area. 6. Remove EDED 1301 Teaching as a Profession (Fr 1 ) and add UNIV 1101 (Fr 1) and UNIV 1102 (Fr 2) and Elective 1 (Fr 1). 7. Move Oral Communication for (Fr 2 to So 2). 8. Remove EDRG 3344 English Language Arts (Jr 2). 9. Correct HIST 1301 (Fr 2) to HIST 1302. Proposal No. EDED-13-U-14 Amend B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: English/Language Arts/Reading 4-8. 1. Change ENGL 4343 Nineteenth Century British Literature or ENGL 4346 Twentieth Century British Literature (Sr 1) to British Lit Adv. 2. Change ENGL 4365 Colonial and Nineteenth Century American Literature or ENGL 4366 Twentieth Century American Literature (Jr 2) to American Lit Adv. 3. Change ENGL 4390 Explorations in English (Sr 2) to ENGL adv. 4. Remove EDED 1301 Teaching as a Profession (Fr 1) and add UNIV 1101 (Fr 1) and UNIV 1102 (Fr 2). 5. Remove EDRG 4305 Effective Remediation of Reading Problems (Sr 2) and add EDED 4310 Technology and Media in Education (Jr 1). 6. Move COMS 1313 (Fr 2) to (Fr 1); add Elective 1 hour (Fr 2). 7. Move GEOL 2376 Nature of the Earth and Universe from (Jr 1) to (So 2). Proposal No.: EDED-13-U-19 Modify B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Business Education 6-12. 1. 2. 3. Change Visual/performing arts to Creative arts (Fr. 1). Change Natural sciences to Life/physical sciences (So. 1). Change Natural sciences to Life/physical sciences (So. 2). Proposal No.: EDED-13-U-20 Modify B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Generalist Early Childhood (EC) – 6th Grade. 1. Change Visual/performing arts to Creative arts (Fr. 1). 2. Delete EDED 1301 (Fr. 1). 3. Add UNIV 1101 (Fr. 1). 4. Add UNIV 1102 (Fr. 2). 5. Change Oral communications to Communications (Fr. 2). 6. Change POLS 2301 to POLS 2302 (So. 1). Proposal No.: EDED-13-U-22 Modify B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: English Language Arts/Reading Grades 4-8. 1. Change Visual/performing arts to Creative arts (Fr. 1). 2. Change Elective to Comp. Option B (Fr. 2). 3. Change ENGL 2362 to ENGL 2314 or ENGL 2331 (So. 2). 4. Change ENGL 2342 to ENGL 2342 or ENGL 2362 (So 1). 5. Add footnotes corresponding to American Literature and Later British Literature. Proposal No.: EDED-13-U-24 Modify B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Social Studies 4-8. 1. Change Visual/performing arts to Creative arts (Fr. 1). Proposal No.: EDED-13-U-25 Modify B.S. in interdisciplinary Studies: Math 4-8. 1. Change Visual/performing arts to Creative arts (Fr. 1). 2. Remove EDED 2310 and add component B (Fr. 2). Proposal No.: EDED-13-U-26 Modify B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Science 4-8. 1. Change Visual/performing arts to Creative arts (Fr. 1). 2. Change POLS 2301 to POLS 2302 (So. 2). Proposal No.: EDED-13-U-27 Modify B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Science 8-12. 1. Change Visual/performing arts to Creative arts (So. 1). Proposal No.: EDED-13-U-28 Modify B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: English Language Arts Reading 8-12. 1. 2. 3. Change Natural Sciences to Life/physical science (Fr. 1). Change Natural Sciences to Life/physical science (Fr. 2). Change Visual/performing arts to Creative arts (So. 1). 4. 5. Change 4-credit elective to 3-credit Comp. option B (So. 2). Add 1-credit elective (So. 2). Proposal No.: EDED-13-U-29 Modify B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Technology Applications 7-12. 1. Change Natural Sciences to Life/physical science (Fr. 1). 2. Change Natural Sciences to Life/physical science (Fr. 2). 3. Change Visual/performing arts to Creative arts (So. 2). Proposal No.: EDED-13-U-30 Modify B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Technology Applications EC-12. 1. Change Natural Sciences to Life/physical science (Fr. 1). 2. Change Natural Sciences to Life/physical science (Fr. 2). COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering Proposal No. AEEN-13-U-1 New course. AEEN 3320. Sustainable Construction and Materials. 3(3-0) Introduction to ecological design of buildings and infrastructure, including the study of green buildings, LEED standards, sustainable landscapes and low impact development of the built environment. Prerequisite: junior standing. Proposal No.: AEEN-13-U-2 New course. AEEN 3355. Historic Documentation. 3(3-0) Introduction to documentation of engineering, architecture, landscapes and industrial processes. Practical documentation experience including research of historical records, large-format photographic documentation, GIS data organization and preparation of submissions for publication and archiving. Proposal No.: AEEN-13-U-3 AEEN 4279. Senior Design Project I. 2(1-3) Application of engineering concepts covered in the upper division courses to architectural engineering problems including design of building structural and services systems, with emphasis on teamwork. Introduction to practical aspects of construction and professional ethics. Prerequisites: AEEN 3304 or AEEN 4316; AEEN 4320; and CEEN 3342. Proposal No.: AEEN-13-U-4 Change course prerequisite. AEEN 4326. Construction Engineering. 3(3-0) Construction methods and management earthwork with heavy equipment and others. Construction estimating, planning and control. Network theory and critical path methods. Prerequisite: credit or registration in CEEN 3317. Credit may not be obtained in both AEEN 4326 and CEEN 4326. Proposal No.: AEEN-13-U-5 Change course prerequisite. AEEN 4336. Selected Topics. One or more topics of architectural engineering. May be repeated when topic changes. Prerequisite: junior standing. V:1-3 Proposal No.: AEEN-13-U-6 Modify B.S. in Architectural Engineering. 1. Move POLS 2301 from So 1 to So 2, EEEN 3331 from So 2 to So 1, POLS 2302 from Jr 1 to Jr 2, AEEN 3337 from Jr 2 to Jr 1. 2. Delete ^Global learning from Jr 2. 3. Replace ^Visual/performing arts+ So 1 with ^Creative arts, COMS 2374 or ENGL 2374 in Jr 1 with ^Communication++, and ^Literature/philosophy in Jr 2 with ^Lang/Phil/Culture. 4. Change Total Hours Required from 131 to 128. 5. Include AEEN 3320 Sustainable Construction and Materials as an engineering elective. 6. Update footnotes to read: *Mathematics electives recommended: MATH 3415, MATH 4341, MATH 4372, MATH 4374, or any other approved upper-level mathematics course. **Strongly recommended: COMS 2374 or ENGL 2374. +Engineering electives: AEEN 3320 (Sustainable Construction), AEEN 3325, AEEN 3331, AEEN 3348, AEEN 4333, AEEN 4336, AEEN 4316, CEEN 2212/2113, CEEN 4314, CEEN 4317, CEEN 4368, ITEN 4332, ITEN 4353 and MEEN 3348. ++Approved science electives: GEOL 1303, GEOL 3305, BIOL 1306, CHEM 1312. Proposal No.: AEEN-13-U-7 Create new transcripted undergraduate certificate of Heritage Preservation. Institute of Architectural Engineering Heritage Certificate of Heritage Preservation. Administered by the Institute of Architectural Engineering Heritage, the undergraduate Certificate of Heritage Preservation is a 12-hour program open to all students, introducing multidisciplinary methodologies used to document and preserve the history and cultural significance of engineering and architectural heritage sites. Research conducted by participating students will include practical application of skills to provide Texas communities with technical support for documentation, stabilization and development planning of heritage resources. For further information contact the Institute of Architectural Engineering Heritage. Proposal No. CEEN-13-U-1 Change course prerequisites. CEEN 2212. Surveying. 2(2-0) Engineering principles and practices of plane surveying, taping, leveling, traversing, leveling errors, topographic stadia, earthwork, highway curves and construction surveys. Prerequisites: AEEN 1310 and credit or registration in MATH 2413. Proposal No. CEEN-13-U-2 Change course prerequisites. CEEN 3342. Geotechnical Engineering. 3(3-0) Principles of geotechnical engineering, soil composition, classification, flownet, compaction, consolidated, effective stress, bearing capacity and slope stability. Prerequisite: CEEN 3311. Proposal No. CEEN-13-U-3 Change course prerequisites. CEEN 4289. Design in Civil Engineering II. 2(1-3) Engineering concepts integrated from the topics taught in sequences of upper division courses to produce practical, efficient and feasible solutions of civil engineering problems. Computer applications are included. Prerequisites: CEEN 3342 and CEEN 4279. Proposal No. CEEN-13-U-4 Change course prerequisites. CEEN 4279. Design in Civil Engineering I. 2(1-3) Engineering concepts integrated from the topics taught in sequences of upper division courses to produce practical, efficient and feasible solutions of civil engineering problems. Computer applications are included. Prerequisites: credit or registration in CEEN 4362 and CEEN 4316. Proposal No. CEEN-13-U-5 Modify B.S. in Civil Engineering. 1. Eliminate ^Global learning (Jr 2), adjust total semester hours from 18 to 15, and total degree plan hours from 132 to 129. 2. Replace ^Visual/performing arts† (Fr 2) with ^Creative Arts; *Communication (so 2) with ^Communication††;††Science Elective (Jr 1) with Science Elective†; ^Literature/philosophy (so 2) with ^Lang/Phil/Culture; ***Math Elective (Jr 2) Math + Sci Elective**, **Engineering Elective (Sr 1 and 2) with Engineering Elective*, EEEN 3331 (Sr 2) with ^Social/behavioral, ^Social/behavioral (So 2) with Computer Elective##, AEEN 3346 (Jr 2) with Special Elective#. 3. Replace POLS 2302 (So 2) with MEEN2302, and CEEN 3389 (Sr 1) with POLS 2302. 4. Amend footnotes to read: †Approved science electives: GEOL 1303, GEOL 3305, BIOL 1306. ††Strongly recommended: COMS 2374 or ENGL 2374. # Special Elective: AEEN 3346 or EEEN 3331. ## Computer Elective: CSEN 2303 or MEEN 1320. *Engineering electives: CEEN 3389, 4314, 4315, 4317, 4326, 4336, 4364, 4367, 4368, 4369 or any other approved upper level engineering elective. **Additional mathematics and science electives recommended: CHEM 1312 or any approved upper-level chemistry, physics, or biology course. MATH 3415, MATH 4341, MATH 4372, MATH 4374, or any other approved upper-level mathematics course. Proposal No. CEEN-13-U-6 Change course prerequisites. CEEN 4326. Construction Engineering. 3(3-0) Construction methods and management earthwork with heavy equipment and others. Construction estimating, planning and control. Network theory and critical path methods. Prerequisite: credit or registration in CEEN 3317. Credit may not be obtained in both CEEN 4326 and AEEN 4326. Proposal No. CEEN-13-U-7 CEEN 4399. Civil Engineering Internship. V:1-3 Internships in industry, government or consulting companies in career-based practical activities to broaden the skills obtained through curricular education. Prerequisite: senior standing. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Proposal No. CSEN-13-U-1 New course. CSEN 4367. Data Mining. 3(3-0) Data mining techniques; implementation, benefits and the outcome expectations from this new technology. Prerequisite: senior standing. Proposal No.: CSEN-13-U-4 Change course description and prerequisites. CSEN 2310. Object-Oriented Software Engineering. 3(3-0) Object-oriented analysis and modeling, object-oriented design and implementation using an object oriented language, such as JAVA, object-oriented software development, Unified Modeling Language (UML), Graphical User Interface (GUI). Prerequisite: CSEN 2304. Proposal No.: CSEN-13-U-5 New course CSEN 3314; delete existing course CSEN 4314 CSEN 3314 (Formerly CSEN 4314). Database Systems. 3(3-0) File and database organization techniques. Network, hierarchical and relational data models. Normalization. Commercially-available DBMS. Query languages. DBMS design and implementation. Proposal No.: CSEN-13-U-6 New course CSEN 3315; delete existing course CSEN 4315 CSEN 3315 (Formerly CSEN 4315) Computer Graphics 3(3-0) Man-machine communication in graphical form. Graphics hardware and software. Use of a commercial graphics package. Representation and manipulation of two- and three dimensional data. Use of color. Prerequisites: CSEN 2304 and MATH 1348 Proposal No.: CSEN-13-U-7 New course CSEN 3316 delete existing course CSEN 4316 CSEN 3316 (formerly CSEN 4316) Software Engineering I. Introduction to formal software design principles. An engineering approach to software 3(3-0) development. Software project management. Software requirements analysis, specification, design, development and validation. Prerequisite: 6 semester hours of Computer Science and Information Systems. Proposal No.: CSEN-13-U-11 Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Clarify language of general prerequisites for upper-division courses to include 3000 level courses. “In addition to the listed prerequisite for the following 3000 and 4000 level courses, a student must have an overall grade point average of 2.0 or higher.” Proposal No.: CSEN-13-U-12 New course CSEN 4399. Internship in Computer Science. V(1-3) An off-campus learning experience allowing the acquisition, development, and application of computer science and information technology skills. Prerequisites: Approval of program head or department head. Proposal No. EEEN-12-U-1 New course. EEEN 4357. Wireless Sensor Networks. 3(3-0) Foundations of wireless sensor networks, localization, routing, optimization, security, energyaware systems and algorithms, design/analysis and applications of wireless sensor networks. Prerequisite: completed general education natural sciences requirement. Proposal No.: EEEN-13-U-4 Delete course. EEEN 3112. Electronic Devices and Circuits Laboratory I. Proposal No.: EEEN-13-U-5 Delete course. EEEN 4124. Electrical Engineering Projects Laboratory. Proposal No.: EEEN-13-U-6 Delete course. EEEN 4152. Advanced Electronics Laboratory. Proposal No.: EEEN-13-U-7 Change prerequisites. EEEN 4252. Advanced Laboratory. 2(1-3) Analysis and design of electrical, electronic and digital systems. Prerequisites: EEEN 3212, EEEN 3333, EEEN 3449 and communication elective. Department of Environmental Engineering Proposal No. EVEN-13-U-1 New course. EVEN 2311. Environmental Engineering Ethics and Policy. 3(3-0) Recognition and formulation of ethical questions and issues in engineering professional practice with topics linking environmental policy and economics with philosophical and cultural considerations, along with the U.S. experience of environmental policy, economics and regulation. Proposal No. EVEN-13-U-2 New course. EVEN 4102. Environmental Engineering Design I. 1(1-0) Application of the scientific, engineering, technical and communications skills to develop engineering alternatives and economics analysis for an environmental engineering design topic. Students will meet one hour per week with an additional hour of recitation period to present ideas and proposal work products to the instructor. Prerequisites: CEEN 3392, EVEN 2310, EVEN 3320, EVEN 3328. Proposal No. EVEN-13-U-3 New course. EVEN 2373. Sustainability Principles and Economics. 3(3-0) The social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability including environmental ethics and philosophy and critical planning issues surrounding new technology, energy development, water management, climate science, environmental impact assessment, ecological economics and systems thinking in a global context. Proposal No. EVEN-13-U-5 Delete courses. EVEN 2372. Environmental Engineering in a Global Society. EVEN 4110. Environmental Ethics Seminar. EVEN 4302. Environmental Engineering Design I. Proposal No. EVEN-13-U-6 New course. EVEN 4336. Selected Topics. V:1-3 One or more topics of environmental engineering. May be repeated when topic changes. Prerequisite: senior standing. Proposal No. EVEN-13-U-7 New course. EVEN 4304. Water Resources and Advanced Computer Methods. 3(3-0) Application of advanced computer techniques and methods for numerical analysis and solution of complex environmental engineering problems including geospatial analysis, mathematical model development and numerical solutions to non-linear differential equations and their applications to water resources problems. Prerequisite: EVEN 2304 or equivalent. Proposal No. EVEN-13-U-8 New course. EVEN 4399. Internship in Environmental Engineering. V:1-3 Internships in industry, government or consulting companies, designed to broaden the skills obtained through curricular education. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing. Proposal No.: EVEN 14-U-01 Add recitation hour to course EVEN 4102 EVEN 4102. Environmental Engineering Design I. 1(1-0-1) Department of Industrial Management and Technology Proposal No. MTEN-13-U-1 Modify B.S. in Industrial Management and Technology. 1. Candidates for the Industrial Management and Technology degree must also possess a grade point average of 2.50 in all course work specified for their major as well as a 2.25 for all business administration course work and a 2.25 for all math/science course work specified for the degree. 2. See p. 5 Proposal No. MTEN-13-U-2 New course. ITEN 2303. Selected Topics in Industrial Management. 3(3-0) Content examination in a topic area relating to the field of industrial management and technology. May be repeated up to a total of 6 semester hours. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Proposal No. MEEN-12-U-8 Add Security Engineering minor to the MEEN program and College of Engineering recognized minors. [p. 270, at the end of Graduation Requirements section, add or combine with other additions] Recognized Minors The following minors are available to the College of Engineering majors: Security Engineering. The requirements are given under the department of Mechanical Engineering, later in this catalog. [p. 293, at the end of “The Educational Objectives of the Mechanical Engineering Program are:”, add] The department houses a minor in Security Engineering. This minor requires the following: The student shall complete three of the following courses with a grade of “C” or better in each: MEEN 4371 [Intro. To Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, New Course; see proposal MEEN 12-U-10; MEEN 4371 requested.], MEEN 4372 [Resource Optimization for Homeland Security, New Course; see proposal MEEN 12-U-11; MEEN 4372 requested], MEEN 4373 [Intro. to Information Analysis and Modeling in Security Engineering, New Course; see proposal MEEN 12-U-12; MEEN 4373 requested], EEEN 4357 [Wireless Sensor Networks, New Course; see proposal EEEN 12-U-1], CSEN 4367 [Data Mining, New Course; see proposal CSEN 13-U-1; CSEN 4367 requested]. The student shall also complete three of the following courses with a grade of “C” or better in each: MEEN 4344, MEEN 4351, EEEN 3331, EEEN 4329, EEEN 4354, EEEN 4355, CSEN 4314, CSEN 4320, and CSEN 4340. [p. 291, as a new second paragraph, preceding “GENERAL ENGINEERING (GEEN)”, add]: The Department houses minor in Security Engineering. For details, see under “Recognized Minors” earlier in the College of Engineering section of the catalog. Proposal No. MEEN-12-U-9 Modify the B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. MEEN 4371 [4371, Intro. to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, proposal MEEN-12-U-10] MEEN 4372 [4372, Resource Optimization for Homeland Security, proposal MEEN-12-U-11] MEEN 4373 [4373, Intro. to Information Analysis and Modeling in Security Engineering, proposal MEEN-12-U-12] EEEN 4357 [Wireless Sensor Networks, proposal EEEN-12-U-1] CSEN 4367[4367, Data Mining, proposal CSEN-13-U-1] Proposal No.: MEEN-13-U-1 Modify B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. 1. Remove required “Global learning” course from Jr. 2. 2. Add MEEN 33XX [3360] to Jr. 2. 3. Move CEEN 3317 from Jr. 2 to Jr. 1. 4. Remove from list of allowable ME electives: MEEN 4399, CEEN 3303, CEEN 4316. 5. Remove “***EVEN 2372 is strongly recommended.” from footnotes. 6. Change wording on Communications requirement from “ENGL 2374 or COMS 2374 can be substituted upon approval of adviser and department chair” to “*ENGL 2374 or COMS 2374 is required unless otherwise approved by adviser and department chair.” Proposal No.: MEEN-13-U-2 New course MEEN 3360. Engineering Design and Simulations. 3(3-0) Introduction to the engineering design process via team-based projects utilizing commercial Computer Aided Engineering software packages. Engineering design process; problem definition, conceptual design, modeling, analysis, system design and optimization. Communicating the design via drawings, models, verbal and written reports. Prerequisites: MEEN 1310 and MEEN 1320. Corequisites: MEEN 3350 and MEEN 3348. Proposal No.: MEEN-13-U-3 New course MEEN 4347. Hydraulics of Pipeline Systems. 3(3-0) Design and select hydraulic machines, pipeline, pressure vessels, pumps and control scheme. Understanding of ASME design codes for power and process piping, series and parallel pipe network and pumping power required, and techniques and tools for controlling pipeline network. Prerequisites: MEEN 3350 and MEEN 3392.